Li Yuan’s mind moved, and he received the ancient holy light, and his body instantly turned into a giant no less powerful than the fire giant.

At the same time, he used the calamity to eliminate disasters, and the terrifying sword light swept across, splitting all causes and effects.

The fire giant was shocked and angry, and hurriedly used his magical powers to resist the trident.

There were amazing rules of the avenue that permeated, turning into a rain of fire.

Every drop of the rain of fire was like a falling meteor.

He obviously also had an extraordinary origin and cultivated extremely powerful magical powers.

According to Mi Ziling, the evil spirit took over the body, which was equivalent to becoming a new creature, and all the skills and magical powers needed to be re-cultivated.

However, time was limited, and the magical powers of the fire giant had obviously not been cultivated to perfection.

At this moment, Li Yuan’s comprehensive strength had far surpassed the true immortal.

The calamity to eliminate disasters was also a peerless mythical swordsmanship.

The trident fell, directly splitting all obstacles and splitting the true body of the fire giant into two.

“Misunderstanding, I have no ill intentions!”

The broken fire giant spoke quickly, not yet dead.

But Li Yuan was unmoved, his aura burst out, and the trident slashed out brilliant light.

In a small space, it seemed to reflect a world of the heavens.

Rays of brilliant light pierced into the head of the fire giant, annihilating all his vitality into nothingness.

But at this moment, a purple light cut through the void and sank into Li Yuan’s body at an incredible speed.

There was a crazy will fluctuation: “Boy, if you destroy my real body, use your body to repay!”

This turned out to be the will of a god king.

Li Yuan had expected it, and he operated the nerve control, like an unyielding pine tree.

At the same time, in the dark, there were terrifying rules coming to wipe out this crazy will.

Obviously, even if they have a real body, once the will is separated, they will still be affected by fate and be wiped out.

It is not so easy to resurrect from a time and space that has passed.

The rules in the dark will wipe out everything.

Li Yuan is as different as a mountain. His control of the nerves allows him to resist all illusions and visions.

Even though it is the will of the God King this time, it still cannot devour Li Yuan’s will.

The situation this time is better than the sheep-headed monster.

The will of the God King roared, and was finally completely wiped out by the power in the dark.

Li Yuan exhaled lightly, with a gleam in his eyes.

This control of the nerves is worthy of being a peerless mythical skill. Only a small success can block the impact of the will of the God King.

Li Yuan took the spear and looked at it for a while.

This spear is extraordinary, it may be a spiritual treasure, with broken rules lingering on it.

But it is obvious that it is badly broken and is not as good as a complete immortal weapon now.

Li Yuan did not waste it and put it away directly.

Then he looked at the medicine garden and his eyes suddenly condensed.

There was a ruin in the distance, but there was actually a rotten tree emitting a faint golden light.

It has been destroyed, with only a palm-sized piece left.

But on this rotten wood, there is a magical law of Taoism, which is obviously extraordinary.

Li Yuan looked surprised. This may have been a Tao seed.

The so-called immortal medicine is naturally divided into levels, immortal medicine, spiritual root, and Tao seed.

Spiritual root already has incredible effects, and as for Tao seed, it is even more rare.

This kind of thing cannot be bred in the ordinary world.

Li Yuan was happy. Although this place is just a ruin, it is a fragment of the former God Realm. Those who can stay are definitely extraordinary.

This should be the medicine garden of a Daluo-level force, but it was destroyed by the Demon Lord, leaving only fragments of Tao seeds.

This made him sigh in his heart. As powerful as Daluo is, he is still powerless to turn the world when the catastrophe comes.

At this moment, Li Yuan’s heart moved and he sensed that there was a breath approaching.

Without any hesitation, he directly wiped out all traces and hid.

Soon, three figures broke into this place.

These three are all flesh and blood creatures, and one is an acquaintance.

Xin Ling?

Li Yuan frowned slightly.

Xin Ling is still alive and has come here.

He looked at another creature, one seemed to be a dragon cultivator, and the other was an elemental giant.

However, this elemental giant was only three meters tall.

The elemental giant looked at the medicine garden, with a look of pity, and sighed: “It should be the strange medicine garden of Qianhuan Futu Sect. It is said that there is a Taoist seed here, but it has been destroyed.”

“It’s a pity!”

The old man who was transformed from the dragon shook his head, but soon sensed something.

His eyes condensed, and there was a green light in his eyes. He looked up at the nine heavens and looked down at the nine underworlds, and soon found Li Yuan’s hiding place.

“Someone came first!”

The old man of the dragon clan flashed his eyes, and a green light burst out directly.

The power of this green light was not great, and it was barely close to the attack of a true immortal, but Li Yuan could no longer hide.

HeHe showed his body and blocked the attack of the true immortal, with a cold light in his eyes.

Seeing Li Yuan’s appearance, the old man of the dragon clan did not continue to take action, but just looked at him with interest.

He is another Yang God, and he is very powerful. Could it be that he is still his true form?

He could sense that the handsome young man in front of him had not yet passed the tribulation of becoming an immortal.

Being able to block his blow, even if he has an immortal weapon, also shows that this person’s strength is extraordinary. Could he be a peerless Yang God?

Or is it that this person has been occupied by a dove and is no longer the former owner.

When Xinling saw this, he was also surprised and immediately showed joy: “Mr. Wen, stop it, this is an old friend of mine.”

The old man from the Dragon Clan looks strange. Is he an old friend?

He smiled and said: “It turns out we are an acquaintance. I, Wen He, thought there was an enemy spying on me secretly!”

Li Yuan didn’t care too much. The main thing was that the elemental giant had an obscure aura and unfathomable strength. He was probably a spiritual immortal.

Although he is not afraid of immortals, this is no ordinary immortal. His body must have been taken away by the will of a strong person.

This elemental giant can cultivate into a spiritual immortal. He may have lived for countless years. Who knows whether he has cultivated peerless magical powers.

Those who can seize the body of elemental giants must at least be at the level of a god.

With such an existence, who doesn’t have two brushes?

On the contrary, the old man from the Dragon Clan is only a true immortal, but his real strength is probably not simple.

Li Yuan cupped his hands and said, “I met two fellow Taoists at Xia Mo Cliff.”


Wen He, an old man from the dragon tribe, looked incomprehensible.

He smiled and said: “I wonder what you can gain from being here?”

Li Yuan shook his head and sighed: “It is in ruins. The prosperity of the past has been reduced to ashes, leaving nothing behind.”

Wen He shook his head and said regretfully: “It’s good to be alive!”

At this time, Xin Ling also came over and asked Li Yuan about his experiences over the years.

Li Yuan half-truthfully told her that he was lucky enough to be discovered by a god and sent to this place.

“God Lord? I wonder which God Lord it is?”

“It seems to be called Mi Ziling.”

“The Goddess of Feihua Palace!”

Xinling was shocked when she heard this, obviously she knew Mi Ziling’s name.

Li Yuan pretended to be curious: “Have you ever heard of it?”

Xinling looked slightly unnatural, nodded and said, “I heard Mr. Wen mention it.”

When Wen He heard this, he immediately smiled and said, “I also heard a Taoist friend mention it.”

Li Yuan sneered in his heart, is this fellow Taoist you are talking about yourself?

He was certain that these three guys, including Xin Ling, had all been possessed by the evil spirit’s will.

Of course, this is to be expected.

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