Longevity Species

Chapter 872 So, we are all good people! (Second more)

"Stop, Master Lei, we all feel that your experience is only suitable for you, not for us. It seems that we still need to study more..."

The guardian master's face was a little embarrassed.

Here it comes again, Lei Dao comes again.

What is simplicity?

Are the eighteen territories simple or is it simple to kill the master?

It is difficult for them to open up even ten territories, let alone eighteen.

Moreover, the power of the domain was born in the sixteen territories of Lei Dao, that is because the foundation of Lei Dao is too solid.

It is also because Lei Dao's foundation is too solid that Lei Dao can reverse the powerhouses at the master level with eighteen territories. Many human masters, such as the guardian master, are very clear that Lei Dao was a great master who opened up hundreds of small worlds at the beginning.

To become a Great Master, it is estimated that hundreds of great worlds have also been opened up.

With such terrifying accumulation, the master of achievement has already left other masters far, far away. How can other masters be compared with Lei Dao?

Therefore, Lei Dao's experience is only suitable for Lei Dao himself. If we really want to follow Lei Dao's experience or practice standards, other masters will probably be very desperate and feel that life is hopeless.

Fortunately, they already knew Lei Dao's "characteristics", so they were not "misled" by Lei Dao, otherwise, they would know it by looking at Master Xuanjian.

What has happened to the dignified top master, the top genius born in the sword clan, who was misled by Lei Dao?

This is a lesson for the past!

They will not be "fooled" by Lei Dao, whoever believes is really stupid!

Lei Dao was a little helpless. It seemed that these human masters were not convinced by him, but he had no choice. He really felt that it was quite simple. He simply opened up eighteen territories, and then simply cut Killing the giant spirit emperor, everything is so simple, there is no difficulty.

"You masters must believe me, everything I say is true..."

The corner of Master Xuanjian's mouth twitched slightly.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, he suddenly felt that he was so "stupid" before. He understands it now. It wasn't that he couldn't understand his own strength before, but that Lei Dao couldn't understand it.

Lei Dao's talent has already exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

Even Xuanjian Master, the top genius of the sword clan, dare not mention any talent in front of Lei Dao.

"Everyone, the Flood Dragon Clan has been stamped out, but the matter of the Great Giant Spirit Emperor is a bit serious, and I need to report it to Master."

"That's natural, Master Lei, please go ahead."

Many masters also nodded, anyway, this time humans have gained a lot, and the territory of the Flood Dragon Clan is enough for humans to digest for a while.

As for the master of Xuanjian, he got the sword that Lei Dao brought out from the ancient continent, and he already understood it. Now that he has time, he naturally has to calm down and study it.

Even the master of Xuanjian can already feel that he is very close to the master.

Therefore, Lei Dao directly sent a message to the master, hoping to meet the master.

In the bright world, the message stone can be used, even if the master's first ancestor is empty in the dark world, there is no problem in sending messages.

Soon, Master responded, asking Lei Dao to wait for a while.

Not long after, Lei Dao's heart moved, and the master had come.


Lei Dao stepped out in one step and went straight into the dark world.

At this moment, in the dark world, there is a huge leaf, like a continent, one sand, one leaf, one world. These methods have exceeded Lei Dao's imagination.

Lei Dao is very familiar with this, this is Master's "Dongfu".

Therefore, Lei Dao directly entered the master's cave, stepped on this huge leaf, and came directly in front of the ancestor Kong.

"Disciple Lei Dao, pay homage to Master!"

Lei Dao respectfully saluted the ancestor Kong.

Speaking of which, Lei Dao has gone to the ancient continent since he became a teacher, and he has not stayed with the ancestor Kong Kong. The two have only met a few times at best, and they are far from familiar.

Therefore, Lei Dao is also more nervous.

"Lei Dao, you don't have to be nervous, your deeds are already known to you as a teacher. You have made a great reputation in the ancient continent, and the movement is so big that even many of the top disciples of the teacher are far away. It’s not as loud as your disturbance. Yes, you have lived up to your expectations as a teacher, and you have also become a master.”

The master's ancestor Kong was also full of praise for Lei Dao.

Lei Dao's deeds in the ancient continent can't be hidden from Master. After all, although Master is in the Dark Realm, it is not without "eyes". Just the thousands of disciples of Master can be regarded as eyes.

"Master's eyes are like torches."

Lei Dao paused for a moment, hesitating a little, but then said firmly: "Master, you sit in the dark world and sweep away the gods, demons and saints in the ancient continent, but are there any fish that slip through the net?"

"Fish that slipped through the net? What do you want to say?"

"The disciple met a god and demon from the ancient continent today, called the Giant Spirit Emperor..."

Lei Dao reported everything about meeting the Giant Spirit Emperor to Master in detail, without hiding anything.

"You killed the Giant Spirit Emperor?"

However, the master didn't seem to pay much attention to the matter of the giant spirit emperor, but looked at Lei Dao in surprise.

"In the body of a ruler, it's not too rare in the Ming world to slash a great ruler, but it's still very difficult. I didn't expect you to be able to do it, and it was in such a short period of time. It seems that you didn't rely on Kunpeng divine body, but the world practice system you cultivated, right?"

Lei Dao nodded and said: "The disciple did rely on the world's practice system. This is an imperfect method created by human beings. It can only become a master, but it cannot become an ancestor..."

"Achieve the ancestor?"

The ancestor Kong shook his head and said: "In the entire Ming Realm, there is no exercise to achieve the ancestor. In the ancient continent, there is no exercise to achieve the saint. The ancestor and the saint must rely on their own comprehension and chance. The Dharma Gate allows practitioners to become ancestors. Therefore, as long as your human world's practice system reaches the Great Master, it will actually be completely perfected."

"Has the world practice system been perfected?"

Lei Dao was a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be true.

Even the Kunpeng clan doesn't have a method that can make people become ancestors,

Practicing exercises can only reach the level of the Great Master.

Under the human world practice system, a master has actually been born. Although he is not an orthodox world system practitioner, it has been proved to be feasible in theory.

The body of the master of the sword is a domain after all, and this can be regarded as a practice.

Therefore, this world's practice system has actually been perfected. As for Lei Dao, it is impossible to become the "pioneer" of the world's practice system.

Human rulers absolutely dare not use Lei Dao's practice experience, and they can't even refer to it for reference.

"Master, about the Giant Spirit Emperor..."

Lei Dao couldn't help asking.

He felt that the matter of his rebellion against the Great Master was actually a trivial matter, at best it was his personal matter. So what if he beheaded as many masters as possible?

You can't control the situation of Ming Realm and Desolate Ancient Continent!

Compared with the major events of the entire Ming Realm, what is this small matter of his own? Not worth mentioning at all.

The first ancestor Kong smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, don't worry, apprentice, in fact, there are many fish that slipped through the net like the Giant Spirit Emperor, and they are harmless and can't hinder anything."

"Ah? Master knows?"

"It's only natural. I patrolled the dark world as a teacher, and I have been sitting in the dark world all the time. How could I not know?"

"Then why didn't Master stop it?"

"Although the teacher is the first ancestor, the dark world is too big, and the saints in the ancient continent tried their best to hold back the teacher. Therefore, it is nothing for them to send something to the bright world, but it can make those saints quiet for a while Time, stop tossing."

"This... but the Giant Spirit Emperor said that once the saints master the rules of the Ming Realm, they can even change the world, completely transform the entire Ming Realm, and turn the Ming Realm into a second ancient continent. Wouldn't it be a big trouble for us Ming Realm practitioners? gone?"

This is what Lei Dao is most worried about.

Although the Ancient Continent and the Ming Realm are two sides of one body, there is no world to suppress it.

However, due to the practice system, once the gods and demons of the ancient continent entered the Ming Realm, they would lose the support of the great road of the ancient continent, so their strength would naturally drop a lot, and there would be no one in ten.

After all, the gods and demons of the ancient land rely on the Dao the most, and even the saints understand the Dao, so the primordial spirit rests on the ancient land, immortal and immortal.

There is no world suppression, but because of the practice system, practitioners in the Ming Realm have a huge advantage.

Therefore, the current situation is that the forces of the Ming Realm have the upper hand, and the Ming Realm can continuously send powerful people into the ancient barren continent, but the ancient barren continent can only be sneaky, and only a few gods and demons can be sent into the barren world with great effort.

And the point is, basically nothing is done.

"Teacher, for so many years, the ancient mainland has sent eight thousand gods and demons into the Ming Realm instead of ten thousand? Or even more, but what is the result? They died in the Ming Realm, silently silent. As for returning to the ancient There are only a handful in the mainland. What's more, even if a sage has personally visited the Ming Realm, how can he master the rules of the Ming Realm day and night? If it were really that easy, the saints in the ancient continent would probably have to do it at all costs. Entered the Ming Realm."

Lei Dao thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be the case.

The saint is immortal, and has thousands of incarnations.

If it is really easy to comprehend the rules of the Ming Realm, the saint will activate thousands of avatars, rushing into the Ming Realm frantically, how can Master alone stop them all?

But the sage didn't do that, or did, and it didn't work.

"Teacher, do you understand?"

"The disciple understands."

Lei Dao breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Master has already thought of everything he can think of.

"By the way, Master, logically speaking, there are also many ancestors in the Ming Realm. Why are there only so many strongholds in the ancient continent?"

Lei Dao asked the biggest question in his heart.

The ancestor Kong sighed and said: "Disciple, you have to know that the most unpredictable thing in this world is the human heart. Whether it is the ancestor or a saint, there is no absolute right or wrong, there are only ways of doing things. Whoever said that the ancestor We must deal with the ancient continent? Some ancestors even wanted to break the barrier of the dark world, let the ancient continent collide and merge with the bright world, maybe they can spy on the supreme mystery above the ancestors. Not all ancestors have the same philosophy, the same , and not all saints are the same.”

"So, there are some things, some words, that cannot be said, that cannot be said."

Raido was lost in thought.

He understood what Shi Zun meant.

The human heart is unpredictable, the ancestors and saints are the same.

In the eyes of ordinary masters, they are opposite to the gods and demons of the ancient continent, but in the eyes of ancestors or saints, that is not necessarily the case.

Even if the sage transforms the Ming Realm into the ancient continent, it will have no effect on the ancestors. On the contrary, in the eyes of some ancestors, it is an opportunity.

People are different after all.

"Master, I understand. Our philosophy should be to protect the Ming Realm and fight against the ancient continent. Therefore, we are good people!"


Ancestor Kong suddenly heard the words, and his originally smiling expression seemed to froze all of a sudden.

ps: The third update is around 18:00.

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