The terrifying traction is impossible to break away from.

The strange interweaving of fields made even Li Yuan’s main mind seem to be completely annihilated.

There is no time, no space, not even everything that exists or does not exist.

Li Yuan didn’t know how long it took, but when he reacted, he had already broken away from that kind of gravity.

Passing through the black hole, he finally descended into a vast world.

There is still no spiritual energy and no monks here.

But what shocked him was that here, he couldn’t sense the way of heaven.

And this world does not seem to be as illusory as the Tianluo God Realm.

Everything is extremely real.

There are also no practitioners in this world, but Li Yuan is not careless at all.

Because he saw that a jackal raised his hand and rolled up a big river into a picture scroll.

This is no longer something that can be done by magic. This is magical power, and it is a powerful magical power that uses the rules of space.

He was obviously a jackal with no cultivation, but he was born with this magical power.

This kind of thing is really unbelievable in the world of cultivation.

Even if a true immortal comes, one mistake may cause the boat to capsize in the gutter.

Li Yuan looked thoughtful, this world was very strange, but the strangeness made him happy and excited.

He wanted to see what secrets were hidden in this world.

In order to ascend to the fairy world in the future, he needs to improve his strength as much as possible and dig out some secrets.

If the human world were a world where the heavens had fallen, they might all have amazing secrets.

Perhaps this so-called black hole contains the inheritance of an Immortal Emperor.

Li Yuan was thinking wildly, and he moved and came to a prosperous town.

In the small town, there are bees selling honey, goats performing acrobatics, and patrolling dogs.

His mind swept over them and inspected their bodies openly.

However, there is nothing special about these animals, and they do not have great supernatural powers like the jackal from before.

Soon after, Li Yuan came to another small town.

Here he found a newborn foal.

This little pony is another extraordinary creature.

As soon as it was born, it began to help the old horse carry goods, thousands of miles away in just one breath.

Moreover, it can walk on water and clear the way across mountains, and is full of magical power.

Although not as good as the previous jackal, it is still very impressive.

Li Yuan hid his figure and observed silently in the dark.

There is nothing abnormal about this little pony, either in body or soul.

However, he still discovered that when the foal used magical powers, there would be inexplicable fluctuations deep in its soul.

And it is this kind of fluctuation that gives it incredible magical powers.

The soul is the core essence of a living being.

However, this little pony is just an ordinary horse. Even if Li Yuan invades his soul, nothing unusual will be found.

It is still the same work as before, and the days are hard and fulfilling.

But Li Yuan didn’t find anything deep in his soul.

On the contrary, because of his own specialness, his thoughts came to a place of nothingness.

This land of nothingness is between existence and non-existence, and it is impossible for real creatures to reach it.

Li Yuan was the only one who could come here because of his mind.

Here he found a dim light.

This light is full of magic and extraordinary, like a gift from heaven, sacred and inviolable.

Even Li Yuan had a thought that could not be blasphemed.

However, this thought was quickly suppressed by him. God, the way of heaven is not even here!

He slowly penetrated a bit of divine power into it and analyzed the source of this light.

Time passed year by year, spring passed and autumn came, and the foal gradually became a big horse and started a family and a career.

With the baptism of Li Yuan’s divine power, its physical body was greatly strengthened, surpassing that of its peers.

But it is still a mortal horse, and the essence of life has not been changed.

As time passed, Li Yuan gained a deeper understanding of the light deep in this horse’s soul.

It is the power of a law, which contains more than one law of heaven and earth. They are intertwined and can give the pony various magical powers.

This kind of power was originally something that could only be mastered by immortals, but now it actually appeared on a mortal horse.

The power of law is something that only immortals can comprehend.

He originally planned to analyze this rule, but the power of the law is extremely mysterious, not to mention that there is more than one kind.

For decades, he achieved almost nothing.

A period of time has passed, and the little pony has become very old.

Although it still moves like the wind and has amazing strength, Li Yuan knows that its lifespan has come to an end.

That is something called destiny, and no one can resist it.

The foal seemed to feel it too, called some old grandsons to explain the funeral arrangements.

Li Yuan watched it silently until three days later, it completely stopped breathing.

Then, he saw that the colt’s soul began to dissipate. When the colt’s soul completely dissipated, there was a light that was invisible to the naked eye and was about to fly into the distance.

It was the hazy light inside the foal.

Where is it going to fly to?

Li Yuan was curious and did not stop him. He just remained a calm bystander.

The speed of the light was amazing, but Li Yuan was faster.

He followed the hazy light and wandered around the world until more than ten years later, the light seemed to have found a new owner.

It was a newly born baby rabbit.


Li Yuan thought in his heart and his eyes flickered.

Soon, the rabbit was like a foal, moving like the wind and as strong as an ox.

Even the most ferocious lion in the forest was fooled by this bastard.

This rabbit also has a long lifespan, living for eighteen years.

When the rabbit’s soul dissipated and the hazy light appeared again, and when he wanted to leave, Li Yuan moved.

He directly used his magical power to seal this hazy light.

If you can obtain this thing, you will directly possess the power of the laws of heaven and earth without having to comprehend it.

But the hazy light rushed violently to completely break away from Li Yuan’s shackles.

With Li Yuan’s strength, he was completely unable to stop him.

This is the light of rules, which can be controlled by extraordinary people. The power that the rabbit body can exert is extremely limited.

Li Yuan’s eyes were like water. Does it mean that every time it changes its owner, he still has to follow it?

He wanted to directly receive the light of the rules, but it seemed he couldn’t.

Unless he came with a treasure in hand, it would be possible.

Moreover, it seems that only the Supreme Treasure can escape from this place.

He has three treasures on his body now, so one would be fine.

Thinking of this, he was immediately summoned by the main body.

Although the induction is a little fuzzy, just pass it a few times and it will be enough.

Half a day later, the main body responded that the most precious falling bell was already on its way.

Li Yuan was not in a hurry and continued to follow this hazy light.

At the same time, he was searching for other animals with hazy lights.

This world is huge, and there are many animals with hazy light.

He saw a big lizard that opened its mouth and spit out the divine fire of samadhi; he also saw a big black bear fishing in a well and directly caught a giant tooth shark in the distance; he also saw something even more outrageous, which directly froze the time, even him.

Fortunately, the range of influence of this ability is very small, and Li Yuan can resist it with all his strength.

All kinds of incredible methods were an eye-opener for Li Yuan.

This is the real immortal method.

Immortals are not only powerful, but also possess all kinds of incredible methods.

Under normal circumstances, it is often necessary to understand the laws and understand the avenue in order to possess such great magical powers.

But now, as long as you get this hazy light, you can directly control the laws and even the avenue.

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