Longevity Species

Chapter 864 It's so difficult to dominate Lei! (third change)

"Okay, okay, it's rare for Master Lei to come back. Master Lei, Master Xuanjian, why don't you go and rest first?"

The guardian master felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

He understands Lei Dao's problem. If he is not careful, his words will be misunderstood, and he can't wait to "explode the hammer" Lei Dao.

But now they can't beat Lei Dao. In this regard, the Guardian Juggernaut still has self-knowledge.

So, it's better to go to rest now to ease the atmosphere.

"Wait, this time I brought a lot of good things from the ancient continent, and I brought them specially for the masters of human beings. They should satisfy you."

After all, Lei Dao took out many treasures of heaven and earth.

These heavenly materials and earthly treasures do not exist in the Ming Realm, and each one is extremely precious. Even Lei Dao explained the effect of each heavenly material and earthly treasure, which made many human masters fall in love with it. crazy.

"Such a precious thing, once we use it, even the overall strength of the entire human race will soar."

"I feel that after using these things, I'm afraid I won't be too far away from the master."

"These things, especially physical body cultivation, are probably more effective. Is this ancient continent really full of treasures?"

Many human masters are shocked.

Even the master of Xuanjian was shocked.

He is well-informed among the sword clan, but he has never encountered any of these things. Each piece can be called a top treasure among the sword clan.

But what about here in Raidou?

Throwing out casually, and not one or two pieces, but dozens or hundreds of pieces, seems to be very common.

"Master Lei, you said that these things were brought out from the Ancient Desolate Continent? Which territory is the Ancient Desolate Continent? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Master Xuanjian finally couldn't help asking.

"you do not know?"

Lei Dao felt rather puzzled.

However, since Master Xuanjian asked, and it was no secret to Master Xuanjian.

Therefore, Lei Dao explained: "Master Xuanjian, you are a genius of the sword clan. In fact, you will know these things sooner or later. The ancient continent is located in the dark world. Compared with our bright world, it is a completely different world. Ruyun, strong people come out in large numbers, and a ruler like me who is considered good in the Ming Realm is nothing in the ancient continent, everywhere..."

The corner of Master Xuanjian's mouth twitched slightly.

Come, come, Lei Dao is coming again!

This feeling is all too familiar.

What is the barren ancient continent? Masters like Lei Dao abound?

In the past, the ruler of Xuanjian had no doubts about Lei Dao.

As for now, the master of Xuanjian can only "hehe".

Anyway, filtering out some exaggerated modified words in Lei Dao's words is basically very reliable.

"So, the Ancient Continent and the Ming Realm are two sides of one body, not inferior to the huge world of the Ming Realm, and even have completely different cultivation systems..."

Master Xuanjian fell into deep contemplation.

According to Lei Dao, in fact, the barren ancient continent is not a secret among many ancient clans. Moreover, as long as there is a master, basically the masters of some ancient big clans can enter the barren ancient continent.

But why hasn't he heard of it?

Master Xuanjian fell into memory.

Suddenly, he thought of the words of the Great Elder.

The Great Elder seems to have said that once Master Xuanjian reaches Great Master, he will send Master Xuanjian to a certain place.

Could it be the ancient continent?

"That's right, the ancient continent is very dangerous. The elder is afraid that I will be in danger in the ancient continent. Therefore, other masters can go, but I have to wait for the great master to go..."

Got it, got it all!

It's still about the "protection" of the Sword Clan. Although the Master Xuanjian doesn't believe in Lei Dao's so-called "false theory", Lei Dao is right in one thing. The whole Sword Clan is actually protecting the Master Xuanjian.

Others can enter the barren continent if they reach the master level, but Xuanjian master can't, they must reach the great master level to enter. Only the Great Master seems to be safer.

"By the way, where is the master of the sword?"

Reid asked again.

"The Lord of Swords is currently adjusting his status in the Sword God Palace. Why, Master Lei wants to find the Lord of Swords?"

"That's right. Actually, this time I also brought the Master of the Sword a big gift. Maybe it will help the Master of the Sword to become the Great Master. Or, I went directly to the Sword God Palace to find the Master of the Sword?"

Lei Dao did it when he thought of it, anyway, he was the majestic master, so where did he need to rest?

"I'll take a look too."

Master Xuanjian also wanted to go with him. This master of the sword, just hearing the name, knows that he is practicing the way of the sword, and he is about to become a master. Such a thing can be encountered but cannot be sought.

Although Xuanjian master has also seen great masters in the sword clan, but seeing the birth of a master of swordsmanship with his own eyes is not so easy to meet.

It may also be helpful to the master of Xuanjian's kendo.

After all, the Xuanjian master is a top swordsman now, but he also wants to become a great master as soon as possible.

"Okay, let's go with the Master Xuanjian."

After finishing speaking, Lei Dao and Xuanjian Master got into the space channel together, disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, and shuttled towards the Sword God Palace.

Looking at Lei Dao's disappearing figure, the guardian master and many other masters looked at each other in blank dismay.

"The return of Master Lei this time is really...unexpected!"

The guardian master looked at the pile of treasures in front of him, and didn't know what to say.

He didn't know what the ancient continent looked like.

But to say that there are treasures everywhere in the ancient continent, and you can pick them up casually, that would be an insult to his IQ. So many masters and great masters have all gone to the ancient continent, how can Lei Dao obtain so many treasures?

"Don't think it's easy for Master Lei to say, but in fact, I'm afraid that these treasures were bought by Master Lei with all his efforts. He still cares about human beings all the time!"

"Yes, Master Lei must have suffered a lot in the ancient continent. He lived between life and death every day, so that he was able to collect so many treasures of heaven and earth for us as a mere master. It is really hard for Master Lei."

"Yeah, don't look at the optimism that Master Lei said, but in the ancient continent, the level of masters is a little better than cannon fodder, and they can't even reach the upper level. There are so many great masters, top masters, etc., even if Master Lei No matter how outstanding the talent is, it is impossible to be so strong. How high is the status in the ancient continent? These natural materials and earthly treasures are obtained by Master Lei with all his efforts. We must make good use of them and not waste any."

"Yes, we must not waste it, let alone live up to Master Lei's painstaking efforts."

"Master Lei is really difficult. He must have worked hard in the ancient continent, but he showed us a strong and relaxed side. He doesn't want us to worry."

The expressions of many masters are very dignified.

They have also traveled abroad. Although the time of traveling is not long, they are very clear about how hard it is to wander outside alone.

Lei Dao is just a master, and he was even just a great master when he went to the ancient continent.

How many treasures can a Great Senior get?

Even if you become a master, how long does it take? In the ancient continent, the number of masters is simply countless. Every time you get a treasure, you have to work hard.

Perhaps, every piece of heaven, material and earth treasure is stained with Lei Dao's painstaking efforts.

Therefore, it must not be wasted!

For a while, many masters were already planning how to use these natural treasures correctly to achieve the best results. In short, it must not be wasted, otherwise, they themselves will not forgive themselves.



Lei Dao and Master Xuanjian stepped forward and came to the Sword God Palace.

Lei Dao didn't know that the human masters were already very moved, thinking that he had worked so hard in the ancient continent to get so many treasures. If Lei Dao knew, he would feel that the human masters were a little too sensitive.

His treasures are really easy.

What's more, the big head was "digested" by Lei Dao.

"This is the Sword God Palace? Huh? Such a strong sword intent..."

With a movement in Xuanjian Master's heart, he immediately felt the sharp sword intent.

The mighty sword intent is coded in the secret rooms of the entire Sword God Palace.

Lei Dao traveled to the secret room of the Sword God Palace, and he knew that the Lord of the Sword was here.


A figure quickly appeared in front of the two of them.

As always, his indifferent eyes and icy expression.

Master of the sword!

The pillar of mankind is about to become the master!

"Master Lei... No, Master Lei, are you back?"

The master of the sword saw Lei Dao at a glance.

The God of War master had notified many masters before, but he did not notify the master of the sword, because he was afraid of affecting the adjustment of the master of the sword. After all, for the master of the sword, the adjustment of the state is the most important thing.

"Master of the sword, I'm back."

Reid said with a smile.

Judging from the appearance of the master of the sword, he seems to be very good, and the sword intent on his body is very strong.

"Huh? This master is also the master of swordsmanship?"

The master of the sword's eyes lit up.

As the master of swordsmanship, he could naturally sense the sword intent of the mysterious sword master, and the two sword intents collided with each other without any warning.

"This is the mysterious sword master of the sword clan, my friend."

"Master of the Sword Clan?"

The master of the sword's expression froze, staring at the master of the black sword.

Maybe other human beings don't know the sword clan, but the master of the sword knows.

Because, he got the kendo practice method back then, it was from the sword clan.

"It is rumored that the Sword Clan is the source of all the Sword Dao in the Ming Realm, and there is even a great Sword Ancestor who spreads the Sword Dao. Is the Master of the Black Sword really the Master of the Sword Clan?"

"Yes, I am indeed from the sword family. However, the master of the sword can practice so much by relying on an ordinary way of swordsmanship, almost reaching the level of the master, and even the sword intent is so fierce. Unbelievable, unbelievable gone."

Xuanjian Zhu Yue was surprised.

He could tell that the master of the sword practiced a very common way of swordsmanship, and it was passed down among the sword clan.

But it is such an ordinary way of swordsmanship that allows the master of the sword to cultivate almost to the level of the master.

This has already surpassed the imagination of the master Xuanjian.

It can be seen how terrifying the sword master's talent in the way of the sword is, even, it is not inferior to him!

You know, Master Xuanjian is a genius of swordsmanship praised by even the Sword Clan, and his talent is so strong that it is unimaginable.


For a moment, the two looked at each other, and they both felt eager to try.

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