Longevity Species

Chapter 816 This is really a genius idea! (third change)

"Grand Master Lei, you don't have to blame yourself. Master Dragon Sword and Master Axe are also due to their bad luck, and it has nothing to do with Master Lei. Now, can we get the Weeping Blood Fruit?"

Great Master Yunhai couldn't wait any longer. If the gods and demons of the Black Fang Tribe destroyed the Weeping Blood Fruit, it would be a waste of money.

Lei Dao also nodded and said: "Okay, then go and see the Weeping Blood Fruit."

So, the three went to the back mountain of the Black Fang Tribe together.

Soon, Lei Dao saw the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, and he didn't even need an introduction from Yunhai Great Master, Lei Dao already knew it. It is really because the "appearance" of this precious tree is so good that people can know its extraordinary at a glance.

There are five weeping blood fruits hanging on the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, which are similar to those mentioned by the Great Master Yunhai.

"Weeping Blood Fruit, this is the Weeping Blood Fruit!"

Great Master Yunhai was extremely delighted, the Weeping Blood Fruit had unimaginable benefits for the Great Master, especially those top-notch Great Masters, who could even use the Weeping Blood Fruit to impact the realm of dominance.

Such treasures may be found in the Ming Realm, but they are very rare, or even extinct, and can no longer be found. Only in the barren ancient continent, although such treasures are also very precious, they are not as rare as in the Ming world.

It can still be found.

"The weeping blood fruit ripens once every three thousand years. We are really lucky to meet five weeping blood fruits that are almost ripe. If it is a little later, I am afraid that they will be picked by the Black Fang Tribe. At that time, maybe we will face It’s not the three king-conferring gods and demons, but more king-conferring gods and demons.”

Great Venerable Yunhai couldn't help sighing.

He now understands why the Black Fang Tribe is clearly in decline. It is just a small tribe, but there are still two king gods and demons, and there is even a third king god demon hidden.

The reason is very simple, it is because of the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree.

The Weeping Blood Treasure Tree can produce Weeping Blood Fruits. With the help of the Weeping Blood Fruits, the Black Fang Tribe, despite its decline, still has no shortage of gods and demons. If it continues to develop like this, as time goes by, maybe the Black Fang Tribe can also re-emerge.

It's a pity that Lei Dao and others are now cheaper.


Great Master Yunhai grabbed it with his big hand, and immediately caught five weeping blood fruits.

"Grand Master Lei and Master Yuhua, according to the previous agreement, I will only take one weeping blood fruit, and the remaining two masters will share it."

After finishing speaking, Great Master Yunhai directly handed the remaining four weeping blood fruits to Lei Dao and Great Master Yuhua.

Great Senior Yuhua's expression was a bit complicated.

Of the four weeping blood fruits, two were originally Dragon Sword Grand Master and Divine Axe Grand Master, but they were all beheaded by the third king-sealing god and demon, and they have already fallen, so it is impossible to divide the weeping blood fruits .

There are two left, how should I divide them?

According to the previous rules, it was Lei Dao and Master Yuhua who divided equally. After all, they were the two who lured away the king and demon. However, the situation has changed drastically now. It was Lei Dao who stood up and killed the three gods and demons who sealed the king.

Therefore, Master Yuhua gave Lei Dao the remaining three weeping blood fruits.

"Great Master Lei has made great contributions this time, and the remaining three weeping blood fruits should be obtained by Great Master Lei."

Lei Dao was also very satisfied with the three weeping blood fruits.

He was not polite, so he said directly: "Then Lei will not refuse. However, this Weeping Blood Treasure Tree is a good thing. It can bear Weeping Blood Fruit in three thousand years. If it is transplanted to Pancheng, it will be a treasure. Priceless treasure!"

Lei Dao even felt that three weeping blood fruits were nothing, and this weeping blood tree was the real "treasure".

Even if Lei Dao can't use it for the time being, once it is brought back to Pancheng, there must be countless forces and masters who will ask Lei Dao to buy this weeping blood tree.

At that time, wouldn't Lei Dao be able to exchange many precious life extension treasures?

"That's right, this Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood is the real priceless treasure. The growth environment of the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood is not very special, so it is entirely possible to transplant the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood."

Great Venerable Yunhai was also very moved.

However, before, he only wanted to secretly obtain five Weeping Blood Fruits. As for the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, there were two king gods and demons from the Black Fang Tribe, and Great Master Yunhai had no such idea at all.

But now, the king gods and demons of the Black Fang Tribe have all been beheaded by Lei Dao, so it doesn't seem to be a big problem to take away the Weeping Blood Tree.

However, this time Lei Dao almost beheaded and killed the three gods and demons with his own strength. The Weeping Blood Treasure Tree should naturally be obtained by Lei Dao, even if the Great Master Yunhai is tempted, it will not help.


Lei Dao was not too polite, and directly covered the Weeping Blood Tree with the power of the world, and the power of the world quickly penetrated into the ground, directly "moving" all the soil within a hundred meters of the Weeping Blood Tree up.


The entire back mountain was shaking. Lei Dao didn't care what happened to the Black Fang tribe. Anyway, he took the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, and flew away from the Black Fang tribe as if moving a hill, and headed back towards Pancheng.

As for some resources in the Black Fang tribe, Lei Dao really didn't care.

After all, the Black Fang Tribe has not yet become a small tribe. How many resources can it have? Or take the weeping blood treasure tree and run quickly, otherwise, if other top gods and demons are crowned kings, or simply a great emperor comes, then Lei Dao and others will not be able to leave even if they want to.

After all, this is the ancient continent, where gods and demons rule, and it is impossible for practitioners in the Ming Realm to be unscrupulous.

Lei Dao's inner world can't accommodate living things, so even this Weeping Blood Treasure Tree can only be directly moved and flew by Lei Dao, but the movement is too loud.

Fortunately, along the way, Lei Dao and the others were lucky and did not encounter any troubles. Therefore, Lei Dao and the others returned to Pancheng smoothly.

So, such a big Weeping Blood Treasure Tree was moved into Pancheng under the watchful eyes of everyone. How could many masters and even the great master not know about it?

"Is that the Weeping Blood Tree?"

"The legendary Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood actually appeared. Who is so lucky to get a Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood?"

"This person is very strange, but I have never seen him before."

"Although I haven't seen him before, this person is actually just a great venerable? A mere great lord has obtained the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree. Why don't I come forward and accept this person, so that this great lord can attach himself to me."

"Hey, you still want this Great Senior to attach you? Do you know who he is?"

"How much background can a mere Dazun have?"

"This person is Master Qinglian's younger brother, who do you think he is?"

"What, Master Qinglian's junior brother, then... isn't he just the disciple of the ancestor Kong?"

The one with the largest number of people in Pancheng is Juggernaut.

Many masters are not rootless duckweeds. On the contrary, each master has a more or less strong background. Basically, they can't hide things about Pancheng.

Even if Lei Dao is a strange senior, they can still find out Lei Dao's true identity.

But this investigation immediately extinguished the minds of many masters and even the great master.

First ancestor disciple!

Lei Dao is actually the disciple of the ancestor Kong, and the younger brother of Master Qinglian!

This time, many masters gave up some thoughts.

Although Ancestor Kong has the most disciples among all Ancestor Kong, Ancestor Kong advocates teaching without discrimination. No matter who, what status, or race, as long as they meet the conditions of Ancestor Kong, they can become Ancestor Kong's disciples.

Therefore, in the entire Ming Realm or the strongholds of the ancient continent, the disciples of the ancestor Kong are not to say everywhere, but there are still a lot of them.

But no matter how many there are, they are still disciples of the first ancestor. Who dares to think about the disciples of the first ancestor?

Lei Dao directly took the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree back to Qinglian's cave. Throughout Pancheng, Lei Dao trusted Master Qinglian the most, after all, he was his senior sister.

However, looking at the precious tree and the three weeping blood fruits, Lei Dao hesitated.

"Is it time to buy a cave?"

Lei Dao also thought that he should buy a cave. No matter how much he trusted Master Qinglian, some things were not convenient in Master Qinglian's cave.

If it was before, Lei Dao might still need to accumulate some sacred stones and other treasures, but now, with this Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, he believes that even ten caves, let alone one cave, will not be a problem.

There was already an uproar outside, and Lei Dao had heard a little about it.

Many people are just around the corner.

They can't talk about the idea of ​​Thunder Road, but they are still very interested in the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood.

It's just that I don't know if Lei Dao wants to keep it for himself or trade it?

Under normal circumstances, anyone who got the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree would basically use it for themselves or leave it to their own clansmen. After all, the weeping blood fruit produced by the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree has unimaginable benefits for physical cultivation, and can even shorten the time between the top lord and the master, the limit of the physical body.

Can slowly help the top Dazun, break the shackles of the physical body, and be promoted to the master.

How precious is this treasure?

It is even an inheritance treasure of a race!

Who wouldn't cherish such a treasure?

It doesn't matter even if the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree can't bring back the seeds of the Ming Realm, it's just planted in Pancheng, and after it bears fruit, it can be sent back to the Ming Realm for consumption, it doesn't matter.

However, such a precious treasure tree is irrelevant to Lei Dao. It's even useless to human beings. After all, human beings follow the world's practice system, and they really don't value the physical body very much.

That being the case, Lei Dao has no worries.

"Deal, it must be traded! Well, it's best to hold an auction meeting in the senior sister's cave, and release the news in advance, and only use life-extending treasures to bid."

Lei Dao felt that this was really a genius idea.

Want the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood?

It doesn't matter, as long as there are life extension treasures, the more the better.

Moreover, once auctioned, the benefits can also be maximized!

At that time, no matter if it is a master, a master, or even a top master, anyone can come to bid.

"The three weeping blood fruits are also auctioned together."

The more Lei Dao thought about it, the more feasible it became.

He originally wanted to take a weeping blood fruit to see if it would help Kunpeng's divine body, but after thinking of the "auction" method, he had no interest in taking the weeping blood fruit.

In exchange for a large number of life-extending treasures, what kind of weeping blood fruit do I need to take?

Anyway, with supernatural powers, as long as you have enough lifespan and work a little harder, wouldn't it be easy to be promoted to master?

Therefore, Lei Dao no longer hesitated, and began to actively spread and dissipate.

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