After Long Xuan threw the Bu Tian Dan into his mouth, he used the soul splitting method to do two things at once.

While refining the medicinal power of the Bu Tian Dan, he studied the recipe of the Fu Hun Dan.

He tried it before, but he could not see the progress of the soul splitting method, so he could only put aside the research ship and study the Fu Hun Dan that could repair the soul first.

Repairing the soul is the top priority, and the priority must be before building a big ship.

When the attention is highly focused, time always passes quickly, and two months have passed in a flash.

Hard work pays off. After his unremitting efforts, he finally worked out the recipe of the Fu Hun Dan in the Soul Book House in two months.

There is no need to worry about the main material of the Fu Hun Dan, even though the Soul Nurturing Wood is placed in the medicine garden and he did not bring it.

But he still has the leaves of the Soul Nurturing Wood on him. After all, this is the food for the Tianmeng Dragon Silkworm, and he always has some on him.

However, the main material is easy to solve, but the other materials are not. He now has none of the materials on the recipe except the main material.

The Soul Restoring Pill requires a full 7,000 spiritual medicines, among which there are countless rare spiritual medicines of astonishing value, and even a bunch of thousand-year-old spiritual medicines, which are extremely difficult to collect.

This time, he can no longer take shortcuts through the Third Young Master. He can only waste a lot of time and collect them bit by bit. He doesn't know how long it will take to collect them all.

In the following time, he sent his clones to collect materials for refining the Soul Restoring Pill everywhere, and began to study the technology of large ships.

Once the ship is large enough, it is no longer a spiritual weapon. It is a combination of spiritual weapons and formations, which is considered another kind of treasure.

Is it easy to combine the patterns of the weapon and the patterns of the formation? So not every force can build a large ship if they want to.

The technology of large ships is a technical job, and there are very few forces that master the technology of building large ships.

Long Xuan named his unborn large ship Shenlong.

He mastered the technology of using solar energy from the tomb of the empress, and he must arrange it for the Shenlong.

The materials for the Five Elements Reversal Array have been collected, and he also needs to arrange the Five Elements Reversal Array on the ship to further enhance the defense of the Shenlong.

Long Xuan is confident that he can solve the problem of the Shenlong's defense. The only thing that bothers him is the power of the ship. The power of a ship is the top priority.

There are many ways to increase the power of a ship in this world, such as hanging sails on the ship, and then using the array to create a strong hurricane, the speed of the ship is fast enough to exceed imagination.

You can also engrave the array on the bottom of the ship to reduce the weight of the hull, and even control the movement of seawater through the array, so that the seawater pushes the hull forward, and the speed of the ship is very fast.

Some spirit ships also have automatically rotating oars, which can sail quickly without manpower.

In this magical world, there are too many ways to provide power for the ship.

The only difficulty is that the surface area of ​​the hull is limited, and only one, or two or three arrays can be used to provide power for the ship.

Once too many arrays are engraved to provide speed for the ship, it will inevitably lead to insufficient space for the defense array, thereby reducing the defense of the ship.

The hull area is limited, and you can't have both. In the end, you can only choose one of the two, or evenly distribute it, resulting in mediocre attributes in all aspects of the ship.

Moreover, there are far more than two types of formations that need to exist on the ship, which requires the shipbuilder to carefully calculate the formations on the hull, and you can't carve any formation you want.

However, Long Xuan immediately decided that his Shenlong must have all the formations that provide power for the ship, and his Shenlong must become the first fast ship of the same level.

As for the problem of too many formations to carve, he doesn't need to consider it at all. Under the Eye of Heaven, he can carve as many formations as he wants, and his Shenlong can accommodate them all.

So Long Xuan doesn't need to rack his brains like other shipbuilders to think about how to layout the formation. He didn't have any lag, and it didn't take long for him to complete the sketch of the Shenlong.

Long Xuan held up the sketch of a large ship and smiled with satisfaction.

The appearance of the Shenlong has now been determined by him.

After all, his soul does not belong to this world, so the shape and structure of this ship are mostly based on the previous life, and there are even three huge propellers on the hull.

You should know that propellers are things from the previous life, and they do not exist in this world. This is undoubtedly a huge innovation for this world.

Since this world has the technology that allows the paddles to slide by themselves, it is not difficult to make the propellers turn by referring to this technology, and the speed may even be faster than in the previous life.

He believes that the power provided by the propeller must be greater than the paddle power, so it is necessary to develop propeller technology.

If he did not really understand nuclear energy, he would have to research nuclear power, and then his ship would be even more terrifying.

In addition, he had a whim and designed a giant cannon for the Shenlong. In this sketch of the Shenlong, this giant cannon is extremely huge and very conspicuous, and it is amazing at a glance.

As a high-sea warship, how can the Shenlong work without a cannon? So Long Xuan had a lot of ideas and simply designed a giant cannon by himself.

He had seen the Lingshi cannons of the Dayin Dynasty, and the Long family had seized quite a few, so he understood the technology of Lingshi cannons.

But the power of Lingshi cannons was still a little small, so he decided to increase the size of Lingshi cannons without thinking, so large that they could only be fixed on the ship and could not be pushed by manpower.

The larger the cannon, the larger the shells needed, and the more powerful the explosion of the shells would naturally be. This was obvious.

And Long Xuan also plans to improve the technology of the spirit stone cannon.

For example, the spirit stone cannon can only consume low-grade spirit stones. In his opinion, the energy of low-grade spirit stones is too small. What if high-grade spirit stones or top-grade spirit stones are used?

As soon as this idea came up, Long Xuan couldn't wait to try it.

Using top-grade spirit stones as cannonballs is definitely a genius idea. No normal person dares to be so wasteful, and naturally there is no such technology in this world.

Of course, Long Xuan is reluctant to use top-grade spirit stones as cannonballs, but he can still afford to use top-grade spirit stones as cannonballs. Occasionally, it's not bad to fire a few shots at sea. When you have nothing to do, just listen to the sound and treat it as a cannon.

But the top-grade spirit stone gear must not be cancelled. You can use it, but you must not have it.

In case of encountering a powerful enemy that cannot be defeated, the cannon using top-grade spirit stones as cannonballs may play a miraculous effect.

With such a wonderful idea, the first cannon in the Gu world is about to be born. I don't know what kind of sensation his cannon will cause at that time.

This is not the end. Long Xuan also thought about whether he could use the gravity array to press the Shenlong into the bottom of the water, so that it could change into a second form, transforming into the form of a submarine, so that the Shenlong could travel underwater like a submarine.

I don’t know if the concept of submarines exists in this world, but he thinks it’s worth a try. This may be another great innovation in the shipbuilding industry. Long Xuan’s eyes lit up.

Next, Long Xuan refined the medicinal power of the Bu Tian Dan while studying the drawings of the Shenlong. At the same time, he asked the Alchemy Rabbit and the major clones to frantically refine the elixir to accumulate resources for him to build the Shenlong and materials for refining the Soul Restoring Pill.

The matter of refining the Soul Restoring Pill has to be ranked above the construction of the Shenlong, so Long Xuan has always prioritized collecting the materials for the Soul Restoring Pill.

As for the materials for refining the Three-legged Golden Toad, he has limited financial resources and can only put it aside for now.

Refining the three-legged golden toad requires 200,000 materials. After his magic modification, the poison recipe must be far more than 200,000 materials. There is no telling how many top-grade spiritual insects are needed. How can he afford it easily with his current wealth? He can only think about it in the long run.

Coincidentally, he is now in a coastal city called Xinghai City nearby. It is the largest port in Xuanyue Empire, the largest shipyard in Xuanyue Empire, and the largest trading port for maritime trade with major regions. There are countless large and small ships moored here.

So once Long Xuan has something he doesn't understand, he can just copy those big ships in the original world, and then dismantle those big ships in the illusion. What technology can't he understand?

So his progress in studying the blueprints of the Shenlong can be described as lightning fast. He didn't have any lag in the whole process and completed it in one go.

Any problem can be easily solved by him. In the Soul Book House, he only took four months to successfully study the blueprints of the Shenlong.

Including the giant cannon technology and propeller technology, he has successfully studied them.

Now as long as the materials are ready, he can start building the ship.

Long Xuan was very excited and wanted to start working hard right now to build this big ship that is far ahead of the world.

At the same time, in the six months it took, his qualifications were finally repaired successfully, which was really a double blessing.

However, there were also bad things, which were caused by him ordering his clones to sell pills everywhere in order to quickly collect materials for the soul-restoring pill and shipbuilding materials.

Since the Gu cultivators in the vicinity are basically concentrated in Xinghai City, Yan's clone simply rented a small shop in the city to do the pill business.

However, this pill shop became popular not long after it was opened. The business was so hot every day that people came to buy pills in an endless stream, and the door was almost broken.

Because at the same price, the pills refined by Long Xuan were far more effective than those of his peers, so people who bought his pills would naturally only recognize this one and become loyal repeat customers.

Good wine needs no bush. Even if Long Xuan did not do any publicity when he opened his business, after a period of time, word of mouth fermented, it was enough to make him famous.

Now everyone in the city knows that Xinghai City has a very powerful alchemist. His alchemy skills are the best in Xinghai City. He is praised by many Gu cultivators as the first alchemist in Xinghai City. His alchemy skills are superb, and no alchemist in the whole Xinghai City can match him.

Overpraising! This is absolutely overpraising! They are overpraising me! When Long Xuan heard that he had become the first alchemist in Xinghai City inexplicably, he was numb.

He did not expect that he, a mere second-grade alchemist, could directly win the title of the first alchemist in Xinghai City.

This title is easy to be envied by his peers, and it is too eye-catching. He really doesn't want it!

"Didn't I tell you to be more cautious in refining! How come you made such a big mess for me after just a few months of seclusion!"

In the World Tree Seed, Long Xuan immediately kicked Yan's clone with a dark face.

Yan's clone also scratched his head and said blankly: "Did I hold back? I really only used 30% of my strength. If I hold back further, there will be a failure rate and a lot of materials will be wasted!"

Long Xuan was speechless...

"Whatever! It's fine if it's high-profile, it's not a life-threatening matter. How's the collection of materials for the Soul-Restoring Pill going in the past four months! How much is left?" Long Xuan sighed helplessly, thinking of the business, and asked again.

"I hung a list of materials we need on the pill shop, so that the group of Gu cultivators who want to buy pills can only exchange them for materials on the wall."

"Collecting materials in this way is fast, and I have already collected most of the materials for the Soul-Restoring Pill."

"But if you don't take out more valuable pills, it's obviously impossible to collect the rarest materials."

"Especially those thousand-year-old spiritual medicines, there are very few people willing to trade, unless you bring them something that makes them particularly excited."

"At present, the materials of the Soul-Restoring Pill are only one hundred kinds short. These hundred kinds of materials are all the most valuable materials in the Soul-Restoring Pill recipe. They are basically all thousand-year-old spiritual medicines, which are extremely difficult to collect."

"If you want to collect these hundred kinds of materials, you may need to participate in a very high-standard trade fair."

"And I heard that Xinghai City will hold a trade fair for marrow-washing period Gu cultivators in half a month. This trade fair is of extremely high standards."

"As far as I know, Xinghai City is the largest port in Xuanyue Empire. Gu cultivators from different regions gather here. The business is extremely prosperous, and the goods are very expensive. The materials are also very complete. "

"As long as what we bring out is attractive enough, we can definitely collect all the materials for the Soul Restoration Pill in this city."

"And all the rare materials needed to refine the Shenlong can also be collected in this city, because this is the largest shipyard in the Xuanyue Empire. It all depends on whether you are willing to spend a lot of money."

"The trade fair in half a month will gather a large number of Gu cultivators from different regions. Only the rich and powerful can participate. This is completely our opportunity."

"But we need to prepare a large number of trading items that can be used. It is best if these trading items can be universal and have a fatal temptation to all Gu cultivators in the marrow cleansing period."

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