Li Yuan’s eyes looked at the vicissitudes of life, like a traveler walking in this homeland.

Soon after, he stopped in an ancient city.

Here, he met a papermaker, who was somewhat similar to a figure in his memory.

Of course, Li Yuan also knew that this was not that person, and there would not even be any connection.

He easily became the paper-maker’s apprentice.

The papermaker is a lame old man with no children and is already in his sixties.

The old cripple touched an exquisite elm coffin and said with a smile: “It’s quite unlucky to be in our line of work. If you join this line of work, you are basically destined to live alone, so you have to make a coffin for yourself in advance!”

Li Yuan glanced at the old man and said with a smile: “It’s still early, I think boss, you can still live for thirty years.”

“Why live for so long? Die early and be reborn early, and try to have a good pregnancy in the next life!”

“That’s difficult!”

Li Yuan shook his head. There are no six reincarnations in this world. After death, the soul of a mortal generally does not survive for seven days.

As for the monks, they would usually be beaten to pieces.

The so-called reincarnation does not exist.

Facts have proved that the old cripple can really survive and survive year after year.

It was the twelfth lunar month of winter again. He called Li Yuan and sighed: “I’m afraid I won’t live long. When I die, you will sell the shop and have a lot of money. Leave this place and find a place with no one.” Get a wife and have children where you know me!”

Several years have passed, and Li Yuan is no longer the young man he was before, and has become somewhat mature.

Li Yuan looked at the weak old lame man on the bed, shook his head and said with a smile: “It’s just a cold infection. It will get better soon.”

Even without his help, the old cripple started to jump around half a month later.

Li Yuan’s expression remained unchanged, but he felt something in his heart.

This is fate, the fate determined by heaven. If you are allowed to live ninety-eight, you can live ninety-eight, no more, no less.

Of course, Li Yuan can also send the old cripple away early, but who can tell clearly whether this is another fate?

Mortals do not know destiny, but they are always controlled by fate.

Even for monks, this might be the case.

However, monks continue to practice in order to escape from the control of fate.

But, is it really possible to escape?

For a time, he had some new insights into the Three Phases of Miracle Sutra.

The Three-Phase Miracle Sutra is practiced by heaven and humans. It is said that after practicing it to the end, you can surpass heaven and humans and escape the control of heaven.

Twenty years later, aliens invaded and were extremely vicious.

The country where Li Yuan lives has forced conscription. If Li Yuan had not had some means, the old cripple would have been arrested and forced to do hard labor.

The order of this country is getting darker and darker, corrupt officials are rampant, and there are countless bandits and bullies.

Rivers of blood flowed on the border, but there was singing and dancing at home.

He did not interfere in these mortal wars. After all, those so-called alien races were actually descendants of the Li family.

He continued to guard his paper flower shop, but the business became increasingly bleak.

The old lame man walked out of the house slowly and looked at Li Yuan, who had some gray hair, with an unbearable expression.

“Why do you have to accompany me, an old cripple?”

Li Yuan smiled and said: “I am alone, won’t it be the same wherever I go?”

“Aren’t you afraid of being like me, alone and childless?”

“Get used to it, just get used to it!”

Li Yuan looked calm, as if he had seen through everything.

In fact, a few years ago, the old lame man asked someone to find a matchmaker, and a widow who was unwilling to be lonely was willing to marry him.

Year after year of wars, the number of men in this ancient city has been reduced, and countless women have become widows.

However, Li Yuan is not a real mortal, so how can he agree.

In the end, a mortal’s life is nothing more than passing on the family line and continuing the incense.

Yet he is immortal and is eternity himself.

This made the old lame man beat his chest and stamp his feet, and once wanted to drive away Li Yuan, an old boy.

It was another winter, and the old cripple finally left.

This year, he happened to be ninety-eight years old.

Li Yuan looked calm and buried him in his elm coffin that had been stored for thirty years.

More than ten years later, like an old lame man, he found an apprentice and passed on the craftsmanship of a papermaker.

But this apprentice is not as down-to-earth as he is. Once he has money, his thoughts become more complicated.

Seeing that Li Yuan lived year after year and never died, finally, on a dark night, he personally sent Li Yuan away and buried Li Yuan next to the old cripple.

In this regard, Li Yuan just sighed a little and simply let the sky fire burn down the paper flower shop.

Time will change everything, and it can turn the innocent and kind-hearted young man into a villain with evil intentions and evil intentions.

Li Yuan was like a dead corpse, completely asleep, waiting for resurrection in the next era.

Era changes, great changes occur.

Five thousand years have passed by in a flash.

On this day, the sleeping Li Yuan was suddenlyAwakened by external force.

“Look, look what I dug up?”

“It looks like a stone statue. Could it be something from ancient times?”

“It’s worthless. I’m asking you to dig up ancient myths and heritage. What’s the point of digging this thing for you?”

“It’s more or less an antique, but it’s a pity that it’s not a heritage.”

“The Wu family chaebol insists on finding some ancient inheritance. There is no such thing in the world. Rich people like to act like monsters.”

“It’s rare but strange. You don’t really think there are no immortal cultivators in this world, do you?”

“I’m going, Brother Jiang, please don’t fool me. All ghosts and ghosts are false. We must believe in science.”

“Believe me, you big-headed ghost. There are many things that science cannot explain. I’m telling you, it is said that someone in the Wu family has cultivated the legendary martial arts golden elixir, so they are looking for ancient inheritance.”

“Martial arts golden elixir? Is it more powerful than the innate warrior?”

“Innate warriors are nothing, there are heavenly beings above the innate beings, and above the heavenly beings are the golden elixirs of martial arts, but they are not known to the world.”

“Hey, I thought that if you practice to the extreme, you will at best be an innate warrior.”

“You have been in this industry for a short time, and you still don’t understand some of the secrets. There may even be ghosts and the like in some big tombs.”


The words of the two fell into Li Yuan’s ears word by word.

Li Yuan’s spiritual power filled the air, and he discovered that there was actually a thin spiritual energy between heaven and earth, which was enough for people to cultivate the golden elixir of martial arts.

Although it is still very rare for him, it also shows that a new era has arrived.

As far as he knew, it took a long time for spiritual energy to recover. It would take at least two thousand years for the spiritual energy in the Tianhuang Realm to completely return to its peak.

As for a top world like Taiyuan World, it will take seven thousand years.

The night has finally ended and dawn has arrived.

Li Yuan’s spiritual power continued to spread, and he unexpectedly discovered that technological civilization was born on this land.

In a city not far from him, there were many high-rise buildings and bright lights.

The technological civilization here is similar to that in his previous life.

He has even been able to get out of the Qingxiu Mountains.

Sure enough, when the end of the Dharma comes, the immortal way declines, and technology becomes more likely to appear.

If they were given a certain amount of time, they might not be able to develop a warship that could break through the world barrier.

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