Longevity begins with whale hunting

Chapter 232 Chi Spear vs. Bi Seal, Breakthrough to the Level of Heavenly King!

At this moment.

The appearance of Bai Xuan immediately caused all kinds of changes in the entire hall.


The giant star ancient god condensed his eyebrows, and there was an infinite light bursting out on his divine golden body. With a fierce blow, forty-two star wheels behind him split the air and killed, and endless time and space rotated, as if there were galaxies flowing, endless.

This blow operated the great way to change, and turned the origin of all things upside down. If it was not a strong person of equal strength, it would be difficult to accept the power of this blow!

"This person seems to have mastered some means of controlling the Zerg. Could it be that he also got it from the outer gods?"

The giant star ancient god had a guess in his heart.

However, he was not afraid, but immediately took action, exerting absolute power, and killed in one breath, wanting to crush Bai Xuan and kill him!

Because even if there are some secret techniques that can restrain the Zerg, the Zerg is rigid, and there will not be too many changes at the level of true gods. When the ancient gods fight, the changes in the great way they master cannot be restrained unless they reach the same level.

Even if there is restraint, it can be reversed in an instant. This is the power of the Great Dao!

"Another servant of the White Tree Demon."

Bai Xuan just frowned slightly.

Of course, he didn't just wander around on the road and met a servant of the White Tree Demon.

He also found this place by relying on the bloodline.

And the opponent's bloodline is so strong that it has even reached an extremely high level, very close to the pure-blooded White Tree Demon.


This is of course useless in front of him.

Facing the galaxy that came from the sky, Bai Xuan stretched out his hand and pointed, and the boundless sky emerged.

This sky was formed by his continuous absorption. Now it contains several light years of time and space, like a complete world, which can be used as a means of killing, or to achieve many things, and there is some confidence in refining a Taoist weapon.

This sky emerged and turned into a sword light, which slashed down!

Bai Xuan controlled the Sky Stealing Gu worm and devoured dozens of changes in the Great Dao. At this moment, as the sword light turned, countless small worlds were born and destroyed, and changed dramatically, and actually blocked the opponent's galaxy bombardment.

At this moment, the several true gods below were all shocked, and then they were happy.

They never thought that when they were between life and death, an invincible and powerful ancient god and demon would appear.

If Bai Xuan won, they might not die here.

"That seems to be... the ancient god of the human race!"

"Where did such a strong man appear in the Iron Sky Giant City?"

"It seems to be the ancient god of black fog!"

In an instant.

Bai Xuan's sword light turned and slashed past with force. Although the changes in the Great Dao he mastered were not as powerful as those of his opponent, he could operate the Great Dao of Time in an instant, reversing the past and the future. The sword light continued to evolve, and it took only one breath to almost completely suppress the galaxy, stretching to dozens of light years.

This is the power of the Great Dao of Time. Ordinary Great Dao of Time has never been so terrifying, but Bai Xuan has mastered the Nizhou Taiyuan, which is almost like the rebirth of the God of Nihai.

The power of one Dao can surpass dozens of Great Daos!

At this moment.

Bai Xuan has completely suppressed the Giant Star Ancient God. The Giant Star Ancient God has urged his power several times, but he has not been able to really kill Bai Xuan. All kinds of great skills are displayed, but in the long river of time, it is like a splash of water, which can not affect the overall situation at all.

"Not good! No wonder this person is so invincible and willful. Not only can he restrain my God Gu insect race, but the Great Dao of Time has reached such a profound level!"

The Giant Star Ancient God felt that he had reached a critical moment of life and death.

Originally, he had the upper hand, but now it took a sharp turn for the worse. In a blink of an eye, there was a disaster of life and death.

He naturally had a few means to hide in his eyes. At this moment, dense golden insects crawled out of his eyes, like tears, and he was about to use them.

At this moment.


The space was torn apart, and another figure emerged, turning into a giant coiled snake, so majestic that the stars seemed as small as dust.

Its eyes focused, and it saw Bai Xuan, and immediately a ferocious killing intent surged up!

"Okay, okay, I finally caught you, die!"

When this heavenly snake appeared, Bai Xuan felt that the other party had a terrifying pressure, which was the induction of a true dragon's magical power!

"This is the seal!"

A voice came from Bai Xuan's water palace, and Chi Ying said eagerly, "It is the magical power in charge of sealing among the nine magical powers of the true dragon! If you can seize it and combine it with the hegemony monument, the power will reach an extreme!"

"It's easy to say!"

At this moment, Bai Xuan's eyes were also fixed.

This heavenly snake has more than forty kinds of changes in the avenue. It attacked with a bang, and directly used all its strength to evolve the seal, turning into a roaring beast of the righteous god, swallowing the sun, moon and stars, and sealing everything!

At the same time, a water palace burst out from the top of it, which was also repaired and suppressed. Everything was shattered, completely sealed, and everything was dim!

Even though Bai Xuan was far away from the sky, he could feel that the changes in his own avenue were stagnant, and the connection between the heaven and the earth was stopped. It was sealed and unable to move, and it was completely dim.

Everything in front of his eyes was dim, almost turning into a sky curtain, completely isolated.

The power of this water palace, once it reached this level, even the top-grade Taoist tools could not compare with it!

In an instant.

The situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and the scene Bai Xuan faced immediately became two peak ancient gods and demons, forced into a desperate situation!

"On the battlefield of all races, things are changing rapidly! Even the most powerful true gods may perish, so only in this situation can there be a possibility of breaking the shackles and continuing to advance."

"The Great Witch's True Body!"

When the battle was about to begin, Bai Xuan finally focused his eyes, and with a bang, he stepped through the void and showed the Great Witch's True Body that was millions of miles high!

He exerted all his strength!

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, boundless power emerged and shook everything!


The Water Palace rushed up from Bai Xuan's head, which was extremely bright and blocked the suppression of the Water Palace of the Great Wilderness Ancient God. Before they collided, the shock wave shattered the void of billions of miles, rolled up an endless storm, and the avenue was dim.

A round of Wanxing Wheel also appeared in the palm of the Giant Star Ancient God. It was a mid-grade Taoist weapon. The divine power was shaking, but it was far from comparable to the Water Palace, which made him pale in comparison.

"What a terrifying Dao weapon! What kind of killing weapon is this? It has such divine power?"

At this moment, the two water palaces finally collided. First, they condensed, and then they completely exploded. With a bang, the eyes of all the true gods present were dark, and everything was wiped out. The avenue was shaking. With a bang, the six or seven true gods were bleeding from all seven orifices, and their true bodies were almost shattered!


In the entire hall, all the formations were flattened, and the entire small world collapsed. In this chaos, Bai Xuan stepped out and punched out. The giant star ancient god was in no hurry to dodge. With a bang, half of his body was shattered into pieces of divine gold!

Under this blow, the seal of the seal was completely shattered. All the avenues of the mysterious light around Bai Xuan were running smoothly, and were not affected at all.

"Can a grain of rice also shine?"

Bai Xuan was the only one among the many strong men present who was not affected by the shock wave. His physical body was so strong that it was beyond description. At this moment, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and the Chi spear shot out with a bang!

"Bi Yin!"

The expression of the Great Wilderness Ancient God had changed.

It had not expected that Bai Xuan's strength was so terrifying. It had already sacrificed a Taoist weapon called "Snake King Flag" to resist the terrifying power of the Water Palace. Facing the Chi spear, it could only desperately use the Bi Yin again to try to block this attack.

"Bi Yin? Ba Bei, suppress it!"

Bai Xuan's palm flashed, and the green lamp had emerged. It rushed up with a thousand-foot black flame and turned into a ferocious dragon turtle. It carried a vast and blurred stone tablet and suppressed it. With a bang, the Bi Yin was sealed in the air and shattered into pieces!

The Ghost Flame Green Lantern is a semi-finished high-grade Taoist weapon that can rival the forty-nine major changes of the Great Dao. Now that it is fully displayed, it is truly devastating and unmatched.

The Overlord Monument has already suppressed and broken the Bi Seal. How can the opponent still match it?

The Great Wilderness Ancient God is still struggling, but it is useless. The Chi Spear flashes and penetrates the sky and earth. With a puff, it pierces it. With a sudden shock, it is directly broken into pieces and disintegrated into a blood mist!

"Not good!"

The Giant Star Ancient God's expression changed suddenly, and fear emerged. It was originally a giant mecha god and would not be afraid at all, but at this moment, it was eroded by the Gu worm, and unspeakable fear surged in its heart.

Its divine gold was turning pale, and it retreated suddenly. Half of its body was broken. It was escaping, and it used a powerful method to break through the air and fly out, trying to break through the boundary and leave.

What blood sacrifice, it can't care about it at this moment. It is like a stray dog, running in a hurry!

"You want to escape too?"

Bai Xuan stood in the air. The water palace of the Great Wilderness Ancient God had lost its owner and had fallen. His Chi Palace was hanging high, and its power was so terrifying that it shook the surroundings and could easily shatter a world.

At this moment, Bai Xuan naturally saw that the Superstar Ancient God was about to escape. He took a step forward to catch up with him. He raised his left leg and swept away. Countless stars surrounded him, and the world was born and destroyed. Even if the Superstar Ancient God tried his best to perform his great skills, he was shattered in the air with a click. Countless divine golds fell like rain, turning into a waterfall, and he died here!

In an instant.

The fall of the two peak ancient gods changed the expressions of many true gods beside them, and they showed endless horror!

"How is it possible!"

"That was the forty-two major changes of the Great Dao. The giant star true god, with a wave of his hand, the Great Dao flowed, and endless great arts surrounded him. How could he die like this!"

"Too horrible, with just a casual blow, all the Great Daos were broken, and nothing could defeat him?"

In their hearts, there was only awe and trembling, and they felt that many of their concepts were completely broken and difficult to maintain.

The peak ancient god, that is an invincible existence, how could he die so easily?

Even ordinary true gods, if they were not suppressed by the Great Dao, had countless ways to escape.

How could they know--

"The blood of the sky is a complete crushing for ordinary great Daos."

Bai Xuan stood in the air, like a demon god, looking down below.

Although his Great Dao changes were still a little bit worse, the power of this true body contained the blood of the sky, and the power of the endless totem was superimposed. With a wave of his hand, he destroyed everything, even the peak ancient god.

Those poisonous insects, who surrendered to his blood, naturally all flew out and could not resist him.

At this moment

Bai Xuan waved his hand, and the swarm of poisonous insects swarmed up and began to devour the blood mist, evolving madly.

Then, Bai Xuan turned around and looked at the true gods.

"Who surrenders and who resists?"

Bai Xuan's voice was calm, but the true gods below had different expressions.

Among them, several tribes had great malice towards the human race, so it was almost impossible for them to surrender. Then they saw a true god of the bone demon tribe speaking:

"Black Mist Ancient God, there is hatred between our tribes, and we cannot surrender to you. Don't you know..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Xuan flicked his finger, and the Chi spear shot out, instantly piercing the true god's brow, and shook it violently, shattering it into ashes!

"Who else?"

When Bai Xuan asked this question, these true gods had no choice but to look at each other and kneel on the ground.

If you don't surrender, you will die!

At this moment, the remaining four true gods surrendered immediately and surrendered without hesitation.

There were also strong men who had refused to surrender to the ancient superstar god when they roared, but now facing Bai Xuan, they thought for a moment and knelt down to surrender. This was certainly because of the faction problem with the mecha giant god tribe, but more importantly, the strength shown by Bai Xuan was only a step away from the king of heaven.

Such an existence is too far away from the ancient superstar god. Submission to a Heavenly King is nothing!

Bai Xuan subdued these four true gods because he was alone. Sometimes he failed to do things well. He casually gave some poisonous insects to corrode the bodies of these true gods. Then Bai Xuan spoke and asked:

"What other inheritance is there here?"

After a moment, Bai Xuan had a general understanding.

This time and space island was originally opened up by a great alchemy master. This great alchemy master left behind a supreme alchemy technique and the "Wanhua Alchemy Furnace" that he had asked the Lord of Iron Mountain to build. The Heavenly King also broke in twice before, but failed.

Many true gods know that this inheritance can only be obtained by alchemy means. Now there are few great alchemy masters on the battlefield of all races. Many people are calm, that is, they are comfortable enough to seize some divine pills.

The value of the divine pill is higher than that of ordinary Taoist tools. One divine pill can almost be exchanged for two low-grade Taoist tools. Even on this Dandao space-time island, it is not so easy to obtain.

"Dandao inheritance... who can compare with me?"

Bai Xuan was already 90% sure in his heart.

At this moment, the many poisonous insects had devoured the bones of the true god and flew up with a buzz.

There were already 49 mysterious lights on the sky-stealing poisonous insect. When it flew into Bai Xuan's totem, it banged as if it was extremely heavy and pressed down.

Bai Xuan's own avenue merged with it and immediately broke through an extremely dangerous and mysterious barrier. With a bang, the backlash almost turned his real body into powder!

"The stage of the king of heaven is divided into two major barriers: the body barrier and the god barrier!"

Bai Xuan's real body shook, and with a bang, he unloaded the power without any damage. The changes in his own avenue increased wildly, breaking through 20 changes in one breath before stopping.

Now Bai Xuan's power has reached the sixty-nine major changes, and he has officially entered the level of the Heavenly King. He has just broken through the physical barrier and is still one step away from the divine barrier.

"Now he can be called a half-step Heavenly King..."

Bai Xuan shook his head.

Half a step is a bit harsh.

However, with his current strength, as long as the Heavenly King does not come out, he will kill the gods and the Buddhas!


In a distant palace.

"Master Dan Yuan, how confident are you that you can get the Dan Dao inheritance this time?"

The thin ghost figure of Gui Li stood in front, bowed and asked in a low voice.

It was surrounded by terrible changes, layer by layer, and it also broke through the forty-nine layers and reached a higher level! (End of this chapter)

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