Longevity Species

Chapter 862 The Master of Xuanjian seems to feel that something is wrong? (first update)


Lei Dao took a step forward and came in front of the master of the undead race.

"That's all for the Predator Master?"

"Yes, that's all."

"Just these drug-addicted masters, can you push you to this point? The undead are also ancient clans after all, and many masters have been born..."

Lei Dao shook his head, thinking that the undead race is really hopeless. This is an ancient clan that has declined, but once it declines, it will be difficult to rise again.

Even these masters of drug addiction can't deal with it.

As for quantity?

Although there are indeed a lot of giant beasts, at most they are just a bit more powerful Dazun, can they still deal with them? This undead, Lei Dao shook his head, really hopeless.

"Yes, what the master said is very true. Our undead race is indeed in decline. Thank you for your help this time. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

The master quickly nodded and said yes, seeing that Lei Dao had blasted several masters with one punch just now, how could the master of the undead dare to talk back to Lei Dao?

Therefore, Lei Dao said what he said, and what Lei Dao said was right.


The next moment, circles of space ripples appeared in the void.

Immediately afterwards, several masters jumped out of the space channel.

"Where are those Marauder Lords?"

The eyes of these masters swept away, and they immediately saw the masters of the undead, as well as the masters of Lei Dao and Xuanjian.


This master was also an acquaintance of Lei Dao, and when he saw Lei Dao, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Master of the God of War, why, don't you know Lei?"

"You are Great Master Lei? No, the aura on your body is clearly the master. You... have you become the master?"

God of War Ruler was extremely shocked in his heart.

He knew that Lei Dao had left the five great palaces of human beings and went to the ancient continent in the dark world.

However, he has never been to the ancient continent, and even the human masters have never been to the ancient continent. If Lei Dao hadn't told them, they would never have even heard of the ancient continent.

But it's only been a mere year for Lei Dao to go to the ancient continent, no, not even a year, so he has become a master?

This is too incredible, right?

The God of War master's impression of Lei Dao is still at the stage of the Great Master.

"Master Lei, these are your people?"

Master Xuanjian was a little curious.

He had heard that Lei Dao mentioned the masters of human beings, the masters of the five great palaces of human beings, the backbone of human beings, these are the masters. In Lei Daokou, although these masters are not strong, they can create a system of practice and become masters through cultivation, which is very powerful.

The master of the mysterious sword is even a little eager to try, wanting to compete with these human masters.

However, now is obviously not the time to learn from each other, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

"Master of the God of War, now is not the time to reminisce about the past, you are late, those predators and giant beasts were all killed by me and Master Xuanjian."

"You beheaded those predator masters and giant beasts?"

God of War Juggernaut was even more shocked.

In fact, they have long noticed those predators dominate.

After all, how could human beings not notice those predator masters wreaking havoc in the undead territory? It was only seeing that the predators were powerful, so they never intervened.

In fact, I also had some thoughts in mind, wanting to let the Marauder Master and the Undead fight to the detriment of both sides first, and then they will be more confident when they make a move.

Who knew that when they came, they actually saw Lei Dao, and those giant beasts and predator masters were all beheaded by Lei Dao?

How can this be?

Seeing the unbelievable expressions of God of War Master and others, Lei Dao shook his head and said: "Master God of War, don't be surprised. In fact, these predator masters are all strong outsiders, but they are not useful. They are all drug-addicted masters." , The master who forcibly breaks through with the treasures of heaven and earth is so weak that any ordinary master can deal with a few of them. If you can come earlier, you can easily deal with these predator masters."

"How many ordinary masters can deal with at will?"

The ruler of the God of War is skeptical.

The corner of the undead ruler's mouth twitched slightly.

Ordinary master?

The undead master just wanted to say "hehe".

It's a pity that the master of the undead race is afraid to speak now. He may feel that Lei Dao and the master of Xuanjian seem to be a bit "abnormal", and their brain circuits are a bit different from normal people.

Perhaps, this is the reason why they can become "strong".

When Lei Dao spoke, the master of the undead race would never dare to intervene.

Therefore, in the dubious gaze of the God of War Master, the Undead Master did not have any refutation, which made the God of War Master faintly inclined to believe Lei Dao's words.

"That's how it is. Before we sensed these predator masters, we thought they were very strong and would be a serious problem for us humans. We didn't expect them to be so vulnerable. That's right, Master Lei has made a contribution this time. I believe that after returning , the guardian master will be very happy. By the way, who is this?"

At this time, it seemed that the Master of the God of War sounded to ask the Master of Xuanjian.

"This is the mysterious sword master of the sword clan. He travels and travels. He is my friend."

"Sword clan?"

The Lord of War God secretly speculated in his heart that he had never heard of any sword clan.

However, looking at the trace of sword intent emanating from Master Xuanjian's body, it was not inferior to the Master of Swords, and he immediately knew that this should be a swordsman, and he should be a relatively powerful swordsman.

Therefore, the God of War master did not dare to neglect, and said with a smile: "Welcome Master Xuanjian to come to our human beings as a guest."

"I'm a little presumptuous."

Master Xuanjian also seemed very nervous.

Although these human masters are weak, according to Lei Dao, they are also ordinary masters.

Far stronger than Xuanjian Master.

Therefore, Master Xuanjian is also very polite.

"By the way, has the master of the sword become a master?"

Raido asked.

"Not yet, the master of the sword has been adjusting his state. As long as he adjusts his state to the peak, he can try to break through and become the master."

"Oh? It seems that it will take a few years."

Lei Dao nodded. The master of the sword said before that the master of the sword will be achieved within ten years, but now it is less than a year. It is normal to adjust for a few years.

"Okay, let's go back now. I haven't been back to my hometown for a long time. I miss the Guardian Palace very much."

God of War Juggernaut and others all had strange expressions.

Less than a year, so long?

However, they also knew that Lei Dao was different from them. Lei Dao was only under 30 years old, and he was away for nearly a year. For Lei Dao, it was indeed a long time.

Therefore, Lei Dao, God of War Juggernaut and the others traveled directly through the space towards the Guardian Palace.

Seeing that the figures of Lei Dao and others had completely disappeared, the masters of the undead race heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Master, the one just now was really the master of human beings?"

"Naturally, and I also remembered the master. Isn't it the legendary great lord of human beings, the great lord Lei Dao? There is news among the human beings that this great lord Lei is amazing. He was seen by an ancestor. In the middle, he was accepted as a disciple. We used to think that it was nonsense and that human beings were simply crazy, but now it seems that this is probably the case.”

"A disciple of the first ancestor! No wonder he became a master in such a short period of time. Moreover, beheading those predator masters is like cutting melons and vegetables, without any effort. But looking at the appearance of the thunder master, he actually said Are you an ordinary master?"

"Perhaps, the standard of the master of thunder is the standard of the ancestor's disciples. Among the disciples of the first ancestor, the performance of the master of thunder is indeed very common. However, in the future, don't mention the matter of the master of thunder. We will not die in the future." If the undead clan honestly abide by the agreement with humans, the well water will not violate the river water, and be a good neighbor of human beings with peace of mind, and don't have any unreasonable thoughts. Even if our undead race gives birth to a master."

The undead masters are now completely disheartened.

Seeing Lei Dao's performance, they were really disheartened.

So what if the undead gave birth to a master?

The master of the sword of mankind can also become a great master.

And the key point is that Lei Dao is the disciple of the first ancestor, and he has unlimited potential in the future. Isn't it easy to become a master?

Now Lei Dao is so powerful, and if he becomes the master in the future, wouldn't it be possible for one person to easily destroy the entire undead race?

I can't afford it, I can't afford it!

The entire undead race couldn't afford to offend Lei Dao, and they no longer dared to have any unreasonable thoughts about humans.



Guardian of the shrine, in the secret room of the ruler.

Circles of space ripples appeared in the secret room, and then Lei Dao, Xuanjian Master, War God Master and many other masters all stepped out of the space passage and came into the secret room.

In the secret room, the three guardian masters, the four-pole master, and the Vientiane master, are all there, and they have also received the news from the God of War master.

It's just that I can't believe it.

"Leidao, you...you really became the master?"


The guardian master's eyes immediately saw Lei Dao.

Lei Dao, the former Grand Master Lei, the legendary Grand Master who guarded the shrine.

Now, he has become the master?

In a year, or even less than a year, he has become a master, unbelievable, unbelievable.

"It's just a fluke to protect the master."

Lei Dao glanced around, it was still a familiar place, familiar appearance, and familiar people.

The three masters, Guardian Ruler, Four Pole Ruler, and Vientiane Ruler, have not changed at all.

Yes, nothing has changed.

Practice seems to have come to a standstill.

Lei Dao was a little sad.

He knows that these human masters are the pillars of the sky for human beings. They are exhausting, and they don't have much time for self-cultivation. They don't even dare to travel. How can there be any opportunities?

They have sacrificed too much for mankind.

It's hard work for humans to dominate!

Fortunately, this time Lei Dao brought back many treasures of heaven and earth from the ancient continent, which can enable human masters to practice well, and no matter how bad they are, they can improve their strength, which can be regarded as his contribution to mankind.

The guardian master exclaimed incomparably: "Lucky? How can there be so many luck? No matter how great the chance is, you must be able to keep up with it to turn the chance into strength. You have only been away from the Guardian God Palace for nearly a year, right?" ? I became a master in one year, which is the most in my human history..."

Guardian Master is really shocking.

Juggernaut's practice was fast in the past, but what about now?

In a blink of an eye, they all became masters, which surpassed them all. For a while, the masters also had mixed feelings in their hearts, which seemed to be unpleasant.

"Wait, what did you just say? It's only been a year since Master Lei became the master?"

Suddenly, a strange voice came from the side.

Everyone looked at it according to the reputation, and it was indeed a strange ruler.

However, Lei Dao is very familiar with it.

That is the master of Xuanjian!

At this moment, Master Xuanjian was full of doubts, and vaguely, he seemed to feel that something was wrong.

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