Longevity begins with whale hunting

Chapter 62: Half-step Grandmaster, blood flowing like a stream!

The house where Bai Xuan is now is located in a remote part of the Forging Soldiers Villa, in an old forest in the mountains.

No one has been here for a long time, and it is already quite old. At this moment, under the reflection of the blood and qi, the heat waves are rolling and the dust is blowing.

A red snake with magnificent colors all over its body is swimming slowly on the door frame, spitting out its snake tongue lazily.

This red snake has become accustomed to being fed by Bai Xuan and will not attack at all, but if someone breaks in private, being bitten will surely kill him.

"Take the secret poison of the red snake first."

Bai Xuan applied the crimson ointment to dozens of acupuncture points on his body and swallowed a small piece.

In an instant.

It seemed that there were sharp silver needles nailed into the acupuncture points all over his body, stabilizing the blood and qi, so as not to run away and die.

The golden organs in his abdomen were also running, and the internal breath was stimulated by the secret poison of the red snake, as if he had swallowed a whole block of ice, and there was a flame smoldering in the ice, which instantly suppressed the dantian and made it extremely stable!

"The second step, Tai Sui Refining Medicine!"

Bai Xuan flipped his hand and took out a Tai Sui Refining Medicine.

This pill looked dark, but there was a faint light flowing in it, as if it was made of extremely condensed blood and qi. Once it came into contact with the air, it was faintly surrounded by clouds and mist.

This pill contained extremely powerful blood and qi, which could double the blood and qi of a master who had made three blood and qi breakthroughs!

Bai Xuan raised his head and swallowed the Tai Sui Refining Medicine.


His golden organs were many times stronger than those of ordinary warriors, and in an instant, he dissolved the Tai Sui Refining Medicine.

Suddenly, it seemed as if a ball of fire rose from his abdomen, and infinite light and heat erupted, turning into a rolling hot stream, pouring into Bai Xuan's limbs and meridians!

Blood and qi!

This was extremely pure blood and qi, powerful and terrifying, like ten galloping horses, and it seemed that the blood and qi power that only a herd of cattle could possess, exploded directly!

Bai Xuan's golden bowels were breathing, calming his internal organs. The secret poison of the red snake on the acupuncture points all over his body was taking effect, like dozens of silver needles, nailing inside and outside, so as not to be blown up alive.

"It's time to break through."

Bai Xuan's eyes suddenly widened.

With a thought.

His whole body was full of blood and qi, which was rapidly and madly accumulating, rising to the extreme little by little, and with a bang, it burned wantonly, like a furnace, filling the whole house in an instant!

The next moment.

His eyes turned blue, and in an instant, the blood and qi in his body were absorbed, like a whale sucking water, splash! All of it was swallowed up in that one mouthful.

This swallowing contained Bai Xuan's blood and qi, condensed to the extreme!

"Break it."

Bai Xuan's heart suddenly calmed down.

At this moment, it was as if an invisible barrier was broken in mid-air. With a loud clacking sound, Bai Xuan struck out with a palm. From the limbs and hundreds of meridians, a breath of blood penetrated through the chest and abdomen. In the palm, a vague palm print emerged!

This palm print was no longer qi, but a condensed qi and blood light that crossed the air!


The beam of the house was bombarded by the qi and blood, and it was directly shattered from it. The whole house seemed to be shattered by a palm. With a bang, it almost collapsed!

But, at this moment.

When Bai Xuan struck out this palm print, the qi and blood in his body seemed to have opened up the internal and external barriers. With a bang, it almost all dissipated and dissipated to the outside world.

The qi and blood in his body were collapsing at this moment.

The mysterious gate of life and death, the mysterious gate of life and death.

The level that Bai Xuan had just broken through with his concentration was the "life gate", which condensed the qi and blood in his body and turned it into real power.

But now this level is the "death gate"!

The most difficult step in opening up the internal and external gates is the death gate. There are various secret poisons and methods to prevent the life gate, but at the death gate, the qi and blood collapse, and you can only rely on your own practice to survive.

If you can get through it, even if your vitality is seriously damaged, you can save your life and cultivation, but if you can't get through it, you will die!

"This step, the four masters have repeatedly mentioned it."

Bai Xuan was calm in his heart.

"Seven Seas Mysterious Gate Life Protection Method, open!"


At this moment, at the moment of qi and blood collapse, Bai Xuan's body and skin membranes all emerged with extremely strong green scales, like a bronze statue, deep and mysterious.

With a bang, the skin membranes all retracted inward, sealing the sky and locking the earth, and locking all the pores in the body!


With this retraction, the state of qi and blood dissipation in the body stopped, and it could not leak out at all, and was directly blocked inside!

With this retraction, Bai Xuan seemed to have an illusory door in front of him, hazy and difficult to see clearly.


Without hesitation, Bai Xuan stepped through the door. With a bang, the blood and qi in his body finally condensed and turned into a stream of blood!


Outside the door.

Several young sailors were guarding the door. They heard a loud noise inside, as if something had fallen, and the beams of the entire house were about to break and the house was about to collapse!

They were all horrified, but Bai Xuan had ordered that no one was allowed to enter before the breakthrough.

Therefore, even if they were puzzled and panicked in their hearts, these sailors gritted their teeth and stood at the door, not moving an inch.

After a while, the house became quiet, and with a creak, Bai Xuan pushed the door open and walked out.

He was pale, obviously suffering some internal injuries, but his spirit was good, and his eyes were still calm when he scanned.

"Boatswain, your breakthrough..."

A sailor asked tentatively.

He was very worried. Maybe Bai Xuan had not broken through, but was injured. At least, judging from his expression, that was the case.


Bai Xuan looked over and smiled slightly.

He stretched out his hand, and the blood and qi rose up like a flame, and his eyes turned slightly blue!

"Good! Great! The boatswain has broken through the blood and qi boundary three times!"

"The boatswain is really a genius. He can lead a ship and become the captain!"

Several sailors were very excited!

How could they know...

"Three blood and qi breakthroughs? I am not."

Bai Xuan looked calm, but he was slightly happy in his heart.

At this point, it was a natural thing!

At this moment, all the blood and qi in his body were deeply restrained, and only a stream of blood and qi flowed in the meridians.


This stream of blood and qi contained a powerful force, almost ten times the original, beyond a limit. When it was used, it could crush everything and kill the master who had broken through the blood and qi three times in an instant!

Blood and qi like a stream!

This is the first level of the Grandmaster realm. In fact, as long as you break through the threshold of life and death, you are at the same level, breaking through the power training and reaching the blood training level.

It’s just that the blood and qi do not cover the whole body, and there are loopholes and defects after all, so this stage is often called a half-step Grandmaster, so-called merits and deeds have not been perfected, and there is still a half-step.

Even if you have nine streams of blood and qi, as long as you have not reached the realm of "blood and qi like a river", you are a half-step Grandmaster.

Of course, this step can also be called a blood refining Grandmaster.

After the blood and qi are like a stream, it is the blood and qi like a river. This level is called the "perfect Grandmaster"!

"I thought I would need to use the Longevity Dao Tree, but I didn't expect that I could take this step by myself."

Bai Xuan felt a little relieved.

It has been a month since he went to sea, and he still has two points of horizontal training Dao thoughts in his hand, just in case.

Even if the breakthrough fails, it can be made up at a critical moment.

However, it has been successful now.

"Next, we need to replenish our Qi and blood to further improve our strength!"

Bai Xuan's stomach is now empty and he is extremely hungry. This is a sign of a recent breakthrough. Most of his Qi and blood have been consumed, and his internal injuries are also quite serious!

Three more chapters! I hope everyone likes it. I will definitely push for the final sprint

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