Longevity begins with whale hunting

Chapter 59: Forging Weapon Villa, Magical Fish Lance! (Please read again on Tuesday)

Bai Xuan applied a little bit of this crimson ointment to his skin, and used the secret technique in the "Seven Seas Profound Gate Life Protection Method" to circulate his energy and blood, causing the red snake's secret poison to be absorbed bit by bit.

Soon, the effect of the medicine takes effect, like a silver needle inserted into the acupuncture point, stabilizing part of the qi and blood!

"After the toxin is softened, it can still stabilize my energy and blood. If there is a way to intensify it, it is possible to kill the grandmaster."

Bai Xuan was secretly surprised.

He has terrifying divine power, and his strength will not be reduced much if his energy and blood are blocked. However, if he is an ordinary warrior, once his energy and blood are blocked, he will basically become a useless person.

Throwing knives, poison, smoke and other methods are difficult to work at this level.

However, if it were replaced by the red snake's poison, the situation would be very different.

early morning.

"Feed more."

Bai Xuan cut up a pound of giant deep-sea squid and fed it to the red snake next to the water tank.

The red snake had woken up and was swimming lazily in the water tank. When it saw the grilled squid, it immediately came up to devour the jujube.


The red snake ate a lot, and soon fell asleep again, lying back in the water tank.

"Fortunately, as long as you keep feeding, this red snake is not particularly vicious."

Bai Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Two days later.

"Forging Arms Villa has arrived!"

Some sailors cheered.

From a distance, you can see a huge villa, entrenched on the coastal mountain. The houses are like long snakes, intertwined, and it looks quite majestic.

There is a long river running through the villa, and billowing smoke rises. It is the river water and ground fire used for smelting.

"finally reached."

Bai Xuanji, wearing a green dragon costume, stood at the bow of the ship and heaved a sigh of relief.

Along the way, he had been worried that he would be intercepted by the Star Hunting Thieves. If that happened, he would pay a heavy price.

However, now that we have arrived, I am finally relieved!

"We've arrived at Forging Arms Villa, and we can finally break through in seclusion."

Bai Xuan got off the Kaiyang. He looked ordinary, hidden among the many sailors, but he was full of expectations in his heart.

"But before that, let's go find my speargun."

He has been looking forward to this refining weapon for too long, and now is the time to find it!

Forging Arms Villa, in a smelting room.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A tall and strong blacksmith was wielding the hammer in his hand, forging a weapon bit by bit. It was Liu Ruyi.

It was a slender, sharp, and simple spear, with a ferocious blade at the front, shrouded in flames, exuding a terrifying chill!

Dang Dang Dang!

Every time Liu Ruyi waved, there was a powerful inner energy contained in it, causing the spear to be slightly forged and gradually formed.

"Huh...this Nether Sea Black Iron is really difficult to smelt."

Although Liu Ruyi was next to the stove, the fire from the ground was so powerful that it almost burned the entire room. There was a high temperature of fifty degrees in the air alone. The apprentice simply couldn't bear it. Only a blacksmith like him who was accomplished in martial arts could do it. Stay.

But there was a layer of frost between his brows.

It was the chill radiating from that speargun, which was deep and terrifying.

"You must forge all this miscellaneous coldness to take on a perfect form... When the time comes, you will become a divine weapon!"

Liu Ruyi felt excited.

He had been forging it for two months and was nearly finished.

The chill is not yet complete yet. When the chill is completely subdued and the mind is restrained, the power will truly reach its peak.

At this moment, little details emerged on the gun blade, and a bleeding groove was gradually being created.

Just when Liu Ruyi was working hard to forge.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a gust of wind blowing, and quietly, a figure appeared in the smelting room.


Liu Ruyi turned around suddenly.

He was wary that this smelting room was the centerpiece of Blacksmithing Villa, and only formal blacksmiths like him could enter.

But seeing the old shark mask of the visitor, Liu Ruyi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Excellency is indeed here."

"This weapon will be completed soon. I wonder if you can wait. If you can, why not stay in the villa for a few days."

Liu Ruyi sounded delighted.

Being able to forge such a weapon can be regarded as a memorable milestone in his forging career!

"What a powerful speargun."

Bai Xuan wore a worn-out shark mask and saw the chilling speargun at a glance.

It still has the original shape, but it is slightly different. The black color is as deep as the sea, and there is a terrifying chill that almost freezes everything.

"This cold iron spear gun has now been completely transformed. It is made of dark sea iron, supplemented by fine gold, rhinoceros horn, and even the blood of a demon whale to temper its form."

Liu Ruyi was very proud.

"This gun is still half a month away from being born, and it will become a magic weapon by then!"

"Magic weapon!"

Bai Xuan's eyes moved.

He knew that the so-called divine weapons refer to the top weapons in this world that are far more powerful than ordinary weapons and can be used by powerful masters.

You know, with his current strength of 40,000 kilograms, if he moves even a little, the house will collapse, and the steel will be torn apart easily like mud.

Ordinary weapons, even the meteorite sword, cannot withstand the grandmaster's power.

Only some weapons that are completely reborn and completely transcend the ordinary can glow with terrifying power in the hands of the master, so they are called magic weapons.

"How much does it cost to build?"

Bai Xuan asked in a low and hoarse voice.

His first reaction was money.

He only had more than a thousand taels on him now, and the rest was used to buy medicinal materials. It could be said that he could only make ends meet.

If it were forged by ordinary people, a top-notch hundred-forged weapon, then it would be nothing more than the smelting cost of 500 taels.

But now, Youhai Black Iron Spear?

Bai Xuan felt quite uneasy.

"If you include the Nether Sea Black Iron, it will cost six thousand taels of silver. But now...this Nether Sea Black Iron is ready-made. I can cast it into a magic weapon. It is because of your entrustment. Give me two thousand taels of silver. That’s enough.”

"off the shelf?"

Bai Xuan was stunned.

Youhai Black Iron is a top-grade smelting ore. Even he has heard of it before... This thing is of terrible value. A dozen kilograms of Youhai Black Iron is equivalent to thousands of taels of silver.

Where does this kind of thing come from?

"Yes, do you know the original owner of this gun, Lu Ming?"

Liu Ruyi said.

"Mr. Lu found me before..."

He told this matter with a hint of admiration in his heart.

This matter is indeed a good thing to talk about!

The storm on the sea was silent, the fighting and fighting were like breathing, chivalry was very rare among them, and it was worthy of his special narration.

"I see."

Bai Xuan was also filled with emotion.

This cold iron spear gun has gone around in circles, been abandoned and picked up again, been killed and rebuilt, and was given precious materials by its original owner. Now it is finally going to be born, reborn, and become an invincible magic weapon!

"In that case, I will pick it up in a few days. If anything happens, I can write something on the corner of a red building two streets east of this house."

Bai Xuan said in a low voice.

He flashed and disappeared into the smelting room.

"Such a powerful Qinggong. I'm afraid this person's strength has improved compared to before, which makes people feel palpitating."

Liu Ruyi was thinking in her heart.

He wants to smelt the magic weapon, and his physical strength is naturally strong. He has a thousand pounds of strength, and he can temper it for three or four hours in one breath. He can become an enemy of a hundred people on the battlefield!

But facing Bai Xuan, he felt palpitations in his heart. The opponent's martial arts body was probably at its peak.

He thought for a while, but then he went out and released a homing pigeon from the birdcage, tied a small roll of paper to the pigeon's leg, and let it fly.

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