There are already people waiting by the small lake.

Our Lady of Wanyue looked helpless and said unwillingly: “What’s going on? How could it alert the giant?”

Li Yuan shook his head: “It’s better to wait until fellow Taoist Yang comes back to ask about this matter.”

Our Lady of Wanyue said with some dissatisfaction: “I found a strange flower that seems to make people not afraid of the cold. Unfortunately, before I could pick it, the giant there woke up and almost discovered my existence.”

The severe cold here is naturally not simple. She almost froze to death earlier.

If you can get that strange flower, you might be able to resist the spells of those elemental masters.

As she said that, she couldn’t help but look at Li Yuan.

At this time, Li Yuan was carrying a huge bag and a huge bottle.

Li Yuan remained calm and sighed: “There are still a lot of good things, but it’s a pity that we don’t know them, so we can only move some at random.”

“Yeah, it’s a pity that I can’t use my divine power.”

While the two were talking, an embarrassed figure approached.


At this time, Xinling still had the sweetness from before, and the lower half of her body was gone.

“What happened?”

Xin Ling looked ugly and said angrily: “I don’t know who woke up the giant. I was chased by more than a dozen giants, and an arrow pierced my thigh. I almost died.”

The power of the arrow, which is thicker than a human thigh, can be imagined.

“Have you met an elementalist?”

Li Yuan frowned.

“No, it’s just an ordinary giant, but there’s something wrong with the arrow, it has a special poison.”

Li Yuan immediately understood that Xin Ling should have abandoned her lower body in time.

“It would be great if I could escape!”

Our Lady of Wan Yao comforted her.

Although Xinling was unhappy when she heard this, she could only nod.

Li Yuan counted his harvest, but he couldn’t understand those strange words for the time being.

Then he took out a green bean from the bottle, which was about the size of a steamed bun, and took a bite carefully.

Instantly, a cool energy spreads throughout the body, which is very comfortable.

Li Yuan thought carefully and suddenly had the answer in his heart.

This bean turned out to be a holy medicine for healing.

The effect is far superior to that of crystal fish.

At this time, he felt energetic and strong.

This kind of thing can save lives in critical moments.

Li Yuan remained calm and pretended that nothing happened.

Looking at Xin Ling, he took out a crystal fish and muttered: “This thing should be able to heal wounds. Do you want to try it?”

Without the beans, the crystal fish is useless.

Hearing this, Xin Ling’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Naturally, she had already guessed the effect of the crystal fish.

“Thank you, fellow Taoist.”

She took the crystal fish, hesitated for a moment, and then began to eat it raw.

Soon, in the surprised eyes of the three people, they saw Xin Ling’s body slowly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Life and death, flesh and bones!”

The three of them looked at each other and were all shocked.

The body of the Yang God is so powerful. This kind of effect is definitely not comparable to ordinary era medicine.

Xin Ling was excited, but unfortunately, one fish seemed not enough.

But she also knew that the fish was precious and did not dare to ask for it again.

She quickly thanked him: “Thank you, Brother Moya.”

Li Yuan nodded slightly. Now that he has beans, he is no longer interested in crystal fish.

There are at least dozens of beans in the bottle.

He simply took out the remaining two crystal fish and threw them to Xin Ling.

“Eat everything. You should be able to fully recover.”

When Xin Ling heard this, she was immediately moved. She could still rely on her fellow tribesmen.

“Thank you, Brother Moya, you are such a good person!”

Xinling burst into tears of gratitude and secretly vowed to repay her kindness in the future.

Soon, after eating the three fish, Xin Ling’s injuries completely recovered.

The snow-white long legs are crystal clear and somewhat dazzling.

Li Yuan looked at Xin Ling and said a little unnaturally: “Um, do you have any extra clothes?”

As soon as these words came out, Xin Ling also reacted, her face turned red immediately, and she just wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

The lower half of her dress was ruined, and she didn’t even have anything to wear at this time.

Finally, she disappeared into the distance and returned to the town.

When she returned again, she had some animal skin clothes on her body, which were obviously obtained from giants.

Later in the night.

Yang Dingfeng and Holy Master Xinghui also returned.

However, the condition of the two of them was a bit bad, their breath was dying, and their bodies were completely broken.

Yang Dingfeng was fine, but Holy Lord Xinghui only had a human body left.

Li Yuan frowned slightly: “What’s going on?”

With Yiyang at his peak, could he still not be able to kill an elemental master one-on-one?

Yang Dingfeng gasped slightly and said in a deep voice: “I was careless. I met an elemental master and actually triggered the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, and was almost frozen by him.

But he was too weak, so I seized the opportunity and struck himKill. ”

Holy Lord Xinghui looked a little unhappy: “So, you have exposed your identity?”

He was hunted by dozens of giants and almost couldn’t come back.

Yang Dingfeng did not deny it. He shook his head and said: “There is no way, accidents happen everywhere, but this time I heard some news that may be useful.”

“Oh, what’s the news?”

Several people became interested after hearing this.

Yang Dingfeng took out a piece of animal skin, which seemed to be a topographic map.

He said solemnly: “As far as I know, behind this giant kingdom, there is a sacred mountain. If you climb the sacred mountain, you have the opportunity to open the door to the divine world.”

“Gate to the God Realm?”

“I don’t know the specifics, but I heard that you can become an immortal god if you enter the divine realm.”

Xin Ling hesitated and said: “If this place is so dangerous, wouldn’t the God Realm be even more dangerous? Aren’t we looking for death if we go in?”

“Not necessarily. I heard that there is no danger in the divine world, and everything is full of peace and beauty.”

“This…shouldn’t be right!”

“Maybe this is just the world’s imagination about the divine world.”

“Are you just going to stay here and play with the giant?”

“That’s right. There was no passage at all when we came here. If we didn’t enter the God Realm, we might not be able to go back now.”


Several people were talking about it. Some wanted to enter the divine world, while others were unwilling.

The group of five finally parted ways.

Yang Dingfeng and Li Yuan decided to enter the God Realm to find out.

However, Our Lady Wanyao and Holy Lord Xinghui disagreed and did not want to take too many risks.

As for Xin Ling, he hesitated and decided to follow Li Yuan.

Her earlier experience made her feel that the person of the same race in front of her was relatively reliable.

Li Yuan didn’t care, one more comrade would have one more way to survive when in danger.

Besides, he was just an incarnation. Even if he died here, he would only lose three artifacts.

If you want to enter the divine realm, you need to climb the sacred mountain.

But the sacred mountain is in the hinterland of the giant country.

Li Yuan and the others moved forward, avoiding the gathering places of giants everywhere.

During this period, he began to study the hides.

Yang Dingfeng seemed to have gotten it too, and it was even more subtle.

But he had no intention of sharing.

Li Yuan guessed that it should be the only training book of that elemental master.

And what he got was probably just papyrus.

But that’s not important. Isn’t it easy to find an elementalist?

With his methods, even if he encounters the so-called master of elements, he can easily defeat him.

It wasn’t until three years later that they approached the Giant King’s Capital.

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