Gu Qing thought for a moment, and there was a loophole in Huang Li's words.

He asked.

"If this thing can make you unconditionally worship Baiyue Mountain, why haven't you tried it at this age?"


"I am obsessed with medical skills and have never yearned for the immortal way."

"You lied."

Huang Li fell to his knees with a plop, hitting the ground with his head.

"I... I went there, but the immortal official of Xuefu City wanted a transfer fee before I could see the immortal master in charge of recruiting new people. I... I couldn't afford it, so I was driven away."

"It's like this every year."

Gu Qing was silent for a moment, and this troublesome thing was a scandal.

Finally, he said.

"Get out of the way."


"Get out of the way."

Huang Li looked back at the giant snake, closed his eyes, and simply sat still, which made Gu Qing laugh.

He mobilized his true energy and flicked his sleeves lightly, and Huang Li was thrown three feet away, screaming in pain, and couldn't stand up for a long time.

The wind and fire swords hovered over the snake demon's forehead and seven inches.

Gu Qing landed in front of her.


"Is the strange disease in Qingshui Town caused by you?"

The snake demon's eyes were painful, and he was afraid of Gu Qing. He nodded and shook his head.

"This place is called Xiaohanquan, and a piece of cold iron essence is bred underground."

"Before me, there were two snake demons who relied on the cold spirit emitted by the iron essence to become demons here."

"They knew that this place was the territory of the human race, so they left without staying for long, and left a record on the stone slab at the bottom of the cold pool."

"Only when the demon breaks through the eighth grade can it have spiritual wisdom."

"After I broke through, I swallowed the cold iron essence out of greed. Its majestic cold spirit broke my demon body and I almost died of blood loss."

"Although it was a blessing in disguise, I barely broke through the middle of the eighth grade."

"But the demon blood that flowed out flowed into the Qingshui River along the mountain stream, which may be the source of the strange disease."

Gu Qing heard this and said no more.

Although she had no intention to harm others, she did.

Since she had caused casualties, she had to be held responsible for it.

The wind and fire swords were slightly raised, and she shouted at the moment when they were about to pierce the snake demon.

"Wait! Wait!"

"It's just a possibility! There is another possibility."

"Oh? Then let me hear what you have to say."

The giant snake trembled all over, and a cold light flashed on its body. The huge demon body quickly shrank and turned into a beautiful girl with a human body and a snake tail, snake scales on her cheeks, gorgeous facial features, and dark blue eyeshadow on the corners of her eyes.

The demon race, when they are at the ninth level, eat raw meat and drink blood, and are not much different from ordinary beasts. Only their brute force and natural blood inheritance show their difference.

If they can break through the eighth level, it means that they will be enlightened and have normal wisdom, and they can transform into a half-demon body to facilitate their practice.

The human race is born close to the Tao and can practice by nature.

This body contains endless mysteries, so the transformation of demons into humans is also a necessary step in their practice. Keeping the human body to practice faster can get more favor from the Tao.

Only when you break through the sixth level can you be the same as ordinary people.

The snake demon who transformed into a half-demon body was wearing a water blue dress, covered with bloodstains, and there was a huge blood hole on the snake tail that had not yet recovered.

His face was pale, and he looked pitiful.

Gu Qing finally understood why there were always human cultivators in the biography who were confused by the demons and spoke well of them.

The appearance of this demon clan was really very interesting.

"Immortal, the first two snake demons born in Xiaohantan had no clan, and they wanted to join the demon clan but couldn't, so they went to Jinsha River to join the black dragon king who was born as a wild demon."

"Calculate the time, they came back three years ago and met me."

"They said they wanted to settle in Qingshui River. The strange disease suffered by the townspeople looked like the venom of the Hanli snake, so I suspected that it was their fault, but I also didn't rule out that it was because of my demon blood."

"You can say it."

Gu Qing pondered.

If there are still two snake demons in Qingshui River, they must be eliminated.

He really didn't know what the Black Dragon King of Jinsha River was up to.

"If what you said is true, I'll give you a chance to live."

"If it's false, you can't escape from my palm."

Gu Qing offered the Senluo Treasure Cover, which was shaped like the cover on the shaft of a carriage, a round umbrella, with a bead curtain hanging down to hide the breath and body shape.

Activate it and float it above the head of the snake demon.

It can cover its body and prevent it from causing unrest.

"Come with me."

"Yes, immortal."

Although he spared her life for the time being, Gu Qing was not particularly relieved. He decided that after returning this time, he would have to prepare a set of magic tools to seal the true essence.

He was about to fly away.

Huang Li, who had recovered, came running over panting.

"Immortal? Where is the snake demon? Did you turn it into ashes?"

Gu Qing rolled his eyes.

With the Senluo Treasure Cover, Huang Li couldn't see the snake demon.

"Go find me in Qingshui Town."

After saying that, he turned into a stream of light and left with the snake demon.

Huang Li, who was left behind, shuddered and hurriedly ran towards the town, still shouting.

"Master, you haven't returned the pendant to me yet..."




Qingshui Town.

At the entrance of the rice field, the constable did not go back, but waited for Gu Qing here.

When he came back and saw it, he fell down.

"Why didn't you go back?"


Gu Qing suddenly fell from the sky, scaring him.

He didn't answer Gu Qing's words, but just asked.

"Have you solved the snake demon?"

Gu Qing nodded.

"It's solved, follow me to the county government office."

"But where is the body?"

"Of course I put it away."

Seeing that the constable still looked worried, Gu Qing stretched out his hand and pulled off a snake scale from the face of the snake demon.

This made the constable grimaced and glared at Gu Qing.

From the constable's perspective, Gu Qing stretched out his hand and a small snake scale appeared in his palm, and then it quickly grew larger, exceeding the size of his palm.

"Can it be used as evidence?"

"Yes, yes."

"Follow me, Immortal."

Gu Qing followed behind and was sorting out a series of events that happened after he came to Qingshui Town.

If the snake demon's words were true.

There are still two snake demons in the Qingshui River, wouldn't the people in the town know about it?

The river water is used for washing and cooking. The woodcutter can see the giant snake in the mountains, but the woman who washes clothes by the river every day can't see it?

The county magistrate's eagerness to urge him to go to the Wild Boar Canal to eliminate the monster didn't seem fake, but he was just a little rude, so he speculated that he was associating with monsters. Was it too arbitrary?

The constable's attitude was also abnormal, and his etiquette was quite poor.


Gu Qing suddenly realized that he had overlooked one thing.

That is time.

Regardless of what Huang Li said, what the snake demon said, or what the constable said, the symptoms started three years ago!

And Baiyue Mountain received the task of killing the demon a month and a half ago.

Such a long time, such an abnormality occurred.

According to the common sense of officials in Nanyue, there must be demons and ghosts at work, and the sooner the better.

The county magistrate of Qingshui Town was three years late.

It was not until the woodcutter saw a giant snake in the Wild Boar Canal and the rumor spread throughout the town, causing panic that he reported it.

Thinking about it this way, it seems very logical.

Use the power of spiritual consciousness to deceive the constable's hearing.

Asked the snake demon.

"I ask you, why did you save Huang Li who fell off the cliff?"

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