Longevity begins with whale hunting

Chapter 78 The whaling ship

Bai Xuan has his own understanding of how to show his strength.

"Exposing one's strength is necessary to gather resources."

"However, a sixteen-year-old grandmaster is afraid of shocking the world. He must have important treasures, secrets, and inheritances... Not to mention outsiders, even people in his own family will inevitably have some thoughts."

"Although my uncle Bai Ehou taught me, I don't know Grandmaster Bai Yuan Nian at all. Not only that, the four families of Qianshan Island are very mixed-minded, including the Star Hunter Pirates, the Poseidon Cult... once they heard about me, I hunted whales. A person’s identity will inevitably lead to the desire to kill.”

Bai Xuan is thinking in his shoes.

If he had such a talented enemy, he would either win over or hunt him down.

Otherwise, would we just wait like this?

"I heard that Duan Haiyuan, the leader of the Star Hunter Thieves, always changed his alias and never showed up before his energy and blood were as strong as the sea. After becoming invincible, he rose up and swept across the East China Sea!"

Bai Xuan knows that if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

The Qianshan Army is already very dangerous, and it will inevitably attract the attention of the Star Hunter Thieves, but if there is a sixteen-year-old invincible grandmaster in the Qianshan Army, even Duan Haiyuan will notice it.

"It's enough to show some of your strength, show off your talents, and gather resources. It's not impossible to show the level of blood refining, but you have to be careful and choose your target. The rest... until you become invincible, hold on for now!"

Bai Xuan felt very calm.

"Pelo's fleet?"

At this moment, Bai Xuanji also saw the fleet, "This fleet turned out to be a group of pirates of its own, running across a sea area, and had some grudges against us, but now they have joined the Star Hunter Pirates, and they are even more ferocious!"

There was worry in Bai Xuanji's voice, "Bai Xuan, if you encounter this fleet, you'd better escape as soon as possible. These pirates are powerful and cannot be dealt with by ordinary ships."

"I know."

Bai Xuan was very calm.

He put the notice away.

A moment later, in the small courtyard.


The Fuhai Spear buzzed and vibrated as he waved it in Bai Xuan's hand. The force of the spear enveloped the entire courtyard. With one blow, the terrifying power was enough to crack and shatter half of the house!

"My current strength is at the level of 130,000 kilograms. Even in my previous life, this kind of power was enough to tear apart a house with my bare hands."

Bai Xuan still possesses the Condensation Qi and Blood. With a flick of his eye, the faint green shadow appeared on the Fuhai Spear again, and his speed suddenly exploded, increasing several times!


With a bang, the air was blown open, as if the entire courtyard was exploding. However, Bai Xuan's expression remained calm under this blow.

This attack looks bluffing, but its power is average. If it is successful, its power will be more than that!

"It failed. This attack still has a long way to go...but after practicing in the past few days, I have some ideas."

Bai Xuan thought in his heart.

"I'm afraid... not only the sea view, but also the celestial phenomena must be improved. Only by combining the two can we fully understand the four-sea green sky dragon's phase diagram and integrate the changes in the dragon's tail into the marksmanship."


"It's so scary, there's thunder over there, the ground is shaking, there's a boom!"

In a small courtyard in the distance, several fishermen were shivering.

They heard the sound of Bai Xuan using his spear skills at will in the small courtyard. The sound was almost like destruction, making them tremble with fear.

Naturally, they didn't dare to go check it out, fearing that they would be blown to pieces by thunder the moment they walked in!


A huge whale hunting ship is standing upright, with a wide deck, the whole body is forged from iron wood, with a light iron gray color, and is coated with brand new tung oil. There is a harpoon cannon on the bow, and twelve crossbows on both sides. It has a terrifying and fierce look. Murderous intent!

"The name of this ship..."

Bai Xuan looked up at the big ship, "Let's call it Swallowing the Sea!"

One day ago, the family meeting finally passed a resolution to allocate this ironwood warship to him, but Bai Xuanji had already found someone to transform the ship into a whale hunting ship.

"From now on, we no longer have to be restricted by Kaiyang's travels."

Bai Xuan said silently in his heart.

He finally owns his own whale hunting boat, and now he is the captain. He can take the boat to travel in the East China Sea and break the waves!

"At any time, as long as I am here and my sailors are here, the Swallowing Sea can set off at any time and go to every place on the East China Sea."

“Breaking the waves, hunting whales and returning!”

There was expectation in Bai Xuan's eyes.

However, for the time being, he cannot go to sea immediately. The sailors of the Kaiyang are being questioned one by one whether they want to go to the Tunhai.

Now, more than thirty people have agreed to go to the new sea swallowing ship and follow Bai Xuan out to sea!

"The remaining population will probably need to be mobilized by Bai Xuanji to replenish it. This big ship has at least about 80 people."

Bai Xuan knows very well.

Within half a day, after returning from the dock, he went to the host's house again.

"The Yanwu Hall can no longer study the Jiao Xiang Diagram, but the family still has a library with some collections of books."

Bai Xuan browsed randomly in the library.

There are also some martial arts techniques here, but when it comes to Bai Xuan's level, you can just browse through them casually.

"'Flying Sand Palm', 'Iron Cloth Shirt'...huh? This 'Iron Stomach Kung' is pretty good."

Bai Xuan's eyes lit up when he saw a secret book.

This "Iron Stomach Kung Fu" turns out to be a hard skill used in juggling. It allows people to swallow swords and spit out flames. This can make the stomach strong and strong, and the sword will not hurt!

However, for Bai Xuan, this Iron Stomach Skill can enhance the digestive capacity of the stomach, allowing him to eat more exotic fish.

"Up to now, the speed of my blood growth is no longer limited by big fish. I hope the sea will be successful. I'm afraid that after going to sea, I can fill up my warehouse at will."

"But my digestion ability, even if I have a golden organ, is limited. I can only eat up to three hundred kilograms of deep-sea squid in a day."

"If I master this "Iron Stomach Skill", I'm afraid my food intake will increase to at least about 500 kilograms."

"The Jiyuan Body Training Technique can superimpose the effect of this technique... In this way, I can eat ten times more than ordinary warriors, and my energy and blood digestion ability has also been improved equally. My strength will advance very quickly!"

Bai Xuan made a copy of "Iron Stomach Kung".

Swish, brush, brush!

He has a quick writing speed and is concise and clear. In his previous life, he had a foundation of calligraphy and running script, and he could write dozens of pages in one stroke.

"Let's see what else there is."

Bai Xuan continued to visit the library.

Wait until evening.

"This book is not bad either."

Bai Xuan was flipping through a thick classic called "The Records of the Seas". "This book records more than a dozen secret places in the sea, including places where storms are common, mysterious missing sea areas, and water... The Submerged Abyss...even records the deeper waters beyond the East China Sea and the Chaotic Sky Sea."

The East China Sea is the sea area closest to land. It is the outermost layer among the Chaotic Sky Sea. The water is still shallow and there are few dangers in the water.

Even ordinary fishermen can travel by boat.

But according to the records of Zhu Hai Ji, once you leave the East China Sea and enter the depths of the Chaotic Sky Sea, there will be many storms, and there are terrifying demons in the sea. Without strong strength, it is almost impossible to get in or out!

"Is it deep in the vast sea..."

Bai Xuan was looking through the collection of books, and he was enjoying it.

"According to this record, immortal masters in the East China Sea are rare because most of them are in the depths of the Chaotic Sky Sea, building huge ships in Xuancheng and doing whatever they want!"

"There are only a few forces in the East China Sea, and they have some methods for building mysterious city boats. They are extremely rare and are kept secret."

"There are also some basic qi and blood introductions to various martial arts. They are all good. Although they are of no use to me now, they can be used to teach beginners."

Bai Xuan is now a master of blood refining. He has a commanding position. He can browse through it at will and verify what he has learned one by one, which is very fast.

Three days later.


There were about seventy or eighty people standing on the deck of the Swallowing Sea, half of whom were elite sailors with strong spirit and faint qi and blood skills. They were all young sailors from the Kaiyang, and they were sincerely convinced by Bai Xuan!

The other group were all ordinary sailors, and there were even more than a dozen young men, only about fifteen or sixteen years old. They were very young, and they were looking around, feeling a little nervous for a while.

As soon as a young man stepped onto the deck, he saw a young man of about the same age walking past him.

"Brother, is this the Tunhai?"

The boy from the Bai family asked quickly, "I am Bai Luo, a branch of the Bai family. I go fishing on the Tunhai. I don't know..."

"Yes, put down your luggage and go line up over there."

The young man said calmly.

This sentence was spoken with a touch of majesty, which shocked Bai Luo. He had never seen a playmate of this age with such a strong aura.

Just when he put down his luggage and came back to line up, he saw the young man walking in front of everyone. In an instant, there was silence below.


Bai Luo's eyes widened.

"Is he the captain?"

He never thought that this young man of similar age to himself would be the captain of the "Swallowing Sea"!


"Half the people here already know me well."

Bai Xuan stood in front, glanced below, and said in a deep voice.

"Other people are not very familiar with me, and may have just gone to sea. However, your seniors will teach you, and soon, you will also become the old men of the Swallowing Sea!"

"Clear the deck and get ready to go!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Below, more than 80 sailors responded in unison. Those young men were also nervous, but their voices became louder. This voice spread throughout the dock, attracting the attention of several surrounding ships.

Bai Xuan's eyes swept across the sky and the sea, and there was a faint reflection of the ocean, all in his eyes.

"This time I go to sea and become a captain. The remaining flowering period of Xuanhua will also expire, Xuanhua will bloom... and the new abilities of the fisherman's path will also be unlocked."

There was expectation in Bai Xuan's eyes.

"The Swallowing Sea, set sail!"

Dafeng 97 years.

Biotechnology is prosperous, supernatural martial arts are prosperous, and the treasures of the astral world are endless.

Chen Chan came with the attribute panel + magnetic field rotation super power. In his previous life, he was a well-behaved man, but when all his efforts were disillusioned, he no longer wanted to work hard to be a human being, so he set a small goal for himself: to destroy God. Jiayu's sufferings were all overturned.

rule? Free will! My will!

When the monster easily killed the human coalition forces in the star realm and broke through the star gate, he only saw a muscular figure floating in the air.

“It’s finally here”

Chen Chan turned around and smiled, and the next moment she opened her mouth wide and showed her white teeth.

"You rude guys, why don't you want to live a good life?"

"In this case, let me, Chen Chan,

The Great God of Great Love, the guardian of Baiyi Star, and the defender of free will,

Come and crush you!"

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