Longevity Species

Chapter 998 Integrate the real ancestor blood! (third change)

"Ancestral bloodline!"

In Lei Dao's secret room, he stared at a drop of blood essence in his hand, which was the blood essence of the ancestor plate, and contained the blood of the ancestor plate, which was the real blood of the ancestor plate.

Unlike Lei Dao's 10% ancestor bloodline, Lei Dao's ancestor bloodline is now at best a semi-finished product, no, it is not even a semi-finished product, it is just "10%", and it is far from the real ancestor bloodline.

"Does this ancestor's bloodline need to be upgraded to perfection, or can it be directly integrated into my ancestor's bloodline?"

Lei Dao hesitated.

Although he uses supernatural powers, he doesn't know nothing.

At least, Lei Dao is very clear that the powerful bloodlines and top bloodlines he has integrated into basically have to be upgraded to perfection first. The purpose is to make them strong enough, and then integrate into the bloodline of the ancestors to improve the bloodlines of the ancestors.

But now, this is already the blood of the ancestors, does it still need to be improved?

Lei Dao didn't know.

But logically, if it can be integrated and upgraded, the ancestor god body also needs to be transformed. In that case, where will the large amount of energy needed come from?

"No matter, try to improve first."

Lei Dao manifested the ancestral divine body, and then slowly refined the blood essence of the ancestral plate.

There is no problem in refining the blood essence of the ancestor plate, but the refining process is relatively slow. After all, this is a drop of ancestor blood essence, which is not so easy to refine.

As time went by, Lei Dao gradually refined the ancestor's essence blood into the ancestor's body, and he could clearly sense that this drop of ancestor's blood was not fully integrated into the ancestor's body.

"Fill me!"

The next moment, Lei Dao tried to integrate them, but the fusion method that was always successful in the past is now invalid and has no effect.

Lei Dao frowned, and he immediately mobilized his abilities.

Name: Lei Dao (35 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 150 billion to 10 million years

Internal world: 115 times domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 10% (29 bloodlines complete)

This is Lei Dao's current physical data, and he still has 150 billion years of lifespan.


Lei Dao tried to mobilize his abilities to fuse the two bloodlines.

Lei Dao just tried it, but he didn't expect the supernatural power to respond immediately.

"Will it consume 100 billion years of lifespan to integrate the blood of the strange ancestor?"

"One hundred billion years of lifespan?"

Lei Dao was shocked.

There is no need to upgrade the bloodline of the ancestor plate, it is the bloodline of the ancestor itself, and there is no need to upgrade, but the need to upgrade the bloodline does not mean that there is no need to consume lifespan.

It turned out to be so difficult to fuse the two ancestor bloodlines.

Moreover, it needs to consume 100 billion years of lifespan at once to fuse the two ancestor bloodlines. This is really too big a blow to Lei Dao and consumes too much lifespan.

However, Lei Dao is also looking forward to what changes will happen to Lei Dao's ancestor bloodline after the fusion.


After pondering for a long time, Lei Dao finally gritted his teeth and agreed to the fusion.

After all, the ability has always satisfied Lei Dao. The more life is consumed, the more extraordinary it proves. Ordinary bloodlines do not need to consume much life.

For example, ordinary bloodlines can be upgraded to perfection and merged after spending billions of years.

Even if it is a top-notch bloodline, it only needs a lifespan of about 10 billion years just to improve one kind.

But now merging the blood of the ancestor plate will consume a full 100 billion years of lifespan. Lei Dao also wants to see what changes will happen?


With Lei Dao's thought, suddenly, the entire divine body vibrated violently, every inch of flesh and blood in the divine body vibrated, and a large amount of energy was faintly injected into it.

Lei Dao is very familiar with this feature.

Because, this is restructuring!

Every time Lei Dao's ancestor's bloodline increases by 1%, it will be reorganized, and every reorganization is a transformation for the divine body.

But why is the reorganization and transformation this time so drastic?

Lei Dao is already familiar with reorganization and transformation. Every time the blood of the ancestor increases by 1%, Lei Dao's ancestor god body will reorganize and transform. But none of them were as violent as this reorganization and transformation.

The body of Lei Dao's ancestor god expanded rapidly, like blowing up a balloon, expanding crazily. At the same time, there was a faint and tyrannical force that instantly entered Lei Dao's ancestor god body.

The key is that Lei Dao can still clearly feel that the blood in his body is changing. It seems that he has merged into the blood of the ancestor plate, which has caused great changes in his ancestor blood in a short period of time.

"Could it be that the blood of the ancestor plate is too strong?"

Some thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind. He also had some analysis vaguely, for example, the blood of the ancestor plate is too strong, will it turn against the guest?

However, Lei Dao thought about it carefully, and he denied this idea.

Because, Lei Dao practiced the ancestor's bloodline, in fact, there is no "primary and secondary" at all. The fused ancestor's bloodline forms a brand new ancestor's bloodline, which is the "primary", that is, Leidao's ancestor's bloodline.

From the beginning to the end, Lei Dao's ancestor blood has one and only one of them. Now even if it is fused with the blood of the ancestor plate, as long as the fusion is successful, there is still only one blood.

Time passed little by little, and it took three full days for Lei Dao to wake up.

"The metamorphosis is over?"

Lei Dao felt that the power of the ancestor god body had been greatly improved, but Lei Dao didn't know how much it had improved. In short, it was the greatest improvement in the history of his cultivation of the ancestor's divine body.

Lei Dao began to mobilize his abilities to check his body's data.

Name: Lei Dao (35 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 50 billion to 10 million years

Internal world: 115 times domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 15% (thirty kinds of bloodlines are complete)

Lei Dao looked at his body data, and his lifespan is now only 50 billion years, which is 100 billion years less. All of a sudden, 100 billion years of lifespan was lost, and Lei Dao's heart ached.

"Wait, the ancestor's blood has reached 15%?"

Lei Dao opened his eyes wide, as if he had discovered something extraordinary all of a sudden.

His ancestor's blood was only 10% before, how did it become 15% now?

"Could it be the blood of the ancestor plate? The blood of the ancestor plate has been integrated into the blood of the ancestor plate, and the blood of the ancestor has been increased by five percent?"

Lei Dao was shocked in his heart.

Five percent!

He had exhausted all his efforts, cultivated so many bloodlines, and fused so many top bloodlines, but in the end he was only able to reach 10% of the ancestor's bloodline.

But now, Lei Dao actually only fused a kind of ancestor blood, and increased the ancestor blood by 5%. Such an increase is simply unheard of.

Moreover, it only consumed 100 billion years of lifespan.

Calculated according to the ancestral bloodline of the three top bloodlines increased by 1%, even the three top bloodlines need to consume about 30 billion years of lifespan.

5%, it would take 150 billion years of lifespan.

But now, it only consumes 100 billion years of lifespan, which is simply too worth it!

"This is the blood of the ancestor!"

Lei Dao's heart was surging.

The blood of other ancestors can not only greatly improve Lei Dao's ancestor blood at once, but once integrated into Lei Dao's ancestor blood, it can also greatly increase the diversity of Lei Dao's ancestor blood.

The two ancestor bloodlines are fused together, and Lei Dao can also inherit the advantages of the ancestor pan bloodline, thus making the ancestor god body even stronger!

"From this point of view, Master's bloodline can also increase my ancestor's bloodline by 5%. In the end, my ancestor's bloodline can reach 20%, and even my ancestor's divine body can reach 20% of my ancestor's divine body!"

Lei Dao's heart was surging.

Twenty percent of the ancestor's divine body!

It seems that he can achieve it easily, he just merged two kinds of ancestor blood.

But when Lei Dao reached 10% of the ancestor's divine body, how many hardships did he go through?

Lei Dao wished to immediately integrate the blood of the master into the blood of the ancestor, but now he does not have a lifespan of 100 billion years, so he cannot integrate the blood.

"Forget it, wait a little longer. Those saints' life-extending treasures are almost assembled. First, sell all the God Stones of Destruction, and then merge the bloodlines to expand the realm in the body!"

Lei Dao was also full of expectations.

He believes that this time there will be a huge harvest!


"Master, who do you think is here?"

On the fifth day after Lei Dao returned to Pancheng, he received a piece of news that shocked him.

The first saint has come!

Just outside Pancheng.

It's just that saints can't enter Pancheng, and Lei Dao has to go out to trade.

But this saint is a saint that Lei Dao can hardly think of, and even feels very surprised.

"It's Saint Yuan!"

There was a smile on the corner of the ancestor Kong's mouth.

"Sage Yuan?"

Lei Dao's expression was very surprised. He would never have thought that the first saint who came to Pancheng to trade was actually the saint Yuan? Can't wait to get rid of Lei Dao's sage Yuan?

"That's right, it's the Saint Yuan. In order to trade the Destroyer God Stone, the Saint Yuan made a lot of noise, and even wiped out a tribe of gods and demons who refused to obey his orders and refused to hand over life-extending treasures. The determination to collect life-extending treasures is very firm!"

The ancestor Kong will stay with Lei Dao for a month, until the transaction between Lei Dao and the saint is over.

During this period of time, it's not that Ancestor Kong didn't do anything, just meditate in the cave.

On the contrary, as long as the ancestor Kong is willing, then nothing can be hidden from him.

Lei Dao said thoughtfully: "Sage Yuan is a ruthless person, he is ruthless to others, and he is also ruthless to himself. It is normal for him to be the first to come to trade."

Lei Dao also gradually figured it out.

Saint Yuan is the closest to Pancheng, and in order to destroy the sacred stone, Saint Yuan also obtained life-extending treasures at all costs. It was only natural that he was the first to come to Pancheng for trading.

"Okay, the visitor is a guest, as long as the sage has enough life-extending treasures, just give him the Destruction Stone."

Lei Dao didn't feel that Sheng Ren Yuan had a grudge against him, so he wouldn't trade with Sheng Ren Yuan, as long as there were enough life-extending treasures, it met Lei Dao's requirements.

Saint yuan can also be traded!

Therefore, Lei Dao left the cave and flew towards the outside of Pancheng together with the master ancestor Kong.

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