Several martial emperors from the Cambrian Realm looked at each other, their hearts full of surprise and uncertainty.

But the other Emperor Wu, who didn’t know the situation, couldn’t control so much, and his eyes were full of dragon beads.

Since ancient times, almost all immortal weapons exist only in legends.

This is an immortal weapon. If they can capture it, their chances of successfully overcoming the tribulation will be greater.

The true form of Emperor Tongtian took action boldly, and his target was the Big Dragon Ball.

Then he was smashed to death by the big dragon ball.

All the powerful men were shocked, this magical weapon was so powerful?

Even if the emperor cannot attack with all his strength, he is still the emperor.

There are also strong people who want to kill Li Yuan first while the Dragon Balls are killing other strong people.

As a result, he couldn’t even break through the defense, which made him doubt his life.

Is this really a Tongtian Martial Emperor?

Emperor Wu from the Cambrian Realm breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

However, they soon understood that this person was probably the mysterious person who sent them to the Cambrian Realm in the first place.

How can ordinary creatures possess such outrageous strength?

They had too many questions in their minds and wanted to ask this mysterious existence in person.

It’s a pity that Li Yuan was deeply trapped in the inner demons, which lasted for three full years.

In the past three years, he had fallen into reincarnation and was unaware of his true self; he had also been shaken in his Taoism and had six desires; he had encountered disasters countless times and narrowly escaped death.

Every time the inner demons and illusions are shattered, new illusions will continue.

Ordinary people can only have three levels of inner demon illusions at most, but he has lived through one level after another.

It seems that every choice in life is a battle with inner demons.

I don’t know how many powerful people came from far away, wanting to pay tribute to this peerless martial emperor who had been trapped in the inner demon tribulation for three years and yet had not failed.

Finally, the calamity clouds above the nine heavens began to dissipate.

Li Yuan broke through all the obstacles in the inner demon tribulation and completely woke up.

There was a strange guiding light that enveloped him, and a rich source of power was injected into it, transforming his body.

Somehow, he sensed that something special was born, something elusive.

That is the true spirit, existing in and out of the invisible nothingness.

Even if the soul is gone, as long as the true spirit is not ignorant, it will return one day.

At this moment, he was as ethereal as a fairy, about to soar away.

Everyone onlookers were shocked that this was actually successful.

Others could only survive three days at most, but this one lasted nearly three years, which is really outrageous.

I don’t know whether to say that he has a bad character or that he is too lucky?

When a strong man from the Cambrian Realm saw this, his heart was shocked. He immediately had an idea and rushed towards Li Yuan.

“Senior, wait a minute, where do we come from? Why do we appear in the Cambrian Realm?”

“Then can we go back to our former homeland?”

Emperor Wu came and asked quickly.

Other strong men also showed expectant looks.

Although they came to the Cambrian Realm, this was not their homeland after all.

Li Yuan’s expression was calm, neither happy nor sad. He looked at these warriors and his voice echoed throughout the place.

“You are indeed from my inner world. I am about to ascend to heaven, so I have to leave you behind. I hope you can take care of yourself!”

As they spoke, an inexplicable aura fell down and fell into the brows of these warriors.

“It is indeed a pity for you and others that our hometown is hard to find. We are destined to meet each other. These two techniques can be considered as compensation for you and others!”

Before he finished speaking, Li Yuan’s figure dimmed completely and disappeared without a trace.

When everyone present heard this, they were stunned and stunned.

These powerful men from the Cambrian Realm actually came from that person’s inner world.

How can this be?

Not only other strong men, but even the strong men from the Cambrian Realm couldn’t believe it.

The world in the heavens they were in had a history of at least millions of years, but it turned out to be just this person’s inner world.

They also have an inner world, but it is impossible for them to cultivate to the realm of heaven.

What this person said is really ridiculous.

But it was naturally impossible for such a peerless person to deceive them.

What’s more, they were thrown into the cave without any resistance.

Is this really the creator god of their world?

This is really unbelievable, that piece of heaven is too powerful.

But soon, they were shocked that the techniques taught by this man were all mythical techniques.

If you cultivate one of these techniques, you will be sure to survive the calamity and ascend to heaven, let alone two.

The earlier frustration was completely washed away by the two mythological techniques.

In a daze, Li Yuan left the human world and entered the ascension passage in an incredible situation.

It is said to be an ascension channel, but in fact it is a vast and boundless void.

He had no doubts. There was a message coming from somewhere. As long as he kept flying forward, he could sense the existence of heaven.

In fact, thisThis is the second time he has entered the ascension channel.

The first time was in the Tianluo God Realm, where he accidentally entered the time and space of the Tianluo God Realm.

But that time he was wrapped in special power and had no choice at all. The target was the Tianluo God Realm.

Soon, dim starlight appeared, giving Li Yuan a strong pulling force.

He understood in his heart that these were not real stars, but a vast small world on one side of the heaven.

As long as he follows this pulling force, he can smoothly ascend to this small world.

However, Xiaoqian World is obviously not Li Yuan’s goal. Even if he does not use the treasure now, he can be said to be invincible in Xiaoqian World based on his own strength. Where is he going?

Moreover, there are strong and weak in Xiaoqian World. Some may be the ultimate immortals, while others can become Luotian Celestials.

If you encounter a powerful immortal wandering in the void, the entire Xiaoqian World may be destroyed.

Once the ascended Xiaoqian World is destroyed, he can only become a void wanderer.

Without the blessing of the world, he would definitely be the most miserable immortal.

Soon, stars lit up one after another, but they should all be from the Small Thousand Worlds.

In my mind, the voice of the black lens sounded: “Some of these small worlds are fragments of the big world, some are dojos created by strong men, and some are nurtured by heaven and earth. They are endless.”

Li Yuan asked: “Even the vast world may be a dojo created by strong men, right?”

“Naturally, but such a world has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you may be favored by Da Luo as soon as you ascend. The disadvantage is that everything is under the control of others.”

Li Yuan nodded, that was indeed the case.

After thinking about it, he directly used his divine power to construct a storage ring, put the immortal dragon ball and the immortal sword into it, and created some good spiritual materials.

Looking at Li Yuan’s movements through black lenses, he was suddenly speechless.

“If you could ascend to the vast world, who would care about this piece of trash like you!”

“There is no way. The treasures are all placed in the void space. If you don’t put anything on your body, it will inevitably arouse suspicion.”

It is said that the king of hell is easy to deal with, but the imp is difficult to deal with. He does not want to beat the imp and attract the old ghost.

It’s better to keep a low profile when you first go, and it won’t be too late to take action after you figure out the situation.

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