Longevity begins with whale hunting

Chapter 49: The Sea God Cult branch altar, the main priest's divine power!

"The old man's name is Yuan Mo. He was originally a monk. Later, feeling the suffering of the world, he joined the Seven Seas Association and ran a home for the elderly and a soup kitchen. Today, he has met many brothers..."

The old man spoke plainly and spoke eloquently, just like a truly enlightened monk, appearing very wise.

Many fishermen and poor people below were attracted by the old monk's speech.


Bai Xuan was shocked.

He could smell a strange aroma in the air, which seemed to penetrate deep into his heart, making people confused and gradually being manipulated by others.

In fact, this aroma seems to have an addictive quality, making people unable to help but inhale it.

"If I hadn't had the golden body, I would have been attacked."

Bai Xuan's eyes showed murderous intent.

He has the inner breath of the golden body, and he can hold his breath and not smell it, or turn it around in an instant to remove this weak toxin.

But obviously, these Poseidon cultists are harming people, and it is unbearable for ordinary people. Once they inhale too much of this weird smoke, they may turn into walking zombies. If they obey their words, the Seven Seas Society will develop so fast. This is the real method of preaching!

Outside the manor.

"Is this report true or false?"

A middle-aged man who looked like a Confucian general frowned and said, "This is the house of a wealthy businessman of the Yang family. If we break in and misjudge the situation, everyone will have to bear the consequences."

Although the government has strength on Qianshan Island, the four major families have great influence and cannot be easily resisted.

In fact, someone had reported this place before, but the government turned a blind eye and didn't care at all as long as no one was found dead.

"The identity of the person who reported the report is of no small importance, it must be true."

Zhao Yuanchen said solemnly.

The whale hunter came to report, how dare he take it lightly? This man can even wash away the Qian Yuan warship, what he said cannot be groundless!

"Okay, let's go in and search. If there are any problems, we'll take action."

The middle-aged Confucian general shook his head and waved his hand, and the several policemen clenched their swords and quickly approached the manor.

"The Knife Catcher is on patrol, put down your weapons!"

As soon as the policeman's voice sounded, he saw the color on the brown-clothed servant's face change. With a flick of his eye, he either pulled out the sword from his waist, or simply took off the crossbow from his back!

A shrill scream rose into the sky!

"No, it really is the home base of the Poseidon Sect, let's do it!"

The middle-aged Confucian general's face changed color, and he whispered to a government servant behind him.

"Bring me the warrant and ask the Qianshan Army to send more experts."

The opponent even took out a crossbow. I'm afraid he's well-trained and won't be good tonight!

He gave the order, and all the hundreds of soldiers at the rear drew their swords. The more than ten soldiers in the front raised their shields and charged into the manor!

A shrill scream sounded, and everyone gathered in the mansion was still confused and didn't know what was going on. However, the old monk who was leading the group changed his expression slightly and stopped talking.

"Everyone, something seems to have happened ahead. Please wait for a moment. I will come back as soon as I can."

The old monk's voice was still calm and composed, but the man left in a hurry.

On the field, many servants in brown clothes also quickly ran towards the outside of the mansion. They all had bulging bags on their waists, and they seemed to have swords!

"Sure enough, it's here."

Bai Xuan stood up calmly.

He reported it to the official himself, so of course he knew what was happening. I'm afraid that the officers and soldiers in front have already started fighting with these Poseidon cultists, and a big battle is just around the corner!

Logically speaking, when we reach this level, we can let go and let the government round up these Poseidon believers. It will be difficult for these people to continue to stay on the island in the future.


"The best choice is to eliminate future troubles in one fell swoop."

Bai Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

As he walked among the crowd, he put on an old shark mask silently, and his body made a clicking sound. This was a change in his iron bones, and his height also changed accordingly!

He was walking in the shadows, with his sharp edge restrained and unnoticed, like a terrifying phantom that was about to bring death!

at this time.

"The situation is not right, drive everyone in this hall to the backyard pool, kill them all, and perform a blood sacrifice to summon the demon shark."

A servant in brown clothes hurriedly came over and said to another servant.

"If we are defeated at the front, we will escape from the sea."

When they reached the critical moment, they still had to take action and kill all the ordinary people in the gathering first.

"I knew that Poseidon believers couldn't believe it."

Behind him, a voice suddenly sounded, very plain.


Before the two servants could react, they heard a whooshing sound, and a flying knife plunged directly into a man's neck, piercing him and causing a profuse flow of blood!

Another person's neck was directly grabbed by a big hand, and he was lifted up like a chicken.

"I ask, you answer!"

In front of the manor.

A war has begun here. Dozens of arrows are burning with flames, piercing the night sky and shooting into the haystacks below. Fires quickly rise and light up one side!


Amidst the sound of clanging, the officers and soldiers in brown clothes fought together, their swords struck each other, and with a pop, the swords struck down, leaving several people dead in an instant. These servants in brown clothes did not hide their identities now, and some people were shouting feverishly:

"Poseidon protects the body and the soul is immortal!"

Take, take, take!

More than ten Poseidon believers took out their powerful crossbows, lurked behind the room, and shot out in one breath. Seven or eight officers and soldiers on the field fell over and were directly penetrated. Blood spurted out and they were dead before their eyes!

"How brave!"

A long-bearded man rode a tall horse and rushed into the manor. He was wearing armor and holding a halberd. With one swing, he directly knocked a believer of the Sea God away. The whole body was bleeding and his limbs were twisted. It was obvious that he died suddenly.

"Wang Yue, the captain of Qianshan Army, the believer of the evil god, come out and die!"

He galloped on his horse, the blood in his body was rising, and the power was terrifying. The impact of this man and horse, swinging the halberd in his hand, was almost unstoppable.

In just a moment, five or six believers of the Sea God were split by the halberd, and blood flowed all over the ground, flowing under the fire!

"I'll meet you."

An old voice sounded.


It was an old monk wearing a cassock. He approached with a flashing figure at a very fast speed and chopped with a palm!

Wang Yue, the captain of Qianshan Army, chopped down with a halberd, and there was a loud bang. His hand was numb, and the halberd was bounced up, and the whole person was almost thrown up!

"Not good, it's a strong man on the black list!"

Wang Yue knew it was bad, he rolled over and fell off the horse's back, avoiding the palm that came from the sky.


When the palm fell, the spine of the warhorse was shattered, and it screamed miserably and fell headfirst, making a loud collapse sound.

"It's the 20th on the black list, the chief priest of the Sea God Sect, the black gold monk Yuan Mo!"

Someone exclaimed, recognizing the true identity of the old monk!

"Wang Yue, I'll help you!"


Another general hurried over, his hair and beard were all white, holding a long sword, riding a warhorse, but he was even more galloping and powerful, and his cry was like thunder!

"Just a beast!"

The old monk had a gloomy look, changing in the firelight, flashing, avoiding the long sword's chop, and suddenly grabbed the running warhorse and held it alive!


The armored warhorse stood up and neighed. When it was galloping, it could have knocked away even a dozen soldiers. However, it was stopped by the old monk with one hand, and the soldiers on its back were thrown off!

I will continue to update three times tomorrow. It's a holiday, so I have time to update more.

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