Soon after, one person and one dragon parted ways.

Li Yuan was very happy. With so many resources, he wouldn’t have to worry about it in this era.

To avoid accidents, Li Yuan’s incarnation sent these resources directly to Demon Abyss, and at the same time looked for opportunities to see if he could trick Ao Dahai.

He felt comfortable, but after Ao Dahai made such a fuss, the world of Tianhuang was in chaos.

After all, if everyone wants to practice, they must have resources, but they have all been robbed by Ao Dahai. Simply absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, there is no way to advance.

In just one hundred years, seven of the ten major chambers of commerce were destroyed, and the number of fallen Nascent Souls was unknown.

There are also people who stay away from the wilderness and come to the Demon Abyss, intending to find resources from the corpse demon.

Two hundred years have passed, and the number of monks on the Tianhuang Continent has dropped sharply. They are bleeding like rivers, and they often fight for a little resource.

No one knew that countless creatures in the wilderness had fallen, and their blood was drawn by an invisible force, sinking deep into the ground, and gathered in the human king’s domain.

Deep in the Demonic Abyss, Li Yuan’s true body has been looking restless recently and cannot practice with peace of mind.

Somehow, he always felt that something big was about to happen.

He felt uneasy, what was the big deal?

Will there be danger deep in the space crack, or will it be the bloody heart of the Human King Realm, or will there be a terrible threat coming?

Li Yuan’s true form came out of seclusion, looking at the space crack in front of him that seemed to swallow everything, feeling uneasy.

He was currently unable to confirm where the underlying sense of crisis came from.

We can’t stay here anymore, we must avoid this place.

Li Yuan thought in his mind that once the crisis came from the space crack, he would be in danger.

A crisis that can pass through space cracks is definitely not a small crisis.

This space crack leads to the ancient underworld, but he will not enter the space crack unless absolutely necessary.

Li Yuan’s true body was slightly away from the space crack for a hundred thousand miles, and then continued to sink into the depths of the Demon Abyss.

As time passed, he sank nearly a million miles and reached the limit.

Darkness shrouded Li Yuan’s true body. He used the Zen technique of annihilation and decided to fake his death for five hundred years.

However, at the same time, in the Human King’s Domain, deep in the Black Cloud Forbidden Land, a bloody heart beat loudly, glowing with a powerful will.

This strong will almost swept across the entire Tianhuang Continent.

The situation is changing, and countless creatures are trembling in their hearts.

The silver arrow on it was slowly detached from the heart.

The next moment, the heart disappeared directly into the Human King Realm and appeared at the edge of the Demonic Abyss.

Relying on the mysterious induction, it galloped all the way, like a bloody light, and its target was Li Yuan in the depths of the Demonic Abyss.

Deep in the Demonic Abyss.

The feeling in Li Yuan’s heart became stronger and stronger.

It’s like the sky is falling!

This kind of induction actually woke him up from his state of suspended animation.

His scalp was numb. A terrible disaster was definitely coming this time, and it was inevitable.

Just as he was about to take action, he saw a streak of blood rushing towards him and directly entering his body. A terrifying will enveloped him, as if it wanted to erase his will and take over his body.

Li Yuan was shocked, what the hell is this.

Vaguely, his heart was shaking so hard that it seemed to merge with the blood and light.

Li Yuan finally realized that this was the bloody heart of the Black Cloud Forbidden Land, and it had found it.

Why did it find me? Is it because I am the strongest person in the world?

This is not a simple seizure, it is not to devour Li Yuan’s soul, but to directly wipe out his will and replace it.

Li Yuan did not dare to be careless and quickly mobilized all his will to suppress the bloody heart to avoid being assimilated.

“My heart is like a knife, my will opens the sky and breaks it!”

Li Yuan growled, and for the first time after cultivating the sword heart, he went all out to break the opponent’s will.

However, the will contained in the bloody heart was too terrifying, and it was simply not on the same level as him. Even if Li Yuan’s sword heart was clear and the sword’s intention was blessed, it was still like an ant shaking the sky.

As soon as he broke through the storm, another huge wave swept over him, drowning his will.

Li Yuan was unwilling to give up. Could it be that he was doomed this time?

Even though he was so cautious, he still got robbed for no reason.


He was an immortal. He hadn’t lived to be three thousand years old. How could he die just like that?

Li Yuan’s will is like a lonely boat in the sea, struggling to hold on.

However, the situation is not good, he is no match for the heart and will.

He thought he had a strong will, but when faced with the will of this bloody heart, it was like an egg meeting a pebble.

The powerful heart of the sword was crushed and destroyed bit by bit.

The two are not on the same level at all, how can they make a comeback so easily?

But just when his will was about to completely collapse, the immortal species that had been silent for thousands of years suddenly moved., a trace of mysterious power brushed through Li Yuan’s will that was about to collapse.

At this moment, his will stopped collapsing, and he seemed to become slightly stronger.

Li Yuan was afraid in his heart. If it weren’t for the Immortality Seed, he would have been completely wiped out by the will of his heart.

But it seems that the immortality seed can only guarantee his immortality, but cannot help him kill the enemy.

“Who are you? Why do you have to target me?”

Li Yuan was unwilling to give in and shouted with all his strength.

Finally, that terrible will responded.

He was also a little surprised that he couldn’t break this young man’s will.

“I am the god of martial arts. Merge with me. Let us become one and embark on a more powerful path to martial arts.”

“No way, I won’t merge with anything!”

“Foolishly, if you merge with this god, you can go further and even live for tens of millions more years. This is a great opportunity that no one else can ask for. This world is just a broken world. How can you go so far? It’s already the limit.

By merging with this God, you can step out of this broken world and see a wider world, and you will know how correct your choice is. ”

“It’s a joke. I can break the limits and get out of this world by myself. Why do I need to merge with you?”

“Ignorance is fearless. A young man like you has seen a lot of gods, but how many can become gods? The universe is vast and boundless, how many mysteries can you glimpse?”

“I am confident in my heart that one day I will stand at the pinnacle of the world.”

“Innocent, the resources of a world are limited. With this broken world, even until you die of old age, you won’t be able to open up all your acupoints, and you won’t be able to step into the next realm.

Integrate with me, enjoy tens of millions of years of life, plunder all heavens and worlds, and then you can open up all the acupoints and eventually transform them into caves. ”

“No need! I have also practiced heaven-level techniques, which can extend my life span. Why do I need to fuse with you?”

However, the evil god sneered: “Heaven-level technique? It’s the Xuanwu Life-Extension Sutra, right? This is still my god’s technique, but with this technique alone, do you think you can open up 129,600 acupoints?”

When Li Yuan heard this, his heart suddenly sank. No wonder there is such a kind of Heavenly Level Cultivation Technique in the Tianhuang Realm.

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