With a thought, these three incarnations quietly left the Spirit Hall.

Just in case, he needs to ambush the true immortal from the lower realm.

Although it is impossible to deduce the whereabouts of the real immortal, it is not difficult for the Liuli Zen monk who traveled with him to deduce it.

Li Yuan did not control the mothership, but crossed the void with his physical body.

The space jump could not be intercepted. He could only wait until everyone from the Liuli Zen Sect approached the Cambrian Realm before he could intercept it.

Thirty years passed by in a flash.

Li Yuan’s incarnation stood in the void. Suddenly, he felt something in his heart and struck out with a palm.

This palm did not explode with full force, but it was still not something Dujie could handle. Although the mothership responded quickly, it was still destroyed by the palm.

The monks of the Liuli Zen Sect were furious. Who dared to stop them?

If Arhat hadn’t taken action to protect them, wouldn’t they have been in trouble?

Looking into the void in the distance, everyone was shocked and angry.

Li Yuan activated the artifact, received the holy light, and transformed into a thousand-meter giant at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the vast void, this figure is still pitifully small.

But the aura on his body made everyone present change their expressions.

Even the Nine Arhats frowned.

“Martial Soul Hall?”

Such a powerful momentum cannot be possessed by ordinary people.

Li Yuan looked at Jiuzhi and suddenly smiled: “You can say that. In all my years of living, this is the first time I have met a living true immortal. I hope you won’t disappoint me!”

Jiu Zhi frowned slightly, unable to see through Li Yuan’s lies.

In his perception, this person obviously has not yet become an immortal, but he has an aura that transcends the human world.

But he is not a true immortal.

Jiu Zhi clasped his hands together and said unhurriedly: “The poor monk is not a real immortal. According to people in the immortal way, the poor monk is considered to be the Luotian Immortal.”

“Luotian Immortal? How different is this from a true immortal?”

Li Yuan was not in a hurry and wanted to ask about the situation in Heaven.

This Jiu Zhi seemed to have a pretty good character, and said with a slight smile: “Mortals who have survived the tribulation of becoming an immortal, condensed a true immortal body, and gave birth to a true spirit are true immortals.

Above the true immortals, there are spiritual immortals who shape the original and change the source, reversing the yin and yang.

Above the spiritual immortals, there is the Luotian Shangxian.

Immortal Luo Tian is the pinnacle of the Small Thousand Worlds and can live for 480 million years. ”

Four hundred and eighty million years, how long is this?

Even during the Great Tribulation of the Era, there were more than three thousand rotations.

The monks of the Liuli Zen Sect were already stunned when they heard this.

Li Yuan, on the other hand, was not very concerned about this.

Four hundred and eighty million, is it a long time?

How about trying to go around in a circle and see if it lasts longer.

He nodded and said: “I see, I just don’t know how much stronger you, the Luotian Immortal in the Lower Realm, can be compared to the True Immortal?”

Jiu Zhi chuckled: “Try it and you’ll know, right?”

“That’s fine. If you can’t even fight the three of us, that’s a joke!”

Before he finished speaking, Li Yuan took action directly, and the dragon ball shattered the void.

Jiuzhi flew everyone away with a handful, chanted the Buddha’s name, and pointed out, and golden lights spread like a golden river.

As he pointed out, the world was disillusioned and order collapsed.

There is a terrifying power that will destroy this void.

However, the dragon ball exploded with immeasurable light, sweeping through the void and annihilating all matter.

All worlds are false, and all magical powers are annihilated.

Jin He seemed to be torn apart by a terrifying force.

Jiuzhi’s expression changed, and he immediately raised the golden bowl to block the remaining power of the dragon ball.

He was shocked and angry that this person could be so tyrannical.

If it were an ordinary true immortal, he might not be his opponent when the lower realm is suppressed.

“Sure enough, there is some knowledge, but it is just this knowledge.”

Jiu Zhi took a deep breath, and the golden light suddenly surged from his body, with ripples radiating out.

“Start reincarnation with one finger!”

Along with his loud shout, amazing magical powers were unleashed.

Heaven and earth collapsed, and the gates of hell emerged.

The terrifying power of reincarnation emerges, and countless ghosts want to drag Li Yuan into reincarnation.

But the next moment, the fairy clothes spread out like a painting, slightly blocking this terrifying power.

An incarnation seized the opportunity and immediately used his magical power to activate the trident.

The trident fell from the sky with a terrifying aura, as if it was earth-shattering and filled with the light of rules.

This blow was unprecedentedly powerful.

Although Jiu Zhi had expected it, he immediately offered the golden bowl.

But even so, he was still swept by the terrifying light of rules, and there were terrifying figures that shattered the void.

He had a golden bowl on his head, his body was in a miserable state, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

In this human world, his strength was horribly suppressed, making him very depressed and uncomfortable.

With a low roar, Jiuzhi used a secret technique, and his golden body surged, turning into a ferocious beast that entrenched itself in the void.

He is notHuman, but a huge badger-like beast, similar to a golden harpoon.

The golden yun stands on the Buddha’s light with its feet and the golden bowl on its head, just like a Buddhist sacred beast.

He used his magical power, as fast as golden lightning, piercing the void and exerting the power of reincarnation.

At the same time, he sprayed flames and turned into a ferocious fire dragon, with terrifying power.

This fire dragon is not an ordinary fire dragon, but the original fire that can burn everything.

Although suppressed by the rules of the human world, it is still very scary.

Li Yuan’s expression remained unchanged, holding a trident and using his most powerful magical power.

A series of terrifying divine powers intertwined, and an astonishing vision arose. Behind him, there seemed to be countless immortal saints looking down at the world.

The visions were quite terrifying. Countless bright comets rose between the sky and the earth, swooping down and blasting towards the dark earth.

The other two incarnations were not idle either, using their own methods to unleash their strongest power.


There was a big explosion in the void, and the world was about to be overturned.

The terrifying light flooded the void.

When the light dissipated, Jin Yun was already covered with scars and immortal blood splattered everywhere.

A drop of immortal blood can burn the void into a restricted area.

But even so, he was still defeated by Li Yuan, and three huge holes were poked out of his abdomen by the trident.

Li Yuan stood proudly in the void and said calmly: “Is this the strength of Immortal Luo Tian? It seems to be nothing more than this. If you only have this strength, I’m afraid you will be buried here!”

Although his words were sarcastic, he was actually very solemn in his heart.

Because he had already unleashed his strongest strength just now.

Jin Yunjiu panted slightly, the original power of his body was flowing, and his injuries were almost recovered quickly.

But in his heart, he was extremely shocked.

Such strength is equivalent to that of a fully-exploded True Immortal.

How could such a monster be born in the world, and there are three of them.

From beginning to end, he never realized that the three powerful enemies in front of him were just three incarnations.

It is said that seven thousand years ago, a true immortal came to this human world, but never returned.

He originally thought that it was because he was restricted by the rules of the human world and died unexpectedly, but now it seems that this is not the case.

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