On the way to the Tiandi Alliance, Li Junzhu also learned that Li Yuan was actually a martial arts monk.

With the guidance of Li Yuan, the Martial Saint, she suddenly understood many of the things she didn’t understand.

Before reaching the Heaven and Earth Alliance, Li Junzhu’s body was shaken with aura, and he completely entered the realm of perfection between heaven and man.

Li Junzhu couldn’t help being happy, looking at Li Yuan with gratitude in his eyes.

“Yuanzu, how do you condense the martial arts golden elixir?”

Among the inheritance she received, there was no inheritance behind the martial arts heavenly being.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “Don’t worry, your understanding is very good, but your basic skills are still a little lacking. When I find you the Heavenly Spirit Fruit, and then baptize your body with dragon blood, you will have a greater chance of breaking through the golden elixir of martial arts!”

Thinking that the two of them might be the last bloodline of the Li family, Li Yuan also became more interested.

“Dragon blood!”

Li Junzhu’s face changed slightly when he heard this, and he was a little worried.

It is said that the Dragon Clan can be compared to the Dzogchen monks of the Danjie Dzogchen when they reach adulthood, and they are incredibly powerful.

As if sensing Li Junzhu’s worry, Jin Diao said with some nostalgia: “Dragon meat is quite delicious, but it’s a pity that those guys from the Dragon Clan are not easy to mess with, so I’ve only eaten it a few times.”

“Ah this…”

How come the powerful divine dragon becomes food when it reaches your mouth?

However, considering that this golden eagle is at least a core-forming monster, it is impossible to hunt underage dragons.

Three days later, the golden eagle took the three people to a towering mountain.

The palace on the mountain is huge, like the top of heaven and earth.

This is where the Heaven and Earth Alliance is stationed in the Demon King’s Domain.

In the main hall, it was still the same old routine, filled with all kinds of illusions, making people feel insignificant.

A white-haired old man stood up, looked at the three of them, and said with a smile: “Three little friends are here, and you don’t know why?”

When Li Junzhu saw this, he was immediately shocked. This old man was definitely an expert in forming pills.

She was about to salute when she saw the golden eagle spoke.

“Old man, go and call your Yuanying out quickly. My master wants to see him.”

After witnessing Li Yuan’s magical powers, Golden Eagle had unknowingly assumed the identity of a mount.

Would you lose a bird if you serve as a mount for the great cultivator of Transformation God?

Don’t lose a bird at all!

When the old man heard this, his face suddenly darkened. Why don’t you have any manners?


The old man was shocked, and then he noticed the golden eagle.

He had only thought it was an ordinary mount before and didn’t take it seriously at all.

Now it seems that this is not an ordinary mount.

A monster, and a Nascent Soul stage monster.

Although his aura was restrained, the arrogance and disdain in his eyes were completely revealed.

The old man’s expression changed, and he quickly said to Jin Diao: “Senior, wait a moment, I will go and report to the palace master now.”

Just as he was about to leave, he thought of Golden Eagle’s words and couldn’t help but look at the other three people again.

That middle-aged man, in the middle stage of foundation building, has no problem.

That girl didn’t have much aura, but she wasn’t a big shot, she was probably a martial artist.

As for that young man, he had no aura at all and was completely an ordinary person.

But is this possible?

Whether it was the golden eagle or the other two people, this person was obviously the main one.

Could this person be the master the golden eagle mentioned?

The old man quickly said to Li Yuan: “Senior, please wait a moment, Yu’er, serve tea!”

Li Yuan nodded lightly and said: “Go!”

After hearing this, the old man dared to leave.

Soon, an elf-like girl came over and led everyone into a secret room.

The aroma of tea lingered, and just a few sips of it made Li Luo improve his cultivation.

He and Li Junzhu looked at each other, their eyes full of doubts.

Who is the ancestor?

Even the old man didn’t dare to neglect him. Could it be Nascent Soul?

And the golden eagle they were riding on was probably also a Nascent Soul-level monster.

They had never heard of such a person.

Soon, a young female cultivator dressed in palace attire came from the inner hall.

Her eyes fell on the golden eagle, and her pupils suddenly shrank.

“Later stage of Nascent Soul!”

Monsters of this level are already very rare.

Now that the spirit cannot emerge, Nascent Soul is the ceiling of Tianhuang Continent.

Thinking of what the old man said before, the female cultivator quickly looked at Li Yuan, and was shocked again.

She could not see through the reality of the person in front of her at all, just like a mortal.

This person’s cultivation level is either far superior to hers, or he is proficient in the art of breath concentration.

In either case, this person is not a simple character.

The female cultivator quickly said: “I am Tong Lingyan, the master of the Heaven and Earth Alliance. I wonder what you call me?”

“Li Yuan.”

Li Yuan smiled, not bothering to hide his identity.

However, after a thousand years, how many people still know his identity.

Tong Lingyan had obviously never heard of Li Yuan’s name, and said with a compliment: “It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Li. I wonder what news you want to trade?”

Li Yuan’s deep voiceSaid: “I want to know the reason for the decline of the Li family in the human kingdom eight hundred years ago.”

Eight hundred years ago?

Tong Lingyan frowned, she was not born eight hundred years ago.

“Fellow Taoist, please wait a moment, I will go check it out right now.”


For a powerful force like the Heaven and Earth Alliance, eight hundred years is not a long time.

Soon, Tong Lingyan took out a few jade slips.

She said: “According to the information we have, the Li family was in civil strife eight hundred years ago. Shi Miaoyan worshiped her and became Yuanying. She then replaced the Li family and became the master of Qingxiu Mountain.”

At the same time, Li Yuan’s mental power also penetrated the jade slips. After learning the reason for the destruction of the Li family, his eyes became cold.

In just such a moment, everyone present felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave, as if the power of God had descended on the world.

Li Junzhu and Li Junzhu’s cultivation is still shallow, and they cannot sense the terrifying power of this qi machine.

But as Nascent Souls, Tong Lingyan and Jin Diao could sense it more clearly, and their whole bodies were trembling.

Especially Tong Lingyan, there was already a shocking wave in his heart.

Become a god!

The young man in front of him must be a great monk in the transformation stage.

How can this be?

Since Mo Ya left Tianhuang, there are no god-transforming monks left in Tianhuang.

If it hadn’t been for the young man’s mood swings just now, even their Heaven and Earth Alliance wouldn’t have known that there were still gods in Tianhuang.

No wonder even the golden eagle in the later stage of Nascent Soul is willing to recognize him as its master.

For a moment, Tong Lingyan’s expression became more respectful.

After a long time, Li Yuan fully understood what happened back then.

As Tong Lingyan said, since Li Hua passed away, no Nascent Soul has been born in the Li family.

As the former Yuanying family, the Li family was naturally coveted by many.

Under this situation, the Li family itself was not strong, so they recruited many Danjie guests to take charge.

Shi Miaoyan was one of the best. She was less than 200 years old and had cultivated into Nascent Soul.

After cultivating Nascent Soul, the Li family naturally did not dare to keep him.

But it’s easy to invite God but hard to send away!

If Shi Miaoyan doesn’t leave, even the head of the Li family can’t force her to do so.

Coupled with her secret planning, in less than thirty years, the Li family suffered from internal and external troubles, and the strong men withered. Finally, under the leadership of a mysterious strong man, the enemy came to kill them, and the clan was almost wiped out.

During this period, Shi Miaoyan happened to go out and disappeared.

Some people speculated that the mysterious powerful person should be Shi Miaoyan, but no one dared to say it clearly.

After Shi Miaoyan returned, she was furious and used the power of thunder to destroy the force that took action.

The next few years were about eradicating the roots.

Those who knew the story back then were more or less silenced.

All the children of the Li family were killed and injured, and the secular world under their control was also destroyed.

It can be said that the huge Li family disappeared without a trace in just a few years.

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