After that, the Shenlong stayed here for a full month.

The treasure ship on the ninth floor was too large and extremely difficult to dismantle. The crew worked tirelessly for a month before finally dismantling the giant ship and dismantling it into countless parts and transporting them to the heart of the ocean.

At the same time, Miao Peipei also planted a large amount of fruits and vegetables on one of the man-made islands in the heart of the ocean, enough to feed the one hundred crew members on the ship for several years.

After solving the most basic food problem, she finally planted spiritual fruit trees and spiritual vegetables with extremely long growth cycles in the remaining open space, making this dead space a vibrant scene, like a paradise.

Seeing this vibrant island, all the crew members planned to stay on the ship permanently.

This place is simply a paradise, and the spiritual power is extremely abundant, far better than the outside world. The environment here is very suitable for cultivation.

There is such a small world embedded in the ship. The people on the ship can be completely self-sufficient and drift on the sea in all seasons. This is an experience that has never been experienced on any ship.

Although the Shenlong is small, it is definitely the most comfortable ship in the world.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that during this month, they did not encounter any danger or be attacked by any sea monsters. Things went so smoothly that everyone felt incredible.

No incident occurred until all the crew members had taken away all the treasures available from the sunken ship.

Just like that, the Shenlong left here safely. Until this moment, the crew still felt like they were in a dream.

"Something's wrong! No matter how good our luck is, it can't be better for a month, right? It's a miracle that we haven't encountered any danger for a month. There must be a monster when something goes wrong."

On the deck, Nie Qingcheng frowned slightly. She still felt incredible until now. She always felt that something was wrong and did not dare to relax.

"It is indeed not normal. Being too safe often breeds greater dangers."

Leng Yan came over and said solemnly: "First of all, there is no way this place is safe, otherwise this ninth-floor treasure ship would never have sunk here, and everyone on board would not have been eaten up. There must be great dangers here, I just don’t know why we haven’t encountered it yet, so we must not let down our guard.”

"Is there still a sea monster here that can scare away all the sea monsters here?" Young Master Mo suddenly said, giving a guess.

It's just that when he mentioned this possibility, what appeared on his face was not fear, but a look of expectation.

Leng Yan shook his head and said: "It doesn't seem like it. If there really is a more terrifying existence here, then it is even less possible for us to be so safe. How can it be calm for a month."

Yang Zhan glanced at the two of them and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this or that. The issues you are considering are simply superfluous. So what if something is wrong?"

"We have left there now. Even if there is any danger there, what does it have to do with us?"

"We don't need to think so much, we are still alive anyway."

Long Xuan nodded and no longer took this matter to heart, saying: "That's right, even if something is wrong there, it has nothing to do with us. Some things really don't need to be discussed."

"We have almost fished in the Dead Sea, so we shouldn't waste time here anymore. How long will it take for us to leave this sea?"

Long Xuan looked at Nie Qingcheng and asked, it was time to change the subject.

Nie Qingcheng replied immediately without thinking: "It's been less than half a month."

"In about half a month, we will be completely out of the sea of ​​death, and we will basically no longer have to worry about the dangers in the sea."

Long Xuan understood the meaning of this sentence and continued to ask: "What do you mean, you don't have to worry about the dangers in the sea, you should worry about the dangers in the non-sea? What are the dangers in the non-sea?"

"There are many, such as dangerous natural disasters, such as pirates. The possibility of encountering pirates will be greater. It is said that there are many islands on this side of the Dead Sea, and pirates are prevalent."

"Man-made disasters are sometimes more dangerous than the forbidden sea."

Nie Qingcheng looked to the east in the direction of sailing out of the Sea of ​​Death, feeling relaxed.

Long Xuan kept these words in his heart and asked no more questions. He turned around and walked towards the bedroom, ready to continue the liver poison recipe. He also researched the elixir unique to the Sea of ​​Death and came up with a recipe.

Time flies and another half month has passed. During this half month, the Shenlong still did not encounter many dangers. It was a completely different sea from when it first sailed into the Sea of ​​Death.

The west and east sides of the Sea of ​​Death turned out to be two completely different levels of difficulty. All the crew members were a little confused and looked surprised.

It wasn't until this day that the Shenlong was about to sail out of the Sea of ​​Death, and they could already see the normal-colored blue water in front of them in the distance. Only then did all the crew members let out a long sigh of relief and look relaxed.

When they entered the blue sea, they said goodbye to the danger completely. They had been tense for so long and could finally relax.

No matter how strange or abnormal the journey just now was, no matter how much greater danger was brewing, it had nothing to do with them. Even if another sea monster appeared later, it would not affect them.

Just as everyone was holding on to the guardrail and looking at the blue water ahead with a smile, Di Xin suddenly said: "Qingluan! Your dolphin hasn't screamed for a long time."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Everyone on the boat was not stupid. They had already heard the implication of this sentence, and their expressions quickly changed.

Ye Qingluan frowned slightly and said softly: "My Dabu has indeed not encountered a treasure for a long time."

"In the sea of ​​​​death where treasures are everywhere, my Dabu didn't encounter any treasures for half a month. This is definitely not normal."

"And in the Gu world, there are no treasures in places where only humans can set foot."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's heart sank.

Long Xuan frowned. At this moment, he immediately had an idea in his mind, that is, there was another force that also had the ability to enter the sea of ​​death.

This force cleared the area of ​​all dangers and plundered all nearby treasures.

Therefore, they have not encountered any danger in the past half month, and Dabu has not discovered any treasures in the past half month.

In this way, all explanations will make sense.

If his guess is true, it means they are not out of danger yet.

Although they are almost out of the Sea of ​​Death, don't be too happy. The greater danger may come from outside the Sea of ​​Death.

That force probably cleared all the sea beasts on this road just to salvage the sunken ship.

But they salvaged the sunken ship first while this force was fighting the sea beasts, leaving that force to work in vain and losing so many people. So why is this mysterious force going crazy? How can we spare them?

And the Shenlong is taking exactly the path they took to clear out the sea beasts, so there is a high possibility of it colliding with this mysterious force!

At this moment, Long Xuan suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

The others obviously had similar thoughts to him. At this time, everyone was no longer calm, and the smiles that had just appeared were all frozen on their faces.

"Let's go! Let's go quickly! We must leave here as quickly as possible!" Qiu Tiandao shouted hurriedly, his voice very anxious.

"I'm afraid it's too late!" Shangguan Wuwo pointed with trembling fingers at a group of ships that suddenly appeared in front of him, his expression completely ugly.

This fleet is very large, with nearly a hundred large and small ships, including a rare seventh-floor treasure ship, which is heading here in a mighty manner.

As luck would have it, these ships lined up in a row and blocked them in front, blocking them in the sea of ​​death.

These ships are all black, and each ship has a huge pirate flag with skulls painted on it, fluttering in the wind, giving people a heavy sense of oppression.

Looking at the skull pirate flag, the faces of the crew members changed drastically, and many of them turned pale.

It turned out to be a pirate, Long Xuan's heart sank. I was really afraid of what would come. As soon as I said pirates, pirates came. What a coincidence.

This was the first time he had seen pirates in this world, but he really didn't want to meet them.

A crew member was obviously very familiar with the origins of this group of pirates. When he saw the pirate flag, he immediately showed a look of horror and shouted in panic: "No! It's the Black Dragon Pirates!"

"The Black Dragon Pirate Group is the number one pirate group in this area. There are many powerful people on the ship and there are many Gu Kings."

"This pirate group commits crimes including burning, killing, looting, and committing countless heinous crimes. There is basically no maritime power in this area that can stand up to it."

"The Black Dragon Pirates have risen in the past twenty years. Their rise is too fast. They use their massive wealth to quickly recruit troops. In a very short period of time, they have recruited a large number of masters and purchased nearly a hundred warships. "

"Then destroy the two strongest pirate groups in this area in one fell swoop, and instantly become the overlord of the sea here. No force dares to provoke them."

"It is rumored that they conquered a kind of forbidden sea and gained countless wealth on the forbidden sea, so their strength expanded so fast!"

"Now it seems that the rumors are true. They really conquered a forbidden sea, and this forbidden sea is the Sea of ​​Death."

"I'm afraid we are in big trouble. As long as the Black Dragon Pirates see the ship, it is absolutely impossible for them to let it go! They are all wolves that eat people without spitting out bones!" The crew member was covered in cold sweat and looked extremely nervous. .

After the others heard the bad reputation of the Black Dragon Pirates, they all panicked. The Black Dragon Pirates actually had a large number of powerful Gu kings. How could they fight? Dead.

Compared to the panic of the rest of the crew on the ship, Nie Qingcheng, the former captain of the Rose, showed enough calmness, showed his wise eyes, and immediately turned to Long Xuan and said:

"Listen to me now, drive the boat to the right immediately, and don't drive at the fastest speed! Just medium speed!"

"Since the Black Dragon pirate ship dares to sail in the Sea of ​​Death, it means that some of their ships must be extremely fast. They must have the terrifying speed to throw away all the sea beasts in the Sea of ​​Death. The speed may not even be inferior to that of the Shenlong!"

"Once we are targeted by the Gu King on the ship, we may not be able to get rid of them! Then we will be in big trouble!"

"So we must hide our clumsiness!"

"Our ship is too small, and it doesn't even have a Spirit Sea stage Gu cultivator. The main ship carrying the Gu King on the opposite side must be too lazy to take action against us. They will only send small boats to chase us!"

"And as long as we don't show great speed, we will never alert the Gu King, and we will never attract the main ship to chase us."

"Wait until we completely distance ourselves from the main ship, and then immediately drive at full speed. Then the main ship will never be able to catch up with us even if it is exhausted!"

"Yes!" Long Xuan nodded, taking Nie Qingcheng's advice. He quickly turned the rudder, rotated the ship ninety degrees, and sailed to the right along the border of the Black Sea. He did not follow the advice and did not drive at full speed. (End of chapter)

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