Longevity Species

Chapter 867 Patriarch, you must come out of the mountain, human beings are too ruthless! (third chan

Flood dragon tribe, a peaceful scene.

There used to be some conflicts between the Jiaolong clan and the guardian god palace of humans, and there were always conflicts, but after the last fiasco, the Jiaolong clan and humans reached some agreements, and they completely quieted down.

Peaceful days make ordinary Jiaolong very satisfied.

However, this is just an ordinary flood dragon, but the senior ranks of the flood dragon clan, especially the flood dragons above the level of the Great Master, are faintly uneasy.

After all, since the armistice, there have been a lot of news from humans, and even accompanied by movements again and again, each time getting bigger and bigger.

Especially the last time, even the scorpion clan was completely wiped out by humans, and even the master of the scorpion clan was beheaded.

Recently, there have been rumors that human beings have a top genius who worshiped the ancestor as his teacher.

What are you kidding?

The top and bottom of the Flood Dragon Clan absolutely did not believe it.


Do they know what the first ancestor is, that is beyond the master, can create things in the void, create life, and be immortal. Will such a stalwart existence accept a human being as a disciple?

How can it be?

However, although I don't believe it, human beings have been too strong recently.

How did the ruler of the scorpion clan fall?

This is still a mystery!

It is impossible to say that you are not afraid, especially, there are vague rumors recently that the master of the sword is going to become a master, which is even more troublesome.

"How about we simply surrender to humans?"

"Surrender? Hehe, it's easy to say, will humans let us go? Even if we can let us go, once we surrender, after a long time, wouldn't we become a subordinate race of humans? Are you all willing to become a subordinate race of humans? It is a disgrace to our Flood Dragon Clan, even our Flood Dragon Clan will be completely assimilated by humans!"

"That's right, our Flood Dragon Clan absolutely cannot become a subordinate race of humans, even if we die in battle, we absolutely cannot become a subordinate race."

"Then why don't we migrate? Beside humans, watching humans flourish and become more and more powerful, our Flood Dragon Clan will be very passive, and one day, we may even repeat the mistakes of the Scorpion Clan."

Many Great Seniors of the Flood Dragon Clan are very worried.

Humans are too powerful now.

Looking at the undead, they seem to be very respectful to humans.

As for other small races, who dares to fight against humans?

The once giant Scorpion Clan has long been wiped out, and the Flood Dragon Clan refuses to surrender and continues to stay beside the human territory. Will there be a good result?

However, the great elders of the Flood Dragon Clan discussed heatedly, but the master of the Flood Dragon Clan seemed to be in the presence of an old god, looking as stable as Mount Tai.

"Okay, this matter is the main thing here, you don't have to worry, as long as the ancestor is there, our dragon clan is as strong as gold, and no one needs to be afraid."

Finally, Master Flood Dragon spoke.


The eyes of the Great Senior of the Flood Dragon Clan brightened.

This ancestor of the Flood Dragon Clan is not actually an ancient Flood Dragon. On the contrary, the ancestor of the Flood Dragon Clan is not even as old as the leader of the Flood Dragon Clan.

But age is of no use among the Flood Dragon Clan.

Many Flood Dragon Masters only know that the Flood Dragon Patriarch suddenly rose thousands of years ago, then became the master, and finally seemed to faintly subdue the other Flood Dragon Masters, making other Flood Dragon Masters respect the Patriarch very much. The posture of a strong man.

But, no matter how strong it is, it is still a master, right?

In the face of powerful humans, what confidence does the Jiaolong Clan have to contend? After all, even the great master of the scorpion clan has fallen for no apparent reason.

However, the masters of the Flood Dragon Clan did not explain, and the other Flood Dragon Grand Masters could only disperse.

At this moment, several masters of the Flood Dragon Clan got together.

"How about, let's visit the ancestor again? Persuade the ancestor to come out of the mountain? Once the ancestor comes out of the mountain, human beings will be nothing, and it will be easy to exterminate human beings."

"That's right, we've had enough of humans. But for some unknown reason, the ancestor has been reluctant to make a move, and we have nothing to do."

"Let's go, go meet the ancestor. This time, no matter what, we have to persuade the ancestor to make a move. Otherwise, we will be very passive in the face of increasingly powerful and aggressive humans."

"Yes, let's hurry to convince the ancestor."

These Flood Dragon Masters discussed for a while and reached an agreement, so they quickly left the hall and flew towards the forbidden area of ​​the Flood Dragon Clan.

Only the ruler can enter the forbidden area of ​​the Jiaolong clan.

Among them is a cave, which is a forbidden place among the forbidden places, and even the leader of the Flood Dragon Clan seldom visits it.

But now, all the masters of the Flood Dragon Clan have come to this cave.

In the middle of the cave, there is a huge dragon, which seems to be sleeping soundly.

"Old Ancestor, please come out of the mountain this time, otherwise, our Flood Dragon Clan will be in danger."

"That's right, ancestor, human beings are too ruthless. You must take action to destroy human beings. Otherwise, our dragon clan will be oppressed by human beings."

"Based on your strength, Patriarch, even the general masters are probably no match for you. If you make a move, it will definitely be safe and completely wipe out human beings."

The dragon masters began to persuade them.

If there are other flood dragons, they must be very surprised.

Haven't you heard that the Flood Dragon Clan gave birth to a Great Master? How do you look at the appearance of these dragon masters, it seems that the ancestor of the dragon in front of you is very strong, and it seems that he can kill ordinary masters?

In fact, the Flood Dragon Masters are very clear that this is a secret, the secret of the Flood Dragon Clan, and only the Flood Dragon Clan masters know it.

About thousands of years ago, the ancestor of the dragon, who did not know what kind of opportunity, his strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he defeated several of their masters in one fell swoop.

Although the aura of the ancestor of the dragon is not obvious, the only few shots made can make the masters of the dragon see very clearly, the ancestor of the dragon must have the strength of a master!

Even the general masters are not opponents of Jiaolong Patriarch.

But unfortunately, the ancestor of Jiaolong just didn't want to make a move.

Therefore, over the years, the Jiaolong tribe has always been in a safe place. Although they have conflicts with human beings, they have no such posture of vowing to exterminate human beings.

"Shut up! Didn't I say that, the ancestor? Only when the life and death of the dragon is in danger, how can there be a life-and-death crisis now? Human beings are strong, so let's just pretend to be a snake. It's far from the time to exterminate the clan, so don't bother the ancestor again. , all out."

Ancestor Jiaolong seemed to be bored, and directly issued an order to expel the guests.


The other Flood Dragon Masters shook their heads with disappointment on their faces.

It seems that the Jiaolong Patriarch is still unwilling to make a move.

After the masters of the flood dragon left the cave, the ancestor of the flood dragon murmured to himself: "A group of idiots, I came to the Ming Realm with great difficulty and disguised myself as a flood dragon. ? It’s just that, it’s been thousands of years, and I haven’t found a way to integrate the cultivation system of the Ming Realm. I don’t know when I will find it…”

Patriarch Jiaolong shook his head and fell asleep again.

Several Flood Dragon Lords have already left the cave of the Flood Dragon Patriarch, but they are still not reconciled, why are they willing to leave so easily?

"I can't convince the ancestor at all."

"The ancestor doesn't know the reason, and has never made a move. If the ancestor wants to make a move, unless our Jiaolong tribe is at the moment of life and death. But now, how can our Jiaolong tribe encounter a life-and-death crisis?"

"That's right, although human beings are strong, they don't seem to plan to take action against our Flood Dragon Clan recently. I really have to wait until the life and death crisis, I don't know when..."


Just when several flood dragon masters were dejected and distressed, suddenly, the void shook violently, and then, a terrifying sword intent swept across the entire flood dragon territory.

"This is……"

The masters of the flood dragon were all in shock.

But soon, a voice came: "I am the master of the sword! Today, I am the master of the sword, and I will wipe out all the enemies of our mankind! The dragon clan is rebellious and will not show submission. Today, I will lead the human race!" The army, completely crush the Jiaolong clan, to serve as an example to others!"

Immediately, terrifying sword qi raged directly within the territory of the Flood Dragon Clan.

At the same time, the aura of many human masters erupted, and all of them started to attack. This time, the human beings almost came out in full force, in order to completely wipe out the Jiaolong clan, so as to achieve the effect of standing up.

The masters of the Flood Dragon Clan were shocked at this moment.

"The Great Master? Human beings gave birth to the Great Master"

"It seems to be the master of the sword, how could he become the master so quickly?"

"What should we do? Human beings have given birth to a master. Humanity as a whole is stronger than us, but now a master has been born, even a master of swordsmanship. How can we stop the attack on Wushuang? My dragon clan is in danger of being destroyed!"

"The life-and-death crisis is now the life-and-death crisis of my Flood Dragon Clan! Yes, I have to go to the ancestors quickly, only the Ancestors can save my Flood Dragon Clan."

Immediately, these flood dragon masters seemed to remember something, immediately turned around and entered the cave.

"Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor, act quickly, our Flood Dragon Clan is in danger now! Only Old Ancestor can save our Flood Dragon Clan!"

"Yes, human beings are too hateful, this is to completely exterminate my dragon clan!"

"Old Ancestor, now is the critical moment for the life and death of our Flood Dragon Clan, you must act!"

At this moment, Patriarch Jiaolong has already woken up.

How could it be unaware of such a big commotion outside?

Looking at the several Jiaolong masters crying in front of him, the ancestor of Jiaolong was also dumbfounded.

It just said that the Flood Dragon Clan will not take action until life and death are in danger. How come the Flood Dragon Clan is really at the moment of life and death in the blink of an eye?

Do you have to make a move now?

Sensing the fierce sword intent outside, Patriarch Jiaolong knew that the other party must be the master of the sword, and he was the master of swordsmanship, so it was not easy to deal with.

Of course, if it really wanted to make a move, Patriarch Jiaolong felt that it could slap the opponent to death with one slap.

But the key is, it has to be in the ancient continent.

It is the giant spirit clan of the ancient continent, and it is the top emperor!

Even in the Ming Realm, without the support of Dao, the strength he can display now may not even be one-tenth, at best, he is slightly stronger than ordinary emperors, that is, ordinary masters.

Are you really going to fight for the Flood Dragon Clan now?

"That's all, that's all, you guys go to the battle first, I will do it myself, Patriarch!"

It's hard for Patriarch Jiaolong to refuse. If he really wants to continue to decline, then maybe he will be exposed.

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