Two hours later, Qin Yu and his party arrived at the test center.

The rest of the students who were going to take the exam also rushed from other cities.

Qin Yu also saw a lot of old faces from it.

Chen Feng of Longgang No. 1 Middle School, Han Li of Taicang No. 1 Middle School, Fang Ping of Jianghang No. 1 Middle School...

"Defeated generals, long time no see!"

Qin Yu beckoned to them with a bright smile on his face, and

as soon as he spoke, it was a top-level mockery, which

instantly attracted a large wave of hatred.

Everyone glared angrily, their fists clenched abruptly, but they all dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

This kid is strong to pervert, they are indeed not opponents!

Seeing the angry and cold expressions on everyone's faces, Qin Yu put his hands behind his back and said calmly:

"Why, you are not convinced?"

When everyone heard this, the anger in their hearts was instantly ignited.

"Don't go too far, you boy!"

"Last time I was just careless, you really thought I was afraid that you wouldn't make it!"

"Boy, don't be arrogant, you must know that there are people outside people, and there is a sky outside the sky!"

Qin Yu smiled contemptuously: "

If you don't convince, then do it, don't be like a lady who can only talk about it."


Everyone's faces were livid, if their eyes could kill, Qin Yu would have died a thousand and eight hundred times now!

Lin Qingxue pulled Qin Yu's sleeve and admonished in a low voice:

"Qin Yu, forget it, don't pull hatred."

Qin Yu said in a low voice: "

Xiao Xue'er, I am deliberately provoking them, and when they take the initiative, then I will be in legitimate defense and beat them all into the hospital."

"In this way, only the two of us are left to take the exam this time, and at that time, we will not pick these universities at random."

When Lin Qingxue heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched abruptly

, good guy, you can think of this kind of operation, but there is really yours.

But despite this, a warm current could not help but spring up in her heart.

She knew that Qin Yu was actually doing this for her.

"Hmph! The shaft is really arrogant, and I must teach you another lesson today!

Everyone glared angrily at Qin Yu and raised their fists one after another.

"What are you doing, shut up for me!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a dignified face pushed open the door of the examination room, walked out, and scolded coldly.

As soon as the words fell, an extremely strong momentum spread out, bringing everyone an extremely huge sense of oppression, which made their hearts couldn't help but feel surprised.

What a terrifying aura, it is definitely a Wuhou powerhouse!

In an instant, everyone present was silent and did not dare to squeak.

Under the coercion of the Wuhou powerhouse, these so-called Tianjiao of them are as fragile as ants.

Even Fang Ping, who had always prided himself on being invincible in the world, felt an unprecedented huge pressure at this moment, his face looked extremely solemn, and beads of sweat continued to slide down his forehead.

Only Qin Yu, at the moment, was still like a nobody, standing calmly and calmly, chewing gum while swiping his mobile phone.

After all, he had already run away from a marquis-level priest, and this little scene naturally couldn't scare him.

Seeing Qin Yu's indifferent posture at this moment, Chen Shouzheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was secretly a little surprised in his heart.

This was the first time that a student could maintain such a calm posture under the coercion he cast.

This kid has something.

Thinking secretly in his heart

, Chen Shouzheng immediately spoke again: "I am the admissions teacher of Longxia University, Chen Shouzheng, and one of the main examiners of this special recruitment advance examination."

When the students present heard this, their eyes could not help but show a touch of respect and yearning.

As the top two universities in Daxia, Dijing University and Longxia University have always been the sacred temples that all universities in the country yearn for.

"Now, all of you shut your mouths for me and obediently follow me in."

Chen Shou's face was cold, and he directly turned around and returned to the examination room again.

Seeing this, the students behind him also hurriedly followed.

As soon as they entered the examination room, everyone found that there were still nine examiners standing inside, which were obviously admissions teachers from the other nine top universities.

Ten examiners meant that at least ten martial arts powerhouses were standing in front of them at this moment

, and each of them did not hide the powerful momentum exuding from their bodies, as if they did it on purpose,

which instantly brought these students great psychological pressure.

Although the exam had not yet begun, everyone's emotions had already begun to become a little nervous, and they couldn't help but swallow their spit.

And at this moment, a gray-haired grandfather in the middle of this group of examiners stood up with a smile and said

, "I am the admissions teacher of the imperial capital and one of the main examiners of this exam, Ye Baihe."

"First of all, on behalf of all the examiners, I would like to welcome all of you from afar."

"Since you can stand here now, it means that you are the most talented people in this province, and I hope that each of you can perform your best in this exam."

"Okay, I'll leave it without further ado, now I'm ready to start the exam directly."


At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly raised his hand.

When Ye Baihe heard this, he smiled and asked, "This student, do you have something wrong?"

The rest of the people couldn't help but look over with a curious look to see what he was going to do.

I saw Chen Feng pointing at Qin Yu with his finger and questioned:

"Examiner Ye, I remember that the condition for participating in the special recruitment advance approval exam is to awaken S-level talent, so why can he also participate as an A-level talent awakener?"

The rest of the people were stunned when they heard this, and they all suddenly realized this matter.


That's right!

This kid is awakened and is an A-level talent, how can he come over to participate in the special recruitment early approval exam?

Although this kid's strength is indeed a strong pervert, rules are rules, and they can't be broken!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but show a sneer.

Damn it, it's crazy just now, isn't it?

Now you can't take the exam, see how crazy you are!

In an instant, everyone raised their hands one after another, shouting and questioning:

"Yes, why can this kid, an A-level talent awakener, take the special recruitment exam?" Is there a shady scene in this? When

the examiners heard this, they couldn't help frowning at this moment.

This exam actually had A-level talent awakeners take part?

What is the situation?

Chen Shou looked at Qin Yu indifferently and asked, "

Are you an A-Grade Talent Awakener?"

"yes." Qin Yu nodded.

"Non-S-level talent or above awakened people cannot participate in the special recruitment advance approval exam, you don't know this rule? Who let you come? "

My sister." Qin Yu spread his hands.

"Your sister?" Chen Shouzheng was stunned when he heard this: "Who is your sister?"

"My sister is an excellent graduate of Teikyo University, and she said that she was very familiar with the people from the school's admissions office, said hello to them in advance, and then asked me to come over." Qin Yu explained calmly.

"You kid go through the back door!?"

Everyone was directly dumbfounded when they heard this.

Even if this kid goes through the back door,

the one who stepped on the horse actually walked so openly and righteously?!

Is there still heavenly reason for this, and is there still a royal law!



PS: I hope you will never understand this diagram ε (┬┬_┬┬) 3

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