Longevity begins with whale hunting

Chapter 36 The enemy is chasing, Bai Xuan takes action!

"I'll go."

Bai Xuan did not refuse.


It was raining heavily outside, making it almost difficult to breathe, and the wind was howling in the sky. It was impossible for ordinary people to move in such weather.

But Bai Xuan jumped off the boat directly and walked in the heavy rain. He climbed high and walked on the flat ground, coming and going freely.

His current physical fitness has reached an astonishing level. He can walk through the forest and rain like breathing. In a short time, he picked more than ten herbs in his hands and put them into a basket.

Right now.


Bai Xuan narrowed his eyes.

He stood high on the island, in the dense forest. Looking down, he could see...

In the bay on the other side of the island, amid the heavy rain, there was a pirate ship slowly approaching!

Bai Xuan saw clearly that it was the black pirate ship belonging to "Boss Qian". He had seen it many days before and was determined not to admit his mistake.

However, the flag on the ship has now been replaced by the blood-stained Star Hunter flag.

"Star Hunter..."

Bai Xuan's heart was spinning.

Either the opponent was killed, his ship was captured, or he surrendered to the Star Hunter Thieves. No matter which one he was, he was chasing after him in the storm and was anchored on the same island. The opponent's goal was already clear!

After a while, I saw someone coming in a small boat and coming ashore.

These people were cursing on the island in the heavy rain. Suddenly, a gun shadow flashed in the rain, and a sharp light flashed.

In the rainy forest, Bai Xuan comes out with a gun!

After a while.

Bai Xuan asked several pirates, with a cold heart, and shot them all to death. Then he stood up and looked down at the ships below.

It turned out that the other party's ship had already joined the Star Hunters, and now Boss Qian had taken the eighth position among the Star Hunters. He was so satisfied that he came to hunt down the Qianliu and take back the five thousand taels of silver.

If the storm subsides, the opponent will immediately find traces of the Qianliu, and it will be another bloody battle.

"I'm afraid I can't go back and call someone."

Bai Xuan knew it very well.

During the day's battle, Bai Xuanji tried his best and used the blood-burning secret technique to directly defeat the powerful enemy one against two.

Now, I'm afraid it's not suitable to take action again.

Among the remaining people, the first mate Bai Yuanjiu is quite strong, but if he is involved in a battle with three strong men who have broken through the Qi and blood, his life may not be saved!

The remaining sailors suffered heavy casualties and found it difficult to join the battle.

All this flashed through Bai Xuan's heart like lightning, but he suddenly calmed down. In an instant, murderous aura rushed up, and his eyes instantly turned into blue vertical pupils, like dragons and snakes!

"I'm here to kill you. Why are there so many troubles?"

The pirate ship docked slowly in the bay, and the lights on the ship penetrated the rain curtain. On the other side, Bai Xuan strode down, walking faster and faster, and disappeared into the rain curtain in the blink of an eye, heading towards the bay.

"First anchor the ship and take action on the sea. If something goes wrong, escape."

Bai Xuan remains calm even if he has murderous intent. He has water nature and the ability to swim. If something goes wrong, he can just run away. If he escapes into the water in this storm, no one can chase him!

On the black pirate ship.

"Damn it, why is there a rainstorm?"

Boss Qian was sitting in the captain's cabin, frowning and cursing. He never expected that the storm would come and trap him on this island.

"Hiss... But there are not many sea routes. The Bai family's escape route should be this one. Maybe their ship was also trapped in the storm, maybe on this island."

Boss Qian then thought about it and suddenly stood up, "Second officer, take someone out to see if there is anyone else on the island."

His words made the second officer reluctant to leave in the storm, but he had no choice but to do so.

Boss Qian has three or four large ships, among which this one is the widest and most stable. It is a high-sea ship that has reached the flagship level, and he has always been on it himself.

After a while.

The sailors on the deck, who were secretly cursing the vigil, were braving the heavy rain, but they saw the first mate's boat that had just left sailing back again.

"What does this mean?"

The sailor didn't know what was going on, so he called a few good hands to hoist the boat up, but as soon as he saw the things in the boat, his color changed immediately!

There was no second mate in the boat. There was only a piece of blood, swaying in the rain, and nothing!

"not good!"

Many pirates on the deck felt the hairs on their backs stand up, it was so terrifying!

At this moment, a scream sounded suddenly on the deck. The pirates had no time to react. Three flying knives came through the air and nailed them directly through. Blood burst out of their chests!

At this moment, the ship was slowly drifting away from the coast in the storm. Astonishingly, someone lifted it off the anchorage and floated into the sea!

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

The horn sounded throughout the entire pirate ship. In the cabin, Boss Qian suddenly changed his color and stood up!

"How dare you attack my ship? Is Bai Xuanji crazy?"

Boss Qian rushed onto the deck in two or two steps and saw a figure disappear in a flash in the heavy rain.



Boss Qian's expression changed drastically.

When he saw the corpse on the ground, he realized the danger, but it was too late now!


A shrill scream sounded, and a flying knife roared through the rain curtain and came through the air, covering a distance of tens of meters in an instant!

"The target is me?"

A pirate hurried onto the deck and saw a silver light coming towards him.

too fast!

He held a long knife in his hand and barely blocked it, but the power of the flying knife was so powerful that it was extremely terrifying. With just one touch, it was deflected directly, and the silver light flashed through his chest!

Blood spurted out, a look of horror appeared on the pirate's face, and he shook his body before falling down.

At this moment, ten corpses have fallen on the ground!

"Damn it!"

Boss Qian looked shocked and angry.

This storm is coming, and the rain is pouring down. The opponent kills one person in ten steps, coming and going freely, killing the enemy with flying knives, it is like a madman!

Right now.


Another flying knife strikes!

"Want to kill me?"

Boss Qian looked ferocious, and he was extremely alert. At this moment, he held a broad-bladed heavy knife in his hand. He blocked the air and the flying knife hit him. With a loud bang, the flying knife flew out diagonally and was already twisted and broken.

He has the strength to break through three times of energy and blood, and this flying knife cannot hurt him!

"The rudimentary flying knife technique is just powerful, it can't hurt me!"

Boss Qian glanced over, "Still not coming out? I've already seen you. How long will you use this flying knife to kill people?"

However, the other party did not answer, and another flying knife came through the air!

"Damn it."

Boss Qian felt aggrieved. He knew that...the opponent was testing their strength, but in this heavy rain, it was difficult to find traces of the opponent.


In heavy rain and strong wind.

Suddenly, a figure carrying a cold iron spear gun stepped onto the deck and stepped forward. With just a flash of his body, he spanned several meters in an instant, and a pirate's head flew up!

"Crossbow volley!"

When the other party really showed up, Boss Qian was shocked. Instead of rushing forward immediately, he took a step back and yelled!

It is very possible that the opponent showed up just to test that the people on his ship were not enough to kill him.

Take, take, take!

In an instant, dozens of crossbow arrows shot out, heading directly towards Bai Xuanguan!

"Can't stop me."

Bai Xuan's eyes were cold.

With a stroke of the cold iron spear gun in his hand, the rainwater in the air and on the deck was instantly rolled up, turning into a whirlpool. Only a series of muffled sounds were heard. As if defeated, more than ten crossbow arrows fell, and they were all cut off by the spear gun. !


Boss Qian was shocked.

I saw Bai Xuan dragging the spear, lowering his body, and rushing towards this side!

"Join forces!"

He yelled, but he didn't move. His pupils shrank and he held down the sword at his waist. Dozens of pirate masters around him drew their swords and rushed to fight!

on deck.

Bai Xuan waved the spear gun in his hand, and with one shot, the head flew up, blood splattered, and the figure flashed like a ghost!


The pirates were outnumbered and more than a dozen swords were coming at him. It was impossible for Bai Xuan to dodge them all. But when they landed on Bai Xuan, there was only a clanging sound. The blades broke and the curled blades bounced away. The cloth was shattered and the green scales were broken. Emerged, unexpectedly unscathed!

"How can it be?"

An expert pirate's eyes widened.

He was the third officer on the ship, and what he used in his hand was the true sword technique. In an instant, a crescent moon appeared, and energy and blood gushed out crazily, and he cut it off.

But when the blade struck, there was only a crashing sound, breaking inch by inch, and it was about to spring up!


Bai Xuan kills with one step, and the cold iron spear in his hand almost turns into a phantom, and cuts across the throat of the pirate's expert hand in an instant!


Blood spurted out, and the pirate's third officer's head flew up, with a look of disbelief in his eyes!

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