One month later.

"Finally feeling energetic!"

In the school building, Zhou Ling took a deep breath and secretly said with a happy face.

[You are breathing aura, aura affinity +1, aura +2]

[Cumulative number of breaths of spiritual energy: 2082/10,000]

Now, he comes to the Taoist Temple half an hour early every day.

Although he has not yet formally practiced the technique, with the talent of [Aura Affinity], he can gradually improve his sense of energy.

With the stimulation of his [Aura Affinity] talent, he can now inhale 2 values ​​of aura every time he breathes.

This means that the speed at which he absorbs spiritual energy has doubled.

This also determines his future cultivation speed.

Generally speaking, the quality of spiritual root qualifications determines the spiritual fitness of a monk's physique.

Like a middle-grade spiritual root monk, the spiritual energy compatibility is 5 to 10 times stronger than that of a low-grade spiritual root.

Similarly, low-grade spiritual roots are far stronger than miscellaneous spiritual roots.

This month, he has been taking pre-school training classes every morning, such as "Introduction to Cultivation", "Judgement of Qi Sense", "How to Stimulate Spirit Points", etc.

In the afternoon, there are practical classes, and different students practice separately according to their own choices.

Students like Zheng Youwei who had activated their spiritual points chose to practice the exercises.

In addition, those who are interested in puppets, herbs, spirit beasts and other skills can also choose their own, and the Taoist Academy provides a place for practice.

As for Zhou Ling, he mainly practices Dayang Jue.

[Effect: Cumulative practice of boxing 380 times, Dayang Boxing proficiency (entry level 30)]

[Cumulative boxing practice: 380/1,000]

He basically makes sure to practice Dayang Fist five or six times every day.

Now it can be done in a stylish and powerful way.

According to this progress, [Physique Evolution] can be improved again after four months.

[Physique and nutrition are mediocre (5200/10000)]

And every time he practices boxing, Yuan Hu and Wang Xin imitate him.

After getting along with each other for a month, the three of them have become familiar with each other.

Zhou Ling naturally felt out of place after spending all day with these children.

So I basically didn’t talk much, and just thought about cultivating the sense of Qi as soon as possible every day, so that I could choose basic exercises to practice.

Wang Xin, on the other hand, has not made a sound for a month and has been nicknamed "Little Mute" by the children in the school.

She was unhappy with the teasing of other children, but she followed Zhou Ling every day after class or when eating.

This annoyed Zhou Ling to death, but Wang Xin was like a follower, following him wherever he went.

The other is Won Ho. It is said that this boy’s parents are fishermen, and his family is too poor to open the door.

But his parents still found a way to let him attend the middle-level Taoist class.

Because he usually eats ordinary food and wears shabby clothes, he looks dark.

Other children also did not want to associate with him.

He felt that only Zhou Ling was willing to talk to him, so he followed Zhou Ling when he had nothing to do.

This combination of three people is a bit special in the school.

Zhou Ling continued to take deep breaths, and after a while, he saw Teacher Liu walking in with a warm look on his face.

Liu Yan is amiable and patient in teaching students. She has reached the ninth level of Qi Refining.

And it is said that he is also an array mage.

Children are treated equally.

After this month, I basically have a clear understanding of the child’s family background.

But it doesn't matter whether he is a descendant of aristocratic family or an ordinary cultivator.

If he makes a mistake, Liu Yan will blame him when he deserves it and punish him when he needs to be punished. He will not look at him differently just because he is a child of an aristocratic family.

So although these children are young, they respect and fear Liu Yan.

But Zhou Ling didn't have such thoughts, and usually liked to ask Liu Yan for questions.

Not to mention that Liu Yan is delicate and beautiful, it is better to communicate with an adult than with these children.

Moreover, Liu Yan was far superior to Li Ru and the others in terms of cultivation and knowledge.

Therefore, talking to Liu Yan is something Zhou Ling enjoys endlessly.

Today is the first month of school. After the first monthly exam, the homework assessment results will be released.

Liu Yan walked in with her hands behind her back. In her hands was a stack of transcripts.

The children immediately calmed down, and each one looked a little nervous.

Zhou Ling didn't take it to heart.

The main test this time is theoretical knowledge.

So he is very confident.

With the blessing of [Immortal Wisdom Root] talent.

[Comprehension, mediocre (82/100)]

In terms of understanding, he has surpassed ordinary people.

After a while, Zhou Ling saw his assessment results.

Class A.

Ranked second in the whole school.

And the first place was actually his deskmate, the little mute.

But it was just a theoretical assessment, so the other children didn't seem to pay much attention to it.

After all, theory and practice are completely different things.

True cultivation requires not only spiritual roots and understanding, but also sufficient resources.

Things like refining elixirs, making talismans, etc. all require the consumption of spiritual stones to purchase materials for training.

Just a first-level low-grade alchemy furnace requires twenty or thirty low-grade spiritual stones. Not to mention the elixir materials, the alchemy furnace alone cannot be purchased by ordinary casual cultivators.

[You won the second place in the class in the monthly exam, and I am a natural talent +1]

"Brother Ling is so awesome!"

Wonho said with an envious look.

As for the first place Wang Xin, he selectively ignored him.

"Huh!" Zheng Youwei, who was wearing a brand new Taoist robe from the Taoist temple, was dissatisfied when he saw this, snorted coldly and said,

"What's so great about it? It's just a theoretical test. Who doesn't know it? Look, he hasn't even activated his spirit cave yet."

"What's your score?" Yuan Hu asked in dissatisfaction.

"What does it have to do with you?" Zheng Youwei said disdainfully, "You casual cultivators, even if you have good theories, can't become inner disciples without inheritance and resources."

Yuan Hu's momentum weakened for a moment and he was speechless.

[Directly despised, more courageous with more setbacks +1]

[Activate growth talent, roar: When you roar, you can cause a huge sound wave attack to the opponent. ]

[Achieve the requirement: Achieve the effect of shouting 1,000 times. ]

This is the absolute attribute of the more courageous with more setbacks talent.

Zhou Ling was delighted. He had no interest in the bickering and fighting for face between the two children.

What's more, what Zheng Youwei said was true. The casual cultivators had a hard time.

But I didn't expect there would be such a gain.

This [Roar] talent looks like an active skill.

If used with the Dayang Fist, a sudden roar can also cause an unexpected attack to the opponent.

It's just that it's a bit troublesome to complete 1,000 shouts.

After all, we can't shout casually in the school now, which will affect others.

"I got it, I'll practice with Dayang Fist!"

Zhou Ling said secretly.

"Be quiet!"

At this time, Liu Yan shouted on the podium.

Everyone immediately quieted down.

Liu Yan's eyes swept over the children sitting upright, and she continued with a serious face, "Although it is a theoretical test, it can also show your attitude towards cultivation."

"Practice is like sailing against the current. If you don't move forward, you will retreat."

"A correct and persistent attitude is what every cultivator should have!"

"If you rank in the bottom three of the school again in the assessment next month, you will be punished to stand outside the gate."

The children couldn't help but get nervous when they heard this.

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