Longevity begins with whale hunting

Chapter 28: Third-level snake bone soup, ready to go to sea

On the other side.

"Teacher, these people are dead, but the person who killed them is missing. Should we investigate..."

Zhao Lie was asking. In his mind, there were several guesses. Perhaps the person who did it had a grudge against Yu Lie and others, so he chased them to kill them, or maybe he was a martial arts hero who saw injustice and attacked them brazenly, but he had a very terrible murderous nature, all of them were massacres...

But he saw Zhao Yuanchen raised one hand and shook his head firmly.

"We won't investigate, let's go."

"Yes, teacher."

Zhao Lie only reacted at this time and was shocked.

Why was he so reckless and wanted to investigate the murderer? Isn't this asking for trouble?

After a while.

The group left the ruined temple. Zhao Lie carried the girl on his back and slowly went down the mountain road in the heavy snow, disappearing at the end of the island.

"It seems that nothing happened."

On a hilltop that no one noticed, heavy snow fell, covering the figure. Bai Xuan stood behind an ancient tree and watched the few people leave!

"Why am I acting so treacherous like a murderer now?"

Bai Xuan stood in the heavy snow.

However, after killing, he naturally wanted to see the effect and avoid any problems.

He left quite a few traces, not to mention in this heavy snow, it is inevitable to leave clues in the snow, but the other party did not care, obviously made the right choice.

"That's right."

Bai Xuan turned and left, and soon returned to his home in the snow, hiding his name and leaving no trace!


A few days later.

After returning, Old Man Li cried with joy, and took good care of his lost granddaughter. He also burned incense and prayed at home, wishing the passing knight a long life and prosperity in martial arts.

On the other hand, Bai Xuan heard that Zhao Lie, the ghostwriter, cut off the heads of those people and went back to receive a reward of 800 taels of silver from the government, and felt a sour taste in his heart.

"It's a big loss."

Bai Xuan was helpless.

When he killed people, he had never thought that there would be a reward on these people.

This is no wonder. Although he received the token for the ghostwriter, he had never seen the reward list at the government office, so he naturally could not recognize it.

Now he has hidden his merits and fame, and he is not going to go to the government to argue. He just remembers the identity, name and appearance of the other party and will talk about it later.

"Fortunately, this time it is not a complete gain."

Bai Xuan flipped his palm.

He found a lot of things from those people, such as more than 30 taels of silver, and a silver note with the words "Si Hai Commercial Bank" and "One Hundred Taels" marked on it.

This silver note is not issued by everyone. At least on Qianshan Island, except for Si Hai Commercial Bank, nothing else counts.

In addition, there is a recipe!

This cowhide was painted and changed dozens of times before it was finally finalized. It was made by Yu Lie himself.

"Using twelve kinds of medicines, cooking the tender meat of snake bone fish has eight points of the effect of demon fish, which can replenish qi and blood, and is still effective for the third breakthrough of qi and blood!"

Bai Xuan was extremely happy.

Old Li obviously got the true face of this thing wrong, but it's no wonder that ordinary people find it difficult to know the existence of demon fish flesh and blood.

This thing is more than ten times more precious than ordinary horizontal training medicines!

If Yu Lie hadn't been expelled from the fleet, he wouldn't have carried this recipe with him.

But the other types of medicines used in this recipe, although expensive, are enough to buy.

The only main medicine, called snake bone fish, is a giant fish that lives in the deep sea. Once this fish is salvaged, it will die within a moment of going out to sea. After death, the spinal cord is exhausted, the medicinal power is greatly reduced, and it is difficult to make medicine.

"It seems that I have to go out to sea."

Bai Xuan estimated in his heart.

After being away from the sea for so long, he also missed it a little, and his fisherman's way can only maximize the effect by going out to sea by boat!


The next few days.

Bai Xuan still practices diligently every day. Since he has mastered the vortex power, he has mainly practiced this spear technique.

In the courtyard.

"The tree of immortality."

Bai Xuan summoned the tree of immortality and added a little horizontal training thought to the "copper skin" again.

Copper skin (minor success, current progress: 20%).

With this, green scales appeared on the membrane of Bai Xuan's body, with a bronze color.

But Bai Xuan frowned.

Because as the copper skin strengthened, the hunger and thirst also increased, as if it was far from being satisfied. This is the body's instinctive hunger, and more food is needed to supplement!

"It seems that I can't break through before I get the demon fish meat."

Bai Xuan sighed in his heart.

If he continues to improve like this, I am afraid that he will run out of energy and his life span will be damaged before his realm breaks through.

He can only temporarily stop improving the horizontal training body and take it slowly.

But the matter of going to sea that he inquired about has no clues.

Star Hunters were rampant on the sea, and many people were in a panic. Many ships temporarily stopped going out to sea. Most of the remaining ships went out to sea with their own elite sailors and would not easily recruit outsiders.

But the next day, there was news!

"Captain Bai Xuanji, summon all crew members to gather at the port?"

Bai Xuan received the letter and frowned.

He remembered it very clearly.

The "Kaiyang" was attacked by star hunters and burned in the dock. I'm afraid it will be difficult to repair it within half a year.

It was repaired so quickly?

"Let's go and have a look."

Bai Xuan pondered for a moment and set off.

Half a day later.

At the port of Qianshan Island, a huge ship was docked. Its upper deck was wide and made of ebony. There were crossbows on both sides. It looked quite new, large and stable.

On the hull, there were two big characters "Qianliu"!

On the deck, more than a hundred sailors were lined up. At the front was Bai Xuanji, with his hands behind his back, and his stern eyes swept over the many sailors on the field.

Among the many sailors below, Bai Xuan was very inconspicuous and low-key.

He came to see what was going on. If the situation was not right, he would withdraw.

At this moment.

Bai Xuanji spoke from above, his voice spread all around:

"You all have gone to sea with me. The Kaiyang was destroyed and it will be difficult to repair it within a year. All the brothers know this."

"If you can't go to sea within a year, I'm afraid the income will not be enough to support the family. Considering the situation of the brothers, I specially borrowed this Qianliu to go fishing. If you are willing to go with me, go. If you don't want to go, you can withdraw!"

At this moment, Bai Xuanji's voice fell, and many sailors were in a commotion, but soon the support voices rose and prevailed.

"Boss, you are generous!"

"Boss, you are righteous. I thought I was going to starve. I was thinking of changing fleets to try my luck..."

"Let's go, let's go, why hesitate to make money, go to sea now!"

Many sailors supported it. Who wouldn't do something to make money? At this moment, about 80% of the sailors volunteered to stay, and the remaining 20% ​​had something unexpected at home and couldn't coordinate, so they had to leave.

"I'll go too!"

On the side, Lao Li raised his hand to express his determination, his expression was very firm.

He escaped a disaster and was more eager to retire. Now he is making money, hoping to save a dowry for his granddaughter and retire from then on. So after a few days of coming back, he began to plan to go to sea again.

Now that he is the captain of the ship, it is naturally what he wants.

Bai Xuanji has also been the first mate on the ship for ten years. He has a kind temperament and has always been considerate of his subordinates. It is naturally the best choice to have him lead the ship!

"Go or not?"

Bai Xuan also frowned and thought in his heart.

He has a need to go to sea, but at this moment he is also alert in his heart. Where did Bai Xuanji get the big ship?

Right at this moment.

"Okay, everyone doesn't have to rush to decide. I will announce the temporary personnel appointment of Qianliu here..."

Bai Xuanji said.

"First mate, Bai Yuanju! Second mate, Bai Tiannian, is temporarily vacant due to injury. Do you have any objections?"

Bai Yuanju was successfully promoted to first mate, and Bai Tiannian was naturally promoted to second mate. This is a done deal, and no one questioned it.

"Appoint Liu Yuezhi as the third mate! Any objections?"

This man stood up. He was the previous boatswain. He also had the power of two blood and qi breakthroughs. Otherwise, he would not be able to gain a foothold on a powerful whale hunting ship like Kaiyang.

Naturally, there was no one below.

But in this way, the position of boatswain was vacant.

At this time, Bai Tiannian, whose upper body was still wrapped in cloth and looked a little exhausted, stepped forward and said:

"For the position of boatswain, I recommend Bai Xuan!"

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