Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 51 The Arrival Of Ningbuqi (Third Watch, Please Follow Up)

Chapter 51: The Arrival of Ning Buqi (3rd Update, Seeking More)

On the small boat.

As three large ships approached head-on, the old man on the deck was so frightened that his legs went weak, and his eyes revealed infinite terror.

However, Jiang Yuan's attention was not focused on him at all.

At this moment, as the sun rose, the mist gradually dissipated.

The silhouette of the mountains on the southern shore had already appeared in everyone's field of vision.

His gaze turned towards the silhouette of the mountains on the southern shore, and his intuition told him that someone over there was watching them with deep malice.

Jiang Yuan believed in his intuition.

Since his physical body had become strong, his five senses had also become exceptionally acute.

Especially after Luck leveled up, the appearance of the green Innate Luck, Divine Soul Perfected, greatly enhanced his five senses. Now, his five senses were extraordinary and transcendent.

But even so, his vision couldn't see through the thick and hazy mist, only the vague outline of the mountains.

However, if his intuition was correct, it meant that someone over there could see him through the thick and hazy mist.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have such a strong sense of strangeness.

Jiang Yuan furrowed his brows slightly and then relaxed.

No rush!

Wait until the mist disperses, and everything will be known whether it's a person or a ghost.

Afterwards, Jiang Yuan's gaze fell on the three speeding ships.

There were black flags fluttering on the ships.

Suddenly, a clear female voice came from afar.

"You fools over there, why are you still staying in place? Don't you value your lives? The large ship in front of you belongs to the Water Bandits of the Furious Wind Stronghold. Don't believe anything they say. Quickly come towards me, this young lady can guarantee your lives!"

Jiang Yuan glanced at the Su family's merchant ship and smiled.

Old Ma stood beside Jiang Yuan and whispered, "Young Master, what should we do now?"

Jiang Yuan said, "Stay put. I estimate that Ning Buqi will arrive soon!"

Just as he said that, Jiang Yuan then said, "He's here!"

"Who's here?"

Old Ma's words had just come out, and he instantly reacted.

"Young Master, are you saying that the leader of the Black Wind Stronghold is here?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuan nodded slightly.

His gaze firmly fixed on the depths of the mist.

Even though they were far apart, he could only see a vast expanse of white mist.

But the powerful aura of the Body Tempering Ninth Layer had already been sensed by him.

At the same time.

On the ship of the Furious Wind Stronghold's water bandits.

The one-eyed strong man looked somewhat puzzled. "Brother, do you think the people from the Zhenyuan Escort Agency are idiots? Why have they been staying in place without moving? Is there something fishy going on?"

"Boss, you know my IQ is not high. Don't ask me such difficult questions!"

He scratched his head and laughed.

On the other side.

On the Su family's merchant ship.

The woman in the blue dress also had the same curiosity.

"Uncle Fu, do you think the people on that boat over there have been scared silly by those water bandits? I've been calling out to them for half a day, but they didn't even move!"

Uncle Fu smiled and shook his head. "How would I know! Maybe there are experts among them who aren't afraid of the water bandits of the Furious Wind Stronghold!"

"Are they really that powerful? I heard that the water bandits of the Furious Wind Stronghold rank in the top three among the water bandits on the Misty Lake. Their leader and second-in-command are both at the Body Tempering Eighth Layer."

"The young lady is right! That's true!" Uncle Fu nodded in agreement and then said, "But if they dare to stay put, they must have something to rely on!"

Just then.

His smile instantly disappeared, his brows furrowed, and his expression became extremely serious.

Seeing Uncle Fu's sudden change in expression, the girl in the blue dress became instantly nervous.

"Uncle Fu, what's wrong?"

"An expert has arrived!"

Afterwards, he said again, "Commander Liu, sound the alarm quickly! Be on high alert!"

"Yes!" A man beside him quickly responded, then acted swiftly.

In an instant.




Three urgent sounds of bells rang out.

Urgent footsteps instantly filled the entire merchant ship.

At this moment, instead of easing, Elder Fu's expression became even more solemn.

"How could there be such a strong sense of oppression?!"

He became somewhat panicked, and the qi and blood in his body instantly surged, flowing throughout his entire body in an instant.

His originally somewhat small body suddenly became strong, and his stature increased by more than ten centimeters.

A strong sense of oppression instantly descended upon everyone on the ship.

Sensing this scene, everyone became even more nervous.

Elder Fu, who had reached the ninth level of Body Tempering, was preparing to fight to the death!

At his age, every time he fought to the death, it would greatly damage his essence and reduce his lifespan.

But every time he fought to the death, his strength in the ninth level of Body Tempering was also extremely powerful.

In the ninth level of Body Tempering, the spirit, energy, and mind were united, allowing complete control over the entire body.

If necessary, he could fully stimulate the hidden qi and blood, exerting six to seventy percent of his peak strength.

But in doing so, it would also greatly consume his essence, leading to a significant reduction in lifespan.

In his peak period, Elder Fu was a presence that dominated the entire region and had almost joined a sect of immortals.

And at this moment.

Fourteen light boats broke through the mist.

At the moment they were seen.

Elder Fu's pupils suddenly contracted.

"These are... the thirteen great thieves of Mangshan! And there's an unknown peak expert! Why are they charging towards us? When did the Su family provoke such powerful enemies?"

His gaze suddenly darkened, and despair filled his heart.

He could still fight against one or two of these powerful individuals.

But against fourteen, how could he fight?

Among them, thirteen were the renowned thirteen great thieves of Mangshan.

Facing such powerful enemies, all struggles were meaningless and would only provoke their brutal side.

Perhaps not resisting would be the best choice.

At this moment, as the fourteen light boats appeared in front of the Su family's merchant ship.

Everyone felt as if a heavy bell was pressing on their hearts, making it hard to breathe.

They could only silently watch as the boats came closer and closer, not daring to make any sound.

After a moment.

As the fourteen light boats came closer, just as Elder Fu felt despair and was about to give up struggling.

Suddenly, his expression froze, somewhat astonished.

It seems like they're not targeting us?

The next moment.

The fourteen light boats passed directly by the Su family's ship without stopping.

Elder Fu felt ecstatic, going from hell to heaven in an instant.

Great! Their target really isn't us, the Su family!

He also suddenly felt relieved, and his body instantly felt exhausted.

"Elder Fu, are all these people experts at the ninth level of Body Tempering?"

The girl in the blue dress spoke slowly, her voice somewhat hoarse at this moment.

"Yes! Thirteen of them are the thirteen great thieves of Mangshan!"

"The thirteen great thieves of Mangshan?" The girl was somewhat shocked, then said, "Who on earth could make them leave the Mangshan territory and come to Lake Yanbo!"

Elder Fu shook his head, "I don't know who has such connections and can command them to travel thousands of miles away."

"Then Elder Fu, who do you think is the target of these thirteen people? I can sense a strong killing intent emanating from them!"

"I don't know! I can't think of anyone who would make all thirteen of them mobilize!"

(End of this chapter)

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