"Adao, have you solved it completely?"

Chen Jing walked over with some doubts.

Just now he had confirmed that his father was safe, so he was relieved.

Now his mind was full of Adao's true identity.

"It's solved. From now on, he will never appear again. The curse on both you and me has been eliminated."

Gu Shang nodded.

"Then you..."

Chen Jing was just about to ask a question, but before he finished speaking, he was pulled over by Chen's mother.

"Don't talk about this for now. Come on, help and send this old man to the hospital for a thorough check."

Chen Jing saw what her mother meant from her actions, nodded, and turned away helplessly.

Now is really not the time to ask these things.

He and Adao need some time to calm down.

Gu Shang and Xiao Fei dragged Chen Yi and took him outside. The driver outside had been waiting for a long time.

The roar of the car sounded, and the family of three disappeared in front of Gu Shang.

"It seems that you still have some tricks."

"I am very satisfied with you. Just pretend that you don't know me before. From now on, you are my good brother."

Xiao Fei and Gu Shang stood together. He patted his chest and said with some surprise.

I originally thought that he was just a reckless man who could fight, but he didn't expect that he would have tricks similar to theirs.

Since they are all in the same circle and the other party is so much stronger than him, he has nothing to worry about or be jealous of.


Gu Shang reached out and touched his head without saying anything.

"I have something else to do, so I will go back first, and I will come back later."

Shaking his head, he said goodbye to Xiao Fei and took a car to the airport.

The two wishes of Ah Dao have been fulfilled. Now he only has to understand the cause and effect of this world.

He and Chen Jing don't have a deep relationship, and he doesn't care what the other party thinks.

It's better to complete his task well.

Looking at Gu Shang's leaving back, Xiao Fei pinched his chin and began to think wildly in his mind.

"This family's methods have a little bit of the shadow of alchemists, but more of it is another way."

There are many people in this world with supernatural powers, and he can't figure out which school or sect this A Dao belongs to.

Of course, these are not important. The most important thing is that he can feel that this A Dao still cares about the eldest lady.

As long as the relationship between the two can remain so harmonious and stable, it would be the best. In this way, the alchemist inheritance of their lineage can be more stable.




Gu Shang took a plane and returned to the small town again.

Things here are very simple.

After returning, he was free.

On the third day, his men found him specific information about the little boy, but he didn't need it at this time.

Their efficiency is still inferior to that of his previous men.

As for the information about Chen Youliang, Xu Wenqiang and others still have no clue.

Ordinary life naturally has ordinary fun.

Gu Shang absorbed the knowledge of this world bit by bit.

At his signal, his men constantly conquered the high-end power of this world through transformation.

Of course, most of them are controlled by ordinary people, mainly some powerful family consortiums.

With their unique channels, all this is done very easily.

Time flies, and it has been a whole month since Gu Shang returned to this small town.

Chen Jing has never come back.

After this incident, she and Gu Shang seem to have a deep gap.

What she thinks, Gu Shang really doesn't care. During this period, he has put all his thoughts on understanding the special power of this world.

Previously, he knew almost everything about Chen Jing, but compared with this special world, it was still not deep enough.

In a month, the speed of his blood son's expansion was very fast.

At present, he has controlled 80% of the consortium power on the entire planet, and the information he knows far exceeds Chen Yi.

The most important thing is that through the exponential explosion, his power has reached a terrifying level again.

In his perception, no one on this planet is his opponent.

The accumulation of these times has greatly improved his comprehensive strength. With a wave of his hand, he can crush the planet under his feet.

"Interesting world."

In addition to operators and alchemists, there are some beings with other superpowers in this world, all kinds of people, more like some special function owners.

The three of them are in every corner of the planet.

Life is peaceful and warm.

Relying on their own special rational power, they have mastered certain power and influence.

It is precisely because of their existence that this world has become more stable and happy.

Supernatural events like what Gu Shang encountered are not unique, they happen almost every year and every month.

If there were no such people, this planet would have been in chaos.

One day, Gu Shang, who was watching a horror movie on the sofa, suddenly received a text message. He picked up his phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Mr. Adao, we are very curious about the power you have. If you have any concerns about your wife, come to this address and meet us."

There was a picture below the message.

Chen Jing was tied up in a small warehouse, with many wounds on her body.

Seeing this picture, Gu Shang's face changed suddenly.

Although he and Chen Jing did not have much affection, the period of time they lived together before was indeed warm and happy, and he would not allow anyone to destroy this.

"Interesting, this is the first time I have met such a rampant guy."

After reading the message again, Gu Shang directly contacted his subordinate Xu Wenqiang. Now, most of his power is controlled by this guy.

With the blood suppression, Xu Wenqiang did it quite easily.

His own assets also expanded countless times with the assistance of Gu Shang, vaguely reaching the highest end of this world.

Not long after the message was sent out, Xu Wenqiang sent a more specific message.

"Blood God, the matter has been resolved. It is a small sect with little power. We sent a team of mercenaries to deal with it all."

"Did they send the people to you or what?"

Gu Shang shook his head.

The lover is also very cute. He didn't even know what kind of power he held in his hands, but he rushed up stupidly.

"Bring Chen Jing to my side. As for those people, kill them all. Remember, don't leave any traces."

After sending this message, Gu Shang opened the window next to him and exhaled fiercely.

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