Longevity begins with whale hunting

Chapter 56: Exchanging prescriptions, crazy fishing

In the small courtyard.

"We are about to go to sea, so we should prepare everything we need to prepare."

"Miscellaneous smoke, banknotes, medicinal materials..."

Bai Xuan is shopping and has brought the necessary things, especially many medicinal materials, not only the three-turn snake bone soup, but also the Qihai Xuanguan life-protecting method, which also has a secret medicine, which is used to protect one's own qi and blood.

In addition to several precious medicinal materials such as century-old ginseng, the raw materials also contain the poison of a different species of sea snake. After being refined, the chance of death can be increased by 10% to avoid breaking through the barrier of life and death.

"Why is this medicinal material so expensive?"

Bai Xuan's heart ached.

He went to a medicine store and found that ginseng had been sold for hundreds of years on the island. One plant cost a hundred taels of silver. He had to wait for a week. If he wanted to get the goods right away, it would cost twice as much, which would cost a lot of money. Two hundred taels of silver.


The government, the knife-catching department.

"Who, come here at this time...neigh! Whale hunter!"

The government officials were drowsy. One of the government officials was sleepy-eyed. He caught a glimpse of a tall figure approaching outside the door. He was suddenly excited and recognized the old shark mask!

"I'm here to receive the reward."

Bai Xuan said in a low and hoarse voice.

Several government officials jumped up quickly, two of them apologized, and the remaining people hurried to the rear to find someone. Within a moment, Zhao Yuanchen arrived in a hurry.

"This is your silver reward, including your achievements in the Poseidon Cult branch battle, a total of one thousand five hundred taels!"

He took out two silver notes and presented them carefully without asking Bai Xuan for the head - he saw with his own eyes that Bai Xuan beat the head to pieces!

Bai Xuan's figure flashed and left the door.

"Fortunately, although the government is in embarrassment, it can still come up with a few thousand taels of silver."

He had no money, so he had to come to catch the swordsman and try to squeeze some money out of it, and he succeeded in one fell swoop.

In just half a day, I bought all the medicinal materials, etc., and I still had more than two thousand taels of silver left with me.

"Finally we're going to sea."

Bai Xuan has not returned to the vast sea for a long time, and his heart is full of expectations!

Three days later.


"set sail!"

Bai Xuanji waved his hand and said loudly.

He is now the deputy leader of the family's second fleet. At this moment, he has six large ships, all of which are neatly sailing out to sea, setting sail, and sailing through the waves!

A few days passed in a hurry.

The Bai family fleet set sail, far away from the island base, and gradually accelerated to the deep sea area.

on deck.

"Finally back to sea."

"If one person and one boat go to Blacksmithing Villa, they will arrive in a few days. But this time the fleet travels, it has to avoid several sea areas controlled by the Star Hunter Pirates, and it will take about dozens of days to arrive. There is still time to fish."

Bai Xuan was looking at the sea in the distance.

He is guiding many sailors to fish with his eyes looking at the sea.

"Hey, work harder!"

Next to it, a dozen sailors were salvaging.

At this moment, the big fish in the net was struggling and extremely heavy. Even if more than a dozen people joined forces, their bodies were still swaying, and they were all swaying, almost being dragged into the water!


Bai Xuan's figure flashed and he grabbed it with one hand, immediately stopping the trawl net from sinking and dragging it up section by section.


The fishing net spread out, and a huge and heavy snake-bone fish landed on the deck.

"Article 1."

There was joy in Bai Xuan's eyes.

Many sailors gradually dismembered the snake-bone fish and took out the flesh and blood. At dusk that day, another snake-bone fish was caught, but the efficiency was extremely high.


"This three-turn snake bone soup is still effective, but there is no trace of the alien sea snake."

Bai Xuan ate three bowls of Sanzhuan Snake Bone Soup, and still felt heat rising in his abdomen, which nourished Qi and blood throughout his body and increased his physical strength.

At this stage, the ordinary demon fish meat only has a nourishing effect, and its medicinal properties are no longer great, but the more so, the more important it becomes.

If you don't have food, you will die. If you don't take medicine, your cultivation will be slower. If you don't eat, you will starve to death.

A few days passed, and he directed the salvage of snake-bone fish every day. As he continued to take it, his whole body felt warm, and his energy and blood gradually increased.

Get on the other boat "Kaixuan".

A middle-aged man with an impressive appearance was seen from a distance.

"The Kaiyang is still fishing for deep-sea snakefish."

He watched it for several days and kept paying attention to this scene.

You know, the deep-sea snake fish is an extremely powerful type of dominant fish in the sea. It doesn't have much flesh and blood, only bones, and it is extremely difficult to deal with.

Few people will catch it. Once caught in the net, they can only admit that they are unlucky and let it go.

"It should be a prescription containing exotic fish, which can purify flesh and blood."

The middle-aged man was a little excited.

The captain's cabin of the Kaiyang.

"The captain of the Kaixuan asked me for a prescription for snake bone fish?"

Bai Xuan said with some surprise.

Apparently, he caught snake fish every day and was noticed by others, who guessed that he had a prescription in his hand.

"Yes, of course there is a price. Qingyuan said that he is willing to use another exotic fish prescription in exchange."

Bai Yuanjiu chuckled, and the scar on his face moved slightly, "If you ask me, his big family has much greater needs to support than you. How about two prescriptions from him?"

The captain level has a supply of demon fish meat at home, and they need exotic fish prescriptions. Obviously, there is more demand. For example, if a child is getting started in martial arts, he can make rapid progress with this meat.

Bai Yuanjiu didn't care what Bai Xuan was doing on weekdays. He had monster fish meat himself, so there was no need to ask for exotic fish prescriptions.


Bai Xuan was not too entangled.

On the other side, Bai Qingyuan, the captain of Kaixuan, was also secretly in pain.

He only had two prescriptions in his hand. Should he trade them all?

Among these two, there was a prescription for deep-sea giant squid, which was very precious. He accidentally got it in his early years and regarded it as a treasure.

"Forget it, ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in the hand. Exchange them all."

He was very decisive and did not hesitate.

Demand is the most important. On the other hand, Kaiyang is Bai Xuanji's ship. I am afraid it is unnecessary to bargain with the boss's brother.


In the cabin.

"These two new prescriptions, one is for a different species of minnow, which has countless parasites all over its body. It needs to be driven out with an insect medicine, and then boiled to remove the toxic air..."

Bai Xuan was looking through the new prescriptions obtained from the transaction.

"The other one is a deep-sea giant squid. Once this thing is mutated, its skin will become extremely tough and indigestible. It needs to be softened with a kind of medicine and roasted to remove the strange smell... before it can be taken."

"It turns out to be roasted squid."

Of the two prescriptions, the former is more difficult and the mullet fish is rarer, but the medicinal power is extremely strong, almost indistinguishable from the real demon fish, and has a medicinal effect that can enhance the hearing of the user.

The other one has only 20% of the effect of the demon fish, but the deep-sea giant squid has a huge amount of meat. As long as you catch one, you can get a lot of blood and meat, and you can even feed pigs.

"The next catch can be more."

Bai Xuan was very happy.

The only problem is that for the time being, there are not enough medicinal materials on hand.

Just then.

"Captain Kaixuan sent ten days' worth of medicinal materials?"

Bai Xuan raised his eyebrows.

The other party was much friendlier than he thought. "Tell Captain Qingyuan to thank him for the medicine. I also have ten days' worth of herbs. Take them to him."

Both sides benefit from the give and take. It would be good to continue the cooperation in the future. Bai Xuan was naturally happy to do so!

With this prescription and herbs, he can catch a large number of exotic fishes next, which will increase his own qi and blood crazily!

Happy New Year, brothers!

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