A month flies by.

Li Yuan’s incarnation had already quietly arrived outside the Demon Refining Tower.

Due to limited time, he only completed the first level of the Fantasy Code of All Types, and at this time he turned into a ferocious wolf demon.

Although he is on the first level, due to the special nature of his Guiyi martial arts, few people below the level of immortals can see through his changes.

As for immortals and above, if you don’t look carefully, you may ignore it.

On the second floor of the Demon Refining Tower, outside the safe area, there are entrenched demons or wild beasts everywhere.

Among these monsters or wild beasts, the weakest ones are all true immortals, while the strongest ones have reached the level of half-step spiritual immortals.

Of course, this is only superficial strength.

The monsters or wild beasts that can be caught here are basically the stronger ones.

All powerful demons are even powerful enough to rival true disciples.

There are also many sect disciples wandering here, looking for suitable targets.

However, once you enter the chaotic area, your cultivation will be suppressed to the level of a true immortal by the rules of the Demon Refining Tower.

This move is also to prevent disciples from going on a killing spree and killing demons.

After all, this is just a place specially used for trials.

Li Yuan went in specially to feel it, but it had no effect on his own strength.

He quickly found Shark Wu Jing and others, who were waiting quietly in a safe area.

Surrounding Shark Wu Jing, Crocodile Tongtian, Xue Aohan and others were actually present.

Li Yuan fell into the crowd, his eyes fell on a green-haired enchantress, and he immediately understood that she was Bi Yunshuang.

This woman had met him in the Law Enforcement Hall earlier, and she had a look of hatred towards him.

She was looking anxious at this time and asked Shark Wu Jing: “Isn’t Chonglou not coming?”

They have been waiting here for most of the day, but Chonglou has not been seen.

Shark Wu Jing frowned. Is that kid kidding himself?

He said with a sinister smile: “Don’t worry, if he really doesn’t come, then publicize this matter and see how he raises his head in the future.”

Next to him, a core disciple said with a smile: “Yes, the dignified core disciples are so frightened by the inner disciples that they dare not show up. If this is revealed, his master will probably lose his face as well.”

On the contrary, Crocodile Tongtian was wandering around with his hands behind his back, his attention not here at all.

As one of the Eight Heroes, Crocodile Tongtian was waiting here with his people, which naturally attracted many sect disciples to watch.

Everyone was talking a lot, guessing that they didn’t know what they were doing here.

After all, this is just the True Immortal area.

At this moment, Li Yuan quietly returned to his human form and walked out of the crowd.

As soon as he came out, he immediately attracted the attention of Shark Wu Jing, and he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that if the boy didn’t come, he would be embarrassed in front of Crocodile Tongtian.

Shark Wu Jing immediately explained: “This is the twin junior sisters Biyun. I am only acting as a peacemaker this time. I hope that the two junior brothers and sisters can settle their grievances through a battle.”


Li Yuan shook his head and laughed, and said lightly: “I hope so.”

The blue-haired enchantress Bi Yunshuang stared at Li Yuan coldly. Without any nonsense, she walked directly to the chaotic area, came to a desert area, and killed a three-headed lion monster at the peak of a true immortal with one palm.

After doing all this, she looked at Li Yuan, as if telling him that this lion monster was his fate.

Li Yuan’s eyes narrowed when he saw this, but naturally he would not be frightened by it.

He looked at the peacemaker Shark Wu Jing, and said with a faint smile: “Brother Shark, isn’t there a referee?”

If the other party suddenly sacrificed a treasure, who would he go to to reason with?

Hearing this, Shark Wu Jingtian snorted coldly and summoned a demon king directly.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly bowed to see him.

Even Crocodile Tongtian, who had been wandering in the sky, came back to his senses and bowed his hands.

Shark Wu Jing saluted respectfully and said: “Lord Fear Eye, please be the referee for once and uphold justice.”

The Terror-Eyed Demon Lord had obviously already received the news. He nodded and said calmly: “Okay, with me here, there won’t be any accidents.”

Li Yuan also bowed his hands and asked, “I wonder if your Excellency can invite Elder Hu Yan to come over again.”

Elder Hu Yan is naturally the old Fox Demon Lord from the Law Enforcement Hall.

He didn’t dare to just let the demon king invited by the opponent be the referee.

When the Terror-Eyed Demon Lord heard this, his face suddenly turned cold, and he frowned and said, “Do you think I will be partial?”

“I don’t dare. This disciple is just taking precautions. If someone ignores the rules and uses the treasure, you may not be able to suppress it in time, and it will cause casualties.”

The Terror-Eyed Demon Lord obviously looked unhappy. Wasn’t this looking down on him?

Fortunately, Crocodile Tongtian seemed to have said something via voice transmission, and the Terror-Eyed Demon Lord gradually softened his expression and said calmly: “As you wish.”

Soon, another figure arrived, it was the old fox from the Law Enforcement Hall.

The old fox walked over with a smile, looked at everyone, and said with a smile: “Well, since you invited me, I will be the referee for once.”

Both Li Yuan and Crocodile Tongtian have their backs to the Demon King, so he will naturally not be offended.

Li Yuan quickly thanked him and then walked into the chaotic area.

The arrival of the two demon kings also inspired countless disciples to gather their friends to watch the fun.

There are two demon kings as referees, so they are naturally happy to watch the fun.

When they knew that the ones they were fighting were the core disciple Zhonglou and the inner disciples whose cultivation was suppressed to the level of True Immortal, they suddenly looked strange.

You must know that ordinary core disciples, even if they have cultivated to the extreme level of true immortals, can still be said to be invincible among Luotian Immortals.

Although Na Zhonglou is a core disciple, he has only been a disciple for a thousand years and has not yet reached the peak of a True Immortal. How confident is he that he dares to face an inner disciple who has suppressed the True Immortal?

Li Yuan stepped into the air and walked towards Biyun Shuang step by step.

Just when the distance between the two sides was less than ten thousand miles, Biyun made double moves and unleashed a thunderous strike.

Along with the terrifying fluctuations, wooden blades burst out directly from the sand, carrying an aura that could tear everything apart.

This wooden blade, not to mention a true immortal, even a spirit immortal would die in front of it.

This is without using any treasures.

Obviously, the opponent had no intention of holding back at all, and it was a killer move from the very beginning.

Some outer disciples were shocked, what a terrifying blow, if it were them, the true immortal level would definitely die.

They sighed in their hearts that there really was no simple role that could become an inner disciple.

Then they saw that when Li Yuan stamped his foot, ripples spread out, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and thousands of trees withered.

The blow that was enough to kill ordinary immortals was defeated in an instant.

Then Li Yuan’s eyes were cold, his aura rose up, he received the ancient holy light, and transformed into a thousand-foot giant.

When he raised his hand, there was a sword flying across the sky, as if it was about to split the great world.

This was not the use of any magical power, but an ordinary blow that he casually used to eliminate disasters.

He did not use his true strength for the time being, naturally to paralyze Crocodile Tongtian and others.

But even this ordinary blow is still incredibly powerful.

The people watching were already a little horrified.

Bi Yunshuang used his great magical power to forcefully break the Heavenly Sword.

But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, the sky swords fell continuously, breaking through the sea of ​​stars and destroying the source.

The power of each sword is no longer weaker than that of the late Immortal Luo Tian.

In the safe area, Shark Wu Jing frowned slightly, why is this guy so powerful?

If he reaches the extreme level of a true immortal, wouldn’t he be able to compete with a half-step immortal?

The faces of other people around him also looked a little ugly.

The situation seems to be a little bad for Biyun Shuang.

Only Crocodile Tongtian remained calm and silently observed the battle.

The real trump card hasn’t appeared yet, but if it does, even the Demon Lord won’t be able to stop it in time.

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