Longevity begins with whale hunting

Chapter 12 Mysterious flowers on the road, shocking changes on the boat!

In front of Bai Xuan, the Taoist Tree of Immortality appeared.

"Participating in whale hunting, Taoist thoughts are doubled, fishermen are halfway through their journey, and mysterious flowers are born!"

On the bronze road tree, the branches representing the "fishermen's road" grow rapidly. After reaching a certain length, a green bud gradually grows on the top.

"It turns out that in addition to the many leaves, when the path reaches a certain level, it will also bloom. Legend has it that the three flowers on the top represent the level of a person's cultivation and are a manifestation of Taoism."

Bai Xuan looked at the flower bones.

This flower is still very green and has not yet fully matured. It seems that it needs further infusion of Taoist thoughts before it can truly bloom.

"Anyway, I finally won."

Bai Xuan looked down at the sea below and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This battle was so brutal!


On a whaling ship.

Although the whale hunting was successful, it was very busy and the atmosphere was gloomy because there were too many injured and there were even corpses lying in the sea.

Four whale hunters died alone.

The sailors were swept away by the huge waves, and as many as six fell into the water and were killed.

There are countless other injured,

Although Captain Bai Yunxi tried his best to hunt down the giant whale, he used the blood-burning secret method and was seriously injured!

In the cabin, the leaks were blocked and the injured were bandaged.

Several swallow boats landed, and the first mate and second mate led a few elite sailors and sailed towards the body of the giant whale.

Inside the cabin.

Bai Yunxi had white hair and weak energy and blood, but his eyes were wild and his hands could not help but tremble.

The two sailors carefully brought in a huge ceramic fish box one after the other.

First mate Bai Xuanji took a step forward, peeled off the blood film, and revealed the contents of the ceramic fish box.

"As expected...as expected!"

Bai Yunxi's eyes were filled with enthusiasm, and he suddenly burst into laughter, almost like a madman!

"I knew that when this giant whale became so powerful, it must have become a demon... It turned out to be 'Tai Sui'!"

The ceramic fish box in front of him contained the brain of a giant whale, but inside the whale's brain, there was a mass of dark biomass that looked like a living thing, constantly growing tentacles, and it was slowly squirming.

"Very good, very good. With this 'Tai Sui', dedicated to all the immortal masters, not only can I make up for the ten years of life I lost, but I can also go further. Grandmaster? Grandmaster? Haha, I am a grandmaster!"

Bai Yunxi was so excited that he laughed like crazy. He waved his hand, "As for you... I will also reward you heavily, so go down!"

On the side, the first mate Bai Xuanji remained silent and quietly retreated.

the other side.

"Brother Xuan, how come you are so powerful?"

Bai Xiazhen followed Bai Xuan all the way down from the deck, his eyes filled with admiration.

After this battle, he had great respect for Bai Xuan's strength.

He saw with his own eyes that Bai Xuan, like himself, practiced the "Green Scale Skill" assiduously from scratch. Day by day, in just over two months, Bai Xuan and he were already completely different!

"How much time do you spend practicing "Blue Scale Kung Fu" every day?"

Bai Xuan opened his cabin door and asked calmly.


Hearing this, Bai Xia took a deep breath.

Since he failed to get started in one month, his practice of "Green Scale Kung Fu" has become three days of fishing and two days of drying nets. Asked this way, he can't remember how long it has been since he practiced it!

"Is that so?"

Bai Xia really felt like he was enlightened.

——In terms of hard work, who on the ship can compare with Bai Xuan? I'm afraid even when fishing and trawling, Bai Xuan was silently practicing the Green Scale Skill!

And since I don’t practice at all, the gap is naturally huge. It turns out that God rewards those who work hard!

"Yes, the fact that my strength has reached this level is all due to my personal efforts."

On the side, Bai Xuan said solemnly, turned around and entered his room.

Close the door.

"The everlasting tree!"

A bronze road tree emerges, with branches representing the "fishermen's road". It has four branches: trawl, sea-watching, shark fighting, and water-based. Among them, the trawl is the most prosperous, forming a new branch.

At the top of the "Fishermen's Road", there is a green bud.

"Can it bloom after injecting Dao thoughts into it?"

Bai Xuan tried to inject a little Taoist thought into it, and the flower bone flower only expanded slightly.

"Xuanhua progress:???"

"Is the demand so great?"

Bai Xuan's eyes narrowed.

According to this range, if there are not hundreds of thoughts, it is impossible to see it really blossom!

This bud is simply a bottomless pit.

"It seems that this path has to go to the extreme and bear fruit. It cannot be achieved now."

Bai Xuan put it down for now.

"Next, we will return to the island. As usual... we will go to sea for three months and repair for half a year. This time we suffered heavy losses, but we also gained a lot. It should take half a year to repair."

"With this sufficient time, we must slowly plan to improve all the eight abilities in the fisherman's path. In addition, we must also find a way to obtain another Henglian True Instruction and find a way to open the Henglian Path. , to further enhance its own strength.”


"Before you go to sea next time, you must improve your strength to the point where you are not afraid of wind, waves and whale sharks. Only when you are strong can you take the right path."

"Effort is important, and the assistance of the Immortal Tree is also important."

Late at night.

Captain's cabin.

Baiyunxi was taking blood-replenishing medicine and fell asleep.

He burned too much blood, and his spirit and energy were all exhausted. If he didn't sleep at night, he might not be able to hold on for long.

In his dream, there was a smile on his lips.

Although he paid a very painful price this time, in the end, he still returned with a full load. He made a lot of money this time, and he went a step further. Many people envied him.

After an unknown period of time, he suddenly became alert and opened his eyes. He saw a figure standing silently in front of the bed in the captain's room!


Bai Yunxi opened his mouth and called out, only to find that the blood and energy in his body seemed to disappear without a trace, and he couldn't stimulate it at all!

His mind flashed, and he immediately understood.


There was a deadly poison in the medicine that could disperse the blood and energy!

With a click, the figure slapped his palm, and with a crisp sound, the whole captain's room shook slightly. The power was so great that even steel would be shattered!

Bai Yunxi made a hoarse sound in his mouth, but he couldn't say a word.

It turned out that his entire chest was slapped down by a palm, and the air in his lungs could not be expelled, so how could he speak?

"Master, you have been in charge of the ship for too long. The brothers are grateful, but the older you are, the more greedy you are. You enjoy everything alone. The brothers have gone through life and death, but all they get is caution. The third brother was seriously injured and has not woken up yet. You have never even looked at him. We really can't hold on any longer."

"You should no longer be suitable to be the ship owner."

The figure said in a low voice. "And it's time to change the owner of Kaiyang."

The first mate Bai Xuanji looked down at Bai Yunxi's resentful look with a calm look. A powerful force surged in his palm, and he vomited it suddenly, shattering Bai Yunxi's heart!

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