In the main hall, everyone surrendered and did not dare to take a breath.

The leader Mo Yuan also bowed his head respectfully, waiting for a response with some anxiety.

After all, the Pond of Rebirth is related to their life and death.

Li Yuan asked: “How often do you need to be reincarnated, and how long does it take to return to your peak state?”

Mo Yuan said: “According to our rules, each Yuanhui needs a true soul to be reincarnated once. If it is a Xuanxian, it can return to its peak within ten thousand years.

However, the land of reincarnation is controlled by three major forces and is difficult to capture. Moreover, if a strong person reincarnated through the land of reincarnation has not awakened the memory of his past life, it will be difficult to find his reincarnation identity. ”

Li Yuan was speechless when he heard this. Every Yuanhui needs to be reincarnated once. How many things have you done?

However, his purpose is to cause trouble and prepare for the destruction of the three major sects.

He mused: “Ten thousand years is too long, just seize the day. I will set up a time circle. Even if the Xuanxian enters it, it can be restored to its peak in a month.”

In addition, the time for the decisive battle has arrived, and a general attack will be launched after a thousand years to completely destroy the three major forces.

You plan to weaken the three major forces as much as possible and destroy their inheritance.

As for the place of reincarnation, let’s defeat it first, and those who should be reincarnated should be reincarnated as soon as possible. ”

Mo Yuan was still hesitant and said: “Sir, the three major forces all have treasures. With our strength, we may not be able to resist them.”

As a senior member of the Immortal Court, he understood that if the three major forces had not used them to gain merit, they would have joined forces to destroy the members of the Demon Cult.

Li Yuan said calmly: “Don’t worry, you can just send the strong ones in the religion to reincarnation when the time comes. As for the treasure, I will take care of it when it comes.”

Of course, there was something he didn’t say.

If the other party comes out with three treasures at the same time, he may not take action.

Directly confronting three treasures is not only too dangerous, but also easily exposes one’s own trump card.

He didn’t want to expose the traces of two peerless treasures just because he completed the task.

Although it is broken, it may not arouse the interest of the desirer.

However, the possibility of the opponent’s three major treasures coming out together is too small. If they really want to come out together, then he will destroy their nest.

A few years later, everything was ready.

Fully two-thirds of the powerful members of the Yuan Demon Sect will be reincarnated.

The new strong players who have joined in recent years account for half.

For these powerful people, those below Xuanxian will naturally be transformed directly by Di Wende.

At the same time, Li Yuan also had thoughts and entered their true spirits, intending to see if he could directly find the reincarnation.

In the main hall, the seven elders and Mo Yuan asked Li Yuan for instructions and decided to take action to capture the place of reincarnation.

Li Yuan looked at everyone, nodded and said: “Very good, but as the leader of the church, Mo Yuan, you don’t need to go, and the strong men of the other two sects don’t need to reveal their identities.”

Hearing this, Mo Yuan’s expression suddenly changed slightly, and he quickly said: “There are three great immortals in the land of reincarnation.”

If they don’t go, there will be only three Xuanxian left, and they may not be able to attack the Land of Reincarnation.

Li Yuan chuckled and said: “Don’t worry, I have my own plan. This bird is a strange species. It can explode with the power of a golden immortal. Without the protection of the treasure, it will definitely die.”

While talking, he picked three sparrows from the iron tree.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this.

It’s simply outrageous that there are such alien species.

They sighed in their hearts that he was indeed a strong man from the Great Thousand Realm, and his methods were simply unbelievable.

Compared to this demon god, he is simply not worthy of carrying shoes.

Xuanxian leads the team, and the speed is naturally astonishing.

The place of reincarnation is not in the main space, but under a great abyss.

This is an alien space constructed by God, far away from the real world, and all the souls of the dead will be extradited here.

There are eight portals, symbolizing the eight directions of heaven and earth.

As powerful demon figures descended one after another, the ghosts and immortals guarding the western entrance were shocked.

Here we go again, why did this Yuanhui come so early?

According to the situation of the previous Yuanhui, wouldn’t it take tens of thousands of years?

This was a general attack by demons, and they wanted to escape immediately.

But unfortunately, the female zombie didn’t give these two ghosts a chance to escape.

She laughed ferociously and waved her hand, and Luo Tian’s immortal-level zombies appeared and directly drained the two true immortals.

At the same time, the female zombie raised her hand and forcibly opened the entrance to the Land of Reincarnation.

Countless monsters screamed and rushed directly into the land of reincarnation.

In the other two directions, Xuanxian also led the team and rushed directly into the land of reincarnation.

Such a huge movement naturally attracted the attention of the powerful Xuanxian who was stationed in the Samsara Land.

An old Zen master with blond hair and blue eyes stepped forward and stood in front of the female zombie.

“Bold evil spirits, you dare to break into the land of reincarnation. Do you want to be completelyDestruction? ”

The old Zen master looked calm and confident, and his aura was amazing. He had already reached the late stage of Xuanxian.

A female zombie in the middle stage of Xuanxian dares to come to the land of reincarnation. She really doesn’t take him seriously.

The female zombie sneered: “Old man, today is the end of you. Even the Master of Wuyun Zen can’t save you.”

The Master of Wuyun Zen is the master of Wuyun Zen Sect and possesses the most precious treasure to protect his body.

She knew that she was no match for this old guy, so she had no intention of testing him at all.

When she raised her hand, a golden sparrow the size of a fist appeared in her hand.

“Sparrow God, kill him!”


The little sparrow flapped its wings and turned directly into a golden light, shattering the space.

The old Zen master had an astonishing sense of consciousness. The moment the sparrow appeared, he felt that something was not good.

However, as soon as he sacrificed the spiritual treasure, before he could use his magical power, the golden light transformed from the sparrow penetrated his spiritual treasure.

He was horrified, and the soul of the dead was rising. What kind of bird was this? Even if the Zen Master came, he might not be able to stop it.

In an instant, his immortal body was wiped out and his soul was crushed.

A little bit of spiritual light escaped at an incredible speed, instantly sinking into the depths of reincarnation.

When the female zombie saw this, she was extremely shocked, so scary.

The power of the sparrow has not yet been exhausted, and it falls into her hands again.

Looking at the direction in which the old Zen master’s true spirit escaped, the female zombie felt a little pity. With Zen methods, once the old guy’s reincarnation was found, he would be able to recover quickly.

But now is not the time to think about this, she said with a ferocious smile: “Kill, no one will be spared!”

In the past, they were afraid of forcing the three major forces to join forces to destroy the demons, so even if they invaded the Land of Reincarnation, they would not really kill them all.

Now with the support of that adult, they naturally have nothing to worry about.

And deep in the Land of Reincarnation, the old Zen Master’s true spirit speed was astonishing, even the Golden Immortal couldn’t catch up.

But just as he was approaching the reincarnation passage, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

An old figure is blocking the reincarnation passage.

A page of golden paper appeared, directly covering his true spirit.

Gold paper is naturally an everlasting fragrance.

Li Yuan controlled the body of Ancestor Shen Xian with a slightly surprised look on his face.

This place of reincarnation is indeed not simple, it is actually built based on the rules of the Great Way of Reincarnation.

According to Devender’s guess, as long as you pass through this reincarnation channel, you can forcibly wash away most of the karma of your previous life and start over.

However, this reincarnation channel is not complete. Only true spirits can truly be reincarnated through the reincarnation channel.

And those souls that enter the reincarnation channel will be destroyed into pure soul factors.

It is said that he is reincarnated, but in fact he has essentially changed into another living being.

Perhaps the soul in this life is actually composed of the soul factors of countless living beings.

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