In the classic and elegant restaurant, Shi Feipeng ordered a table full of delicacies.

This is a restaurant run by monks, full of delicious spiritual ingredients.

He took out the so-called immortal brew, gave Li Yuanman a cup, and then explained: “There are three major forces in the immortal world, and the giants of the three major forces are all immortal emperor-level figures like you, the Great Immortal!”

Li Yuan was speechless when he heard this. When did I become qualified to compare with the Immortal Emperor?

However, he did not interrupt and continued to listen.

According to Shi Feipeng, the so-called fairy world is vast, but it seems to be just a broken world.

There are broken rules left, and there is also a broken earth, which seems to be in ruins.

However, the condition of this ruins is a bit serious, and it is not at the same level as Shenxu.

According to Shi Feipeng, those whose souls are similar to the body are called Xuanxian; those who are equivalent to Mahayana are called Immortal Kings; and those who are equivalent to transcending tribulations are called Immortal Kings.

Only by transcending the Tribulation and stepping half-foot into that realm can one be called an Immortal Emperor.

But you can’t really step into that realm, otherwise it will cause a terrible catastrophe, and even the Immortal Emperor will definitely die.

Li Yuan understood that this was a low-end version of the fairy world.

He asked curiously: “Is there no one who has survived the so-called catastrophe?”

Although their bodies are not strong and only their souls have reached this level, there are residual laws in this world.

If you can comprehend a thing or two, you may not have a chance to survive the catastrophe and ascend to the heaven.

Shi Feipeng pondered for a moment and then said hesitantly: “There should be! According to myths and legends, the ancestor who created the world survived the great catastrophe, but he also disappeared, and his life and death are unknown.”

Li Yuan was speechless. Isn’t that the calamity of becoming an immortal?

Those who have survived the catastrophe must have been taken to the heavenly realm.

However, being able to survive the catastrophe of becoming an immortal simply by relying on one’s soul is definitely a rare talent.

This kind of person, even if he reaches the heaven, he will not be unknown.

He really wanted to visit the so-called fairy world, but he still had to ask in advance.

“Can you sense the existence of heaven in the fairy world?”

“Yes, the way of heaven is everywhere and exists forever, otherwise there would be no heavenly calamity.”


Li Yuan nodded, feeling confident.

He looked at Shi Feipeng and asked, “I plan to go to the fairy world for a walk. Do fellow Taoists want to come with me?”

Shi Feipeng felt a little regretful and shook his head: “I’m afraid this won’t work. The little immortal has not accumulated one hundred thousand good deeds and cannot return to the fairy world!”

Li Yuan smiled and said, “Then can I give you the merit of suppressing this evil spirit?”

“This, this is absolutely impossible. This is a great merit. How dare the little immortal take the credit?”

Shi Feipeng is obviously an upright and good person, how can he accept it.

When Li Yuan heard this, he was immediately speechless.

No matter what he said, Shi Feipeng just wouldn’t accept it.

Finally, Li Yuan said helplessly: “Since you want to personally suppress a powerful evil, go ahead now!”


Shi Feipeng was confused, but the next moment, his vision went dark and the scene changed.

Then he saw a one-meter-tall paper man burning paper for himself in the mass grave below.

His scalp was numb, this turned out to be another powerful monster.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “This weird one is much weaker than the one just now, go and suppress it!”

When Shi Feipeng heard this, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched.

But the opportunity was in front of him, and there was a great immortal sitting in front of him, so he naturally couldn’t back down.

It is no small matter to accumulate one hundred thousand merits. Under normal circumstances, it would take at least a thousand years.

And he, a powerful Xuanxian, now only has three thousand years left to live, so he cannot waste it.

With a wave of his hand, Shi Feipeng directly took up his ‘immortal weapon’ whisk and went straight to the paper man.

The paper man doesn’t seem to be burning paper for himself. On the altar in front of it, there is a strange clay sculpture that is a bit oozing.

As soon as the dust fell, Shi Feipeng overturned the altar and shattered the clay sculpture.

He shouted loudly and said righteously: “You are so bold and weird that you dare to leave the human world in broad daylight. You must die!”

A chilling atmosphere instantly spread across the entire venue.

In an instant, the temperature in the field dropped countless times.

The paper man stood up and looked at Shi Feipeng. He was obviously offended, and his arm turned into a sword.

Silently, it killed Shi Feipeng directly.

Shi Feipeng didn’t dare to be careless and quickly cast a spell to form a fire shield.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to seal the secret, causing a rain of fire to completely cover the cemetery.

To deal with this kind of paper man, fire spells are the most practical.

Upon seeing this, the paper man immediately escaped into the space, and then walked out directly from behind Shi Feipeng.

The sharp blade slid, and strange fluctuations came, directly tearing apart the space.

Shi Feipeng’s scalp was numb and he quickly used methods to avoid it.

A piece of clothes flew up and was directly hit by the spaceThe force tore it into pieces.

Shi Feipeng was horrified, this was the ‘high-grade fairy clothes’ that he had refined for hundreds of years.

If this happened to me, would he die on the spot?

For a moment, Shi Feipeng did not dare to face the paper man’s attack.

Of course, the paper man did not dare to face Shi Feipeng’s attack. Those flames would easily burn its body.

Li Yuan watched from above and shook his head secretly. Shi Feipeng was still too weak after all.

If there were no accidents, it would be impossible for Shi Feipeng to suppress the paper man.

He used his divine power to sneak into the paper man’s body while he was not prepared.

The next moment, flames rose from the paper man’s body.


Silent screams echoed throughout the place.

The paper man’s body was filled with fire and could not be suppressed at all.

Shi Feipeng was stunned when he saw this. Didn’t this guy avoid that fire rain?

But now was not the time to think about this. He quickly waved the whisk and turned it into thousands of hanging threads, cutting the paper man into pieces.

The pieces of paper are flying like the valuables buried in the cemetery filling the sky.

At the same time, Shi Feipeng cast a spell, and the flames were like rain, completely turning these shredded papers into nothing.

He gasped slightly. This strange thing was probably only one step away from the end of the world.

Fortunately, I am not a vegetarian.

But soon, a terrifying rule appeared, turning into a paper man again and looking at him.

When Shi Feipeng saw this, his expression suddenly changed: “It’s weird to be able to be resurrected!”

Li Yuan said with some curiosity: “How many weird things can be resurrected?”

“Not many, only one or two out of ten, but this kind of weirdness is the most difficult to deal with and can only be sealed!”

One or two out of ten, isn’t that much?

In his perception, there are more than a dozen within millions of miles around.

This was just what he discovered, there was more he didn’t discover.

And this world, although it is already collapsing, is still tens of billions of miles across.

Li Yuan could only encourage: “Come on, it doesn’t matter if it’s resurrected, you can kill it, why are you afraid that you can’t seal it?”

He speculated that the reason for being resurrected was because of the existence of this group of rules.

If this group of rules could be directly broken up, the paper man would naturally not be able to be resurrected.

But we have to directly plan the rules of this group, unless the Fallen Bell arrives.

When Shi Feipeng heard this, his eyes suddenly condensed, as if this was really the truth.

He took action directly and took the initiative to kill the strange paper man.

But obviously, under normal circumstances, Shi Feipeng is really no match.

If the weakness of the paper man was not too obvious, Shi Feipeng would have been killed by the paper man long ago.

But even so, his situation is not optimistic.

Li Yuan took action again, and the terrifying divine power directly blocked the space around the paper man.

The paper man originally traveled through space to avoid the fire and rain and to appear and disappear.

However, as Li Yuan took action, it waved the paper knife in its hand, but the surrounding space remained motionless.

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