Longevity Species

Chapter 845 Fear of being dominated by

"No, even if it's a question, you should analyze it, and you can't really rely on luck."

Lei Dao's heart moved.

He felt that there might be a "mystery" hidden in this question.

A dignified saint, everything has a certain truth, and now this question must also have a truth, but no one can understand it.

Lei Dao analyzed it carefully.

"This question itself has no solution, but it is questionable that the person who wrote the question is Saint Xi. Saint Xi will definitely not come up with a simple answer, otherwise, it can be found by just trying. But it should be It won't be too difficult, otherwise, no one will ever be able to break through the first floor of the Tower of Life."

"So, this answer should not be simple, but it is not difficult. Let me think about it, why don't I choose the answer of the nine hundred and ninety-nine rules? No, it seems too simple, so add more points and choose nine thousand ninety-nine How about the one hundred and ninety-nine laws of life?"

Lei Dao thought about it, and after his meticulous analysis, almost without any flaws, he finally made up his mind and "analyzed" an answer.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine laws of life!

Lei Dao felt that this answer was very reliable. After all, this was the answer he got after careful analysis. Lei Dao felt that there was at least some hope.

Lei Dao also told the answer to the bull demon master.

Master Bull Demon turned pale in shock and said, "No need, Master Lei, you must not analyze, just close your eyes and choose randomly, you will definitely get the correct answer!"

The bull demon master really believed in Lei Dao's luck. As for Lei Dao's "hard analysis" answer, the bull demon master didn't care at all.

If he could analyze the answer, Saint Xi wouldn't have to ask such a question.

However, Lei Dao couldn't really try his luck, so he took a deep breath and said: "Master the Bull Demon, if you don't believe me, I will try it first, and you will know."

The next moment, Lei Dao resolutely chose the answer of "nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine laws of life".


Suddenly, a beam of light suddenly enveloped Lei Dao.

Afterwards, Lei Dao quickly ascended to the sky above the main hall, and he entered the second floor of the Tower of Life just out of thin air.

"Successful? The correct answer was actually analyzed by Master Lei..."

The Bull Demon Master couldn't believe his eyes.

Could it be that Master Lei is a hidden powerhouse? Proficient in the art of deduction?

Anyway, Juggernaut Bull Demon was shocked now, but he soon came to his senses. Since Lei Dao had already analyzed the correct answer, why would he hesitate?

"I also choose the answer of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine laws of life!"

The bull demon master quickly chose the answer.

He was looking forward to entering the second floor of the Tower of Life, and then following Lei Dao's footsteps all the way up.

Regardless of whether Lei Dao analyzed the correct answer, or because of luck, anyway, just follow Lei Dao.

However, as the bull devil master chose the answer, suddenly, the Lei Dao master's figure flickered, and disappeared in an instant.


The bull demon master looked up and looked around.

"This is the second floor of the Tower of Life?"

The bull demon master was still a little at a loss.

"No, this is outside the Tower of Life... Lord Bull Demon, you also guessed the wrong answer and were sent out?"

The top ruler who was "sent out" from the Tower of Life just now didn't seem to be surprised after seeing the bull demon ruler. Who can choose the correct answer to such a "wonderful" question?

However, the bull demon master's reaction seemed to be very intense.

"I... Didn't I choose the correct answer? It doesn't make sense. How could I be sent to the Tower of Birth?"

The bull demon ruler is really at a loss now.

He even wanted to ask three questions in his life once.

He is very confused now, he saw the "correct answer" chosen by Lei Dao with his own eyes, how did it come to him, but it became the wrong answer again?

"Lord Bull Demon, do you know the correct answer? Impossible, no one will know the correct answer."

"It's true, I saw with my own eyes that Master Lei entered the second floor of the Tower of Life..."

"Then why did you come out?"

"I don't know either. I obviously chose the same answer as Master Lei, but it turned out that Master Lei went to the second floor of the Tower of Life, and I was expelled from the Tower of Life. Could it be that Master Lei's luck has already been strengthened?" To such a degree against the heavens, can an obviously wrong answer become the correct answer?"

The bull demon ruler couldn't help but gasped, and now it seemed that there was only one explanation.

"No, there may be another explanation. In fact, the answer is an open answer, and there are many. The correct answer that has been selected by others cannot be selected again next time. Once selected again, it will be regarded as a wrong answer..."

This analysis is somewhat reliable.

It's just that the bull demon master is very sad. So, he has to start from the first floor of the tower of life again? But without Lei Dao, how would he know the correct answer?

As far as that question is concerned, if you give him a hundred or a thousand years, he will never guess the correct answer.

Just when the bull demon ruler was at a loss, suddenly, there was a ripple in the void.

A space passage appeared, and countless gods and demons flew out of it quickly, all of them were king gods or great emperors, and they were obviously "sent" to the Void Cave Mansion by Saint Yuan and Saint Gu.

On the other side, there are also a large number of masters coming, all of them are the masters and masters of Pancheng and Shangcheng.

"Here it is, Void Cave Mansion!"

"Hmph, these extraterrestrial demons are really abominable. They actually want to occupy the cave of the great sage Xi of our remote ancient continent."

"Extraterritorial celestial demons, sooner or later we will kill all these extraterritorial celestial demons."

"But this time, our goal is the treasure house of the Void Cave Mansion, and we must get all the treasures inside."

"The Pagoda of Life and Death? I have long heard that Saint Xi's avenue of life and death is extraordinary, and now I finally have the opportunity to comprehend it. The caves left by the saints of our ancient continent, these extraterritorial demons must not be able to break through. Only the gods and demons of our ancient continent can Able to break through the Tower of Life and Death."

These are gods, demons and great emperors of the ancient continent. After seeing the Bull Demon Lord and many other masters, they all looked unkind.

If it weren't for the warning from the sage before, maybe they would have started to do it at this time.

At this time, there was also a familiar master in Pancheng who recognized the bull demon master.

"Hahaha, Master Bull Demon, you and those top masters of Shang City were mysterious before, and I was still guessing what you were doing. I didn't expect to find the Void Cave Mansion. You can hide deep enough!"

"Master the Bull Demon, the one hundred places you sold for Longchi have not been sold out yet, have you? Why don't you sell me one at a lower price?"

"Master the Bull Demon, you have found the Void Cave Mansion, and even cooperated with several top masters of the City of War, but you failed to get the treasure? Instead, let those gods and demons take the lead."

"Master the Bull Demon, let's talk about it, should we enter the Tower of Life and Death first? To avoid being preempted by those gods and demons."

Many masters are asking the bull demon master.

After all, the Bull Demon Master has been in the Void Cave Mansion for a long time, and even the Void Cave Mansion was discovered by the Bull Demon Master and others.

At this time, many gods and demons have already flown into the Tower of Life and the Tower of Death, and they are still staring at the many masters with unkind eyes.

The bull demon master sneered and said, "Don't worry about those gods and demons, they are all idiots, thinking that they can get the treasures in the tower of life and death first? It's just delusional. They will soon understand how terrible the tower of life and death is."

Even, the bull demon master is still gloating now.

Those gods and demons probably don't know the fear of being dominated by "doing questions"!

"Is the test really that difficult?"

"We are the top masters, and we can't break through the Tower of Life and Death?"

"Master the Bull Demon, what is the test inside? Judging by your appearance, you seem to be gloating about those gods and demons entering the Tower of Life and Death first."

Many people curiously asked the Bull Demon Lord, what is the test?

The bull demon master took a deep breath, and glanced at these familiar masters. Afterwards, the Bull Demon Master shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "I don't know about the test of the Tower of Death, but the test of the first floor of the Tower of Life is indeed difficult, and it is beyond your imagination. Because, then It's...to do a problem! To do a very strange, even unsolvable problem!"

"A question?"

Many masters opened their eyes wide, and they all seemed to be stunned.


The first floor of the tower of life.

It was the same as the bull demon master imagined.

When many masters stepped into it, they saw gods and demons who were stunned.

Regardless of whether these are kings, demons or emperors, facing the strange test of the first floor of the tower of life, everyone is dumbfounded, as if they can't believe that they are also quiet.

Do the questions!

It's really a question!

And it's a really weird question!

They even wondered if the sage Xi made a mistake, how could the test be a question?

It is said that the sage Xi is good at deduction, so this time there are many top emperors who are good at deduction.

As a result, seeing this weird question, even the top deduction emperor can only be dumbfounded at this time. This is clearly an unsolvable question, how to deduce it?

Moreover, the majestic top emperors, countless kings, gods and devils, are all doing a question now, analyzing the same question, this is simply an extremely absurd scene.

But no matter how absurd, many gods and demons will not give up.

The gods and demons don't give up, and the master will naturally not give up either.

Including the Bull Demon Master, they all tried their best and began to think hard on the first floor of the Tower of Life, trying to find the correct answer as soon as possible, so as to enter the second floor of the Tower of Life!


At this moment, Lei Dao is the only person on the second floor of the Tower of Life.

And Lei Dao was also at a loss.

"I analyzed the correct answer?"

Lei Dao was a little dumbfounded.

Although his analysis is clear and logical, he knows very well in his heart that the possibility of success is very slim.

But it happened to be successful!

How speechless is this?

"Could it be that I have the same or similar thinking as the sage Xi? But this kind of thinking, no matter how you look at it, is a bit abnormal..."

Even Lei Dao himself felt that this kind of thinking was abnormal.

"By the way, there seems to be a treasure reward for breaking through the first floor of the Tower of Life. I don't know what kind of treasure it is?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, and he immediately looked at a delicate wooden box in front of him with fiery eyes.

The treasure is in the wooden box!

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