“This is… a great monk in the transformation stage?”

The Nascent Soul Dzogchen Heavenly Centipede was frightened and wanted to escape from this place.

But as soon as the thought came up, he felt a sharp pain in his soul, and was forcibly killed by the light of the sword.

The huge bodies fell powerlessly, without any strength to struggle.

The golden eagle watched all this, stunned for a moment.

It’s so scary. Is this the great monk who transforms into gods?

With just one look, he instantly killed the powerful master of Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

Fortunately, it didn’t think of escaping, otherwise it would have turned into a roast chicken.

Thinking of this, the golden eagle quickly showed a well-behaved look, and said flatteringly with a bird-like face: “Senior, the power is unparalleled in the world; the magic power is boundless, the magical power is vast; the immortal blessings will last forever, and the life span will be as long as the heavens.”

Li Yuan glanced at it and felt that the eagle was too timid.

Li Yuan did not take direct action against the other weak Sky Centipedes.

However, the golden eagle responded quickly and immediately took care of it.

With its strength, it is easy to kill these weak celestial centipedes.

“Senior, do you want to go in now?”

“Lead the way!”


Although it was more dangerous to lead the way, the golden eagle still didn’t talk nonsense.

According to Li Yuan, there should be two old guys inside.

It spreads out its spiritual thoughts and is always vigilant to prevent sneak attacks.

The centipede that noticed it was easily killed by it.

The depths of Tianshun Tomb extend in all directions and stretch for thousands of miles, like a huge underground kingdom.

Countless years of inheritance have made this place full of crises and countless dangers.

However, one person and one sculpture are not simple characters, and they can easily spy on some areas.

And just when they were approaching the center of Tianshun Tomb, a terrifying formation suddenly rose up and connected with the entire Tianshun Tomb.

The formation changed, and a terrible murderous intention brewed in the darkness, causing the golden eagle in the late Nascent Soul stage to almost collapse.

Transformation into gods, this is the power of transformation into gods, which cannot be competed by Yuanying monsters.

However, this threat did not directly inspire, but shrouded one person and one eagle. This was a warning.

It seems that one step further is a thunderous strike.


The golden eagle quickly looked at Li Yuan.

Li Yuan smiled disdainfully and said: “There is something, but unfortunately it can only be used against monks below the Transformation God level.”

His expression was calm, and he seemed to be able to see two huge centipedes not far away, hidden in the darkness.

He stepped forward, ignoring the warning.

The threat became stronger and stronger, and in the end, the two centipedes simply decided to give it a try.

In the void, there seemed to be a terrifying monster coming. It was a monster like a desert worm, tens of thousands of meters in size.

It comes from the void and devours people and eagles, just like Mount Tai pressing on top and swallowing the heaven and the earth.

At the same time, a strange poisonous mist invaded the surrounding area, trying to erode the soul.

The golden eagle’s scalp was numb and he almost shrank into a ball.

Li Yuan’s eyes were dark. This monster should be the god-turned-monster that died here.

The Centipede clan is also extraordinary this time. They actually activated the monster formation left by this monster, summoned its divine power, and could unleash a half-step god-level strike.

No wonder Tian Shu Ling has been passed down for so many years and is getting stronger and stronger.

It’s a pity that when you encounter a real transformed spirit, it’s like a paper tiger.

Li Yuan remained motionless as a mountain, his eyes filled with sword light, as if a magic sword cut through the sky.

The huge monster phantom collided with Li Yuan’s magic sword and collapsed directly.

As for the poisonous mist that penetrated people, it could not get close to Li Yuan at all, so it was burned by the powerful real fire and turned into ashes.

In the darkness, the two centipedes were horrified. They summoned the phantom of the ancient monster, but it turned out to be vulnerable.

And their natal poisonous mist is unable to perform meritorious deeds, the gap is too big.


Without any hesitation, the two centipedes ran away directly towards the ground.

Although there are formations below, as the controllers of this Heavenly Centipede Mausoleum, it is naturally not difficult for them to pass through.

In just an instant, the two centipedes separated and fled hundreds of miles away.

But they were fast, and Li Yuan was even faster. With a flick of his finger, the two swords tore apart the formation and killed the escaping Tian Centipede.


The two centipedes were frightened.

One even offered spiritual weapon defense.

But he was still defeated, the spiritual weapon was destroyed, and the huge body was split into two.

Although Nascent Soul is intact, its soul has been destroyed.

In front of the real martial soul, they don’t even have a chance to escape from the Nascent Soul.

“Xiao Jin, go collect the storage bags on them!”

“Okay, senior!”

The golden eagle nodded quickly, looking excited.

One man destroyed an entire clan, and he was worthy of being the legendary ancestor who transformed into gods.

After confirming that there was no threat to Shunling today, Li Yuancai relaxed and investigated carefully.

Soon, he found the place where the elixir was grown.

It’s trueThere is a panacea that lasts forever.

A thousand-year-old elixir can allow him to open an acupuncture point in a short time.

But it’s a pity that there are only three plants.

There are almost hundreds of elixirs that are more than three thousand years old.

With a wave of his hand, Li Yuan took the ten thousand-year elixir away, and then re-deployed a heavy formation.

This medicine garden will bear the surname Li from now on.

Three days later, the Golden Eagle finished sorting out all the harvest, with a bit of shock on his face.

“What a harvest?”

“Reporting back to senior, there are about 3.4 million spiritual stones, countless various elixirs and spiritual materials, plus many corpses, it is almost worth more than 30 million.”

“So few? You won’t hide it secretly, right?”

“No, no, absolutely not. The low-level Tian Centipede can’t get any oil out of him at all!”

Jin Diao explained quickly, fearing that Li Yuan might misunderstand.

More than three million spiritual stones, is this still a small amount?

The demon clan is already poor, and their endless desert demon clan is even poorer.

Monsters below the stage of forming the core do not have such things as magic weapons and spiritual stones.

“Okay, I’m sorry you don’t dare to hide it privately!”

He felt a little relieved when he thought that the Golden Eagle, a Nascent Soul monster, only had hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

Not to mention compared to the Eastern humans, even compared to the orcs, it was much shabby.

It seems that the dragon clan in the East China Sea is also quite wealthy. I will go to the East China Sea again sometime to see if there are any destined dragons.

Li Yuan took the storage bags, glanced at them mentally, and quickly shook his head.

As expected, there is no treasure worth caring about.

Not as good as those three ten thousand year old elixirs.

If Wang Li came here, how could he encounter a fragment of an ancient treasure?

Not long after, one person and one eagle left the Tomb of Heavenly Centipede.

In another ruins, Li Yuan was surprised to find a dilapidated ancient building.

Among the ancient buildings, there is also an incomplete battleship.

I don’t know what materials this battleship was made of, and it has gone through many epochs, but it has not completely decayed yet.

The history of the development of civilization at that time is also engraved on some special rocks.

They rely on powerful warships to capture ferocious beasts and cross the void.

But unfortunately, it was ultimately defeated by the erosion of time.

The world of the Wild World has gone through countless epochs, so it is not surprising that it would develop technological civilization.

Li Yuan has some expectations in his heart. Since technological civilization has appeared in the past, it will definitely appear in the future.

I just don’t know if any civilization can develop to the point where it tears apart space and leaves the wilderness.

The civilization in this ruins is already very powerful and can hunt the most powerful beasts in the Tianhuang Realm, but in the end it still failed to tear open the space of the Tianhuang Realm and escape from this world.

Bai Di and others left through the space crack in Demon Abyss, and they didn’t know how many of them would survive.

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