Longevity Begins with the Master of Weapon Refining

Chapter 370 The Emperor is ashamed, the God steps into the Heavenly Palace

Looking from a distance, one can already see a silhouette standing on the Immortal Killing Platform. It is Tianqi, the last divine king in this world.

Compared with the tranquility of the mortal period, where everything was like a passer-by, now that he has regained his true form as a divine king, he feels tremendous pressure at first glance.

His breath was cold and his face was serious.

Standing there is like a pillar supporting the sky, and it feels unattainable. Even if you stand in front of you, you will feel far away.

"It's really changed."

Tu Shanyue felt anxious and didn't dare to get close.

All the immortal families rushed forward to welcome him, with Immortal Emperor Canglan as the leader, calling out to the Lord God.

"Cang Lan has met the Lord God."

"We have met the Lord God."

A mighty and powerful voice broke through, shaking the clouds away.

Tianqi just nodded slightly and got down to business.

"Cang Lan, is there a ruling on the Zulian matter?"


Immortal Emperor Canglan gritted his teeth and said bravely.

"Sovereign God, the evidence is not complete yet, and it is not yet time to make a decision."


Tianqi suddenly sneered.

"Pray for good luck and go to the Immortal Platform."

Immortal Lord Qinian, who was suppressed by the two heavenly generals, was also shocked. He did not expect that Lord Apocalypse, who had not been to Tianwaitian for tens of thousands of years, would intervene in this matter.

Even though he was confident, he could not help but be intimidated by the divine king's aura.

Shivering, he knelt in the center of the Immortal Killing Platform, breathing rapidly.

Apocalypse flew into the air, and his words were the verdict.

"Pray for good luck, study demonic energy in private, violate the rules of the Heavenly Palace, punish the Ten Thunders of Heaven, and set the record straight!"



The pattern of Zhanxiandai suddenly burst into light, the dark clouds in the sky formed an inverted funnel-shaped thundercloud, and the golden sky thunder fell straight down.

There was a smile on his face.

Tianqi Shenjun said that he was studying demonic energy in private and did not mention the murder of Zu Lian. This shows that this level has been passed.

It is unclear who will be blamed for this crime.

He is in pain and happy now.

The faces of the other immortals also changed. They were frightened by Qinian's tragic situation, and also realized that the White Lotus Immortal Clan was about to suffer.

Immortal Emperor Canglan hesitated to speak, but did not speak.

When all ten thunderbolts fell, Apocalypse gently raised his hand, and the endless fairy energy gathered in the void, pouring all into Qinian's body.

"However, thinking about the development of the [Spiritual Transformation Technique], I have contributed to the immortal world, and I can enjoy the energy of the immortal spirit filling my body and re-wash my blood. As long as I practice seriously in the next three thousand years, I will definitely be able to enter the realm of the immortal."


This reward is very important. It is definitely a great opportunity for the Shanhai Immortal Clan to refine their bloodline and directly enter the Immortal Lord. However, Gu Qing's spiritual incarnation realizes that the Apocalypse God seems to be able to dry up the fairy spirit that is the original composition of the immortal world.

This is not something you can do with just a few clicks of your fingers.

In addition to the reason why its own laws became spiritual, its strength has also reached a certain extreme, at least in the world of mountains and seas, it is the strongest existence reaching the fourth level.

After receiving the spirit of the fairy into the body, pray that the injury will be healed.

"Thank you God for the reward. I pray that the art of transforming spirits will be passed on to every immortal clan who is willing to learn it. I will continue to work hard in the future and do more things that are beneficial to the immortal clan."

"Back off."


"Bai Yazhi, go up to the Immortal Platform."

The second character came on stage. Bai Yazhi looked pale and looked like she was seriously ill. She was sweating all over and didn't dare to move at all.

Her father, Chief Bailian, gritted his teeth and stood up.

"Lord God, my daughter is still young. I am afraid that her true nature will be damaged after being punished by thunder. She will no longer have the potential to become an immortal in the future. I am willing to suffer the punishment on my behalf."

Tianqi had no expression on his face and didn't say a word. He just stared at the leader of the Bailian clan, so scared that he didn't dare to move, let alone explode.

Immortal Emperor Canglan suddenly spoke.

"Shenjun, Canglan believes that the evidence is incomplete and cannot use the death penalty. Moreover, what Yazhi said has just been confirmed and it was not her fault..."

"Shut up."

Tianqi suddenly turned his head to look at Canglan, and his breath was overwhelming, like an abyss like a prison. The opponent gritted his teeth and struggled to support him. All the immortals were moved. Emperor Sun Qiyue looked unbearable and was about to go up to plead for mercy.

But it hasn't moved yet.

Something suddenly appeared in Tianqi's hand, which was the body of Ancestral Lotus that was infected with filthy blood and mud.

A blue lotus.

The body that should be clean is covered with vein-like red fleshy tendrils, completely integrated with the lotus body.

The Qinglian Immortal Clan exclaimed and fell to their knees.

"Zu Lian! Divine Lord, what are you..."

"You begged me to save her life. Before her soul returns, I can't remove the filth without hurting her.

When the Ancestral Lotus Soul comes back from all the calamities, I will help her recover. Her physical body will be left under my care for the time being. No one in the six realms can hurt her. "

"Thank you God Lord for your help. The Qinglian Immortal Clan is deeply grateful."

Back to topic.

The Lord Tianqi looked at Cang Lan.

"You want evidence?"

"Look carefully, this is the [technique of linking cause and effect]. Father God overlooks all living beings in the world, and nothing that happens in the six realms can escape His eyes no matter what means are used."

As the divine power surged, several blood-red tribulation threads spread out from Zulian's body and quickly wrapped around Bai Yazhi, the White Lotus clan leader, a White Lotus elder, and Qinian.

Another one probed into the void and disappeared.

Among the five causal lines, the one on Bai Yazhi's body is particularly thick and red, which means that she is the mastermind in this matter.

The lines on Qinian's body are the faintest, and there is a faint hint of evil energy.

Just in line with the reason why he developed the art of transforming spirits, the second most important cause and effect was the Elder Bailian.

Such irrefutable proof, nothing more can be said.

Tianqi snorted coldly.

"Why, do you want me to personally take you to the beheading platform?"

The three people of the White Lotus Immortal Clan looked at each other, their ambitions and utilitarianism were replaced by panic, and they had no confidence to fight to the death.

Qiyue and others also breathed a sigh of relief. At least Emperor Canglan would not be blamed. It was just a cautious statement...

But they never thought.

Imperial Emperor Canglan suddenly knelt down and said.

"Yazhi is my partner. Canglan is also guilty of doing this. I beg you to let me take the punishment for Yazhi."



Qiyue could no longer sit still and slid forward and knelt.

"Your Majesty, no, this matter has nothing to do with the Emperor."

Bai Yazhi's face was also full of disbelief. She didn't expect Canglan to do this for her. The two looked at each other for a moment and didn't separate for a long time.

"This is fucking."

These words were spoken by Gu Qing's mind, and only Tu Shanyue could hear them. She was fascinated by it and was suddenly awakened. She was dissatisfied.

"Why are you so startled?"

"I finally understand. What a great Tianqi and Canglan. They really don't understand the customs of the immortal race."

Without waiting for Tu Shanyue to speak, Tianqi agreed very calmly.

"I'll help you."

The Canglan Immortal Emperor, Elder Bailian, and the clan leader all went up to the Immortal Execution Platform.

Tianqi didn't even read out the charges, and was executed directly.

"One beheading will prolong your life and end your immortal body."


Bai Yazhi cried out in grief. No one knew whether she was really sad or pretending. This time, it was really a case of the God King stepping into the Heavenly Palace and the Emperor was embarrassed. (End of this chapter)

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