Longevity begins with whale hunting

Chapter 1 On the Whaling Ship, the Fishermen's Journey

"I traveled through time?"

Bai Xuan opened his eyes and had a splitting headache.

In front of him was a small, cramped, damp and dark room, with the walls all made of wood, with a faint musty smell, but more of a familiar sea smell.

"Hiss... It turns out that he traveled through time and became a fisherman on the chaotic sky, a fisherman who lives and dies!"

in a blink.

More memories flooded into his mind and were quickly digested by Bai Xuan.

In this life, he was a descendant of the Bai family on "Qianshan Island". The Bai family made a living by fishing and hunting, and all men had to go out to sea on ships starting from the age of fifteen.

He is said to be a descendant of the Bai family, but in fact, Bai Xuan is a branch of the branch. Both of his parents are dead. He only has obligations but no rights at home. Even if he dies, no one will care about him.

In Bai Xuan's memory...

Life at sea is not safe.

Although the wind and waves in the sea are dangerous, there are also even more dangerous big fish in the sea, which are often more than ten meters long. Once caught, some people will be buried in the belly of the fish.

three months ago.

The fishing boat "Kaiyang" tracked a giant fish and followed its trail for sixty miles. It was shot and wounded by a crossbow. More than ten fishermen on the boat went to sea to try to kill it.

But in the end, only two people got on the boat, and the rest were buried in the belly of the fish!

The injured giant fish also ran away.

Therefore, before Bai Xuan traveled through time, he was very resistant to life on the ship. He just wanted to escape from the ship as soon as possible, leave his family, go to the shore to make a living as a small businessman, and marry a wife.

"It's so easy to escape... On the ship, you can't help yourself, unless you have a certain prestige, strength, and a foundation of your own."

Bai Xuan was sober.

He knew that he couldn't live without this fishing boat for a while, but the horrific scene a few months ago, with the blood and water in the sea, also made his heart tremble.

As a time traveler, he could recognize that it was not a big fish, but a whale!

This is a whale hunting ship!

"If I want to hunt a big whale at sea, with my current body, I'm probably looking for death."

Bai Xuan is very calm.

"Hide your capabilities and bide your time, set up a net to fish, and be an ordinary badass sailor... The most important thing is to save your life."

Right now.

Boom, boom, boom!

"Come on! Get up and get on deck!"

There was a knock on the door outside.


Bai Xuan said aloud, turned over and got out of bed, not far away was a bronze mirror with a hazy polished surface, and the face of the pale young man could be vaguely seen, and his appearance could be called Zhou Zheng.

When I pushed the door open and went out, I heard a creaking sound and faced the sea breeze.

He ran up to the deck in two or two steps, and with a glance, he saw sparkling waves in the distance, and the entire blue sea was rising and falling calmly, with no wind or waves.

This is the safest time.

On the bow of the ship, a huge harpoon cannon stood quietly, with dark blood stains on it, looking murderous!

Only by using this huge harpoon fired by a powerful crossbow can we truly inflict serious damage on the whale and create opportunities for whale hunters.

At this moment, there was a creaking sound on the deck, and several fishermen were using ropes to tighten the large net under the side of the ship and pull it up section by section.

"Bai Xuan, come and set up the net!"

Not far away, a big man said in a long voice with bright eyes.

His upper body was naked, with his hands behind his back, and he was supervising the work of the fishermen. There were scars on his body, which looked shocking, but his muscles were bulging, and his arms seemed to have great strength.

"Yes, third brother!"

Bai Xuan responded.

He could recognize that this big man was the third officer on the ship, Bai Bai Nian.

Although he was not familiar with him, he also knew that he was very good at practicing martial arts. It was said that he was hard to be hurt by a sword and his arms were as strong as a thousand catties.

On a whale hunting ship, if you want to participate in whaling, you don’t have martial arts?

Going into the water is tantamount to seeking death.

The power of the giant whale is so great that with one slap, it can shatter a person's internal organs and crack the muscles and bones. Only a piece of human skin comes out, and the flesh and blood are turned into paste.

"Hey! Work harder!"

Seven or eight fishermen were all setting up their nets, their upper bodies naked and dripping with sweat. They were basically ordinary sailors with no martial arts skills and only a handful of strength.

Bai Xuan's status on the ship is not as good as that of these sailors. He is considered a candidate sailor, mainly because he is too young and has not mastered fishing skills.

Setting up the Internet is a technical job.

When fishing at sea, it is common to encounter large trawl nets weighing several thousand kilograms or tens of thousands of kilograms.

With so many fish and shrimps, it is impossible to pull up the big net at once by human power. Even with great training, it is difficult to do it, let alone the weight. If you pull it up at once, the bag will swell and break the net, which will be a big loss. .

A fishing net takes a long time to weave.

Fortunately, Bai Xuan had memories from his past life and knew that the net would be "packed", surrounded in sections, and the fish and shrimp in the net would be hoisted to the deck section by section.

You need to have sharp eyes and quick hands, and move quickly. It is not only a physical job, but also a technical thing.

"Just having memory is still not enough."

As soon as he got started, Bai Xuan knew something was going to happen.

Although he knew how to pinch the bag, his arms were not strong enough and his skills were not good. He only relied on the memories in his mind to drag the net, but within half a quarter of an hour, his arms were so sore.


The fishing net was finally dragged onto the deck, and the opening was opened for a moment, and large tracts of fish and shrimp poured out, spreading all over the floor, and they were all flopping around. They were really alive.

Bai Xuan's pupils shrank, and he immediately stepped back behind the mast.

"There's a monster fish!"

"No, get back!"

Among the fish and shrimps on the deck, there was a giant fish that was gray in color and had several tentacles extending from its mouth. It was three to four meters long and looked extremely ferocious.

It suddenly jumped up and pounced on a sailor!


The sailor had no time to react, half of his body was torn apart by the demon fish, blood spurted out in an instant, and a large area of ​​the deck was dyed blood red in an instant!

"How brave!"

The figure flashed, and the third officer Tian Nian stepped forward, his muscles bulging, and he slapped a palm, making a roaring and shrill sound, and suddenly hit the demon fish's head tilted.

Bang bang bang!

During the day, Nian's fists and palms were thrown out at such a fast speed that from Bai Xuan's perspective, he could only see a series of afterimages flashing by!


The demon fish's head immediately shattered and dented, and rolled several times on the deck, with its brains spilling all over the floor. Finally, it twitched for a moment and stopped moving.

"Handle the catch! Classify and pack them into warehouses, don't mix them up."

Third Officer Bai Tiannian stood with his hands closed, looked around at the many frightened sailors, frowned, and suddenly said loudly:

"Juniors on the deck, listen up. This week, we will examine how your work is. If you do well, you will be directly promoted to a full-fledged sailor, with a salary of 200 cents a day!"

"Life and death are determined on the water, wealth is in the sky, there is no point in being afraid...just go to work!"

After hearing this, the sailors all started working. They looked a little wary, but they were obviously used to it. Only a young man like Bai Xuan was frightened.

"How could this be?"

"What is this monster fish?"

Bai Xuan broke out in a cold sweat.

At this moment, he felt that his arms were shaking, and he couldn't feel the pain and numbness for a while, as if his arms didn't belong to him and he had lost his intuition.

This is because the body is not strong enough. It is the first time that I have worked so hard and exerted too much force. I will not be able to recover even if I don't have six or seven days.

He saw the demon fish being dragged directly to the side of the ship and pushed down. Many sailors were avoiding it like the plague, and it was obvious that they couldn't eat it at all.

"This world is indeed different from the previous life."

It's just hard work, and his life is in danger. If this is a low-level sailor, then he really has no guarantee that he will survive until retirement.

Just when Bai Xuan was thinking wildly, his eyes suddenly lit up slightly, as if a slender bronze sapling was rising from the ground in front of him.

One of the spores branched out and slowly stretched out. Outside the main trunk, a weak branch stretched out, with a line of small characters floating on it.

"Pinch the bag, set up the net, process the catch...you are already on the road: a fisherman."

"Tao Road is currently available with Tao Thought: One."

"Practice this Tao, and your thoughts on the Tao will increase day by day, confirming that the magical power is born on the tree of immortality."

"You can currently select skills on the road: shark fighting, trawling, water-based, swimming, looking at the sea, steering, and celestial phenomena!"

Please read the new book, it is a matter of life and death, thank you brothers

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