After the war, Gu Changsheng and Xie Wanzhi were arranged to continue guarding the core area.

There's no other choice. Except for them, the rest of the disciples either have exhausted their spiritual energy or suffered serious injuries. We really can't spare anyone else. Huo Zhan can only rely on the two of them.

Gu Changsheng and Xie Wanzhi didn't mind. Guarding the core area was not a problem for them. It even helped to improve their cultivation speed. Besides, no one is attacking them now. Why not enjoy it?

"Husband, it seems that Huo Zhan's victory this time was because of you. But I feel that it will be difficult for the Huo family to resist the Bai family given their strength," Xie Wanzhi looked at Gu Changsheng seriously. "I think we should..."

Gu Changsheng gently reached out and covered her mouth. "I understand what you mean."

"Elder Huo Zhan has encountered some problems, so the situation of the Huo family is not optimistic."

"Moreover, it is obvious that there are other forces behind the Bai family, even providing assistance! It is absolutely impossible for the Bai family to directly attack the Huo family on their own."

"So, I actually have the idea of leaving the Huo family, but not now."

Xie Wanzhi nodded. "Husband, I will follow your lead in everything."

"By the way, have you done what I asked you to do?" Gu Changsheng asked.

Xie Wanzhi smiled and flipped her small hand, taking out about twenty storage rings and bags.

Seeing this, Gu Changsheng grinned and kissed Xie Wanzhi on the face while hugging her. "Well done, my dear!"

While Gu Changsheng helped the disciples of the Huo family in battle, he gave Xie Wanzhi a task to kill the Bai family disciples and take their storage rings and other items.

He had used so many talismans to help in the battle, so it's only fair to take some interest, right?

So Huo Zhan turned a blind eye to Gu Changsheng's actions.

Let him go, as long as he doesn't take away the spiritual medicine.

Gu Changsheng opened a storage ring like opening a blind box.

"Ugh, so poor!"

He opened it with excitement but was disappointed. There were only dozens of low-grade spirit stones and some pills.

He couldn't be any poorer!

Gu Changsheng continued to open the next one, and his expression changed to this - ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

The next one was also poor!

Gu Changsheng kept opening them, and soon he finished opening about twenty of them. In total, he obtained about a thousand low-grade spirit stones and some pills.

What a loss!

"I can't accept this. I need the family to compensate me!" Gu Changsheng thought.

But when he thought about the many spiritual medicines in the storage rings, he felt much better.

The compensation from the Huo family was still pretty good.

Gu Changsheng and Xie Wanzhi had nothing to do, so they began to cultivate quietly.

But at this moment, the Huo family couldn't have a peaceful night.



A horse galloped through the Huo family, waking up many members of the Huo family.

"What happened?"

"That's an urgent report, indicating that something major has happened to the family."

"Could it be that the Bai family attacked? They can't attack directly, but they must have clashed with our family somewhere."

"Where could it be... I hope our Huo family disciples are safe."

"It's unlikely. If they were safe, there wouldn't be an urgent report..."

As the disciple rushed into the front of Huo Qianzhong's mansion, Huo Qianzhong learned about the situation and quickly convened a meeting of the elders.

A few minutes later, all the elders of the Huo family gathered.

"What happened?" Huo Qianzhong asked the messenger.

The messenger shouted, "Reporting to the clan leader, the Bai family attacked the Spirit Medicine Valley under the cover of night. Huo Feng and Huo Xiaohu betrayed the family. The number of their people is nearly a quarter more than ours! Elder Huo Zhan helped me break through and send this message to the family!"

"Damn it!" Huo Qianzhong's expression darkened.

The elders of the Huo family present also had grim expressions.

"Damn Bai family, they attacked the Spirit Medicine Valley again!"

"Huo Feng and Huo Xiaohu betrayed the family, and their numbers are nearly a quarter more than ours. The people in the Spirit Medicine Valley are afraid..."

His words were not finished, but the other members of the Huo family also thought of the results that would happen next!

In this situation, it was already good enough for the people stationed at the Spirit Medicine Valley to survive. The Spirit Medicine Valley was absolutely unable to hold on!

'Gu Changsheng...' Huo Qianzhong muttered in his heart, his eyes filled with sadness.

He really liked Gu Changsheng as his son-in-law, but now it seemed that he might lose this son-in-law!

It's all because of that damn Huo Lingyun, Huo Qianjun, and Huo Ba!

"Clan Chief, I suggest organizing manpower to attack the Spirit Medicine Valley! We can't let the Bai family take over the Spirit Medicine Valley!"

"Attack? With what? How many people are left in the clan now? There have been problems in the market district, and many people have been sent there. If we send more people to the Spirit Medicine Valley, the Bai family will launch an attack on us. What do we have to resist with?"

"Are you suggesting that we abandon those Huo family disciples and the Spirit Medicine Valley?"

"Although I don't want to, it is indeed the best choice. Those disciples died in battle for the Huo family, it is their honor. The precious spirit medicines in the Spirit Medicine Valley have been retrieved in advance, and what's left are just some immature ones. If we give them away, so be it. As long as we have the mountains, we won't run out of firewood."

"Cowards who fear death!!!"

"Alright, stop arguing." Watching the chaotic group of elders, Huo Qianzhong stood up and stopped their behavior.

After a moment of silence, he said, "The Spirit Medicine Valley - cannot be abandoned! The Spirit Returning Pill may be lost, but we cannot abandon those disciples! They may still be fighting for our Huo family, while we are abandoning them like this?"

"Organize manpower and send a Foundation Building elder to lead a team to the Spirit Medicine Valley!"

"I think it's not appropriate!" Huo Ba's voice rang out.

Huo Qianzhong looked at him calmly, "What's inappropriate?"

"Things have come to this point, there's no need to continue the attack. Giving the Spirit Medicine Valley to them is enough." Huo Ba said, "Qianzhong, I know your son-in-law is among those guarding the Spirit Medicine Valley, but don't make irrational judgments for the sake of your son-in-law. You are first and foremost the clan chief, you should consider the family's interests."

Huo Qianzhong's tone carried a hint of anger, "So giving the Spirit Medicine Valley to the Bai family and letting our disciples be slaughtered by them, is that considering the family's interests?"

Huo Ba wanted to say something more, but Huo Qianzhong angrily said, "I am the clan chief, the second elder!"

Huo Ba squinted at Huo Qianzhong, said nothing, shook his sleeves, and was about to leave.

Suddenly -

A mechanical bird flew into the room.

It was something the Huo family specifically purchased for communication!

Looking at the seemingly ordinary mechanical bird, but actually a second-grade inferior puppet, it couldn't fight, but its flying speed was extremely fast.

"This is a mechanical bird from Huo Zhan's side!" an elder said, "Quick, let's see what they said!"

"No need to look, it's probably just how intense and brutal the battle is over there. But Huo Zhan must have survived, as for the other disciples..."

Huo Qianzhong grabbed the message attached to the mechanical bird's leg and glanced at it, and he was stunned.

"Clan Chief, what did he write?"

Seeing his expression, the many elders became curious.

Huo Ba said indifferently, "Most likely, the son-in-law died in battle, so he is very sad-"

Huo Qianzhong threw the piece of paper in front of Huo Ba.

Huo Ba only glanced at it, his expression horrified. The paper read -

[Clan Chief, I am Huo Ba. Huo Qi should have told you about the situation at the Spirit Medicine Valley, but I want to say that it's not as bad as we thought. When the Bai family launched an attack on us at the beginning, the situation was indeed not optimistic. However, after Huo Feng entered the core area, he was actually killed by your son-in-law, Gu Changsheng. Moreover, even with Gu Changsheng using dozens of talismans, the Bai family lost a total of 21 people, while we only lost three, and Gu Changsheng even injured Bai Qin.]

"No, this can't be!"

Huo Ba threw the paper away in shock.

The other elders looked at it and were all shocked.

"Gu Changsheng - what is his situation?!"

"Hiss, defeating a Qi Refining Ninth Layer with Qi Refining Fifth Layer is one thing, but even injuring a Foundation Building elder?"

"Hiss, this child is truly terrifying. Clan Chief has a good son-in-law!"

"This child is our Huo family's lucky star. We should reward him well. I heard he likes beautiful women, so why not reward him with a few beautiful women from the clan?"


"Hahaha, very well!" Huo Qianzhong was overjoyed.

He didn't misjudge Gu Changsheng's talent!

"Spread the news of Gu Changsheng and his group's achievements in guarding the Spirit Medicine Valley throughout the clan, and then reward them generously!"

"Go, spread their deeds!"


That night, Gu Changsheng instantly became a celebrity in the entire Huo family.

The same happened in the Bai family.

They also remembered a cultivator named Gu Changsheng from the Huo family, apart from some elders!

From then on, Gu Changsheng became famous in both clans.

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