At the same time, Black Rock City, the City Lord’s Mansion.

After Long Yuanshan cut off the footage recorded by the Shadow Gu, he angrily ran into the city lord's mansion and cried.

"City Lord! You have to make the decision for our clan!"

"The Bai family just launched a night attack on our clan's men in the Geng Gold Mine. Our clan suffered heavy losses!"

"This is the picture transmitted by the people from our clan before they died. Unfortunately, they killed the shadow Gu quickly, so the picture was only transmitted halfway before being interrupted."

Long Yuanshan immediately presented the Shadow Gu. The scene recorded by the Shadow Gu was cut off from the beginning to the end. It did not record the second half of the Long's Gu cultivator massacring the Bai's Gu cultivator. It only recorded a large number of Bai's Gu cultivators. The scene of a night attack on Long's camp with a ferocious face.

I believe that anyone who does not read the full version will feel sympathy for Long and dissatisfaction with Bai.

Yan Pojun looked tired. He had dealt with too many similar things recently. He was exhausted physically and mentally.

In his opinion, this was probably another alienation tactic used by the Dayin Dynasty, hoping to trigger a melee among the various ethnic groups in the Western Territories.

He had to deal with this kind of thing, so he could only hold back his fatigue, took the Shadow Gu, and put the content recorded by the Shadow Gu on the wall.

The first scene that appeared on the wall was that of Bai Ye and the three Bai family Gu cultivators who came by spirit boat, plotting together. There were bursts of sinister laughter, which made Yan Pojun feel a little uncomfortable.

When he heard that the Bai family planned to massacre the Long family's genius there and then blame it on the Dayin Dynasty, and then use him as the city lord to calm the Long family down, his eyes suddenly showed a fierce light and he was completely angry.

No one likes the feeling of being taken advantage of. Bai Shi dared to take advantage of his desire to seek stability during this period and massacred the Long Gu cultivators unscrupulously.

Then he suppressed the conflict with his own hands as the city lord. Haha, what a good strategy and calculation! Are they making fools of themselves?

Yan Pojun smashed the table in front of him and stood up angrily.

When he thought that he had just thought that this must be a divorce tactic used by the Dayin Dynasty, and was still thinking about how to persuade the Long family, his face became livid and he became even angrier. If he hadn't seen this video, he would have really It's going to be taken advantage of by the Bai family.

"Is this Bai family looking for death? I have repeatedly warned any clan not to cause trouble during this period, but they have all turned a deaf ear to my words as the city lord."

Yan Pojun roared angrily and was about to explode.

The Bai family dared to take advantage of his psychology in this way. What if the other clans followed suit, started unscrupulous chaos, and then threw the blame on the Dayin Dynasty?

By then, I'm afraid that before the Dayin Dynasty comes, all the tribes will have already suffered heavy losses, and Yan Pojun's face will turn pale with anger.

At this time, the scene on the wall had progressed to the scene of a group of Bai's Gu cultivators attacking the Long's camp at night with ferocious faces. The scene ended abruptly here.

Obviously the owner of the shadow Gu was killed. Even if the scene behind was interrupted, it was not difficult for him to guess what the scene would be like. Long must have suffered heavy losses from being killed.

The Bai family had a premeditated sneak attack, and they were led by six Linghai stage Gu cultivators. It would be strange for the Long family to be immortal, Yan Pojun thought subconsciously.

At this time, a group of Bai family Gu cultivators rushed in crying.

Bai Zhan was the first to break in and complained with a look of sorrow and anger: "Please, the city lord, make the decision for our clan!"

"The Long family is not a human being. In order to embezzle all the Geng Gold from our clan, he went so crazy as to kill all the members of our clan who were in the Geng Gold Mine!"

"More than 800 lives! And they are all Gu cultivators with rare qualifications, including six Spirit Sea stage Gu cultivators and a large number of geniuses!"

"Our clan has suffered heavy losses from being killed! Please ask the city lord to make the decision for our clan. It would be unforgivable for heaven to tolerate such a vicious clan if they are not severely punished!"

Bai Zhan's eyes were red and he shouted angrily with grief and anger.

Yan Pojun just watched his performance quietly, the corners of his mouth slowly raised, and he smiled angrily.

If he hadn't just watched the scene recorded by the Shadow Gu, he might have believed his lies. He was so good at acting.

I killed all of Long's people over there, and finally I came over and the bad guys complained first, then bit Long's back.

It's not enough to kill someone, but he goes even further and pretends to be the victim to demand compensation. It's so heartbreaking to kill someone! How could this Bai family be so shameless!

"Act! Keep acting! You are really good at acting. Why didn't I realize that you have such high acting skills before? If I don't say anything, will you still cry for me!"

Yan Pojun couldn't listen anymore and roared angrily: "What did you do to yourselves, do you really think I don't know? You have the nerve to come here to complain and demand compensation! You Bai family really deceived me as a fool!"

"Let me ask you! You just said that six spiritual sea-stage Gu cultivators died there. Tell me why you arranged six spiritual sea-stage Gu cultivators there! Do you have many spiritual sea-stage Gu cultivators in your family?"

The city lord's roar made Bai Zhan stunned. He was indeed acting, but what he was acting was just his expression, and what he said was all true.

The Long family had indeed killed all the men they had left in the Gengjin Mine. Why did it suddenly become that the Bai family had killed all the Long family's men there? He looked confused.

He was speechless for a moment when the city lord asked him, and he couldn't explain why he sent six spiritual sea stage Gu cultivators.

You can't tell the truth that your husband is malicious and then steal the chicken but lose the rice.

Seeing that Long Yuanshan was looking at him with a mocking look on the other side, he immediately got angry and pointed at his nose and said angrily: "City Lord! You must not listen to his one-sided words and think that..."

"Enough!" Before he finished speaking, Yan Pojun interrupted angrily: "Do you mean to say that I listen to one side and don't have the ability to distinguish right from wrong? You really think I'm a fool!"

"Your Bai family attacked the miners of the Long family in the Gengjin mine at night, causing heavy casualties to the Long family. Now the evidence is conclusive. Your Bai family will immediately divide the mithril mine and compensate the Long family. This matter ends here. This is the result of the judgment of this city lord!"

"What?" Hearing this, Bai Zhan was shocked and completely upset. Although the mithril mine was not big, the value of mithril was second only to Gengjin.

How could they be willing to give it up? The mithril mine was something that could definitely hurt them. Bai Zhan's eyes were completely red. He didn't believe that the city lord dared to make such a judgment.

"I don't accept it! How can a victim have to cede land and pay compensation? It's really a rare story in the history, unheard of! My Bai family does not accept such a verdict! I want..." Bai Zhan shouted with a stiff face.

"Enough! I said that this matter ends here! Didn't you hear?" Yan Pojun looked at him with a ferocious face. At this time, his patience had reached its limit.

"I'll say it one last time. Your Bai family will compensate Long family for a mithril vein. This matter ends here. I don't see who dares to make trouble!"

Yan Pojun's powerful Gu King peak aura was exposed, and the pressure swept the whole place. Bai Zhan's face was pale and he took several steps back.

He opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to say another word. He could see that the city lord was angry at this time. He couldn't imagine what would happen if he angered him again.

He understood that there must be something he didn't know here, otherwise the city lord would never be so angry. It was not a wise move to provoke the city lord's majesty again, but it would benefit Long family.

Bai Zhan took a deep look at Long Yuanshan and walked out with a sullen face.

The rest of the Bai clan members at the door also looked unhappy and followed the head of the family and left.

The city lord actually asked them to compensate the Long family with a mithril vein. They felt like the sky was falling. After catching up with the head of the family, they asked with a gloomy face: "Head, the city lord must have been bribed by Long Yuanshan to make such an unfair judgment."

"We must not obey orders obediently. We must find the ancestors of each clan to preside over justice. Black Stone City is not something that the city lord can say alone. He can't do whatever he wants here."

Bai Zhan looked up at the sky and sighed: "Doing this will only offend the city lord and push the city lord to the side of the Long family. When we have a conflict with the Long family again, the city lord will only take sides."

"This is a bad idea. Let's find out what happened first. , As for the matter of the mithril vein, don't worry, they can't take it away in a short time. "

"Let's delay it for a while, until the Dayin Dynasty attacks. This will definitely be a protracted war. The city lord and the various tribes will have no time to pay attention to this matter. Then we can find a way to make it go away. "


"Yuanshan, I can only wrong you for a while. The Dayin Dynasty is about to attack, and it is the time when people are needed. It is impossible to let the Bai family pay for their lives. I can only compensate you with some resources. "

"I don't know if the value of a mithril vein can compensate for the lives of those super geniuses. I'm afraid it's a bit too little. "

Seeing that the Bai family's people walked away, Bai Zhan looked at Long Yuanshan and said in embarrassment.

That's right, because Long Yuanshan cut off the beginning and end of the picture, Yan Pojun subconsciously thought that those geniuses were dead, so he imposed such a heavy punishment on the Bai family.

It's no wonder that he thought about it. If he cut out such a picture, anyone would probably subconsciously think that those super geniuses were dead. No one would think that they could survive in that dead end.

"The city lord is too kind. How can I, Long Yuanshan, not understand the overall situation?"

"Don't worry, my Long clan will never retaliate, but after the war with the Dayin Dynasty, if my clan takes some actions, I hope the city lord can understand."

Long Yuanshan looked extremely sad. People who didn't know him might really think that many people in his Long clan died.

Little did he know that he was about to laugh like crazy at this moment. He didn't expect that there would be an unexpected gain.

That was a mithril vein that was as valuable as the Gengjin vein. This wave was really profitable. Bai Zhan was probably going to die of pain at this time. Long Yuanshan almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Yan Pojun patted his shoulder heavily and said with relief: "Good! I feel relieved with your words! If all the clans in the city had a heart like yours, why would I have to work hard all day long?"

"Don't worry, I'll let you down this time. After the war with the Dayin Dynasty is over, no matter what you do, I promise to turn a blind eye..."


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