Longevity Species

Chapter 824 So, I'm Really That Strong! (Second more)

"Quick, even faster!"

Lei Dao displayed the Kunpeng divine body and flew towards Tianlongchi at the fastest speed. In fact, Lei Dao didn't know where Longchi was, but he just needed to fly to the depths of the Tianlong Tribe.

Longchi must be deep in the Tianlong tribe.

With the speed of Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body at this moment, even the great master, that is, the king of gods and demons, can't match it.

"It seems that Kunpeng's divine body cannot fall down. This speed is simply too dominant in the ancient continent."

Lei Dao now finally realized the benefits of fast speed.

Otherwise, how could such a well-prepared Tianlong Tribe, a mere Dazun from Lei Dao, break into the depths of the tribe? Let alone Lei Dao, even a top master may not be able to break in.

But relying on the speed of Kunpeng's divine body, Lei Dao easily broke into the depths of the Tianlong tribe as if he had entered the land of no one.

Lei Dao also finally understood why the master would allow him to enter the barren ancient continent. The speed of Kunpeng's divine body is really unparalleled in the world. This is only the speed of the Great Senior level, if it becomes the master, how fast is it?

It's unbelievable!

However, Lei Dao not only had another question.

Since the Kunpeng clan is so fast, it is simply a different kind of existence in the barren ancient continent, and it must have a great effect on practitioners in the Ming world, but why does the ancestor Kong want to personally destroy the entire Kunpeng clan?

This is obviously not worth the candle.

"Could it be that the Kunpeng clan did something so outrageous that Master had to do it himself?"

One thought after another turned in Lei Dao's mind.

However, for specific matters, I am afraid I have to ask the master.

Now is not the time to think about this matter, the most important thing now is to find Longchi first.


Suddenly, many gods and demons of the Tianlong tribe appeared in front of them, and they were all gods and demons who sealed the king. Although there was no emperor, there were many gods and demons who sealed the king.

"The heaven and earth net!"

Following the roar of Feng Wang Shenmo, suddenly, Lei Dao seemed to see an invisible net, and it slammed towards him.

"This is... formation? The formation of the ancient continent?"

Lei Dao's heart moved.

There is a magic formation in the Ming Realm, so the barren ancient continent also has a formation. In fact, they are almost the same, that is to use the power of the outside world, or use the power of many gods and demons to completely cover an area.

Now, this formation is like this, completely covering an area, like a big net, in this way, no matter how fast Lei Dao is, it won't help.


Lei Dao stopped directly, but he had already broken into the encirclement, and there were a large number of gods and demons in all directions, all staring at Lei Dao one by one.

One, two, three... nine!

A total of nine king gods and demons surrounded Lei Dao, increasing the pressure on Lei Dao.

"Is it necessary? I'm just a great venerable. Is it necessary to send out all nine of you?"

Lei Dao was speechless.

Could it be that these gods and demons can't see that he is just a great senior? Isn't it a bit too much to make a fuss about using the nine kings, gods and demons?

"Hmph, no matter whether you are the Grand Master or the ruler, the extraterrestrial demons, if you dare to break into my Tianlong tribe, you will die!"

One of the gods and demons who sealed the king shouted loudly, and immediately, he activated the formation, and the huge invisible net seemed to be tightened all of a sudden, causing Lei Dao to be restrained all over, and the restraint was so strong that it seemed to be The power of the nine gods and demons gathered together.

Although Lei Dao had the record of counterattacking the three kings and gods and demons, he also felt a crisis in the face of the nine kings and gods and demons plus formations.

At least, the defense of Kunpeng Divine Body can't stop this time!

"You want to bully the less with more, the nine kings, gods and demons, equivalent to nine masters, bully me, a mere great master? It's simply too despicable and shameless. If this is the case, I have to do my best..."

As soon as Lei Dao gritted his teeth, the shackles on his body made him very uncomfortable, so he wanted to break the shackles.

"Open it for me!"

Raidou let out a loud roar.


Suddenly, the power of the world in Lei Dao's body exploded.

This is not the power of two worlds in one, nor the power of worlds in ten or twenty, but the power of a world in eighty worlds!

How terrifying is it that the world powers of the eighty worlds explode together?

Lei Dao doesn't know either, so far, his strongest is only the explosion of world power in twenty worlds. And the world power of the eighty worlds is not as simple as quadrupling.

In short, at this moment, Lei Dao no longer suppressed his inner world, and the eighty worlds seemed to be resonating, making a roar, and then, the terrifying power rushed out of the divine body in an instant.


The formation jointly arranged by the nine kings, gods and demons was broken in an instant, and the bondage trapped on Lei Dao's body was torn apart easily like paper paste.

At this moment, there is no restraint imposed on Lei Dao.

"You guys are forcing me again, I can only do my best!"

Lei Dao said every word, and he couldn't even control the power in his body at this moment. The eighty worlds seemed to be roaring, and even Lei Dao was suppressing them tightly. He didn't want this world to resonate and transform into a territory.

In this situation, Lei Dao really worked hard!

Therefore, Lei Dao just wanted to make a quick decision.

Get out of the encirclement as quickly as possible.

Therefore, Lei Dao punched out, and he had no intention of entangled with the nine gods and demons, and he didn't even think that he could kill the nine gods and demons, he only needed to rush out of the encirclement. alright.


With a strange sound, the three king-sealing gods and demons in front of Lei Dao blocked Lei Dao's way.

However, with Lei Dao's punch, these three king-conferring gods and demons didn't even have the slightest resistance to resist, and they were directly blown into powder.


Everyone was stunned, including the rest of the king gods and demons.


The next moment, three golden lights flew out from the void, and Lei Dao knew what it was immediately with a thought.

Yuanshen, this is the Yuanshen of Fengwangshenmo!

Once the physical body collapses, the primordial spirit of Fengwang Shenmo will escape. As long as the primordial spirit is not destroyed, then Fengwang Shenmo can regain a physical body and quickly return to its peak state.

In the past, when Lei Dao dealt with Fengwang Shenmo, he was helpless against the soul of Fengwang Shenmo. After all, the speed was too fast, but now the distance is so close, and Lei Dao's world power is almost endless.

Therefore, without hesitation, Lei Dao directly used the power of the world to roll.


The power of Lei Dao's eighty worlds is so terrifying. With a single roll, the primordial spirits of the three king gods and demons are involved in the inner world.

As for Lei Dao's inner world, Lei Dao doesn't care whether these primordial spirits can survive.

This primordial spirit seems useless, but it is very good to use for research. More importantly, as long as the primordial spirit is caught, then the three gods and demons who seal the king will truly fall.

"What, fallen?"

"Impossible, how could it be possible for the three great gods and demons to fall?"

"It's not just as simple as falling, even Yuanshen has been caught, it's completely dead, there is no fluke."

"The primordial spirit is captured. Once the primordial spirit is destroyed, it will really die. Is this extraterritorial demon really just at the level of a god and demon? Didn't it reach the level of a king?"

"The realm is definitely not reached. In terms of realm, this extraterritorial demon is just a great master, equivalent to our ordinary gods and demons. But his combat power may have reached an unimaginable level, which is not comparable to ordinary king gods and demons." Yes, it is possible, go straight to the emperor!"

The remaining six gods and demons who sealed the king all set off monstrous waves in their hearts.


How can an ordinary god and demon who has not even attained the title of king be comparable to the great emperor?

But this is the fact. They saw with their own eyes that Lei Dao had blown up the three gods and demons who sealed the king, and even the Yuanshen couldn't escape.

In fact, Lei Dao was also shocked.

The power of the eighty worlds is far beyond Lei Dao's imagination.

"These are the three masters, just died like this? Did you blow me up directly?"

Lei Dao was still a little dazed.

Even though he had a record of beheading the King of Gods and Demons before, which belonged to the reverse beheading of the King of Gods and Demons, in fact, Lei Dao knew very well that he was very reluctant to kill the King of Gods and Demons before.

And it's just beheading a very ordinary king god and demon.

But now?

These nine gods and demons are not ordinary gods and demons, but the best among them. They even formed a large formation to suppress Lei Dao.

But even so, Lei Dao easily defeated the three gods and demons who sealed the king, which is unbelievable.

This shows that Lei Dao's true strength is actually far superior to the nine kings, gods and demons.

"It turns out that I'm really that strong! Or, these gods and demons are so weak, the power of the eighty worlds is too strong? Sure enough, the guardian master will not lie to me. To lay the foundation, we must lay the most solid foundation." The foundation must be opened up to hundreds of worlds, so that the foundation will be stronger and the potential will be even greater!"

Lei Dao saw with his own eyes that with the power of eighty worlds, he could easily kill the gods and demons of the king, which is equivalent to the level of dominance. If hundreds of big worlds were opened up, how terrifying would it be?

Now he is really grateful to the guardian master. If he hadn't reminded Lei Dao that he must open up hundreds of worlds, maybe Lei Dao would not be able to help but try to transform the world into a territory when there are twenty worlds, and then Promoted to dominate.

Thinking about it now, how ridiculous the idea was at the time.

Eighty internal worlds are so terrifying, and it is easy to destroy the gods and demons of the king, so how terrifying are hundreds of worlds?

Even, only by laying the most solid foundation can Lei Dao hope to become the ancestor!

Of course, it is too far to think now.

Lei Dao just killed the three great gods and demons, and six other gods and demons. However, these six gods and demons were very cautious, and almost killed the three kings in Lei Dao. After the gods and demons, they retreated immediately, far away from Lei Dao.

If Lei Dao used the speed of Kunpeng's divine body to hunt down and kill them, the six king-sealing gods and demons would probably die, but Lei Dao's purpose was Longchi, not to kill the king-sealing gods and demons.

Therefore, Lei Dao didn't stop, and he didn't care about the six great gods and demons, but continued to fly towards the depths of the Tianlong tribe.

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