Longevity: Start with your own wine-making technique

Chapter 126 Long Xuan's evil plan

"You know? How did you guess it?" Long Wanli was stunned, looking at him in disbelief.

When the two competed for the position of the head of the family, they were both the most outstanding talents in the family and had many supporters. The former head of the family was afraid that the same clan would kill each other, so he decided to use a lottery to decide who would be the head of the family.

Whoever draws the bamboo stick with the word "dragon" on it will be the head of the family. The loser will have to guard the sacred tree for fifty years and calm down for a while.

This is equivalent to house arrest. This is also the idea of ​​the former head of the family to separate the two for a long time in order to avoid killing each other.

Long Wanli couldn't bear that hardship. In order to avoid being trapped in a cage, he cheated and replaced all the bamboo sticks with bamboo sticks without words.

Let Long Buhui draw first, and he will draw bamboo sticks without words no matter how he draws.

If the bamboo stick drawn is without words, then the remaining bamboo sticks must have words? Everyone will think so.

So when Long Buhui saw that he had drawn a bamboo stick without words, he was too lazy to watch Long Wanli draw the stick, and ran directly to the holy land to guard the holy tree, and he was gone for fifty years.

And Long Wanli used this dishonorable means to successfully seize the position of the head of the family. Although the family was thriving under his leadership, he still felt guilty towards Long Buhui.

He originally thought that this secret would not be discovered, but he did not expect that Long Buhui had already known it, which made him stunned on the spot.

"Humph! Why do you always look at me with an apologetic look when you have done nothing wrong? You still need me to guess such a big flaw?"


At this time, outside the Long family, a large number of Gu Xiu of the Hun family divided into four directions of southeast, northwest and northeast to kill the major mountains of the Long family.

For a time, the edge of the Long family was full of war, and letters for help flew from all directions to the family in the center.

At this time, at the northernmost part of the Long family, a total of six Hun family Gu Xiu in the marrow washing stage stopped and looked at the vast formation in front of them. Everyone was stunned and surprised.

"Such a large area, it seems that this person must be a wealthy man, there must be a large medicinal garden inside, and all the plants are high-level spiritual medicines, otherwise there is no need to set up such a large array."

Looking at the array in front of him, one person said with a greedy look.

"Haha! It seems that we have encountered a big fat sheep, there must be amazing wealth inside, when should we not go in and rob it?" Another person showed a greedy look, turned his head and looked at the others and suggested.

"Old Four, don't be reckless, although you are proficient in array formations, but this array is so large, it must not be so easy to break."

The most stable Hun clan Gu cultivator stopped the other five people who were ready to move.

"Hmph! Is it necessary to be so careful? I can even break the Nine Dragons formation that protects the Long family, let alone this outermost formation. It's just a small formation. Look at me breaking it easily!"

"That's right! With the fourth brother's attainments in formation, why do we need to be so cautious? Don't forget our mission. We must be quick and decisive. And I heard that the Long family has developed something called cement. Although the formation made of this thing has a large area, it is fragile and very easy to break. Don't be fooled by the appearance of this formation. It's all bluffing!"

"Hahaha... That's right! The formation arranged with that kind of garbage is simply vulnerable. Look at me breaking it easily."

The Hun family Gu cultivator, known as the fourth brother, laughed loudly and flew in directly.

After hearing that the formation was made of garbage like cement, the other Hun family Gu cultivators all showed disdain. Without any hesitation, they followed closely and broke in together.

At this time, only the most stable Hun clan Gu cultivator was left. After sighing, he finally put aside his worries and rushed in last.

At this time, the letters for help from all directions finally broke Long Wanli's embarrassment. He took out a small house from the insect breeding bag, took out a pile of letters from it, and glanced at the contents on it casually, and his face slowly changed.

If it was before, he might have directly sent a large number of masters to support everywhere.

But now he already knew in advance that something would happen today, so if this happened again, it would be too much like a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

After thinking for a moment, he finally decided to send only a small part of the family to support the major peaks, and most of the people stayed behind.

"What's going on? What happened?"

Seeing the change in Long Wanli's expression, Long Buhui immediately came over, reached into the small house, and then took out a letter from it. After scanning the contents on it, he suddenly became furious.

"How dare you! There are still demon cultivators who dare to rob my Long family. I really don't know how my Long family made their fortune by killing people."

"My term of office has expired today. My body has been rusty for so many years. I have long wanted to stretch my muscles. I will go out and kill them all."

Long Buhui rolled up his sleeves and rushed out.

"Come back? Be careful of their trick of luring the tiger away from the mountain!" Long Wanli hurriedly called him and winked at him.

Long Buhui stopped, looked thoughtful, and retreated again.

Seeing that the family was not fooled, Long Chao and Long Chen's faces changed slightly and looked at each other.

Long Chao shook his head at him and decided to give up this plan, but Long Chen showed a resolute look. Now the arrow was on the string and had to be shot. Other places had already started. How could he stop the plan here?

Seeing that Long Wanli could no longer send more masters, Long Chen no longer hesitated. Now he could only rely on himself to create chaos and attract more Long family masters.

He immediately pulled off the insect breeding bag from his waist and sprinkled it on the ground. Suddenly, twenty Gu cultivators appeared in the center of the venue, and four of them even exuded the aura of the Spiritual Sea Stage.

Seeing that there were suddenly twenty more people in the field, all the Long family Gu cultivators were stunned.

Can there be people in the insect breeding bag? This was the first time they had seen such a thing.

Long Xuan was also shocked by the sudden appearance of people. Is this a great transformation? How did they do it? They could actually put people into the insect breeding bag and bring them in.

"Not good!"

The Long family Gu cultivators reacted quickly and quickly distanced themselves from the group of uninvited guests who suddenly appeared.

However, Long Chao was still a step slower in reaction, and was pierced through the heart by Long Chen's sword and fell to the ground.

"Long Chen! What on earth are you doing!"

Many people were stunned by this sudden change. All the Long family Gu cultivators in the Marrow Cleansing Stage had not received any news, so they were confused by this scene and didn't understand what was going on.

Only Long Wanli's expression remained unchanged, as if he had already expected this to happen. He was still calm and watched their performance without saying a word.

"Kill them! Quick and decisive!"

Long Chen had no time to talk nonsense. He shook off the blood on his sword and led a group of masters to kill in all directions.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened again.

There was another big change here. Suddenly, five elders of the Spiritual Sea period rushed out from all directions, and with a grim smile on their faces, they killed the Hun clan Gu cultivators who rushed over.

Seeing this group of ferocious faces, Long Chen's face changed immediately, and his heart was chilled.

"It's bad!"

There were suddenly a large number of strong men ambushed here. How could he not know that he had fallen into a trap? The news was probably leaked in advance, and it was not him who accidentally leaked the news, so it could only be Long Chao.

"Damn it! I knew you were unreliable! You fucking screwed me! Die!"

Long Chen kicked Long Chao hard and kicked him away.

"Retreat! Everyone who can leave is a winner!"

Long Chen roared and turned to break out.

"Hahaha..." Long Buhui laughed: "Want to leave! Can you leave? All of you stay here!"

After being trapped here for fifty years, his body had already rusted, and he urgently needed a fight to stretch his muscles and bones, so he was the most excited to see a fight.

Clenching his fists, making a crackling sound, he rushed forward excitedly.

The head of the family, Long Wanli, also put away the small house of the coir raincoat, and then sneered and joined the battle.

With the addition of these two strong reinforcements, there were seven Dragon family Linghai stage Gu cultivators at this time. Seven against four was enough to crush them, and there was no possibility of losing at all.

At this time, all the Dragon family Xisui stage Gu cultivators finally reacted, and then they all showed anger, and also released Gu insects to kill the group of Xisui stage foreign enemies.

The number of Long's marrow cleansing stage Gu cultivators was also greater than that of the foreign enemies, and they were all outstanding at the same level, so there was no possibility that the marrow cleansing stage Gu cultivators would lose on the battlefield.

The melee started instantly, and the field was in chaos. After hearing the noise inside, the two guards outside who were at the peak of marrow cleansing also changed their faces, and rushed in angrily to join the battlefield, making the situation even more unfavorable for the Hun family Gu cultivators.

Seeing this scene, Long Xuan's eyes turned, and a plan suddenly came to his mind. He hurriedly shouted: "Quickly move the battlefield farther away, don't let them destroy the sacred tree in desperation!"

With his reminder, Long Lie, who was blocking the door, suddenly changed his face, so he deliberately exposed a flaw and left a hole for escape.

How could the Hun family's spiritual sea stage Gu cultivators miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so they all ran out along this hole.

"Don't run away!"

"Chase them!"

"Don't let them run away!"

All the Gu cultivators of the Long family ran out through the door. Not long after, there were only a few corpses left on the ground, and no one was alive.

Even Long Xuan chased them out with an angry look, and no one stayed here.

The holy land that was just bustling became quiet in an instant, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, as if nothing had happened just now.

But the quiet atmosphere did not last long. Soon a furry rabbit jumped out of the soil, and then looked at the tall Shenlong wood in front of it with excited rabbit eyes. It was really a good material for alchemy!

It couldn't wait to pounce on it, climbed up the tree, bit off four thick branches with its sharp rabbit teeth, put all the branches into a storage bag, jumped into the soil, and ran away.

At this point, the holy land became quiet again, but the majestic dragon tree was damaged beyond recognition. White liquid continued to flow out from the broken parts, dripping onto the ground, making a dripping sound.

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