Soon after, the Daluo celebration began, and Li Yuan attended with Mi Ziling.

There are even other Da Luo who appear. Although they don’t exude divine power, they are still intimidating.

Even though he knew these people couldn’t find him, he still couldn’t help but feel his heart pounding.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened until we left.

This made Li Yuan understand that it was not many people who could discover his existence.

With Mi Ziling’s help, he returned to Feihua Palace in less than half a month.

It was a vast heavenly palace, hidden deep in the void.

In the following days, Mi Ziling did not hide her secrets and performed peerless skills for him.

This technique is called “Control the Nerve”. Once it is completed, it will have incredible mysteries and can resist most illusions and magical powers targeting the soul.

Although Yang Shen’s soul has merged with his body, it has not completely disappeared, so he can naturally practice this method.

However, this method seemed to be far more mysterious than the elimination of calamity. Tens of thousands of years passed by in a flash. Li Yuan looked at Mi Ziling who stopped performing, feeling a little embarrassed.

Mi Ziling asked: “How much have you understood?”

Li Yuan sighed, feeling a little embarrassed to say it for a moment.

You really can’t blame him for being too stupid. In fact, this kind of technique is too mysterious, and the great principles contained in it may not be fully interpretable even in the vast world.

Mi Ziling looked at Li Yuan’s expression and guessed something.

She was helpless, she couldn’t just meet a strange spirit and have unparalleled talents.

Looking at Li Yuan, Mi Ziling shook his head and said: “It seems that you have no chance of this skill. When will you plan to enter the Shenxu?”

She did not directly say that Li Yuan was not enlightened enough, for fear of damaging his self-confidence.

Li Yuan immediately shook his head and retorted: “What you said is wrong. I think we can try again. Time is not a problem. I have fused the heart of Luo Tianxian, so it shouldn’t be a big problem to live for tens of millions of years.”

“Immortal Luo Tian?”

“Yes, I have a brother with unparalleled talents. He once destroyed the lower world in the Mahayana period, the Immortal Luo Tian. I was lucky enough to fuse his heart.”

Li Yuan spoke seriously and talked nonsense.

When Mi Ziling heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up and she quickly asked: “Where is your brother?”

The Great Immortal Luo Tian was destroyed in the Mahayana period. Even if he was suppressed by the rules of the lower world, he was definitely an unimaginable peerless genius.

Li Yuan had already expected that she would ask this question, so he shook his head and said, “He has been ascending for many years!”


When Mi Ziling heard this, she felt extremely regretful.

The Supreme Immortal Luotian who was able to destroy a lower realm in the Mahayana stage will definitely be like a fish leaping over the dragon’s gate once he ascends.

Of course, Immortal Luo Tian, ​​who can descend to the lower world, is definitely backed by a big force.

After all, even if they were from Feihua Palace, it would not be easy for a true immortal to descend to the realm.

Looking at Li Yuan, Mi Ziling asked: “So, you want to continue to study the skills here?”

Li Yuan nodded, cupped his hands and said, “I’ll have to trouble Miss Ziling even more.”

Mi Ziling shook his head and sighed: “I just hope you can enter the Shenxu and find a way to collect the treasure so that we can be liberated.”

Li Yuan nodded and agreed. Whether it was to leave here or for his own consideration, he had to find a way to take away the treasure that suppressed time and space.

However, thinking that many elemental giants had their bodies taken away, he was a little worried: “How much strength can those beings who have taken away the bodies of elemental giants now exert?”

“Their strength is limited. Although it is easier for an elemental giant to realize the origin of the same attributes, it is not that easy to be promoted to a heavenly immortal. Even if someone is lucky enough to be promoted to a heavenly immortal, there should be only a few.”

When Li Yuan heard this, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched. Could an immortal kill me with just one finger?

“Then according to what you said, if you want to shake that treasure, you must have the power of the Golden Immortal. This gap is a bit far!”

Mi Ziling sighed: “It’s a bit far, but there should be other treasure fragments in the Divine Ruins, which may be able to exert some power. In addition, there is a way to collect that treasure.”

“what way?”

“Sacrifice yourself, sacrifice yourself to that treasure. That treasure is already ownerless. If you sacrifice yourself to it, there is a slight possibility of directly controlling this treasure.”

Li Yuan’s eyes flickered, maybe he could try this method.

In any case, it is just an incarnation. Once it is gone, it is gone.

Mi Ziling said solemnly: “But not everyone can sacrifice. It must be a peerless talent, otherwise it will be a wasted death. If your brother has not ascended, he should have a chance to succeed.”

When Li Yuan heard this, he was immediately speechless.

He asked: “How do you define this peerless talent?”

“If you are in the realm of true immortals and can kill Immortal Luo Tian, ​​you should have a chance of success!”


Li Yuan was speechless, the gap was quite big.After becoming an immortal, the gap between each realm is extremely huge.

Even if his true form comes forward, he can’t say that he can definitely defeat Immortal Luo Tian, ​​let alone an incarnation?

This plan was temporarily abandoned by Li Yuan.

However, he still got the method of sacrifice from Mi Ziling.

For the next millions of years, Li Yuan studied the techniques and practiced his unique skills here.

If you don’t have enough understanding, then take the time to make it up.

Around Li Yuan, strange phenomena appeared one after another.

There is a mysterious force of cause and effect flowing, which is cumbersome and complicated, like endless spider webs filling the void.

After spending nearly a million years, he finally mastered the practice of destroying disasters.

This was only if Mi Ziling preached to him when he had nothing to do. Otherwise, he would probably only be able to cultivate something superficially.

Mi Ziling was a little tired and said helplessly: “Are you ready now?”

Li Yuan shook his head and said: “No, just cultivating the ability to eliminate disasters is far from enough. Yu Shen and the Seven Steps of Stepping to the Sky have not been practiced yet, so we have to trouble Miss Ziling!”

When Mi Ziling heard this, she suddenly had a headache. This understanding was really not that good.

The key is that it is too difficult to cultivate peerless skills without the help of great magic medicine or peerless treasures.

She pondered for a moment and then said: “Forget it, just come with me!”

Li Yuan was puzzled and followed Mi Ziling, and soon arrived at the highest level of the Tiangong.

Soon, Li Yuan saw a woman dressed in white and wearing snow.

This woman is a bit cold, with an air of indifference that repulses others and is thousands of miles away.

She seemed like an ordinary mortal, but Li Yuan didn’t dare to look directly at her.

Even the woman seemed to be aware of Li Yuan’s arrival, but she didn’t really notice it.

Li Yuan looked at this woman calmly. This woman should be the master of Feihua Palace.

She looked at Mi Ziling and said in a cold voice: “Zi Ling, what are you doing here?”

“Palace Master, I dare you, my disciple, to ask the Palace Master to give a lecture and explain to me the mysteries of controlling the mind.”

“Oh, why?”

Mi Ziling hesitated and said, “Can the Palace Master see the future of the God Realm?”

As soon as these words came out, the woman’s face suddenly darkened.

She frowned and said, “The future is invisible. What do you want to explain?”

Mi Ziling looked at the palace master, gritted her teeth and said, “What if the disciple sees the future?”

“What do you see?”

“The world of gods will be destroyed, everything will perish, and a terrible demon will come and destroy this world!”

Mi Ziling spoke slowly, her expression showing sadness.

When the palace lord heard this, his expression was shocked and revealed a look of disbelief.

She raised her hand, and a red atlas appeared in her hand. When the atlas was opened, it touched upon the great truth, and there were inexplicable light and shadow flickering.

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