Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 700 Thirty Years (1/2)

The exit of Jiuchongtian.

Outside the large palace.

A young man in white clothes walked out slowly with a sword on his back and a dog on his back.

He has a slender figure, a deep scar on his face, and his whole person exudes a very ruthless temperament.

The dog he was leading was as white as snow. He held his head high when he walked and looked very proud.

"This is the Nine Heavens, the starting point and the end of the entire game world."

In the previous few heavens, he had experienced many dungeons and understood that the first to eighth heavens were just larger novice villages. Only the ninth heaven was the real world for their group of players.

"I don't know where that big guy is now..."

Feeling the rich spiritual energy around him, the young man felt infinite emotions in his heart.

The question that Gu Shang sent when he entered the Ninth Heaven was received by the entire player group. They did not expect that someone would come directly to the Ninth Heaven in such a short time after the game started.

Although he didn't know who the big boss was, the young man could definitely imagine how powerful the other person was.

"But what if you have more advantages? I believe it won't be long before I can completely crush you and become the strongest person in the world!"

As he spoke, the young man exuded a strong sense of confidence, and the spiritual energy around him continued to tremble with his momentum, transforming into majestic illusions.

As early as the first level, he had gained a powerful ability!

The more you fight, the braver you become!

As long as he fights with people, he can greatly increase his experience. The stronger the opponent, the more experience he will get.

Not only that, during the battle, he possesses an extremely powerful ability, which is infinite defense. No matter how powerful the opponent is, there is no way to harm him in the slightest.

With this ability, he becomes more and more courageous as he fights. Continuously accumulate your combat experience to increase your strength.

With his last breath, he went straight to the ninth heaven.

As of now, he has not found out where his combat upper limit is.

"Master, I want to fight a master."

Shaking the dog leash on his hand, the young man laughed loudly, then turned into an afterimage and flew away into the distance.

The dog next to him had no special abilities and was just an ordinary puppy. Later, after he washed his body with magic, his physical condition became much stronger.

The little white dog, suffocated by the magic power, couldn't help but let out bursts of rapid barking.

Hearing the dog's voice, the boy smiled even more heartily.

After flying for a few seconds, a figure suddenly appeared and blocked his way.

"Flying is prohibited within the Nine Heavens."

An old man with a white beard said seriously.

There were gleams of light in his eyes, and his whole body was filled with aura, which startled the young man.

"Interesting, is this the strong man from the Nine Heavens..."

According to his perception, the old man's real power was level 830!

This kind of power is much stronger than that of a novice like him who has just reached level 800.

"Old man, fight with me."

The young man rubbed his palms together, eager to try.

The little white dog next to him barked twice skillfully when he saw this scene, and then turned into a ray of light and rushed into the young man's sword.

This sword has a nice storage space inside.

Unlike other storage spaces, living things can be stored here. Every time the boy fights, the little white dog will enter it to avoid risks.

The battle between the two is about to break out.

After looking at each other, the young man drew his sword and stood up, with streaks of mana centered around his sword spreading to the surroundings.

With the strong level difference, the old man easily destroyed his attack and stretched out a finger to imprison his body.

But after just doing these two operations, he suddenly discovered that the boy's level had been directly upgraded from 800 to 805.

This change instantly stunned the old man...

"Yes, yes, you are really good, old man. You are able to make such a big improvement for me. Thank you very much."

After taking a look at his level and increased experience, the young man looked even more joyful.

Although he was still unable to move freely, he did not show any depression about being trapped. Instead, he kept talking to the old man, trying to arouse his desire to fight.

"Attack as you like, operate as you like, I believe you, old man, you can definitely make me excited!"

After a few seconds of contact, the old man also made a guess. He directly stopped all attacks on the young man and just used his own power to imprison him in the air.

No matter how much the young man interfered, he didn't say a word. He just sat cross-legged in the air silently, closing his eyes and meditating.

A few seconds later, Gu Shang, wearing yellow armor, came over.

"Master, this is the newcomer who came from below, and he is also the second human player to enter the Nine Heavens."

After the old man saw Gu Shang, he quickly stood up and saluted him, and then described the current situation.

"I understand, just keep going to the exit."

After dismissing the old man casually, Gu Shang came to the young man, still looking at him with interest, and continued to use his magic power to circle around him.

"You can continue to become stronger through fighting, and the magnitude is still so ridiculous."

Gu Shang had no doubt that if he fought with him for a while, the boy would successfully break through and become even stronger than himself.

But fortunately, as long as you don't attack him, the so-called battle will not be triggered, and it will not have any impact on his level.

"You are his master..."

Seeing Gu Shang, the young man was also a little surprised. Then he suddenly thought of something and became even more excited: "Are you the first player to enter the Nine Heavens!"

"Although you are stronger than me now, I am sure that it won't be long before you will be stepped on by me and let me ravage you!"

The young man turned on the talking mode again, constantly stimulating Gu Shang, trying to arouse his desire to attack.

From childhood to adulthood, he had a competitive heart.

No matter what he does, he doesn't want to lag behind others.

This guy was able to become the first player to enter the Nine Heavens just because he was lucky. If he could get the ability to become braver as he fights earlier, he would probably be much faster than this guy. He just had a good head start!

Gu Shang did not look at him, but kept thinking about the current situation in front of him.

After thinking for two seconds, he rubbed his temples, stood in front of the young man, and took out the green Ruyi.

"Pray, I hope you can be of use to me."

Gu Shang looked down at the young man and spoke with indifferent eyes.

"As you wish, as you wish, follow my will, and your spirit will appear soon!"

As the spell sounded, Ruyi emitted a halo, and Gu Shang's luck was enhanced in an epic way.

With this kind of blessing, he quickly used the technique of recruiting and surrendering and used it on the young man continuously.

However, the result was the same as facing those future lands. Even with the sudden increase in luck, Gu Shang could not successfully recruit the young man.

Later, he used other methods to enslave people's hearts, but they were all used before the wishful effect dissipated, and the result was naturally a failure.

After a stalemate for more than ten minutes, Gu Shang had no choice but to give up the idea.

Judging from the current situation, this guy is exactly the same as the five future emperors and is not under his control at all.

After being stunned for another two seconds, Gu Shang took out a small green bead from his hand.

"What are you going to do? Give up, your spells can't do anything to me. Why don't you let me go and let us stand openly for two hundred rounds. Then you will know who is the grandson and who is the master! "

The young man said with an arrogant expression, not caring about his own safety at all.

Gu Shang ignored him and turned the green bead in his hand in a circle. Under a ray of light, the young man was instantly sucked into it.

"Although I can't take you down, there are ways to keep your current strength unchanged."

This guy's ability is really incredible.

If you attack him forcefully, it is very likely that he will become stronger and stronger, and it is unrealistic to just give up. After all, the other party also knows his true thoughts. There is already a gap and hatred between the two parties.

Before there was a specific solution, Gu Shang could only restrain him in the space in his hands.

As long as he doesn't go out and fight with others, there will naturally be no way to increase his strength, and his level will remain at 805 forever.

At this level, Gu Shang is still a small Karami and cannot make waves.

"There are too many weird things in this world, so you must be more careful."

Putting the beads away, Gu Shang thought of the black palm that appeared earlier.

These things are very special, even comparable to his Destiny profession.

You know, even he himself can't withstand a level 830 opponent when he is only level 800, and he can't even get any damage, and his strength can be greatly improved.

"Outrageous, too outrageous."

For him, this world is definitely the most unique and mysterious of all the worlds he has ever experienced.

Time continued to move forward, and three full months had passed since Gu Shang came to the ninth heaven.

He gathered nearly thousands of masters at level 900~1000, controlled them through the technique of recruiting and surrendering, and formed a preliminary force.

A lot of construction has been done in the area at the exit of the ninth heaven, specifically to monitor the new people who have just come to this world.

In addition, the people here also broke into pieces and went to other areas one by one, establishing strongholds one after another to develop their own downlines.

They will use their own strength to search for more cultivation resources for Gu Shang.

These resources are mainly based on various experience pills.

What's left are some powerful monsters or other game PCs. Every once in a while, Gu Shang will return to deal with them to gain a lot of experience.

Although the effect is not that great compared to his dungeon, it can be regarded as an additional benefit.

Over this period of time, Gu Shang's own level has been raised to 1050.

The further you get to the back, the slower the speed of improvement will be.

But every time he improves, his overall strength will increase several times, and his efforts and gains are still directly proportional.

Late this night.

Gu Shang sorted out the information he first collected and prepared to leave here and enter a deeper area.

The level of the dungeons around here is just like this. If he wants to become stronger, he must go to an area with richer aura and more challenging areas.

That is, heading towards the center of the Nine Heavens.

After making this decision, Gu Shang casually released the Bone Lady who had been put away by him.


As soon as she appeared, Madam Bai Gu couldn't help hugging Gu Shang and looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Madam, follow me."

Gu Shang pretended to look at her affectionately, and then took him out of the house and came to an open space outside.

In front of the two of them, there were more than a dozen dying monsters.

"Kill them, and Madam's level will continue to rise to 900."

"It's really difficult for me to venture here alone, and I just need Madam to stabilize the rear for me."

Gu Shang looked at him sincerely.

"Husband, I am willing to do anything for you."

Madam Bai Gu nodded without hesitation, and then killed these monsters with residual blood on the ground.

As she gained experience, she quickly raised her level to 930.

"Please help me keep an eye on that place, and there will be some people to assist you."

Gu Shang pointed to the exit of the Nine Heavens in the distance and gently patted Madam Bai Gu on the back.

The relationship between the two parties is very special.

Although Gu Shang had many subordinates, these people only met his requirements with their strength, and they did not have any strong talents to work for him.

Madam Bai Gu had many experiences, some of them were very rich in social experience.

In the previous contact, Gu Shang felt this, and it was just right for him to help him.

Gently holding Madam Bai Gu's wrist, Gu Shang said some scumbag words to guide Madam Bai Gu to be familiar with her tasks and understand her responsibilities.

"Husband, as long as I am alive, I will not let go of anyone who comes from the world below."

"Everything they have belongs to my husband..."

A few minutes later, Madam Bai Gu, who understood everything, made a devilish speech.

Gu Shang laughed.

"Having you as a beauty is enough."

The world in front of Gu Shang, who had just aroused Madam Bai Gu's emotions, quickly collapsed.

The next moment, with the prompts of the game system, he returned to the original world again.

But this time, two completely different spaces appeared in front of him.

One was the previous Shen Guang game space, and the other was the armor world space he came to.

[Ding, the cooling time is 30 years]

After taking a look at the system prompt, Gu Shang decisively chose the second space.

The Shenguang game space has become a ruin and has no value at all.

The second human world is different.

In any aspect, there is a lot of room for operation there, and there are many people or me who can be used, which can create more value for him and bring more benefits.




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