
Jiangnan City No. 1 Middle School, the morning reading time of the fifth class of high school.

"In 2022 AD, void cracks will appear around the world, and extraterritorial demon races will invade Blue Star, marking the entry of Blue Star civilization into a new era!"

"In 2025 AD, the first Talent Awakener will appear in Blue Star, marking the entry of mankind into the transcendent era!"

"In 2038 AD, in Xuzhou City, Daxia, the Terran army and the million demon army fought fiercely, lasting one year and nine months, and finally repelled the million demon army and successfully held Xuzhou City!"

"This battle is also the first big victory achieved by the Terrans since the demon army invaded Blue Star, and it is known as the great victory of Xuzhou!"

"The history of Xuzhou's great victory is of great significance, breaking the myth of the 'invincibility' of the demon army, shattering the 'demon fear' and 'surrender theory' of some people within the human race, and greatly inspiring the confidence of all mankind to resist the invasion of the demon race!"

"......" The

head teacher Li Muxia walked into the classroom at this time, looking at the students so diligent and hardworking, some baby fat white and tender faces also showed a gratifying smile.

"Okay, students, let's stop for a moment."

When the students heard this, they also put down their books, closed their mouths, and looked at Li Muxia.

Some male students even brightened their eyes.

Li Muxia, twenty-two years old, a fresh graduate of Mizuki University, a prestigious university in Daxia, came here as the class teacher of their third and fifth classes of high school, but he was already a four-star martial artist at a young age.

Coupled with her rather impressive appearance and hot body, as soon as she entered the school, she immediately became the dream lover in the hearts of many male students and male teachers.

"Students, the talent awakening ceremony is about to be performed."

"I know everyone is nervous right now, afraid that they won't be able to awaken their talents, or that they will awaken low-level talents."

"So here, I'm going to give everyone a shot in the arm."

"Last week, everyone's awakening factor test report has come out."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the classroom instantly sat up straight, cheered up, and the expression on their faces looked both expectant and nervous.

The awakening factor is a type of data that can detect the probability of their awakening ability, and the higher the awakening factor, the higher the probability of awakening high-level energy.

I saw Li Muxia smile slightly:

"I am happy to tell you that everyone's awakening factor is not low, except for a certain two students, the awakening factor of everyone else has broken through 0.5!"


All the students in the classroom showed great excitement and joy on their faces when they heard this.

The awakening factor exceeds 0.5, which means that the level of their awakening power, most likely is C level or above!

I saw Li Muxia continue to smile and groan:

"Especially Li Jun in our class, the awakening factor is as high as 0.75, ranking at the top of the class, and there is a high probability of awakening A-level talent!"

Speaking of this, Li Muxia also couldn't help but look at a handsome boy with curly yellow hair sitting in the front row, with a smile and appreciation.

As a top student admitted to the prestigious Mizuki University, her awakening factor at that time was only 0.65, and she finally successfully awakened her B-grade talent.

And Li Jun's awakening factor is a full 0.1 points higher than her, it can be said that awakening A-level talent is already a sure thing.

At this moment, the rest of the class suddenly cast envious eyes at Li Jun, and some female students were even flushed and their eyes were peachy.

Handsome looks, extraordinary talent, prominent family lineage, this is simply the perfect boyfriend template.

Feeling the envious and adoring gaze cast by the students in the class, Li Jun's heart was also extremely sour at the moment, but on the surface, he still calmly showed a modest smile and waved his hand:

"Basic operation, basic operation."

"Classmate Li Jun, do you have any valuable experience that you can pass on to your classmates?"

Li Muxia looked at Li Jun and said with a smile.

Li Jun's small mouth was crooked, revealing a dragon king-style smile, and just about to speak, suddenly, a snoring sound mixed with a slightly lewd smile echoed throughout the classroom.

"Purr... Let you try my secret sauce, hehe... Purr..." Li

Muxia frowned when he heard this, followed the prestige, and saw the boy sitting in the back seat by the window, burying his head in the desk, huffing and falling asleep.

Li Muxia's pretty red face suddenly darkened, and he scolded coldly:

"Qin Yu!"

However, in response to her, there was still only that somewhat obscene purr.

Seeing this, the rest of the students in the classroom covered their mouths and snickered.

For the scene in front of them, they have long been commonplace, and they are not strange.

Li Muxia's face turned dark, and he walked to the last table by the window in three steps and two steps, and directly slapped a palm heavily on the table.

Qin Yu, who was asleep, suddenly woke up and rubbed his eyes blankly:

"Huh? Was it an earthquake!?

Li Muxia pinched his waist with both hands, his apricot eyes were round, his eyes seemed to be about to spew fire, his body trembled with anger, and the waves on his chest were constantly rising and falling violently.

"When is it, I only know how to sleep!"

"Do you know that your awakening factor is up to a terrifying 0.1, ranking first in the whole grade!"

Qin Yu was stunned when he heard this, and his face suddenly showed a bit of joy:

"Huh? The sun hit the west and came out, I actually took the first place?

Li Muxia: (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

"Countdown! Countdown!

Qin Yu: "Oh." When

Li Muxia heard this, his chest trembled with anger, and then he caught a glimpse of the boy next to Qin Yu with his head lowered, not knowing what he was doing.

"Liu Damao, what are you doing?"

"Put your head up!"

When Liu Damao heard this, his strong body suddenly trembled, but he was unmoved, and still lowered his head.

Then, after a few seconds, just when Li Muxia was about to go crazy, Liu Damao suddenly raised his head, showed a kind smile, scratched his head and said: "

Hehe, teacher, you call me?" (o゚ω゚o)

" Looking at the unwiped oil stain at the corner of Liu Damao's mouth, Li Muxia's face turned dark again:

"What were you doing with your head down just now?"

"No, I didn't do anything."

Liu Damao said innocently.

However, when Li Muxia heard this, he sneered, took out a bucket of Kende family bucket directly from his desk, and slapped it heavily on the desk:

"Then you tell me what this is!?"

Liu Damao: "..." Seeing this, Qin Yu on the side immediately glared angrily at

Liu Damao: "Well, you are a thick-eyed Liu Damao

, you actually eat alone!"

"And chicken legs?"

"Hurry up and give me one! I want to cha chicken! Cha Chicken!


Liu Damao secretly pointed to Li Muxia, whose face was almost black and dripping ink, and gave Qin Yu a 'you are awesome' look.

Seeing this, Qin Yu suddenly shook his spirit.



Mr. Big Bear is still on hold!

Teacher Big Bear is Qin Yu's nickname for Li Muxia, which is very suitable for her choppy big white steamed buns.

"Big bear, ah, Mr. Li, I was wrong, I will obediently go and stand outside the corridor now."

Qin Yu scratched his head with a smile on his face, and very consciously walked towards the corridor.

Liu Damao on the side looked at Li Muxia's terrifying eyes that seemed to kill people in front of him, and also quickly stood up, trembling with some fear: "Oh, go too." Seeing

this, Li Muxia's chest was about to explode, and he couldn't help but sigh and sigh with an extremely desperate breath.

What kind of evil did she make, so that these two Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks could appear in her little senior and fifth class at the same time.

A little wanted to cry and shook his head helplessly, Li Muxia called the

two back: "You two smelly boys, give me back!"


When Qin Yu and Liu Damao heard this, they nodded obediently, and honestly lowered their heads and stood in front of Li Muxia, just like two obedient children, and even faintly heard a trace of sobs

, "Teacher, we know it's wrong."

"We will definitely study hard next time and improve every day."

The newcomers may think that they have realized their mistake.

But as Li Muxia, who has been on the dang countless times, he knows that these two old beeps are playing bitter meat for her.

She took a deep breath and hated that iron was not steel;

"Can't you two learn from Li Jun?"

"You look at people, how hard they usually work, now the awakening factor has exceeded 0.75, and then look at the two of you, one 0.1, the other 0.2, the top two from the bottom of the whole grade are directly wrapped up by the two of you!"

"Hey, if I have a dad who awakens A-level talent, I can too, what's so awesome about this."

Liu Damao pouted disdainfully and muttered in a low voice.

When Li Muxia heard this, he immediately glared angrily: "Liu Damao, what did you just say!"

Liu Damao shook his head again and again and did not speak.

"Teacher, he just said that if he has an A-level talented father, he can do it, and said that there is nothing to be afraid of."

Qin Yu said loudly.

Liu Damao: "???

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the students in the classroom were finally Lao Wang Baban Day Study-I couldn't hold back my laughter (school)!

Liu Damao suddenly glared angrily at Qin Yu, his eyes making crazy contact.

"Wow! You old six betrayed me!

Qin Yu raised his head arrogantly: "Hmph!" Dare to eat alone behind my back, that's the end!

When Li Muxia heard this, he was immediately so angry that he didn't fight anywhere, and looked at Liu Damao and scolded angrily:

"What are you fighting for, you can't fight, just sit here honestly!"

Liu Damao: "Oh.

Then, she suddenly turned her head to look at Qin Yu, who was secretly smiling on the side,

"And you!"

"You don't need to study and study, you don't need to practice martial arts, you only know how to eat, drink, play and sleep all day, and if you continue like this, you will become a wasted person, you know?"

"Could it be that you also have this negative attitude towards the rest of your life?"

When Qin Yu heard this, he waved his hand helplessly and said

, "Big bear, ah, Mr. Li, I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry first."

"It's not my intention, it's forced by reality, and the buddy is also helpless."

Li Muxia's eyelids jumped wildly when he heard this, and he couldn't help but be ready to give the other party a big beep pocket!

This stinky boy is going to put this calf on hold again!

However, this time, it was Li Muxia who really misunderstood Qin Yu.

Qin Yu was indeed telling the truth.

When the newborn crossed over, he really planned to be a struggle, work hard every day, and go to the peak of his life.

But unfortunately, at that time, no matter how he cultivated, the realm improvement was rattle.

The spiritual power that others can accumulate in ten days is half a year smaller for Qin Yu.

Then this is also a cultivation.

Straight open!

However, just three days ago, after awakening the system, his troubles disappeared, and he was able to absorb spiritual power like a normal person.

In this regard, Qin Yu naturally understood that the previous problems were all because of this system.

It was just like a certain young man surnamed Xiao who couldn't accumulate spiritual power at the beginning, and he was absorbed by an old grandfather.

Of course, Qin Yu naturally wouldn't say this kind of thing.

Immediately, he planned to bow his head and admit his mistake, but at this moment, there were two more options in front of him.

[Option 1: Sincerely admit your mistakes and say that from now on you must study hard every day. Completion reward: Earn the title 'Big Bear-sensei's Good Child', Oh-Bear-sensei's love for you +1. [

Option 2: With a look of indifference, he said: "Ah, yes, yes, the bottom of the bridge is covered with a small quilt. "Completion Reward: Mastery of High School History."

Looking at the two options that suddenly appeared, Qin Yu fell into deep thought.

He originally wanted to honestly admit his mistake.

But this reward is not good.

Just let Mr. Big Bear increase his liking for himself a little, pick and search, and hurry up to climb for the master!

Qin Yu decisively chose the second one!

I saw Qin Yu picking his nose indifferently, with an extremely rotten attitude, with a little playfulness in his tone:

"Ah, yes, yes, I will go to the bottom of the bridge and hole to cover the quilt in the future, Meizier Zi'er~

" "It's just a word, Shutan~~~"

"Ding!" Complete your selection! Get rewarded: Mastery of high school history!

"In view of the host's initiative to add drama and excellent performance, an additional bonus is included: mastery of high school physics knowledge!"


When everyone heard this, their faces were shocked, and they looked at Qin Yu with shocked faces.


Wolf Annihilation!

Li Muxia was already so angry at the moment that her head was about to smoke, and the waves on her chest were as violently undulating as a tsunami, making people worry whether they would directly burst the tight white shirt she was wearing.

"I am a quality and cultivated teacher, to be calm, to be calm."

Li Muxia took a deep breath and constantly calmed the violent ups and downs in his chest.

"Whew... Call...... Call...... Depend on!

"I'm cold for you to sell batches!"

"Qin Yu, immediately give me a lump out!!

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