Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 494 Returning to my mother’s home

As the famous Chen Yi.

Internet master, evergreen in business.

His home looks particularly simple.

It is not an extremely luxurious villa, nor a modern high-end park.

It is just an extremely ordinary community.

"Sunshine Community."

When he walked to the gate of the community, Xiao Fei took out a door pass from his pocket and waved to the security guard.

The security guard pressed the button and opened the big iron gate.

Gu Shang vaguely felt a strong force from the security guard. This guy has a lot of blood and qi. It is estimated that he is the descendant of the ancient martial arts lineage.

He saw many people along the way.

They are all news figures that he often sees on TV, and even some retired officials who often appear in various meetings of the Human Federation.

Gu Shang retracted his previous idea. This community is very unusual.

Especially everyone who lives here probably has some background. This kind of background can release a little energy at will, which can crush Xu Wenqiang under Gu Shang.

After the two turned a corner, they came to a 6-story building.

This building does not have an elevator.

They walked up step by step.

Gu Shang was holding a fruit basket in his hand, standing in front of the door expressionlessly, and Chen Jing gently pressed the doorbell.

With a ding-dong sound, the door was pushed open from the inside.



Xiao Fei and Chen Jing said hurriedly after seeing the person.

Chen Jing had a tear in the corner of her eye, and she threw herself directly into the arms of the person.

She was a middle-aged woman in her 40s. Although there were wrinkles on her face, her demeanor and skin were still very good.

Judging from the facial features on her face, she must have been a beautiful woman when she was young.

The woman gently wiped Chen Jing's tears, then gently pushed her aside, looking back and forth at Gu Shang.

"Not bad, still quite energetic."

After looking at it for two points, the woman nodded.

Gu Shang showed a faint smile on his face, and he stood up respectfully: "Mom!"

The woman laughed when she heard this title.

"Come in quickly, the old man has been thinking about you for the past two years."

"Everything is ready, let's solve the troubles of the son-in-law first."

When they stepped into the door, Chen Jing's mother said another sentence.

The decoration of Chen Jing's home is also very simple. All kinds of furniture are made of wood, even the floor. In addition to the daily electronic products, other modern items are pitifully few.

The most eye-catching thing is that after passing through the entrance, you can see a large mirror hanging on the wall of the living room. It almost fills the entire wall.

Next to this mirror is an altar with three statues standing on it, and the incense burner is filled with three long incense sticks.

A wisp of smoke drifted out from it, and it smelled good.

Gu Shang was fascinated.

If I remember correctly, the three statues seemed to be the Three Pure Ones.

Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, Daode Tianzun.

Just when Gu Shang was thinking divergently, a middle-aged man slowly walked out of the side door next to him.

"This strong smell of evil, you little brat, you've caused quite a bit of trouble."

Hearing the voice, Gu Shang turned around to see.

The man was wearing a gray jacket, with a slightly hunched body and a very serious face, looking like the kind of guy who would curse at anyone he caught.

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