Longevity Species

Chapter 860 Facing the


Sure enough, the next moment, a world exploded, and terrifying waves spread to the surroundings.

This is the master's attack, and he didn't enter the dark world to do it, but he did it in the void of the bright world. A little aftermath can destroy world after world.

Master Xuanjian looked solemn, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Master Lei, is this your hometown? It seems that your hometown is in trouble, don't worry, I will work with you to solve the trouble in your hometown!"

The master of Xuanjian is very firm.

He has long understood that Lei Dao's hometown is actually very weak, and there is not even a great master in the clan. In the vast Ming Realm, such a weak race may be destroyed every moment.

Although he now understands that he is just an insignificant, ordinary master who is not worth mentioning, not even an ordinary master, but a very weak master.

But Lei Dao is his friend, how could he just sit idly by and ignore the death of his friend's people?

Lei Dao was also very moved, the master of Xuanjian is indeed very weak, and it is estimated that the master of Xuanjian will be in danger when he encounters a stronger master. But even so, Master Xuanjian still had a firm attitude and wanted to fight side by side with him. Lei Dao felt that this friend was not in vain.

However, Lei Dao still shook his head and said: "Master Xuanjian, this is not my hometown, and these are not my people. However, they are my neighbors, my human neighbors, and they are undead!"

"Undead? I seem to have heard of..."

Master Xuanjian recalled carefully, he seemed to have heard in the ancient books of the Sword Clan that the Undead Clan should be one of the ancient great clans in the Ming Realm.

I just don't know why, and then it declined.

Looking at the current situation, it is already in jeopardy.

"The undead race doesn't even have a great master, and their decline has reached the extreme... However, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Shall we go and have a look? Maybe we can help."

Lei Dao also wanted to go and have a look.

The reason is simple, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold!

The undead have limited potential.

Without the Undead Origin Orb, it is impossible to break through to the Great Master. Now the undead race has only one undead original pearl, even if they are lucky, they can only give birth to one great master, which is not a threat at all to human beings.

A neighbor who is not a threat is naturally the best.

But if the undead are extinct now, there will be more neighbors in the future, that's not necessarily the case.

What's more, it's hard to say what's going on with the undead now, what if it affects the five great shrines of mankind?

So Raidou had to go and have a look.


The two quickly flew towards the source of the fluctuation, and soon, the two saw the source of the fluctuation.

In the void of the Ming Realm, there are actually dozens of terrifying giant beasts. These giant beasts can swallow countless worlds in one bite, and the terrifying power spreads to all directions.

Every Behemoth is comparable to a Juggernaut.

"Giant beasts of the Ming Realm? No, these giant beasts of the Ming Realm are aloof from the world, and under normal circumstances they will not take the initiative to attack practitioners of the Ming Realm, but now, these giant beasts are clearly attacking the undead on their own initiative, and they are very aggressive. The rules. If I'm not mistaken, there are masters who control these giant beasts."

"Someone has sent a giant beast?"

Lei Dao's expression immediately became dignified.

The undead are probably in danger now.

The undead once obtained an undead original pearl, which was brought back by Lei Dao. But in such a short period of time, not even a year, can the undead race give birth to a great master?

Lei Dao was suspicious.

Now facing this sudden crisis, I am afraid that the undead will be very dangerous.

Just as Lei Dao was about to investigate the specific situation carefully, suddenly, Xiao Hei's voice came into Lei Dao's ears: "Master, the master in the black coffin is dying, and he has completely surrendered to Master."

"The ruler in the black coffin?"

Lei Dao was slightly taken aback.

Xiao Hei didn't say he had forgotten, but there was still a master in the black coffin.

"Well, let him out."

Following Lei Dao's order to Xiao Hei, the next moment, a figure staggered and appeared in front of Lei Dao.

"Huh? Are you the ancestor of swallowing spirit?"

Lei Dao opened his eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe it.

The figure in front of him was skinny, almost skinny, with a pale face and dull eyes. How could he have the high-spirited and incomparable demeanor that he had when he escaped from trouble?

"Uh... the spirit swallowing pays homage to the master."

The spirit-swallowing patriarch is miserable now, and he never wants to go back to the black coffin.

That black coffin is simply too scary, it's not a place for people to stay. He would rather be suppressed for another million years than stay in the black coffin for a second.

Lei Dao also probably guessed that it should be Xiao Hei's handwriting.

Xiao Hei seems to be very talented in "torturing", otherwise, Patriarch Tunling wouldn't have surrendered so quickly.

However, Lei Dao didn't feel any guilt.

This soul-swallowing patriarch was going to swallow him indiscriminately, the cruelty of the method was outrageous. Moreover, if it weren't for Lei Dao, the Soul Devouring Patriarch would not know how many lives he would devour.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the ancestor Tunling was heinous and heinous.

Lei Dao has now subdued the ancestor of swallowing spirit, which is considered a good deed.

"Master Lei, this is..."

The master of Xuanjian was a little surprised, he could sense that the patriarch Tunling should also be a master. It's just that it's really hard to judge the strength of the ancestor Tunling who is tortured so badly, the Master of Xuanjian.

"Master Xuanjian, this is the ancestor of Tunling, a master I imprisoned on the way. I used a little trick to suppress him in a treasure. He couldn't bear the torture, so he recognized me as master. I only I can reluctantly accept him, and prevent him from continuing to do evil things."

"I see."

Master Xuanjian nodded.

Although it is a little strange that Lei Dao is just an ordinary master, how can he still have the ability to suppress another master, but Lei Dao also explained just now that it is suppressed by treasures.

If there is a powerful treasure, let alone a master, even a great master can suppress it.

For example, a sword talisman in Master Xuanjian's hand was bestowed by the Sword Ancestor, even a top master can be killed with a single strike, it can be regarded as the top treasure.

It is not surprising that Lei Dao can have some powerful treasures.

"This old servant has seen the master of Xuanjian."

Ancestor Tunling is also very knowledgeable. Now he is Lei Dao's servant, so he should have the consciousness of a servant.

Moreover, the spirit-swallowing patriarch was also very surprised, when did Lei Dao have such a powerful master? From Xuanjian Master, Tunling Patriarch felt the extremely terrifying sharp sword intent.

It seemed that the opponent could kill him with just a single strike.

I don't know how many times stronger than the Heavenly Sword Lord who sealed him back then.

With such a terrifying top master walking with Lei Dao, the ancestor of Tunling really couldn't understand the depth of Lei Dao, but he felt more and more that Lei Dao was unfathomable.

"Alright, we have three masters, and we can resist one or two when we encounter danger. Let's go and see what kind of trouble the undead have encountered?"

Therefore, Lei Dao quickly flew forward with Xuanjian Master and others.

Soon, they saw the undead, and they were the masters of the undead.

"Human domination?"

Suddenly, some masters of the undead clan seemed to sense the aura of Lei Dao at once.

Human breath!

The undead have been neighbors with humans for so many years, so they are naturally very familiar with the breath of humans. After seeing Lei Dao, they hurriedly shouted: "Is it the master of humans? Quick, quick, hurry up, we ask your human masters for help!" How did you arrive after so long? These are terrible plundering masters. They are like locusts. Wherever they pass, all races are plundered. If we undead fall, you humans will be in danger. They don't care about your background and identity as humans."

"Plunder master?"

Lei Dao was shocked.

He had heard of the Raider Masters, and even these Raider Masters had long been notorious.

Plundering the master, specifically plundering various resources of the Ming race, turning everything it passes into ruins. It is not known how many races were destroyed.

But they moved extremely fast, and they only picked some small and medium-sized races to do it, and they haven't encountered any major troubles until now.

Unexpectedly, these plundering masters actually came to this area and even found the undead to fight.

Although human beings have some news that Lei Dao is the disciple of the first ancestor, how can these plundering masters care?

They grab it and leave, as long as their strength allows, they will do it.

It's no wonder that the undead actually asked for help from humans, but now the human masters don't know why they didn't come to help.

"It's true that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. We can't just sit idly by when we encounter this kind of thing."

Lei Dao took a deep breath and said: "Tunling, go, don't you devour? Swallow all these giant beasts and those plundering masters, and let you swallow them all at once!"

Lei Dao simply gave an order to Tunling Patriarch.

"Uh...Master, I can only devour the lives below the Juggernaut. As for the Juggernaut, I can't swallow it at all..."

The spirit-swallowing master's face collapsed.

"Aren't you the patriarch of swallowing spirit? Such an imposing name, even the ruler can't swallow it."

Lei Dao shook his head. He didn't expect the ancestor of Tunling to be so useless. If he knew it earlier, he would have killed him directly, and he had to work hard to subdue him. The gain outweighed the loss.

"Let me do it."

At this moment, Master Xuanjian stood up.

"Brother Lei, since I'm in trouble, I can't escape. Although I'm weak and may not even be able to deal with a plundering master or a giant beast, I will do my best to entangle a master or a giant beast." ,contribute my effort!"

Master Xuanjian gritted his teeth and stood up.

Even if he is the most ordinary and weakest master, he cannot back down at this time.

"Master Xuanjian, this place is too dangerous, you should leave for now. My shuttle is faster, at least I can barely resist one or two, as for you..."

Raidou shook his head.

How does Xuanjian Master, an ordinary master who grew up in a "greenhouse", fight these vicious and plundering masters?

Lei Dao would feel very guilty if something happened.

"No, Master Lei, don't worry, I will hide if I can't fight, besides, these monsters of the Ming Realm seem to be relatively bulky and less flexible. If I try my best, I should be able to entangle one of them. Without further delay, I will go first Ensnare a giant beast."

After all, Master Xuanjian flew towards a giant beast in the Ming Realm without waiting for Lei Dao to speak.

Soon, one of the giant beasts noticed Master Xuanjian.

Master Xuanjian's expression froze, and he stared fixedly at the giant beast, but many thoughts turned in his mind.

"After all, I'm just the most ordinary and weakest ruler. Facing the giant beasts of the same level, I just need to contain them. Therefore, I must go all out, burst out with all my strength from the beginning, and must entangle one of them. Beast, buy time for Brother Lei!"

Master Xuanjian was very nervous.

After all, this was the first time he faced an opponent outside of the Sword Domain, and it was also a very terrifying monster from the Ming Realm.

He knew very well that these giant beasts would not release water on him again.

This time, he is likely to be in danger.

Therefore, he must go all out.

"Extreme Sword Slash!"

The next moment, Master Xuanjian made a move.

He tried his best to unleash all his strength, even secretly preparing to activate the sword talisman of Sword Ancestor, once he couldn't stop it, he would immediately unleash the power of the sword talisman.

In any case, facing a real "master" level opponent this time, the Xuanjian master will no longer evade, and he can truly see the strength of the "real" master!

"Come on, let me see, how much stronger is the real master than me?"

At this moment, the master of Xuanjian had a high fighting spirit, and was even ready to start desperately at any time.

ps: The third update is around 18:00

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