Longevity begins with whale hunting

Chapter 86: Mysterious flowers bloom and fish and hunt in the sea!

Chapter 87 The mysterious flower blooms-fishing and hunting in the sea!


A figure suddenly jumped onto the deck, and a voice came.

"Give me the rope, drag this giant whale, and stabilize the hull in the storm."

"Yes, Captain!"

Bai Rongxuan subconsciously knelt on one knee and said respectfully!

At this moment, he only had awe in his heart. The horror and admiration of this scene turned into incomparable respect for this figure!

Kill the whale in the storm with his own strength!


Several heavy cables were thrown into the sea and quickly tied to the giant whale. It was seen that the Swallowing Sea was floating and sinking, moving forward with difficulty in the storm, and the corpse of a giant whale was dragged behind it, floating and sinking in the sea, and was illuminated by lightning from time to time!

"I'll take the helm."

Bai Xuan stood in the heavy rain, and the sound shook the whole ship. He had just returned from killing the whale, but at this moment he was still very calm. His eyes swept over, and his breath seemed to swallow the storm, and there were thousands of ravines in his chest!

He returned from killing the whale, which proved what he had learned. He practiced martial arts and put them into full play!

"Huh... When I first came to this world, I heard that the master could kill a whale alone, and I was surprised and awed."

"Now, I have also come this far."

Bai Xuan was calm and happy, but he stood at the bow and steered the ship. The Swallowing Sea was originally floating in the wind and waves, and even spun a little, but after a moment, it began to accelerate, and even the sails were half raised, breaking through the waves in the storm!

"Look! There are demon fish in the sea!"

A sailor suddenly shouted in horror.

In the gloomy rainstorm, the pale figure of demon fish could be vaguely seen on the sea, surrounding the dead giant whale, gnawing and swallowing it frantically, like a pack of wolves, and couldn't follow it!

"Shoot it."

Bai Xuan said.

Grab, grab, grab!

The ship crossbows shot down continuously, and even the demon fish could not resist, and they were shot and killed one after another, and were immediately swallowed by other demon fish!

The whaling ship dragged the corpse of a giant whale and moved forward in the storm. A large group of demon fish followed behind and gradually went away!

This trip lasted for more than an hour. The sky gradually brightened. The wind and rain came quickly and went away quickly. Looking back, there were still dark clouds covering the sky on the distant sea, but at this moment, the Swallowing Sea had broken through the storm and killed the whale!

The sun shone down, and a small island was vaguely visible on the sea level not far away.

The Bai family sailors were certainly happy, and many slaves cried with joy. The tears were left, but they were inexplicably moved. At this moment, they all felt... that they had returned from the storm, like a new life!

In front of Bai Xuan, the immortal tree appeared, shining like fire, and a line of handwriting appeared on it.

"Serve as captain, command the sea, train the crew, break through the storm, kill the whale and return, move forward on the path, the Xuanhua flowering period is 20 years earlier, and the required Dao thoughts are reduced by two-thirds!"

On the bronze Dao tree, at the end of the branch representing the fisherman's path, the Xuanhua bud is about to bloom, and there is a faint mysterious fragrance.

As a captain, Bai Xuan led this group of sailors to break through the storm and hunt whales. He has reached the extreme of the fisherman's path. The Xuanhua flowering period has arrived and is about to bloom!

"Eternal Life Tree, give me some!"

Bai Xuan's eyes condensed.

A little Dao thought immediately flowed into the bud. The next moment, the bud lit up slightly, with an inexplicable Dao rhyme, as if flowing from the branches of the entire fisherman's path, absorbing nutrients before it can bloom.

I saw that on the branch, the Dao rhythm of trawling and looking at the sea was perfect and integrated, as if there was a song, subtle and mysterious, but the other branches were intermittent, and the Dao rhythm was incomplete and could not be connected!

But, even so.

The flower bud still slowly bloomed, and when the flower bloomed, it seemed that a brilliant light flashed, and the entire Changsheng Dao Tree was slightly bright!


"The fisherman's path has reached a certain level, the Xuan flower blooms, and he obtains the magical power-fishing and hunting in the sea!"


"Finally perfect."

Bai Xuan was happy.

The Changsheng Dao Tree was flowing with inexplicable Qi, which was completely in line with Bai Xuan. In just a moment, a faint vitality emerged, causing the copper rust on the tree to fade a little.

It is growing, and now the Xuan flower is blooming, which means that the vitality has reached a certain level, but now it is recovering!

The Xuan flower contains the meaning of Tao, which is in line with Bai Xuan in an instant, so that Bai Xuan naturally understands the power of the Xuan flower.

"The so-called fishermen are those who find fish and beasts in the vast waters, catch, hunt, split and eat them... So the ability of the Xuanhua is the same."

"The ability of 'fishing and hunting in the sea' can hunt giant beasts in the sea, split them, seize their essence, ability, and even innate endowment, swallow them into the Xuanhua, and use them all for fishermen!"

Bai Xuan was extremely happy.

He has come all the way and finally reached a milestone on the road of fishermen and obtained the ability of the Xuanhua!

The Xuanhua bloomed, and there was infinite Tao in it, but only two petals were solid, and the emptiness inside was like the abyss, as if waiting for something to fill it.

The other petals were incomplete and seemed to need further improvement.

At this moment.

"Half of the whale was eaten."

A dozen sailors pulled up the rope and saw that the whale towed behind had almost turned into half a huge skeleton, floating on the sea.

This is already a shallow sea, and there are still some demon fish that can't move away, looking very ferocious.

Seize, seize, seize!

More than a dozen sailors set up the crossbow again and shot continuously, piercing the demon fish. Although the demon fish was strong, it still struggled in pain and bled.

Soon, the demon fish following the ship were shot dead and sank into the water.

"Go to the small island in front to rest, repair the ship, make some arrangements, and then go out to sea."

Bai Xuan ordered.

Soon, the Swallowing Sea dropped anchor here, and many sailors worked together to drag the huge whale onto the beach little by little, but the whale was so heavy that it was almost impossible to move it at all.


Bai Xuan exerted force with both hands and dragged the body of the huge whale up. There were countless bite marks on the ferocious whale, but the bones were quickly covered with flesh and blood, and were still growing and reviving!

The heart of the whale began to beat, and the whale's eyes were trembling, as if it was about to be resurrected.

"How is it possible?"

Some sailors were horrified and their faces changed color.

What a huge amount of Qi and blood, what a terrifying vitality, to be able to grow and revive after being killed and half of the body devoured, trying to revive!

"What a powerful whale."

Bai Xuan also focused his eyes, loosened his hand, and reached out to take the Fu Hai gun behind him.

His condensed Qi and blood were almost exhausted now, only mercury blood was flowing, and the terrifying divine power was still there.

"Just right, it's time to try the power of Xuanhua."

He pierced through the giant whale's skull with a gun, and the gun blade shook, and the terrifying coldness rushed in, freezing the entire giant whale's skull into a piece, and it shattered with a click.

"Cut it apart, divide the body, and process the catch..."

Bai Xuan did it himself, so of course he was very fast. In just half an hour, half of the giant whale was processed, and the membrane, whale meat, and bones were all spread on the beach.

Just when more than a hundred sailors were busy, the work of processing the giant whale also reached a peak, and blood flowed like a river, winding on the beach.

Just as this scene entered Bai Xuan's eyes.

The Xuanhua in Bai Xuan's body finally lit up slightly, just like the abyss being absorbed into the river. On the torn-up giant whale's skeleton, a layer of phantom suddenly emerged, rolled back, and was swallowed into the Xuanhua!

Three more chapters, tonight.

The results are better than I expected, thank you brothers! The author's miserable life of 10,000 posts a day is about to begin!

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