Longevity Species

Chapter 857 However, Lei Dao has already seen through everything! (Second more)


Lei Dao's eyes narrowed sharply, and then he punched out directly.

The terrifying power of the territory erupted violently, directly blasting fiercely on the sword light.


Although the light of this sword is condensed and does not disperse, the power contained in it is very terrifying, even if the master is not careful, he will be severely injured or even beheaded.

But in the face of Lei Dao's territorial power, it was not enough to look at at all, almost without the power to resist, it was directly annihilated by Lei Dao's territorial power.

This accident was beyond the expectations of many people.

In the Endless Sword Realm, casual fighting is forbidden. If you want to fight, you can go to the sword fighting arena, even the top masters can fight each other. But if they fight casually outside the sword fighting arena, the sword clan will not sit idly by.

There used to be a top master seeking revenge in the Sword Clan, and shot wantonly, but was beheaded by the top sword masters of the Sword Clan, intimidating all directions. Since then, no one has dared to fight at will in the Endless Sword World.


A figure appeared in the void.

"Your Majesty, I was really offended just now. I suddenly realized that I was careless for a moment and sent out a sword energy by mistake. Fortunately, you are fine. I don't know your name? I have to give you an explanation for what happened just now. "


In fact, Lei Dao also saw that this sword qi did not have any killing intent.

But a master, who had a feeling, sent out a sword qi by mistake, this probability can be hit by Lei Dao, and I don't know if it is good luck or not.

"Lei doesn't need to say anything, just pay attention to it in the future."

After all, Lei Dao was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, Your Excellency. I am the ruler of the sword family Xuanjian. Your Excellency's punch just now is extraordinary, and it is by no means easy. Why don't you go to my Jiange and tell it?"

Hearing the man's self-reported family name, many practitioners around started talking.

"Master Xuanjian? Isn't that known as the top genius of the Sword Clan who is hard to come by in thousands of years? In this generation of the Sword Clan, only the Master Xuanjian has the highest talent in swordsmanship. Even the Sword Ancestor has seen the Master Xuanjian once, yes It has high hopes."

"That's right. The Master of Xuanjian currently has a high status in the Sword Clan. No wonder he sent out a burst of sword energy by mistake, but the Sword Clan didn't make any movement."

"Speaking of which, that strange master is unlucky enough. If he is not powerful enough to block the sword energy of the Xuanjian master, his death will be in vain. The sword clan will definitely not pursue the Xuanjian master."

"That's right, but this strange master is also very strong. The mysterious sword master is the top master. Except for the great master, there is no other master who can take his sword casually. This strange master, unexpectedly One punch annihilated a strand of sword energy mastered by Xuanjian."

"Fortunately, Master Xuanjian treats people kindly and has no bad deeds. I really want to apologize to this strange master."

Hearing the comments of practitioners around him, Lei Dao's heart moved.

If he wanted to find the territory of the Lotus Clan, it would be inconvenient for him to be alone in the Endless Sword Realm. If he could have the help of the Sword Clan, it would be much easier.

Since this mysterious sword master has such a high status in the sword clan, it should be very fast to ask the mysterious sword master to help him find the territory of the lotus clan.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao stopped in his tracks, nodded and said, "That's fine, Master Xuanjian is kind enough to invite, and Lei will not refuse."

"Okay, Master Lei, please!"

So, Xuanjian Master led the way, Lei Dao followed closely, and quickly flew towards the Jiange of Xuanjian Master.

Soon, Lei Dao saw sword pavilions, densely packed, innumerable.

Master Xuanjian explained: "Master Lei should have just arrived in the Endless Sword Realm, right? In fact, the people living in these sword pavilions are all the masters of our sword clan. Anyone in my sword clan who has become a master of swordsmanship will be given a sword pavilion."

"All masters will bestow a sword pavilion?"

Reid asked curiously.

"No, all sword masters will be given a sword pavilion, there is still a difference."

"Master of Sword Dao? Could it be that a master who has achieved the Dao of Sword must understand the Dao of Sword and can be called Master of Sword Dao? The rest are ordinary masters?"

Lei Dao seemed to think of something.

"That's right, that's the case. Although my sword clan is named after the sword, there are some people in the clan who don't understand the way of the sword. They follow the physical body cultivation system of the Ming Realm, and there are some masters who have achieved mastery. Then they can't live in the sword pavilion and will be given a cave. "

Lei Dao nodded, understanding.

However, he felt that these sword pavilions must have some special features, for example, they must be beneficial to sword practitioners.

"Master Lei, please."

Master Xuanjian opened the door of the Jiange, and invited Lei Dao to enter the Jiange. Lei Dao did not doubt that he was there, and flew directly into the Jiange.

The sword pavilion is very large. Once inside the sword pavilion, Lei Dao felt a sharper and clearer sword path, which seemed to radiate the sword pavilion all the time.

Lei Dao finally understood that it was no wonder that the Sword Clan gave the Sword Pavilion to the master of Sword Dao. It is really that this Sword Pavilion has unique benefits for Sword Dao practitioners.

The two sat opposite each other.

Master Xuanjian looked Lei Dao up and down, and then slowly said: "Master Lei, this is the first time to the Endless Sword Realm?"

"Not bad, the first time."

"Master Lei is here to come to the Endless Sword Realm, is there something wrong?"

Lei Dao pondered for a while and said: "There is indeed something. To be honest, Lei was traveling in the dark world and lost his way. Then he accidentally came to the endless sword world and wanted to find the way home. Therefore, he needed the mysterious sword. Lord, please help me."

"Oh? It's not uncommon to get lost in the dark world. Where does Master Lei want to find out?"



Master Xuanjian was a little stunned.

"Why, Master Xuanjian doesn't know?"

Master Xuanjian shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Yes, how could I not know about the Lotus Clan? There is a Qinglian Master from the Lian Clan, who is also well-known in the Ming world, how could I not know? The domain is very far away, even the teleportation array has to be teleported many times."

Raidou breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the other party knows the Lotus Clan, it will be easy to handle.

"Master Lei, don't worry, I will help Master Lei find the space map of the Lotus Clan. However, I also need the help of Master Lei."

"What is it?"

"Actually, I would like to ask Master Lei to try the sword for me?"

"Try the sword, what do you mean?"

Lei Dao didn't even know what a sword test was.

"Trying the sword is very simple, that is, invite Master Lei to compete with me, and then I will find out the shortcomings in the way of swordsmanship, and then continue to improve in a targeted manner, so as to reach a higher level, break through and become the master!"

"Then why don't you go to the Grand Master?"

Lei Dao felt strange.

The Great Master is definitely stronger than the Xuanjian Master.

Master Xuanjian shook his head and said: "It's not that the master has never fought before, but the top master is too strong. Fighting with me is all destructive and meaningless. Ordinary masters, to be honest, I can't beat them either, no They are evenly matched. But if the master suppresses his strength, he will not be able to fight smoothly, and it will be meaningless."

Lei Dao pondered for a while, and asked softly: "Master Xuanjian, are you strong?"

"Yes, it's because I'm too strong, and I can't find an opponent in the same realm, so I can't improve my swordsmanship for a long time. I need to find an evenly matched opponent, so that I can prove my swordsmanship! And Master Lei, It should be the person I'm looking for, based on your sword energy that defeated me with a single punch just now, Lord Thunder must not be an ordinary ruler."

Lei Dao became silent, and he didn't know what to say. Could it be that the strength of Xuanjian Master is too weak?

In that case, wouldn't it hurt the self-esteem of Master Xuanjian?

Just now Lei Dao couldn't even display one-tenth of his strength, and Lei Dao didn't know how strong the Xuanjian Master was, but Lei Dao didn't even feel a threat from the Xuanjian Master, so how strong could he be?

"Why, what's so difficult about Master Lei?"

Seemingly seeing Lei Dao's hesitation, Master Xuanjian asked directly.

"Master Xuanjian, in fact, it doesn't make any sense for you to try the sword with Lei, and I'm afraid you won't get what you want to achieve."


"Because... Xuanjian Master is too weak..."

Lei Dao gritted his teeth and said directly.

He felt that it was time to tell Xuanjian Master the truth.

He suspected that Master Xuanjian was a genius spoiled by the sword clan.

In Lei Dao's eyes, the real top master is an invincible creature who can easily kill the master. How can he be so weak?

Then the only explanation is that the Sword Clan spoiled the Xuanjian Master too much, which caused other powerful masters to turn their backs on the Xuanjian Master. As a result, the Xuanjian Master thought that no one could beat him.

The consequences are serious!

Lei Dao felt that Master Xuanjian was a good person, although he was a bit weak, but after polishing it, he might not be successful in the future. At this time, he should also tell Master Xuanjian about this cruel reality.

"I'm too weak?"

Master Xuanjian could hardly believe his ears.

"Master Xuanjian, if I'm not mistaken, have you shown amazing talent in swordsmanship since you were young?"

"That's right, my kendo talent is even praised by the great sword ancestor."

"Then you have been resourceful since you were young, but you have always been outstanding among your peers, obviously you have to be superior?"

"Yes, since I was a child, I have been significantly stronger than other peers."

"Later, did you gradually start to compare with those seniors in the clan who were very old, and even surpassed them step by step. In terms of absolute strength, you surpassed most of the seniors in the clan?"

"Right, that is it."

"Later, you became even more powerful than all the heroes, and you almost never failed in all previous shots. You became the top genius that the entire sword clan paid attention to?"

"That's right, have you heard about it?"

After Lei Dao finished asking, he let out a long sigh, shook his head and said, "That's right, I almost guessed it. It's actually very simple. You have shown a good talent since you were a child, and you have been praised by the Sword Ancestor. So everyone in the Sword Clan respects you. You placed high hopes and created the best practice environment for you from various aspects. Including your peers from a young age, you must not show a trend of surpassing you. Later, you grew up smoothly, those seniors in the sword clan, every time you compete , Discussion, in fact, all of them are deliberately releasing water, just to cultivate your belief in invincibility. But in reality? There are many people who can defeat you. So, you should be sober. Everything you have experienced before was only under the care of your clansmen It’s just an illusion. In fact, you are very weak, very weak, and any top master can defeat you.”


Master Xuanjian's face turned pale as if he had been hit hard.

Everything about him since childhood was exactly as Lei Dao guessed.

Even, just a short period of time ago, Master Xuanjian already knew that Lei Dao had just arrived in the Endless Sword Realm, so he didn't know his deeds at all.

In other words, what Lei Dao said just now was really "speculated".

This is even more terrifying.

Is what Lei Dao said true?

"No, no, I have gone through hundreds of battles in the Sword Clan without a single defeat. I am the top genius. How could it be what you said?"

Lei Dao shook his head and said: "It's actually very simple. I'm just an ordinary master, and I can easily defeat you, let alone the top masters of those ancient clans?"

"No, I don't believe it."

"If you don't believe me, you can give it a try. I didn't even use one-tenth of my strength just now."

"Okay, let's try it."

In the Jiange, there is also a place for competition, which even the Great Master cannot destroy.

Therefore, Lei Dao and Xuanjian Master began to prepare for a competition.

"Look, I'm going to use 20% of my power now!"

Lei Dao even explained in advance.

He was very serious, and what he said just now did not deceive Master Xuanjian, and he was indeed planning to use 20% of his power.

Originally, there were eighteen territories in Lei Dao's body, but now, Lei Dao is about to use the power of three territories, which is almost 20% of the power.

Even less than 20% of the power.


The next moment, a terrifying aura erupted from Lei Dao's body, and the mighty power of the territory exploded. Even the master of Xuanjian felt as if he was about to be suffocated at this moment.


Without any suspense, Master Xuanjian was directly blown away by the power of Lei Dao's territory, and he had no resistance at all.

"How is it possible? You...you must be the top master?"

Master Xuanjian lost his mind and couldn't believe his eyes.

"No, I'm just an ordinary master. There are many masters stronger than me. I only used 20% of my power just now. Now I use 30%, 40%, and 50% of my power. You can see."

After Lei Dao finished speaking, his aura continued to soar.

Four realms, five realms, six realms, seven realms, eight realms, nine realms!

This is almost 50% of Lei Dao's power!

Feeling the rising and finally almost suffocating terrifying power of Lei Dao, the master of Xuanjian was completely desperate.

He also believed Lei Dao's words completely.

It turned out that everything he had experienced was false.

What an invincible master.

What top talent.

What a rare opponent.

It's all fake, it's an illusion created by the tribe in order to give him a better practice environment.

He is far from being an opponent to even an ordinary master like Lei Dao now, and even Lei Dao has not displayed all his strength, with 10 to 20% of his strength, the Xuanjian master cannot hold back.

This is the real situation!

"What a pity."

Raidou shook his head.

This kind of so-called "genius" who has been placed with high hopes since childhood seems to be eye-catching and extremely dazzling, but Lei Dao has already seen through everything, it is all an illusion!

Even, Lei Dao felt that Master Xuanjian was really pitiful, if he hadn't awakened Master Xuanjian, I am afraid that Master Xuanjian would still be immersed in the dream of "invincibility".

It looks good, but it's just an illusion after all.

"Master Xuanjian, it's not too late for you to wake up now. As long as you work hard and realize your own shortcomings, then you will be able to fulfill your talent soon and become a real top master!"

Lei Dao also gave words of encouragement.

He felt that Master Xuanjian's heart is not bad, and now that he has completely "woke up", there is still salvation, and if he works hard, his final achievements will not be bad.

"I understand, Lord Thunder! Don't worry, my Xuanjian will not give up on myself, I will work harder and strive to become the real top master!"

Xuan Jian finally realized his own shortcomings.

"Master Lei, thank you for waking me up, please accept my worship!"

Therefore, Master Xuanjian respectfully gave Lei Dao a big gift, thanking Lei Dao for "awakening" him, otherwise, Master Xuanjian would still be immersed in the illusion of "powerfulness".

Lei Dao also graciously accepted the worship of Master Xuanjian, and he didn't think there was anything unbearable. It was he who "awakened" Master Xuanjian, so that Master Xuanjian would wake up as soon as possible, and he would have the opportunity to climb the peak of cultivation in the future.

This is a great favor!

"Master Lei, don't worry, I will immediately order someone to find the space map of the Lotus Clan, but please wait a few days for Master Lei."

Master Xuanjian also knew what Lei Dao wanted.

"It's okay, Lei has plenty of time now."

Lei Dao nodded, it was only a few days, and he could afford to wait.

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