Li Yuan looked at the stone slab carefully. At first, he thought it was ordinary, like a ghost painting amulet.

But as he deepened his understanding, he finally felt something different.

This scripture was full of mystery, and it actually gave him a feeling of enlightenment.

If he hadn’t mastered the magical power, he might not have been able to discover it.

Good thing, I really found a treasure this time.

This is probably even more precious than the Heavenly Level Cultivation Technique.

These barbarians are just imitating the scriptures on stone tablets, and they have only scratched the surface.

He nodded slightly and said with a smile: “This method is not bad, but unfortunately it is not a method of cultivation. You should practice hard in the future so that you can have the opportunity to leave this area and know the vastness of the outside world.”

When the barbarian heard this, he quickly said respectfully: “I will follow the teachings of Lord Martial Saint.”

Glancing at the Fire Phoenix pretending to be dead next to him, Li Yuan’s mental energy fluctuated: “Would you like to be my mount for a while?”

When Huo Fenghuang heard this, he didn’t dare to refuse. He nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice.

Li Yuan was very satisfied when he saw this.

Amid the congratulations of many barbarians, he rode away on the fire phoenix.

However, he did not leave this area directly, but walked through other tribes.

This area stretches for thousands of miles and has more than one powerful tribe.

In the end, Li Yuan got three stone tablets.

Of course, in exchange, they were also taught another martial art – the Holy Spirit Martial Arts.

This is the martial arts inheritance that Wang Li searched for, and he thought he could practice it with him.

He will also be involved in the subsequent martial arts path.

Sitting on the back of Fire Phoenix, Li Yuan studied the stone scriptures.

The more he studied, the more frightened he became.

This stone scripture may contain a huge secret.

He tried to imprint the runes on the stone tablet, and suddenly he felt as if he was resonating with heaven and earth. His body continued to collapse, and he almost collapsed.

Fortunately, he persisted in the end, and his body’s toughness skyrocketed.

If he could barely block the attack of the Ordinary Martial Emperor before, he can now ignore the attack of the Ordinary Martial Emperor.

This shocked him that just a scripture could have such an effect.

With his eyes wide open, he looked at the other two stone tablets and wanted to imprint the mysterious runes on them.

But as soon as he started, he started to bleed from all his orifices, his soul was shaken, and he almost collapsed.

Li Yuan was so frightened that he quickly stopped and erased the traces.

He was shocked, couldn’t these two scriptures be branded together?

He erased the previous scripture and stamped the second scripture with difficulty, and suddenly felt the power of his soul surge.

This kind of enhancement is simply terrifying, and it can scare people to death if it spreads.

But when he was about to imprint scriptures on the other two stone tablets, great terror immediately struck.

This made Li Yuan’s scalp numb. What was the reason?

Will there be conflicts between different scriptures, or can only one kind of scripture be imprinted?

However, he felt that imprinting scriptures was not the right way. If he wanted to fully master this power, he needed to study the stone scriptures with concentration.

Thirteen years later, Li Yuan finally arrived at the first mountain in the Cambrian Realm.

There are no other forces stationed here.

The continuous snow-capped mountains and the constantly raging biting cold wind seemed like a magic weapon.

And as we continue to go up the mountain, this terrifying force of nature becomes even more terrifying.

The harsh whistling sound made Fire Phoenix tremble with fear.

In the end, even the Nascent Soul cultivator will be unable to bear it, and will be filled with terrible cold current, freezing his soul to the core.

The fire phoenix was shivering from the cold. It was not a real phoenix, but a spirit born from that mountain range.

But even so, it was still almost unbearable.

After working as a footman for Li Yuan for more than ten years, Li Yuan naturally would not let him freeze to death. Mild Qi was poured into his body, allowing him to survive the desperate situation.

There were actually other monks on the top of the mountain.

It was a man and a woman, leaning on each other, speaking private words.

Seeing Li Yuan coming up, the man suddenly looked unhappy and said in a cold voice: “Get out!”

He could tell at a glance that this was just a Martial King and not worthy of attention.

As he spoke, a strong will pressed down, as if a huge palm print fell from the sky, destroying the wilderness.

This will is enough to severely damage the ordinary King Wu’s state of mind.

Sensing this terrifying will, Fire Phoenix was even more frightened and almost collapsed.

Li Yuan’s eyes narrowed, and there really were everyone.

He also sensed the aura of this person. He was also a Martial King, but he was ridiculously powerful.

Even Jian Yin back then might not be this person’s opponent.

It was not just will, it was fused with the mind of the palm, and it should have condensed the heart of artistic conception just like him.

This is a young genius with extraordinary strength.

Li Yuan remained as still as a mountain, and a flash of sword suddenly appeared in his eyes, obliterating the palm print that fell from the sky.

He said leisurely: “Young people, don’t be too arrogant. The top of the first mountain is so big.”, I will not disturb your lingering relationship. ”

They met at least several thousand meters away, so they were far apart.

However, when the young man heard this, his face suddenly turned cold, and his eyes were filled with cold light.

“What a reckless thing!”

Before he finished speaking, he had already taken action and struck Li Yuan with a palm.

This palm was so powerful that it seemed to distort space, making the vision on the top of the first mountain unpredictable.

In his arms, the woman looked at the young man with a tender expression on her face, full of expectation.

Her sweetheart is still so strong.

In her opinion, even the most powerful geniuses from several major forces are far behind.

When Li Yuan saw this, he immediately sighed in his heart, isn’t it good to regard peace as the most precious thing?

This boy is very strong. Even an ordinary Martial Emperor would be far from his opponent.

He didn’t want to be troublesome, but someone provoked him.

Over the years, he has practiced Aoki Yida, and has treasures in hand, imprinting scriptures, and his strength is much stronger than in the ancient underworld.

Facing the young man’s attack, Li Yuan showed no sign of weakness. He unsheathed his long sword and instantly turned it into a giant sky-cutting blade.

The terrifying sword intention shrouded the whole world, trying to split the world apart.

The surrounding wind and snow are full of endless murderous intent.

This is exactly Aoki’s sword. This single move is a high-level martial arts.

The general trend of the surrounding world was aroused, and a giant blade tens of thousands of meters long fell from the sky, as if it was about to split the world.

Black rays of light spread, which was shocking. It was a distorted space.

This kind of power is already very frightening, exceeding that of ordinary Martial Emperors.


The terrifying power exploded directly in the field.

The young man made a casual palm move and was torn open by Li Yuan’s sword energy.

The remaining power of the sword energy remained unabated, and it slashed directly at the man and woman.

The young man’s expression changed, and he quickly sacrificed his spiritual weapon, turning it into a screen of light.


However, he was careless, and he and the woman were sent thousands of miles away.

Both of them were more or less injured and a little embarrassed.

The young man was furious and dared to hurt them. It would be unkind to not avenge this!

Just now, he just used a casual palm and could only deal with the ordinary King of Martial Arts.

Unexpectedly, this unknown Martial King turned out to be powerful and a genius.

He warned the woman next to him: “Don’t get close. This man is extremely powerful. Wait for me to kill him first!”

The woman’s expression changed and she tried to dissuade her: “Let’s forget it. The martial arts event is about to begin. In case you get injured.”

When the young man heard this, his expression suddenly changed: “You just don’t trust me!”

“No, no, I’m just worried in case…”

“Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong! Even if it’s a Martial King, I’ve killed more than one. How can I be scared away by a Martial King?”

As he spoke, he directly raised a pair of gloves and killed Li Yuan, who was thousands of miles away.

This person is very strong, but he is far from his opponent.

Ordinary geniuses may be able to cross the great realm to compete with the Martial King when the Martial King reaches perfection.

But as early as when he first entered the Martial King realm, he was able to compete with the powerful Martial King.

Now, he is already at the peak of the Martial King. Even if he faces the Martial King at the peak, he still has the strength to fight.

Such a person would be considered an obstacle if he were to participate in a martial arts gathering, and he would just take this opportunity to kill him in advance.

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