Upon hearing this, Li Yuan’s eyes suddenly became deep. He actually agreed to such a harsh condition.

It seems that Tiancai is definitely in a life-and-death crisis.

He is a powerful man with a perfect Daluo, and he also has a clone, but he can’t even compete with Tianquan.

Could it be that Tianquan really wants to merge with the Demon Heart?

Thinking of this, Li Yuan’s heart is also uncertain.

He feels that he can’t delay like this any longer.

Apart from the Demon Heart, there will be almost no other variables.

Li Yuan called Jing Lao in the void space and told him the current situation.

Jing Lao said that although the Wild God Picture has not been completely devoured, it should not be a problem to deal with a Demon Heart.

He also heard about the Red Dust Sect Leader and knew that this Demon Heart was not ordinary.

However, no matter how extraordinary it is, even the Red Dust Sect Leader has fallen, can a Demon Heart still want to go against the sky?

Besides, he is also a Four Source Sacred Object. Even if it is broken now, it is not comparable to a heart without independent consciousness.

With Jing Lao’s guarantee, Li Yuan was completely relieved.

What’s more, he still has the semi-sacred Shanhai Seal.

Li Yuan nodded and said with a smile: “Okay, but Mingyi promised me that all the spoils will belong to me. Do you have any objection?”

Upon hearing this, the Bull Demon’s face turned black. Mingyi is dead.

But now saving his life is the most important thing, so he was too lazy to argue with Li Yuan.

Whatever he said is empty, only strength is the hard truth.

After destroying Tianquan, even if he regrets it, what can these two guys do?

Seeing the Bull Demon nodding repeatedly, Li Yuan planned to set off.

But at this time, Cang Huang was not happy and said dissatisfiedly: “What about me? I can’t work in vain, right?”

The Bull Demon was anxious, but he still said helplessly: “What does Daoyou mean?”

Cang Huang smiled and said: “I am poor, I don’t have any treasures, and I don’t want any spoils, but you have to give me three top-grade and peerless treasures as a reward?”

Although he brought peerless treasures, there were only two, one of which was the ancient well with little combat power.

Upon hearing this, the Bull Demon was furious. Isn’t this naked robbery?

Three, do you think top-grade and peerless treasures are cabbages on the roadside!

He suppressed his anger and said: “Daoyou, this is a bit too much, I don’t even have three top-grade and peerless treasures!”


Cang Huang looked suspicious.

“Of course it’s true, I only have one!”

The Bull Demon didn’t lie to him this time. After all, it was just a clone, and it was good enough to have a top-grade and peerless treasure.

Cang Huang sighed: “A top-grade and peerless treasure, I really can’t take the risk!”

While speaking, he shook his head, as if he was going to leave here.

Li Yuan felt that this old guy must have guessed the relationship between the Bull Demon and Tiancai, so he forced him like this.

The Bull Demon also lived in Bengbu for a while, and you two took turns to rob?

He gritted his teeth and said: “Three is three, but I really can’t take it out, Taoist friend, just ask Tiancai for it later!”

Don’t worry about too much debt, anyway, it was agreed by the Bull Demon, and it has nothing to do with his Tiancai.

Upon hearing this, Cang Huang didn’t care whether what Hunshi Niu Mo said was true or false, and smiled: “Then, bring it now!”

Hunshi Niu Mo knew what the old guy meant, but he could only reluctantly hand over his top-grade and peerless treasure with a painful face.

He closed his eyes with heartache and said weakly: “You two, can you make a move now?”

“No problem, if we join forces, won’t the mere Tianquan be captured easily?”

Hunshi Niu Mo was so excited that he was about to cry after hearing this, and finally fooled the two guys.

Three figures cut through the void and rushed directly into the ruins of the Great Thousand Worlds.

Soon, they came to the place where the Demon Heart was.

Li Yuan’s situation was not bad. He also practiced the Six Desires Heart Sutra, and also had the Empty Heart Sutra that was specifically used to restrain desires, and the Mitian Talisman, which was almost unaffected by the Demon Heart.

But Cang Huang was not as lucky as him. Even though he had a high level of cultivation and amazing will, he felt that illusions were frequent in front of him at this time, like a dream.

This is still outside, so you can imagine that the situation in the Demon Heart is even more horrifying.

The Bull Demon of Chaos, with the flames of the devil steaming, is almost unaffected by the Demon Heart.

Seeing this, the eight Daluo suddenly changed their expressions and looked at Li Yuan and his companions with vigilance.

The Bull Demon of Chaos immediately said: “Fellow Daoists, Tianquan wants to merge with the Demon Heart. We must stop it. Otherwise, even if we leave now, we will not be able to escape the pursuit of Tianquan.”

Although these substitutes are not very strong, they are also Daluo after all, so he naturally does not intend to let them go.

When everyone heard this, how could they believe the nonsense of the Bull Demon of Chaos.

Their current situation is terrible, and they are much weaker than ordinary Daluo.

NoAt this moment, Li Yuan spoke: “Fellow Taoists, come together, otherwise no one can escape.”

With multiple Da Luo, the chance of winning will naturally be greater.

If so many Daluo could destroy Tianquan, he would naturally not ask Mr. Jing to take action.

After all, this is not a chaotic void. Once there is too much movement, it may attract the attention of Heaven.

By that time, it will really be beyond redemption.

Moreover, if Jing Lao takes action and hurts the devil’s heart, it will be his loss, right?

When the eight great Luo heard this, their faces turned ugly, naturally they were unwilling to do so.

But looking at the indifferent Li Yuan and the demonic bull demon steaming with demonic flames, they did not dare to resist.

He can’t beat both of them, let alone the bull demon who is Da Luo Yuan Yuan.

Counting Li Yuan, a total of eleven Da Luo strong men joined forces to break into the devil’s heart.

Inside the devil’s heart, the world outside is completely different.

To be precise, it is somewhat similar to Li Yuan’s void space, but different.

They seemed to have fallen into a vast and boundless universe.

Dreamy and colorful bubbles, large and small, rise and fall, like endless stars in the universe.

And the flashes of light and shadow continued to arouse the deepest desires in their hearts.

Youda Luo was curious and was about to poke the bubble next to him, but was stopped by the Bull Demon with a loud shout.

“If you don’t want to die, don’t touch it!”

“What is this?” Li Yuan asked with a frown.

Other Da Luo are also full of curiosity. Is this the world inside the holy object?

The Bull Demon said in a deep voice: “This is also the first time for me to enter here, but I heard from Tiancai that this bubble is the spiritual world of the demon heart, which gathers the infinite desires of the world.

It may be a small world, a vast world, or even a parallel universe.

Once touched, it will inevitably be pulled into the spiritual world. If it cannot wake up, it will sink in it forever. ”

When everyone heard this, their expressions suddenly changed slightly. Is this so scary?

Wouldn’t it be a cool thing if I bumped into it accidentally?

Seeing everyone’s expressions, the Hunshiniu Demon hurriedly added: “Of course, under normal circumstances, with our cultivation, as long as we don’t fall into the parallel universe level bubble, it won’t be a big problem.”

After everyone heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief.

But what the Hunshiniu Demon didn’t say is that there are endless parallel universes, and the parallel universe-level bubbles in this demon’s heart are almost the same.

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